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March 18, 1999 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-18

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16A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 18, 1999

Encouraging weekend finish for women's golf


By Ron Garber
Daily Sports Writer
On Monday and Tuesday, the
Michigan women's golf team bested
adverse conditions and a poor start to
turn in a solid performance.
The team took fifth at the NIU
Spring Lake Women's Invitational in
Sebring, Fla.
The first day of the Invitational saw
Michigan struggle with its shots
because of strong winds. None of the
Wolverines posted especially good
scores and the team's confidence was
"We definitely didn't shoot as well as
we would have like to on Monday,"
freshman Bess Bowers said.
Bowers' struggles were representa-
tive of the misfortunes of the entire
tearm. She got off to a rough start, post-
ing a bogey on the first hole and strug-
gled to regain her confidence. She fin-
isheid with a first-round 84.
"i was a rough round," Bowers said.
"I was a little nervous. I wasn't confi-
dent with my putting or chipping."
A different Michigan team came to
play Tuesday, including a confident and
rejuvenated Bowers.
The freshman got hot early, posting a
birdie on the first hole, and didn't cool
off all day.
"You get out of the gate like that and
it really gets you going," Bowe-s said.
Bowers shot a 41 on the front nine
and throe-under par 33 on the back en
route to a career-best score of 74 and a
10th plaae finish.
"On the back nine, I stopped thinking
about my score and started focusing on

my putts," Bowers said. "I didn't have
any idea of what my score was when I
finished the round, and that's how
everyone says it's supposed to be"
Michigan coach Kathy Teichert was
elated with Bowers' performance.
"Bess played great golf," Teichert
said. "She made some putts, she got up
and down when she needed to. It was
While Bowers' was having a career
day, team leader senior Sharon Park
was struggling with her game. She shot
a two-day total of 165 and finished a
disappointing 30th.
"Sharon is so much better than she
played this week," Teichert said.
With Park having her problems, sev-
eral less-heralded Wolverines stepped
up, including sophomore Ann Talbot.
Talbot came out of a slump of her own
this week, posting a score of 159 and a
13th place finish.
"I got my mental game back togeth-
er," Talbot said. "I remember how to
play now."
The Wolverines' other top finishers
were Misia Lemanski, who took 17th,
and 25th place finisher LeAnna Wicks.
Michigan's finish in the tournament
was not only encouraging because it
was accomplished with minimal help
from Park, but also because the
Wolverines beat Iowa and Illinois, the
only other Big Ten competitors at the
"I'm really happy to see that we
finally put a good score on the board,"
Teichert said. "We have the talent on
this team to put up some great scores
this year."


IMark My Words
Promisibng Fargas S uffere
season-endbzg u set
of the cruelest kind

Michigan freshman Bess Bowers fought off a shaky first-round performance to shoot
a career-best 74 on the second day of the Spring Lake Invitational last weekend.
to snap two-game skid
WM' looks to start winning streak against
Houston and Marquette after lengthy hiatus

. 4 ,. .
.. :' a

By Adam J. Falkauff
For The Daily
After going nearly two weeks with-
out playing a match, the Michigan
women's tennis team will travel to the
Brewery City.
But their trip to Milwaukee will not
include a tour of the local industry.
Instead, the Wolverines will be trying
to end a two-match losing streak.
They recently lost to No. 2 Duke
and No. 9 Wake Forest. The 58th-
ranked Wolverines will face Houston
and Marquette, ranked 39th and 44th
respectively in the March 9
Intercollegiate Tennis Association
national team rankings.
This weekend's match with
Houston will mark the second all-
time meeting between the two teams.
The Cougars won their only previ-
ous match with Michigan, 8-1, during
the 1989-1990 season.
The Wolverines will be dueling
with the Golden Eagles for the fifth
time. Michigan is currently 4-0
against Marquette.
In the teams' most current match
the Wolverines defeated the Golden
Eagles, 7-2, at the Varsity Tennis
All four of Michigan's victories
have been in convincing fashion, with

the combines game score 29-7.
Senior Jen Boylan recently scored
her 25th career singles victory in a
match against Wake Forest.
"I am very excited about getting
my 25th victory," Boylan said of her
accomplishment. "I have came a long
way since I started playing for the
University of Michigan."
Also, doubles partners Brooke Hart
and Danielle Lund leaped II posi-
tions in the newest doubles rankings.
Hart and Lund are now ranked 21st
in the nation after starting the season
perfect in the Big Ten, posting a 3-0
conference record and a 10-8 mark
overall. The duo has played at the No.
I doubles spot since the beginning of
the season.
Junior Danielle Lund fell 22 spots,
all the way down to 78th in the nation.
She leads the team in the win column
with 10 tallies, but her overall record
is 10-13.
Since starting off the season with a
mediocre 3-5 record, the women have
dropped from 49th to 58th in the
country. Yet despite their 3-5 overall
record, the Wolverines are 2-1 in Big
Ten Conference play.
Victories in this weekend's matches
may help the Wolverines get back on
the right foot.

