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March 11, 1999 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-11

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8A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, March 11, 1999


Dow Jones Industrial Average and the NASDAQ Composite
for Week 3/3 to 3/10

Judge allows Kevorkian to
present emotional testunony


n 9 '7 n A

Close Change


AI%- jL%

3/10 9,772.84 +19.08 2,4Ub6.0V +3.V6
Highlights from the week: The DJIA saw a record setting day Friday, settling above 9,700 for the
first time in the history of the Average. It beat its previous record, 9,643.32, set on Jan. 8. This all
time high occurred after the Labor Department released data stating that 275,000 jobs were added
to employers payrolls in February, which exceeded many analysts predictions. Yesterday, the Dow
finished at another record mark, 9,772.84, due to the positive news surrounding the Organization
of Petroleum Exporting Countries meeting March 23. It looks like there will be an agreement on
production cuts, which sent energy stocks like Chevron and Exxon to gains of 3 5116 and 3 3/8,
What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average? The DJIA represents 30 stocks traded on the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE) and are all major factors in their respective industries. These stocks are widely held by
individuals and institutional investors. Many financial advisers think of it as a good indicator in telling
whether the NYSE is doing well or poorly.
What is the NASDAQ Composite? The NASDAQ is the fastest growing stock market in the nation due
to it being a screen-based stock market, compared to a trading floor market like the NYSE. It also has
almost all of the technological stocks available for trading, which has proved to be a very volatile indus-
try in the last few years.
-Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Kevin Magnuson from wire reports.
The weekly stock market roundup is a new weekly feature in the Daily. It will appear every Thursday this semester.

PONTIAC, Mich. (AP) - Jack Kevorkian's defense
in his first-degree murder trial will be allowed to tell
jurors about the pain and suffering of a man whose
videotaped death was shown on "60 Minutes" - the
type of testimony that has been vital to Kevorkian in
previous trials.
But Kevorkian will not be able to use Thomas Youk's con-
sent or euthanasia as a defense.
Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Jessica Cooper made
those rulings late Tuesday as precursors to Kevorkian's trial,
scheduled to begin March 22.
Defense attorney David Gorosh said he was pleased with
the decision.
"I believe that a jury will not find what Thomas Youk and
Dr. Kevorkian engaged in together is a crime," Gorosh said
yesterday. "It was an act of compassion."
Assistant Oakland County Prosecutor John Skrzynski did
not immediately return phone messages yesterday.
Kevorkian is charged with first-degree murder, assisted
suicide and delivering a controlled substance in the
September lethal injection ofYouk.
Prosecutors had asked Cooper to bar potentially emotional
testimony about how Youk of Waterford Township suffered
from Lou Gehrig's disease. Family members have said Youk
had become confined to a wheelchair, was fed through a tube
in his stomach and had little movement in his arms and
In the 19-page written ruling, Cooper also denied defense
motions to toss out the assisted suicide and murder charges.

She agreed with prosecutors that Kevorkian's actions in
Youk's death started as a planned assisted suicide and gradu-
ated to active euthanasia.
But Cooper also said the assisted suicide statuW
requires prosecutors to show Youk intended to kill himself,
and doing so would naturally bring up testimony about
Youk's suffering.
"However," she wrote, "it is irrelevant to the defense to
murder in the first degree where defendant asserts that his
intent to relieve pain and suffering is by way of a lethal injec-
In all of Kevorkian's four previous felony trials - none
ending with a conviction - Kevorkian's lawyers presented
evidence about the pain and suffering of the people who died
with his help.
One observer considered Tuesday's ruling a victory
"Every time the jury gets to hear about pain and suffering,
that helps Kevorkian," Errol Shifman, a former assistant
Oakland County prosecutor who unsuccessfully tried to con-
vict Kevorkian, told the Detroit Free Press for a story yester-
Shifman, a Court TV commentator on the Kevorkian
case, predicts jurors will have a difficult time ignoring
testimony about pain and suffering when they consider
the murder count, even if the judge instructs them to
Such instruction, he said, would be "ridiculous because it's
already in their heads."

