-'U 11 -Ei I & 2 BDRM. FURN. apts. avail. at 402 Hill St. Sept. 99 to Sept. 2000. Central Campus location. A/C, Idry., prkg. Call 332-5293. 1 BDRM.- PROFESSIONAL & grad. bldg. vaulted ceilings, bay windows, spacious, dwshr, A/C. Call CMB 741-9300. I BEDROOM FOR FALL 99. Large enough for 2 people. 515 Lawrence. Near- Nursing School. Call 761-8000. I *nm********PARKING!************* 0.n campus parking!. Special rates! 665-8825-. BEST APARTMENT FOR Fall 99! Close to campus! 702 Tappan, 1 bdrm., $795. 734- 930-9999 or 248-332-4444. BY BUS. SCHOOL - Lovely furnished rooms with kitchen, ldry., and parking $400- 500/mo. 1012 Hill & 820 Hill. 665-5620. CAMPUS-FALL Spacious unfurnished efficiency. High ceilings, hardwood floors, close to Business & Law. Available Fall. 944-2405. CENTRAL CAMPUS FALL '99. Bi-level 1 bdrm. apts. near B and Law Schools. Furn., Idry., prkg. 663-3050. Church andS._ University. Just built 1000 sq. ft. 2 bd. Apt. Heating & Central Air. Included. Available May or September. 668- 1100. B-SCHOOL PRKG. Safe and secure. Church St. Call Brian 313-793-2137. MACEXCHANGE, Your Macintosh specialist for sales & seryig. Complete Power Mac systems from $641) 1739 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 482-0739. MOVING SOON? Get your housewares, linen, furniture at the PTO Thrift Shop! 1621 S. State, I mile south of U of M. 996-9155. PAJRKING AVAILABLE Central Campus Call 648- 100) SHAKY JAKE WOODS original, autographed, classic collector's item cassette of songs, jokes, and stories. $20 each. Send payment to Jake Woods, P.O. Box 4261 Ann Arbor, Ml 48104. 669-9920 I MALE SEEKING I or 2 rmmtes for apt., Packard and Madison. 2 bdrm., a/c, ldry., prkg., $550 for I rmmte or $350 for two rmmtes. Begins 8/31/99. Joe at 663-3021. 1014 CHURCH- Modern, furn. Tri-level Townhouse w/ courtyards for 3 persons S1025-$1150. Futon, track lighting, dishwasher, central A/C, prkg. & Idry. Sept. leases. 663-7444. 17 Contemporary locations to choose from. Studios to 3 bedrooms still available. May and September leases. (734) 741-9300. www.cmbmgmt.com 2 BEDROOM BI-LEVEL for Fall 99. 610 S. Forest. Perfect for 3 people. $1200. Call 761-8000. 3 BDRM. FOR 3/4 Catherine. Ldry., prkg., furn., wood floors. $1080+. 449-4797. 5 BRDM. HSE. on Portage Lake, 1800 sq. ft., I 1/2 baths, completely furn., fireplace, 2 car garage. $1995/mo. Avail. fall. 645-8679. MAY AND SEPT. LEASES Campus, Medical Center & Business School locations. We know that the best apartments rent early. Don't wait until summer. Call Michigan Realty Management. 662-5500. EHO. MAY TO MAY LEASES 2 bedrooms are available in Central Campus locations. Lease now. Varsity Mgnt. 668-1100 McKinley is Amazing. I and 2 bedroom apartments. Contemporary in every way. Dwshr., A/C. covered prkg. Near Bus. & Law Schools,741-9300, N. DIVISION, 2 BDRM. APTS. , heat included. Pets OK. $1050. Extra room. Email hp666 @ hotmai l.com NOW LEASING!, Fall '99 Furnished apartments Stop by for a brochure Campus Rentals 1335 S. University at Washtenaw 665-8825 NOW LEASING APTS. for 1999-2000 school year near campus. Oakland Management. 761-7491. http./me mbers.aol.com/woosters ONE BDRM. FURN. modern apt. for I person Avail. for fall on Oakland near Church St. Ldry & prkg., no pets. $550 mcl. heat & H20. 429-4427. ONE, TWO, THREE BDRM. at 1600 Packard. Unfurn./furn., modern, A/C, prkg. 913-5387 or 769-7025. AVAIL. MAY. 4 large bdrm apt. on Hill street. Perfect for 4 to 5 people, good location, prkg, price negotiable. 623-0420. AVAIL. NOW. SPACIOUS I bdrm. in 2 bdrm. apt. Prkg., Idry., 2 min. walk to campus. Call 764-2627. CHEAP SUBLET 2 bdrms., E. University, 4 prkg., util. incl., idry.,$400 for 2.622-0629. CORNER OF PACKARD & MCKINLEY 926 Packard, May-Aug. I bdrm. in 6 bdrm. hse. Rent neg. Free ]dry. & prkg. 623-9630. NOW SUBLETTING 17 distinctive locations. Studios-4 bdrms. Call CM B 741-93(0). SP/SUMMER 3 bdrms. avail. Furn., A/C, newly remodeled, price neg. 827-1267. SPR./SUM. SUBLET Lion furn. 3 bdrm./2 bath 3 level apt. 4-6 occup. Huge liv. rm., 2 ph. line, prk. avail., good loc. Call 327-9117. SPRING/SUMMER SUBLET : Location-U Towers. Prkg., Price neg. Call 622-0962. STUDIO AVAIL. MAY 1, S. Forest/Hill, 5 min. to B-School, Law, Cntr. Campus. Furn., Ldry., Fall option. $450 o.b.o. 622-9829. STUDIO APT. AVAIL. May. Great location, Huron & Thayer. Partially furn., ldry., price $375 neg. 769-8341. SUB. STARTING IMMED. Rmmt. for I bdrm. on Packard. Prkg., $300. 