ars fell from their eyes. With
their seasons over, Michigan bas-
ketball players Louis Bullock and
Raina Goodlow were the picture of
Goodlow was experiencing the end
of her freshman season as a member
of Michigan's women's basketball
team. The frustration came moments
after her team was stunned by
Michigan State in the women's
National Invitational Tournament.
The end came suddenly, on a put-
back basket by Michigan State's
Becky Cummings that snuffed the
hopes of a continued season.
Goodlow knew nothing of a gruel-
ing season's end, where she would go
the next day when there was no prac-
tice or how long the disappointment
would linger. All she knew was she'd
have another chance.
In fact, she'd have three more years
to end her season with a victory. After
a heartbreaker to end the playoff cam-
paign, there would be redemption one
But at that moment, as she crouched
over a table inside Crisler Arena, she
felt as low as low could go. Bullock
knew the feeling well. His version of
the Wolverines had lost all season long
- an unusual occurrence for the
sweet shooter from Maryland.
He came to Michigan to win cham-
pionships, yet the team had hit a brick
wall time and time again, overmatched
in size and strength. His college bas-
ketball career ended on a gloomy
Chicago day.
His team played like the weather,
cold and wet, as if this season could
have washed away with the cleansing
rain pounding the streets outside the
United Center.
Bullock was an integral component
of the previous season's Big Ten tour-
nament championship and had played
three NCAA tournament games.
But this was not a hero's end. Not
before the postseason had even begun.
The disappointment of an upset is
natural in sports. It's actually much of
the intrigue.
But when the home team loses or an
event doesn't turn out as planned, the
term 'upset' assumes a whole new
On this morning, just five days after
witnessing grand larceny before his
eyes, professional boxer Lennox Lewis
knows the meaning of being upset.
He's upset at the two judges who
robbed him of ultimate glory - one
scored his bout with Evander
Holyfield a draw while the other gave
the obviously-defeated Holyfield a
He's upset that he was robbed of the
dignity of his sport where a man can
clearly win a fight in front of millions
on television, but judges on three sides
of the ring can witness something dif-
Professional prizefighting - as it is

loosely suggested - has assumed
some upset potential of its own this
week. Fans from all side have derid1
the sport and the fight as a predeter-
mined outcome (a fix as it is called in
boxing circles).
Sports columnists who attend
maybe one fight a year and have little
authority to judge technical skill
slammed the event for sinking below
the depths it had already assumed.
But one man has been fighting back
all week.
University of Michigan alum and'
boxing historian Bert Sugar is fighting
a losing battle. I heard him on three
radio shows and saw one television
program this week where he stated his
case that boxing is still legitimate. (He
also told the same jokes on each, like,
"In the fourth round, I was so bored I
hoped a hockey game would break
out," but we'll let him slide on that.)
Sugar knows as much about boxing
upsets as anyone - having covered.
boxing intently for the past 40 years
- and he contends that the fight was
a lot closer than the faulty computer
scoring indicated.
'Upset' carries a whole different
meaning for the Michigan football
team and one individual in particular.
Just a week before spring practice was
to begin (the closed-to-the-public-and-
media, nobody-inside-the-fortress
spectacle starts Saturday), coach Llc
Carr let slip that soon-to-be sopho-
more tailback Justin Fargas would not
be playing this spring or this fall.
His broken leg didn't heal correctly
and he had additional surgery, slowing
the fastest legs on the team for a
whole year.
How much longer after that?
Nobody knows.
For his sake and quality of life,
here's hoping Fargas comes back
strong as ever, whenever that is -
even if it's nowhere near a football
Carr has always remained loyal to
his injured players. After safety
Daydrion Taylor gave his career for a
bone-crushing tackle against Penn
State in 1997, he remained with the,
team and helped out at practices.
But for an athlete used to prime
condition and prime attention, someO
times what's missing is more difficult
than what's there.
Odds are, there'll be a spot for
Fargas in Michigan's classrooms for as
long as he wants to stay. But how long
that will be remains a mystery.
Losing the ability to do what you're
best at. That's what can cause the
greatest upset.
And I'm sure Fargas would trade
places with Goodlow, Bullock or
Lewis in moment.
They each lost a single contest. For
now, he's lost the ability to play a
- Mark Snyder can be reached via,
email at msnyder@umich.edu.

After two recent losses to top-10 opponents, the Michigan women's tennis
team looks to rebound with games against Houston and Marquette this week-
end in Milwaukee.

i I I

Donella Meadows
Journalist, International Resource Specialist, and Farmer
On "Sustainable Systems"

Zahn looking to set
lineup on Texas trip



Thursday, March 18 at 4 pm
Hale Auditorium. 915 E. Washington.
Free and Open to the Public

Continued from Page 14A
son. While in College Station, Zahn
will have the opportunity to identify
a supporting cast of hitters.
Currently, the coach hasn't been*
that impressed with his team's per-
formance at the plate.
"We've got some guys who aren't
hitting. They'll get a chance to step
it up or others will get a chanceto
fill their position," Zahn said.
In addition to the hitters, heading
down to Texas will give the fairly
young pitching staff valuable experi-
ence before Big Ten conference y
Luke Bonner, J.J. Putz and Bryce
Ralston are scheduled to start the
first three games of the tournament.
While the experienced
Wolverines are on the hill, Zahn will
evaluate additional pitchers in Hopes

Whole Earth describes her as "simply one of the most heartful intelligent minds in anybody's water-
shed." MacArthur Fellow and Pew Scholar in Conservation and.Environment. Writer of a nationally
syndicated newspaper column "The Global Citizen." Co-author of The Limits to Growth and Beyond
the Limits: Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future. Leader of The Balaton
Group, a global network of people who value equity, sufficiency and sustainability, and who understand
whole svstems.


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