WE1 tti Weahehr UUW Today: Mostly cloudy. High 33. Low 19. Tomorrow: Cloudy. High 31. Low 12. One hundred ei'ht years o f editorzilfreedom Wednesday March 10, 1999 I --- ------ -------- ------- - - G I to walk out, picket today Protest begins, talks continue By Nick Faizone Daily Staff Reporter Os many professors and graduate student instructors have canceled their lectures and discussion sections to support of the -Graduate Employees Organization, one question res- onates in the minds of many University members: How will undergraduates react to GEO's walkout? Yesterday, less than 12 hours before GEO was sched- uled to begin its walkout to demonstrate dissatisfaction with its current contract with the University, members of the organization met with undergraduates to discuss this and other concerns students had about their roles in the action. EO Chief Negotiator Eric Odier-Fink said he hopes today's walkout - which is scheduled to run from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. - will be powerful enough to make the University move from its current position in contract negotiations and prevent a more severe job action. "If (today's walkout) looks good, we won't have to go on strike," Odier-Fink said, adding that that is the optimum solu- tion for the organization. GEO members encouraged undergraduates not to cross the picket lines by entering University buildings or going to classes at a forum last night in Angell Hall. But ie GEO advocates went further, asking students to j them in the protest for a better contract. "All undergraduates need to be out on the picket lines," GEO undergraduate outreach organizer Tiffany Bloom said. "Supporting GEO will get you the education that you carne to the University of Michigan for." GEO steering committee member Rob Penney said he rec- ognized that many students become stressed when faced with a walkout. "In terms of undergraduates, it does suck for you that you're going to have to face this burden," Penney said, adding that students should not feel they are powerless to make a change in GEO's current contract negotiations. "You can do things to make (these unfair actions) stop by making noise to the University and having your parents make noise, telling them this is an unacceptable situation," Penney said. Odier-Fink recommended that students e-mail their profes- sors who are holding classes today and tomorrow and tell them how they feel about GEO's current situation. "You should tell them, 'I'm not coming in and you should- n't either,"' Odier-Fink said. "This might motivate your pro- fessor to cancel class" consequently supporting GEO. LSA sophomore Julie Fry said she e-mailed her professor, asking him not to cross the picket lines. Fry said the next time her professor held lecture, he allowed the class to vote on whether to cancel class for the walkout. See WALKOUT, Page 7 Protest similar to 9 action By Asma Rafeeq Daily Staff Reporter Cold, snowy weather will greet picketers outside many University buildings today just as it did three years ago - the last time members of the Graduate Employees Organization walked off their jobs to oppose what the organization describes as the University's inability to accept its contract proposals. The picket lines may be a familiar sight for some University students, faculty and staff who remember the April 1996 protest, when more than 600 GEO members and their supporters staged a two-day walkout. Then, as now, disagreement over graduate student instruc- tor contract negotiations led to the public display of protest. And in both walkouts, a wage increase for GSIs was one of several core issues. "The day kind of moved on," said GEO President and Rackham student Eric Dirnbach of the 1996 walkout. Dirnbach, a biophysics graduate student research assistant, remembered chanting, singing and keeping warm with coffee during the 1996 walkout. Picketers weren't yelling or force- fully blocking doors, he said. "The whole atmosphere on campus was different - it was See HISTORY, Page 7 GEO Chief Negotiator Eric Odier-Fink answers questions about the GEO salary bargainings at Angell Hall last night. Bollinger to address education committee By Nick Bunkley Daily Staff Reporter University President Lee Bollinger plans to make a presentation today at the state capitol in an effort to ensure that the University gets its fair share of fiing from the state this year. day's hearing will conclude a series of presentations by the presidents of Michigan's 15 public universities to the House Appropriations Higher Educationr Subcommittee, as the process of ham- moring out the higher education portion of the fiscal year 2000 budget prepares to enter its next stage. Bollinger will be one of six presen- ters in a group that includes the presi- s of Eastern Michigan University, igan State University and three others. Rep. A.T. Frank (D-Saginaw Twp.), one of seven members on the commit- tee, said Gov. John Engler's budget rec- g" ommendation uses what some consider a "faulty funding mechanism" to dis- tribute state funds Budget proposal among Michigans I ublic universities. Engler's propos- al involves grouping universities into four tiers to determine the amount of per-student funding given to each. Frank said the proposal has been a source of much discussion and confu- sion among legislators and university administrators alike. "The university officials are trying to understand the new method of fund- ii' Frank said. By hearing from the university pres- idents first-hand, members of the com- mittee, headed by Rep. Sandy Caul (R- Mt. Pleasant), can decide for them- selves how funds can best be put to use, said Matt Sweeney, Caul's legislative aide. "It's very important that when they pass the budget they do so with the approval of the universities," Sweeney said. *'eeney said the nine university presidents who already have made pre- sentations have shown