662-8579. ATTENTION STUDENTS! ATTENDANTS University of Michigan Medical Center' valet parking contractor is now seekAi energetic, positive, happy people for vinot part time positions as valet attendants. If you can drive a stick shift, enjoy exercise and meeting friendly people, then you quality (o earn $6-$10/hr. Please call 734-267- 1 or 734-936-6641 for an appointment qw 19N HONDA ACCORD Excellent conii on, fully loaded, $9000 Call 429-8387. 97 CROWN VICTORIA . A natural gas vehicle. Low emissions. New tires, A/C, power, clean. $14,900. 517-589-5050. DON'T WAIT! Start making plans for your fall of 1999 apartment NOW! We have furnished efficiency, studio, one and' two bedroom apartments available with many great features. Call Wilson White Company, Inc. TODAY! 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. EFF. 1 BDRM., 2 BDRM. apts. for lease at Packard and Elm Streets. 747-6895. EFFICIENCIES 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS Fall leasing. Call Cappo Management 668- 2817. EFFICIENCIES FOR FALL 99. 344 S Division. $510-$530. Call 761-8000. EFFICIENCY, 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms apts. still available at 211/ 213 N. Main, 401 Hamilton, 1303 Wilmot, 1602 Packard & 502 N. State. Call PMSI 665-5552. FALL 1999 LEASE available for a large 2- bedroom apartment in a turn of the century house. Located on the corner of Williams and Fifth Avenue. Call Barbara at 761-8990 for further information. $ N !!! MAY LEASES AVAIL. 2 bedroom Bi- levw,:apartments. 1100 sq. ft. I 1/2 bath, microwave, dishwasher, A/C, laundry. Great location. 741-9300. .1100 Sq. R. Apts. Great for 2-5 people !Buit in microwave, dishwasher, disposal eBeautifully furnished eClose to CCRB eComplimentary Resident Shuttle to Class S*Exercise Room, Aerobics Room eRecreation Room, Study Lounge *Free Photocopying and Fax 6 BEDROOM HOUSE beginning Summer or Fall term. Attractive home with hardwood floor, two baths, two kitchens, Florida room, new furnace. Great location for medical or engineering students. Call Michigan Realty Management, 662-5500. EHO. 6 BEDROOM HOUSES remodeled, spacious, parking, great location and clean. Available Fall 1999. Call 994-3907. 710S. DIVISION-AVAIL. May 99, 4 bdrm. hse. w/ remodeled kitch. & bath. Good condition, parking, hardwood floors. $2050 + utils. Investors Property Mgmt. Call John @ 741-9798. 915 E. ANN & 204 N. INGALLS, one/two bdrm. apt., free prkg., close to campus. from $620. 663-2731. A Very Quiet Place for Fall '99- Perfect for MBA's and Grad Students. Studio & I bedroom apartments. Close to campus, quality living. 668-1 100. A+ CONDITION. Avail, now, 3bdrm, 2 baths, spacious basement and yard. Fully equipped kitchen, hdwd fl., new carpet, no pets/smkr, $1200+util. 800 Henry. Rent per room $350-500. 485-2734. AIR CONDITIONED Spacious unfurnished 2 bedroom apt. Balcony. lishwasher, Laundry, Parking. Close to campus. Available Fall 944-2405. ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact us on the web at www.amvestpropertv.com ATTENTION GRADS. Prof. & grad. bldg. now leasing for Fall. Unique I bdrm. apts. w/ spacious floor plans. Call CM B 741-9300. AVAIL. MAY-APR. I bdrm. in 6 bdrm. hse. Good loc. Nice people. Crystal 622-0924. AVAIL. SEPT. I-E. William/Division. Eff., I & 2 bdrm. apts. w/sec. buzzer, Idry., storage. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1204. AVAILABLE NOW! 1320S. University 2 bdrm. 761-8000. AVAILABLE AUG. 1 AND SEPT. 199: Near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modern I & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Bale., Furn. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. BEAUTIFUL STUDIO CONDO in Tower Plaza for sale. Great view and great price. Call (248) 335-1341. Parking for Two Bedrooms for Fal 99. Great locations, but only a few left. Furnished and laundry. 