We ,ft*Me r
Today: Partly cloudy. High 50. Low 27.
Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy. High 42.
One hundred eight years ofeditorilf1reedom
March 24, 1999
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Airs trik
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - NATO's
secretary-general ordered airstrikes against
Yugoslavia yesterday, after President Slobodan
Milosevic rebuffed a last-ditch peace offer for
Kosovo and revved up his war machine by
eclaring a state of emergency.
In Washington, President Clinton sought --
d got - support from Congressional leaders
for military action and gave a scathing descrip-
tion of Milosevic's treatment of ethnic Albanians
in Kosovo.
"If you don't stand up to brutality and the
killing of innocent civilians, you invite them to
do more," Clinton said.
NAT again
NATO Chief Javier Solana did not say when
attacks would start, but more than 400 aircraft
from allied nations stood ready to begin bomb-
ing within days or hours. Halfa dozen U.S. Navy
ships were ready to launch cruise missiles. "We
must stop an authoritarian regime from repress-
ing its people in Europe at the end of the 20th
Century. We have a moral duty to do so. The
responsibility is on our shoulders and we will
fulfill it," Solana said in Brussels, Belgium.
In meetings yesterday with Clinton adminis-
tration officials, U.S. lawmakers said they were
told the strikes could come last night or today,
depending on the weather, according to partici-
Ot Yugoslavia
pants who spoke on condition of anonymity. about their business nor
Citing an "imminent threat of war," schools, public transportat
Yugoslavia declared a nationwide state of emer- would be working.
gency - the first since World War II - and "We will keep monitori
began a massive mobilization of troops and develops and inform the<
equipment to keep its grip on Kosovo, a south- should do," a member
ern province where heavily armed government Dragan Covic, told the ind
troops have been battling ethnic Albanian sepa- B-92.
ratists for more than a year. After two days of fruitl
Yugoslavia's defense minister, Pavle Bulatovic, U.S. envoy Richard Holbr
said early today that the country's army and police NATO headquarters in
units have already been dispersed to avoid casual- briefed Solana and amba
ties during NATO airstrikes. NATO nations.
Belgrade authorities urged residents to go Milosevic, he said, had
mally today, and said the measures the allies were seekin
ion and other services peace.
"He has chosen a path whose con
ing the situation as it he fully understands by rejecting our r
citizens of what they rational requests and suggestions;"
of the city council, Holbrooke told CNN.
ependent radio station Solana emerged from the meeting
NATO leadership and announced he1
g to bring
a somber
g with the
had direct-
ess talks in Belgrade,
poke flew last night to
Brussels, where he
assadors from the 19
not agreed to any of
ed NATO commander Gen. Wesley Clark to
launch an air operation.
"All efforts to achieve a negotiated, political
solution to the Kosovo crisis having failed, no
alternative is open but to take military action,"
Solana said.
4SU birthday
cards deliver
sober message
By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
Greeting card companies may soon have some competition
om a small organization planning to send birthday greet-
ings to every Michigan State University student turning 21.
But they aren't ordinary cards. Following the cover's nor-
mal birthday greeting, the inside reads, "Be responsible
about drinking ... We want you to turn 22."
The program stems from Be Responsible About Drinking,
an organization founded six weeks ago by the parents and
friends of Bradley McCue, an MSU junior who died of alco-
hol poisoning after celebrating his 21st birthday by drinking
24 shots in two hours.
Cindy McCue, Bradley's mother, said the idea behind
. BRAD is not to discourage
mof acohf poisoning: young people from cele-
n asrss or brating on their birthday,
but to give them informa-
Slow rraon tion on the consequences
VCol, , pale or bueish 4x of drinking too much in a
i'Strt* n f d IlcoiE short amount of time.
"We're not saying don't
Si have a good time, we're just
o or saying be responsible"
~ ,McCue said, adding that cel-
0 * w~itin tn i(*4Cdcif. ~ ebratory events such as foot-
to~rn n an t# e4 side anxd say ball games, birthdays and
Sh eien'until parnedcs anve.. the end of classes are times
when people are most at risk
for alcohol poisoning aid other negative effects of drinking.
In addition to the mass mailing of birthday cards, BRAD
hopes to sponsor other programs including the distribution of
laminated wallet-sized cards containing quick facts about
what to do when someone passes out after drinking. ,
Cindy McCue said problems with drinking begin earlier
an many people think. "Students develop their drinking
bits in high school," she said. "Eighty percent of high
school students are already drinking by their senior year."
So far, all BRAD programs have been funded by private
donations, including one given by Rick's American Cafe in
East Lansing - the bar at which Bradley McCue was drink-
ing the night he died. Cindy McCue explained that the
See CARDS, Page 5
Stuff it!
Band head
to return to
alma mater
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
When the Michigan Marching Band
high steps onto the field next fall to
christen a new football season, its
members will be marching to the beat
of a different
Marching Band ,
Director Kevin
Sedatole turned in
his resignation yes-
terday after three
years at the helm of
one of the nation's
premier collegiate r
marching bands. r.