The UMArts Coordinator, UMArts Advisory Board and
Michigan League Programming present
March 25-28, 1999
University of Michigan
If you've got culture, have we got a party for you!
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at the Michigan League Ballroom Friday, March 26
Free admission with proof of attendance at an arts event.*
*For details and a calendar of events check out our web page at
http://www.umich.edu/ ,-oarts

WASHINGTON (AP) - Michigan legislation
real estate broker Barbara Plecas was of rights"
stuck in an airplane on the runway at tion has o
Detroit Metropolitan Airport for about of the bil
seven hours during a monster January emergenc
snowstorm. get passen
Plecas told a House hearing yester- runway.
day that during the last two hours the Rep. Bu
situation became critical on Northwest the Transp
Flight 479 because the bathrooms were is "enormo
broken from overuse and there was no passenger
food or water. treated" by
"Passengers who needed to take their Rep. Ja
medication food and water were in a passenger
panic," she told lawmakers on the avia- point" w
tion subcommittee of the House's "Perhaps 1
Transportation and Infrastructure Detroit wa
Committee. Compl
Plecas said when she flies, she under- sengers w
stands "I give up my right to fly the than the y
plane and to be drunk and disorderly, Transporta
but not my right to use the lavatory." "We ha
House lawmakers held the hearing to Shuster sa
consider legislation that would spell out airline ind
what kind of compensation and rights Two oth
passengers should be guaranteed when fied befoi
flights are delayed for hours or baggage two Mary
is lost. ror stories
Several lawmakers have introduced prisonersc

vent anger at airlines

n outlining a passenger "bill
and the Clinton administra-
offered its own version. Some
lls require airlines to file an
y plan on how they would
ngers off planes stuck on the
ud Shuster (R-Pa.) the chair of
ortation Committee, said there
ous antagonism on the part of
s about the way they are being
y airlines.
mes Oberstar (D-Minn.) said
rs had reached "a boiling
with the airline industry.
the tragedy of Northwest and
as a trigger," Oberstar said.
aints per 100,000 airline pas-
as 26 percent higher in 1998
year before, according to the
ation Department.
ve struck a raw nerve here,"
aid. "I hope my friends in the
dustry realize this is serious."
her Michigan residents testi-
re the committee, along with
land residents. Most told hor-
s about being held as virtual
on airplanes.

AP Photo
Vice President Al Gore announces the Airline Passenger Fair Treatment Initiative
yesterday at the Old Executive Office Building in Washington, D.C.

Moon Church profits from guns

The Washington Post
With parts of its sprawling business
empire in decline, the Unification
Church headed by the Rev. Sun Myung
Moon is finding profits in one 'of the
least-known of its commercial ventures:
making guns.
Moon's four-year-old gun company,
Kahr Arms, has prospered amid glow-
ing reviews for the workmanship of its
small, potent pistols. Last month, Kahr
Arms expanded, purchasing the compa-
ny that manufactures Tommy guns,
fabled in Roaring '20s mob shoot-outs
from speeding black sedans.
The ties between Kahr Arms and the

Unification Church headed by Moon
have received almost no notice, both
within the close-knit gun industry and
among church members. The business
arm of the church, whose members
believe that Moon is the Messiah and
was placed on earth to restore the
Garden of Eden, declined to clarify its
involvement in the gun business.
One ex-member said that for years
church leaders have tried to obscure the
movement's involvement with Kahr
Arms. "They were afraid if anti-cult
groups found out, they'd have a field
day," the former member said.
An examination of corporate records'

and interviews with experts on the Moon
empire show the links between the
church's business network and Ka
Arms. Kahr, whose factory is in
Worcester, Mass., is controlled by Kook
Jin "Justin" Moon, Moon's fourth son
and slated to be second-in-command of
the multibillion-dollar Moon empire
when the father dies. Justin Moon and his
siblings are revered by church members
as the Messiah's "True Children."
Former members and gun industry crit-
ics perceive a contradiction between the
church's teachings and its corporate
involvement in weapons promoted *
their concealability and lethality.




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