668-1100. SPACIOUS EFFICIENCY in quiet bldg. near Union. Hardwood floors, decorative fireplace. Ldry./prkg. avail. 417 S. Division. Sept. lease. 5595 + elec. 741-9622. Students on_ the Go, we have the perfect location for Fall '99. One efficiency left with all utilities paid. Across from the Pizza House. 668-1100. TWO BEDROOM, UNFURNISHED apartment currently available for May to May lease term. Near Yost Ice Arena. Please contact Wilsorr White Co., Inc. at 734-995- 9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. r- COLLEGE CLEANER-Professional Dry Cleaning and Summer Storage available. Basement at 715 N. University. 662-1906. EDITING & FORMAT. Theses, books, journal articles, proposals. All disciplines. 734/996-0566 or writeon@bizserve.com WE'RE NIMBLE WITH a thimble. For all your sewing ,& tailoring needs. A-1 Alterations, 621 E. William, 994-3228. 12 month leases also available. "The highest quality apartments and service for the most affordable price" !$21 + HOUR! Easy Work Processing Mail or Email From Home or School! For Details Email: Apply4now@smartbot.net 770-937-6764 $$SUMMER WORK OPPORTUNITY$$ Looking to select independent, hard working individuals for a fun and challenging summer work program. Chance to travel and get outstanding experience for resume. First year Avail- ave. $576/wk. Call 971-0790 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore For application & info stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. ATTENTION! LOCAL COMPANY MUST FILL 37 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS BY MAR 18 $12.15 TO START FULL/PART TIME. FLEX. SCHE.W AASP SCHOLARSHIP-COND. EXIST CALL M-W 10-7 (734)971-6122 - s r su a eWr Take the pressure off yourself and advertise in The Michigan Daily Summer Sublet Section. Make yo own ad that will appear in a spec pull-out section of the newspaper Cost: $37 for Black & White; $0fr Color Deadline: March 17 *Also look for us in the Fishbowl March 10, 11 & 12 from 10-4 ATTN.: OUT OF STATE STUDENTS Or In-St. willing to travel Campus managers needed, for 2 we program at various universities. Real management/Decent pay/Fun, 1st week in May. Email for more information parcelpro4@hotmail.com CAMP WEKEELA , for boys & gils, on 150 acres Mountain Lake setting in Canton, Maine seeks instructors for water ski, rops, pioneering. tennis, land sports, creative ,& performing arts. 6/19-8/22, age 19+, sal/rm/bd/travel. For a most rewardip g summer, contact 888/993-5335. MaineEph ywaol.com or www.campwekeela.com. CAMP JOBS For residents ofCChicago's Northern subu DISCO VERY DAY CAMP is seeking nurtuning staff: counselors and specialists mn nature, ropes course, gymnastics, dran a, tennis. and swimming. Bus driving positions available for over'-) s. Call 800-659-4332 br email ilise@campdiscovery.com CAMP WAYNE - sister half of brother/sister camp- Northeast Pennsylvaiia (6/20-8/18/99). We're back' We hve recruited great staff from Michigan and want you to have the most memorable summer of your life. Directors for Fine Arts, G Nature/Camping. Counselors to live in c as and teach at specialty areas. If you Iqye children and have a specialty to offer call 1-800-279-3019 or e-mail cainpwayneg @aol .com Campus Interview March 24th from 11:00-7:00 p.m. in' the Michigan Room of the Union. CHILD CARE CENTER is looking for substitute teachers for whole or half ays. Minimum $7.65/hr. Call 761-2576. COMPUTER SOFTWARE SALES: Fast growing internet software company seeking career minded people to join our sales and marketing team. For additi information on BlueGill Technologies, ,v. our WEB Site: www.bluegill.com. For immediate consideration, please call Karen Krumholtz on 734/205-4118 or email: karen.krumholtz@bluegill.com COUNSELORS, ' WSI, LIFEGUARDS, needed for Jewish Community Center's Raanana Day Camp. June 14-August O3. Call Craig Pollack at 971-0990 for more info. $250/MO.-GREAT LOCATION May I -Aug. 31. 