He has accepted Sedatole
the marching band
directorship at the
University of
Texas, his alma '
Director of
University Bands
H. Robert
Reynolds named.
A s s i s t a n t
Marching Band Tapia
Director James
Tapia as Sedatole's successor.
With Sedatole's departure, the band
will lose more than just a director - it
will lose a man with enthusiasm, good
j dgment and "class," Reynolds said.
"I think the difference in the band
since Kevin took charge is evolutionary
rather than revolutionary," Reynolds
said. "He always had an unfailing sense
of what was the right thing to do. The
band plays better, the shows are more
current in style and he's successfully
continued the great Michigan Marching
Band tradition."
Sedatole's contributions included
changing the band's pre-game rendition
of "The Victor's" to an upbeat tempo
similar to the one the band played dur-
ing the '50s.
Reynolds said that while the band
will miss Sedatole's presence, its more
than 300 members are "very lucky" to
have Tapia assuming control.
"When I think of James I think of a
consummate musician," Reynolds
said. "The sound of the band, which
has been one of the defining qualities
of the Michigan Marching Band for
decades, will be very important to
him. He brings intelligence and a
whole deal of maturity to the posi-
Tapia, a Michigan native, said he is
excited to take charge of a band he has
listened to since early childhood. He
said he is committed to stay with the
band for at least five years.
"My first Michigan football game
was in 1969, when I was six years old,"
See BAND, Page 5
LSA first-year student Michael Jennings, a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity, attempts to
eat an entire medium pizza yesterday on the Diag during a Greek Week event.
Cori McAfee
dly Staff Reporter
To Patricia Gurin's surprise, few peo-
ple showed up for her office hours at the
LSA building yesterday afternoon.
While she doesn't hand out midterm
exams or deliver lectures, the dean of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts held office hours yesterday to
discuss campus issues with LSA-
Student Government and interested
University students.
"I don't know why more students don't
'end - whether it's apathy, or if they
just can't find the room, or maybe they
are afraid of the dean, " said LSA first-
year student Adam Damerow, an LSA-
SG member. Damerow was one of only
four people who attended the office
hours. "The dean is really a nice lady and
facilitates well with individual students."
Yesterday's hot topic was the
University's possible implementation
t departmental minors - including
e ideas of interdisciplinary minors,
how soon minor curriculums would be
in effect, which departments were con-
sidering a minor curriculum and
whether students in schools outside
LSA could pursue an LSA minor.
"The faculty has already approved to
Current MSA
president preps
for transition
By Jewel Oopwani
Daily Staff Reporter
kick off
By Angela Bardoni
Daily Staff Reporter
At the stroke of midnight, elec-
tions for the Michigan Student
Assembly, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts Student
Government and University of
Michigan Engineering Council rep-
resentatives began.
The online voting system was
scheduled to boot up last night and
will be available to students until
11:59 PM on Thursday.
Online voting became available to
students three years ago, and since
then students have had the option to
cast a ballot using any computer
with Internet access. Because of the
online voting opportunity, the num-
ber of paper voting sites has been
reduced drastically - this year
paper ballots are only available at
Current Michigan Student Assembly President Trent Thompson sits on the steps of Angell Hall yesterday -
one week before he will pass on his responsibilities to new assembly leaders.
xt week, Michigan Student Assembly President
Thompson will be handing his gavel over to the
-elected assembly president that the student
will select during elections held today and
hough deeming his administration a successful
Thompson said he suffered several serious set-
this year.
first came as early as last June, when he present-
initial report to the University Board of Regents.
aid what I felt," Thompson explained. "I basically
veryone what I thought they were doing wrong."
at report, Thompson said, "set back administra-
lations for a good five or six months"
His second learning experience came in the deliv-
ery of his convocation speech last fall to 1998's first-
year students.
He forgot the speech.
But, Thompson said, he was glad he forgot it
- because it showed the incoming University
students that even the MSA president isn't per-
Thompson said that despite the setbacks, he
achieved his primary goal of making the assembly
a "projects mill" that prioritized getting "concrete
projects done," adding that accomplishments such
as the online Off Campus Housing Guide and the
Student Coursepack Store made MSA more pro-
During the second semester of his administra-
tion, MSA saw the Defend Affirmative Action
Party obtain a significant number of seats and
Thompson was concerned that with the addition of
same goal.
"I put my heart and soul into this organization;
Thompson said.
Seconding that motion, MSA Treasurer Bram Elias
said Thompson "laid the groundwork for what could
be the best MSA ever."
MSA Vice President Sarah Chopp said she enjoyed
working with Thompson during the past year. "We
built a better repore with administration without los-
ing sight that our main goal is to represent the stu-
dents," Chopp said.
Thompson's advice to the next MSA president?
"Ensure the assembly feels it is a whole."
Thompson said he would gladly work with whoever
wins the MSA presidency, but thinks the Blue Party's
executive slate of Elias for president and former MSA
Rep. Andy Coulouris for vice president will lead "an
assembly that will work together as a unit."
In reaction to Thompson's decision to support Elias
MSA Elections
Winter elections M S A
begin today with
paper voting sites
available to
students in
Lve ei