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March 19, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-19

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, March 19, 1999


Continued from Page 1
The party said it would also like to
reach out to student groups and gath-
er their opinions on issues facing stu-
By holding another monthly MSA
meeting - devoted exclusively to lis-
tening to the needs of campus groups
- Students' Party members said they
would be able to interact with a variety
of students and develop new ways to
make student life at the University bet-
"Let's bring the groups we work
with inside a meeting to voice their

concerns, whatever they are," Chopp
In addition to improving campus life
for current University students, the
Students' Party is also targeting future
students with new programs, including
Freshman Forgiveness - a program
designed to allow first-year students to
retake one class and have the second
grade figured into their grade point
LSA first-year student and Students'
Party candidate Allissa Koerner said
she is excited about the Freshman
Forgiveness program.
"The Freshman forgiveness program
is incredible," Koerner said. "Anyone

who has spent their first semester at the
University knows how hard it is to
establish a high grade point."
Party members said they think if a
student is committed to putting the time
and money into retaking a class, they
should be rewarded for it.
Another program to aid students,
the Concentration Major Practicums
for Peer Mentors, helps students
make educated decisions about their
future, a party member said.
The peer advisers involved in the
practicum would work in their pro-
gram's department advising students
who wapt to find out more informa-
tion about the concentration and

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receive credit toward their degree pro-
In an attempt to make international
students feel more at home, the party
said it wants to educate campus groups
about a wide variety of cultures that
make up the University population and
close the cultural barriers between stu-
Other issues the Students' Party is
addressing in its platform include
improving the CCRB facilities, get-
ting involved in a budget study and
working to develop an efficient way
to recycle campaign fliers that are
usually thrown away following MSA
Katz said she would like to assess
who uses the CCRB and work with stu-
dents and administration to decide on
specific improvements.
Although MSA members' actions
are limited when it comes to major
political issues, the party members said
they would be excited to assist any stu-
dent group in lobbying its local, state or
federal government.
LSA sophomore Mark Sherer, who
is running for a second year, said he
strongly supports the Chopp Karnik
"I support the leaders of the
Students' Party and the philosophy
that we are interested in being stu-
dents and serving students," Sherer
By protecting students rights, devel-
oping online lobbying, creating educa-
tional forums on affirmative action and
sweatshop issues, the Students' Party
said it would like to help students devel-
op their own opinions about world pol-
-Daily Staff Reporter Jewel Gopwani
contributed to this report.


Northwest defends handling of flights"
WASHINGTON - Passengers were stuck for hours on airplanes parked ir.
Detroit Metropolitan Airport runways during a January snowstorm because it Was
unsafe to move them, Northwest Airlines executives told lawmakers yesterday at
House hearing.
"This was an unprecedented storm in Detroit, the worst storm in 25 years," sa
Richard Hirst, Northwest's senior vice president of corporate affairs. "There we
no vacant gates.
"We correctly chose to stick with our zero-injury option of waiting for gates
to become available," said Northwest pilot Joseph Gilroy, a passenger in one of
the planes that landed at the Detroit Metro Airport the weekend of the storm Jan.
2 to 3.
But, Hirst said Northwest employees could have communicated better with
customers during the storm, and that the company made a mistake in deciding
to bring more flights into the airport when it already was clogged with strand-
ed aircraft.
The monster storm brought Detroit Metropolitan Airport national attentiot
when exhausted, angered passengers were stuck aboard planes stacked on runwj
for up to eight hours. Northwest accounts for about three-quarters of all flights
the airport.

Supreme Court
supports special ed.
WASHINGTON - The school dis-
trict in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, had already
overspent its special education budget
by $1 million when the Supreme Court
ruled it had to pay for one-on-one nurs-
ing for a student - adding $30,000 a
Garret Frey, the 16-year-old sopho-
more on a ventilator because of an acci-
dent that left him paralyzed, isn't the
issue, said Superintendent Lew Finch.
The case is really about the federal
government creating rules requiring
schools to educate children with dis-
abilities, but not sending enough
money to ensure they can afford it.
"If schools don't get more help, they
may need to raise local taxes;' Finch
said. "This might be the case that opens
a lot of eyes."
Special education is one of the most
emotional issues schools face, and one
of their fastest-growing costs. States
have long fought with local schools and
the Education Department about costs.

Now Republicans and Democrats in
Congress are debating how much the
federal government should help.
Nearly 6 million children receive
special education instruction and ser-
vices costing $60 billion, about $5 bil-
lion of that from the federal govel
Union funds lose to
tobacco industry
WASHINGTON - The tobacco
industry won a major victory yesterday
when. an Ohio jury ruled against 114
union health funds seeking to recover
millions of dollars spent to treat sick
smokers - the first case of its kind to
reach a jury verdict. .
Industry lawyers hailed the verdict as
a harbinger of things to come in similar
cases filed around the nation by scores of
union health funds. The verdict "shows
that this attempt to say that these tobacco
companies are evil conspirators ... is a
phony piece of revisionist history," attor-
ney Robert Weber said.The jury, he said,
seqt plaintiffs a message that "no matter
how you package this, we don't buy it

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Albanians sign pact,
Serbs boycott
PARIS - With Yugoslav represen-
tatives boycotting to demonstrate
their opposition, ethnic Albanians
signed a Western autonomy plan for
Kosovo at a low-key ceremony yes-
terday and then made plans to leave
France at the conclusion of the
unsuccessful peace talks.
As the Clinton administration
stepped up its warnings that NATO
was prepared to launch airstrikes
against Yugoslavia if it does not agree
to the autonomy plan, Western medi-
ators are expected to declare an end
to the negotiations today after a week
of fruitless efforts to win the' accep-
tance of the Yugoslav-Serb delega-
According to diplomats close to the
negotiations, Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic will be given a
deadline of up to a week to accept the
plan. They said Western envoys were
prepared to travel to Belgrade to meet
with him.
Serbian President Milan

Milutinovic, who is representing
Miloscvic at the talks, remained defiant
as the negotiations neared an end. "If
they (NATO) attack us we are prepared
to fight," Milutinovic said. "We
ready to defend our country."
Milutinovic ridiculed the signing
ceremony and called the negotiations
"a fraud."
Mexico's ruling
party to elect leader
MEXICO CITY - Mexico's lon
ruling Institutional Revolutionary P
geared up yesterday to elect its leader
for the first time, following the surprise
resignation of its powerful chief.
The outgoing leader, Mariano
Palacios Alcocer, said the March 30
vote by a party council was aimed,°t
increasing democracy within the party,
known as the PRI. In the past, the
Mexican president appointed the PkI's
chief and its presidential candidate in i
process known as the "dedazo," or big
- tCompiled from Daily wire reports.

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