995-6384. www.cmbmgmt.com !!!GRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! Old West Side. I and 2 bedrooms, full furnished. MUST SEE for Faill '99. 668 6906. !!!Victorian Home!!! Unique I and 2 bedroom apartments. Hardlwood floors, skylights, high ceilings, near Business/Law Schools. Unfurnished. 741-9300 www.cmbmgmt.com Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin DOWN 33 Kaboodle's Mon.-Fri. 10-8 p.m. Sat. & Sun. 12-5 FALL 1999 Modern, furnished, two bedroom apartments in two locations both near central campus. Recently furnished, heat and water included. On-site parking space, laundry room. and storage lockers. Just north of Rackham Hall, and close to North Campus bus stop. From $870-going fast! Call 663-4101 to arrange showing. FALL 99 CENTRAL CAMPUS. Great selection of eff. I & 2 bdrm. apt. furn., prkg. & Idry. Contact 663-3050. FALL 99 Large bi-level 6 bdrm. apt. 3 baths., modern kitch., dwshr., disposal, a/c, new carpet, Idry. on premisis, heat/ water incl. $2199. 665-8825. FALL 99. Lge. 4 bdrm bi-lev. penthse. unit. 2 ceramic tile baths, 2 balcs., track-lighting, A/C, dishwasher, disposal, heat/water incl., parking, & laundry. $1899. 665-8825. FALL RENTALS Large I bedroom apt. Hardwood floors. High ceilings. 2 blocks to campus. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. I BDRM. SUMMER sublet, $250/mo. very neg. On East U. Avail. May 1. 622-0671. 1-5 BDRM IN LARGE furnished house May-A ug, Idry, dwshr, some prkg, GREAT LOCATION. 623-9908. 2 BDRM. APT.- Furnished, fall lease option avail., air conditioning, 2 balconies, covered parking, quiet, privately owned building. 939 Dewey St. Call David orlenny at 332-1083. 2 BDRMS. IN 5 bdrm. house. Avail. May. Great location, prkg., Idry., rent neg. Call Dena or Em @ 995-9760. 2 DELUXE 1 BDRM. apts. Prime location, near East Quad, furnished. Spring/Summer sublet. $400 each. 997-9559/623-0851. 415 BENJAMIN- Modern, furn. 2 bdrm. For 2 persons, $450; Futon, track lighting, dishwasher, a/c, parking & laundry. May - Aug. lease, 663-3070. A BEAUTIFUL 7 BEDROOM house, corner of Church and Hill. Central air, 5 parking spots, free laundry, 2 kitch., 2 baths. Rent negotiable. Call 622-9551 or 741-9170. AVAIL. MAY 1-- SEPT. I Kerrytown/2 bdrms.. prkg., Idry. $neg. 662-4795. AVAIL. MAY-AUG. Vaughn & Packard. I bdrm. in 5 bdrm. hse. Price neg. 669-0820. AVAIL. MAY-AUG. Large I bdrm. in 6 bdrm. hse: Good location, pkrg., price neg. Call Bess: 930-9089 AVAIL. MAY. 4 large bdrm apt. on Hill street. Perfect for 4 to 5 people, good location, prkg, price negotiable. 623-0420. 1 Code word A.M. SERVICES, INC. Lawn Maintenance Crew Leaders/Members needed for spring. Experience preferred, will train. Seasonal and full time positions. Full time positions include vacation, holidays. health insurance and FREE CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST. call 973-6676 for more information. ABBOTT'S GARDEN CENTER SALES, nursery crew and landscape crew help wanted. Full or part time. Please call 665- 8733 ext. 12. 1 Agassi's love 2 Frankenstein's 4! 10 Gon - Pool table top 14 Freudia 15 Oregon 16 Wellsia 17 gooey an topic ian n folk 3 4 5 assistant Michigan tribe D.A.s group Capital of partner 36 Not Rep. or Dem. 38 Squall 39 Queen's county? 41 --kebab 42 Mexico Mrs. 44 Secret 48 Tough 49 Pro tag 50 Opened a crack 51 Rub against 52 Mountain climber? 54 Sea hermit 55 Flavoring 57 Glass circle 58 Turkish bigwig ADULT INTERNET company in search of models. Experience NOT necessary. Great Pay & Great Mgt. Please call 1-888-844- 9810 for more info. AID FOR YOUNG WOMAN w/ Multiple Sclerosis. Exp. pref. but will train. 429-5885. Saskatchewan 6 Fell pool 18' 20 Taj Mahal crop? Word of mouth B A T S W H O L E T R A M A B E T H O O E Y H O P I B U M P K I N P I E E A S T E S P O R E S L E S S E E L E O P A R D D I G I T E L S W I N G S P A N M E C C A P A V E S U M A O U R S D A KA R S C A B A R A N I V E N S I K H S B O B B Y P I N L A D W I E L D L E V E L E R B E A T T O G O G O E A U E L K E M E N U E R R O R S C H E R A G A I N A N T E K I S S T O T E D N A H S IaIIdr address__________ intercom/seclhJVA.tDuzz,tA.view appuauI IeDill";. i i 1 check