varying degrees of support for Engler's proposed method of funding. "It's been a mixed response," Sweeney said. But "for the most part, the universities as a whole that we've heard testify so far believe it's time for a change." ank said the proposed funding MW od would not benefit the University of Michigan as much as other state schools, adding that he wel- comes the opportunity to thoroughly discuss aspects of the budget with uni- versity presidents. "The University of Michigan is not Double vision I PASSING THE JUG ,9 Local eatery to have new owners By Nika Schulte Daily Staff Reporter For Music senior Heather Thompson, the dim lighting and dec- orative memorabilia of The Brown Jug remind her of some of her best days on campus. Thompson said she recalls sitting at the restaurant- for- hours at a time simply because she loved the atmosphere. "It was relaxed," Thompson said. "Everybody talked to each other." Soon the quaint eatery and campus hangout will be passing on its 60 years of tradition to new owners and with that, a few changes will be made. But the restaurant's buyers maintain that the Brown Jug will not lose the appeal that has made it a campus sta- ple for years. Part of the South University Avenue restaurant's appeal stems from its roots. It was named for the prized brown jug that has become a Michigan foot- ball tradition, awarded each year to the winner of the Michigan vs. University of Minnesota gridiron game. "A big part of choosing successors is choosing somebody that knows about the tradition and who will carry it on," said Jim Paron, who, with his family, has owned the restaurant for 40 years. Paron said handing over the restau- rant to local restaurant owner Perry Porikos and his partners, including ABOVE: LSA sophomore Julie Cohen, LSA junior Jeff Bershad and LSA senior Cagla Ozden enjoy a slice of pizza at the Brown Jug yesterday. LEFT:The Brown Jug on South University Avenue has been owned by the Paron family for 40 years. DANA LINNANE/Datly friend Demos Panos, is like keeping the business in the family because they "think a lot alike. "Perry has worked at the Brown Jug," Paron said. "He appreciates the tradition and the comfortable atmos- phere." While Porikos contends that the tra- dition will continue, he said there will be a few changes made to the restau- rant during the summer. This May, following the comple- tion of the winter term, Porikos plans to close the restaurant for minor ren- ovations. He said he hopes the changes will be completed in time to reopen for the Ann Arbor Art Fair in July. Although Porikos said he wants to surprise students and faculty with ren- ovation details, he said he plans to "clean the place up a bit" by adding new seats, a new bar and new equip- ment. Porikos said he plans to spruce up the menu as well. "We're going to keep the special- ties," Porikos said, explaining that the spinach pie, kabobs, chopped sirloin See JUG, Page 2 The Image of Jerry Pace and Lance Brown clearing off the steps is reflected in a window at the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Ubrary yesterday. Ann Arbor received nearly three inches of snow in yesterday's storm. Friends gather to remember LSA senior Students try to cope with loss and attempt to understand what may have led to murder By Marta Brill Daily Staff Reporter Struggling to make sense of the tragic murder suicide and remembering their friend's energetic spirit, students and faculty members who knew LSA senior Natasha Qureshi gathered in a circle last night in room 232D of West Hall. "It's a chance to support one another," women's studies Prof. Beth Hackett said. "People are sad- dened, confused and shocked." Hackett added that the gathering, sponsored by the women's studies department, was an opportu- nity for people who knew Qureshi to "make Groesbeck, a recent University ,raduate, were found dead Friday afternoon at Groesbeck's East Kingsley Street apartment. According to Ann Arbor Police Department >fficials, Qureshi sliced her . wrists before shooting 3roesbeck three times. She then pointed the gun at her head and shot herself. Qureshi Those at the gathering questioned if Qureshi may iave given some sign or indication they should have recognized. Many students recounted how well Qureshi hid ier emotional turmoil underneath a meticulous ppearance. They said this was consistent with the staff at SAFEHouse where she volunteered said they experienced great shock when they heard about Qureshi's death. "The initial reaction was that she does not seem the type. But that brings up the question of who is the type," said LSA first-year student Nonye Ukawuba, one of Qureshi's classmates. "She had a lot going for her. She was smart and pretty." LSA first-year student Danielle Wroblewski said she could not imagine the Qureshi she knew in the horrific scenario that resulted in her death. Wroblewski said the image Qureshi possessed of a bright, petite and well-dressed student "does- n't match up" with the image of a desperate woman involved in Friday's alleged murder sui- cide. Qureshi was described repeatedly as lively, "She seemed so together, so bubbly, energetic," Wroblewski said. "Once I walked into class and overheard her telling a story. I remember the ani- mation in her voice. She had an aura of with-it and together." People at the gathering also reflected on dis- cussions they had with Qureshi regarding her rela- tionship with Groesbeck prior to her death. They remembered those conversations, wondering if they should have detected the seriousness of the situation in Qureshi's spoken words. Ukawuba and other members of Qureshi's Spanish class said they disregarded her comments as typical feelings of sadness when she mentioned the break-up before class one day. A counselor at the gathering last night said a person cannot always assume something tragic and catastrophic will occur, explaining that assump- a A I