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March 09, 1999 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-03-09

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4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 1, 1999

(Thle firtichIrlt'-n Edda,

A post-spring break study break -for women only

420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, M1 48109
Edited and managed by
students at the
University of Michigan

Editor in Chief
Editorial Page Editors

Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the
Daily s editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect
the opinion of The Michigan Daily.

Bye bye, Mo
Hartford leaves legacy of student oppression

S o spring break is over and we're back to
the grind - endless assignments, pur-
poseless papers and manic midterm cram-
ming sessions. While Angell Hall is yet to be
ridiculously crowded, not to mention ridicu-
lously dysfunctional, especially with the new
arrivals of the less than
stellar iMacs, in only a
few short weeks<
hoards of procrastinat-
ing pupils will be at
Angell. So what are
we to do when in need
of a study break?
There's nothing at
Angell - no food,
except for the vending
machines that always
seem to be out of Diet Sarah
Coke, which could be Lockyer
a plot from the far lefta
to ... never mind; nooade
distractions, except for
the scary crowd of the same students that
seems to habitat Angell during the late
night/early morning hours; and no atmos-
phere, Angell is like a giant black hole that is
void of all things, it has no personality.
But for about half of the population here at
the University, there is a place of refuge in the
void that is Angell Hall - the women's bath-
room. This less than sanitary sorority of
porcelain pledges offers entertainment that is
hard to find elsewhere. For the female stu-
dents who have yet to find the wonder of the
women's room, and the poor men who cannot
under penalty of law (and wrath of SAPAC)
check out the walls of the women's bathroom,
a glimpse into the underworld of social dis-
course among female students at the
University will finally be aired. After moving
from stall to stall, reading and recording, with
notebook in hand, the many diverse and pro-
fane discussions written on the walls (and
receiving many puzzled looks along the way),
one argument stood above the rest - and

When Meredith College welcomed
Maureen Hartford as its seventh pres-
ident last week, the campus community saw a
new era approaching. An experienced univer-
sity administrator, Hartford represents a step
into the next millennium for the small all-
female college in Raleigh, North Carolina.
One naive student claimed Hartford's
appointment was one of the "coolest"
moments of her life. But the students were
most likely unaware of Hartford's involve-
mient in drafting the most recent Code of
Student Conduct, an oppressive document
that violates students' constitutional rights.
Under a veil of bureaucracy and secrecy,
Hartford was instrumental in molding this
dangerous process.
Hartford, who currently serves as the
University of Michigan's vice president for
Student Affairs, has been a key player in
many initiatives affecting students since
1992, when she began her job at the
University. The Division of Student Affairs,
which she heads, oversees many important
campus departments, including Housing,
University Health Services, Sexual Assault
Prevention and Awareness Center, the office
of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Affairs and the student unions. The division
has about 1,300 employees and a $100 mil-
lion budget.
One office that is tucked into the Division
of Student Affairs is the Office of Student
Conflict Resolution. Compared to depart-
ments such as Housing and the student unions,
it employs relatively few people and occupies
less space. But it is an office that potentially
threatens the rights of every student.
OSCR supervises the Code of Student
(onduct's implementation. It organizes Code
hearings, which have many dangerous flaws.
The Code's jurisdiction is loosely defined and
can be applied to almost any violation of state
or federal law. The Code process is closed to
the University community, often resulting in
U.S. handled Italy a
When a U.S. military aircraft on a
training mission sliced through a ski
gondola cable in Italy, killing 20 people,
many people around the world were
shocked. And last Thursday's acquittal of
the aircraft's pilot, Capt. Richard Ashby, on
involuntary manslaughter charges infuriat-
ed people within the United States as well
as the global community. The United States,
often trying to maintain and promote rela-
tions with countries around the world, has
made a serious mistake that does not hold
Ashby accountable for his actions.
While many of the case's specific
details are still being debated, it was unac-
ceptable for a military jury to acquit
Ashby, who was flying a training mission
something that should not have posed a
threat. Ashby's acquittal from a U.S. mili-
tary jury appears unjust, especially when
his actions occurred overseas in Italy.
Given the horrible result of his actions, the
verdict is shocking.
Ashby's defense claimed that the equip-
ment in his aircraft's cockpit was a major
factor in the tragedy. But regardless of

instrumentation, he should have realized he
was flying through a ski resort at a low alti-
tude and taken the proper safety precautions

clandestine meetings of University officials
that determine the ultimate outcome.
In the current draft of the Code, Hartford
and Dean of Students Royster Harper play a
major role in determining the outcome of
Code cases. After arbitration, Harper reviews
the decision and can either accept or modify
the arbiters' recommended penalties. The
accused student may appeal Harper's deci-
sion to an appeals board. Hartford, however,
has the power to change the recommendation
of the appeals board. Because two University
officials -- Harper and Hartford - have a
large say in the outcomes, the democratic
principles of the U.S. judicial system are
absent in the Code process.
Hartford claims that students were the pri-
mary authors of the 1992 and 1995 drafts of
the Code. But it is unrealistic to think that the
head of the division that oversees the Code
did not play a major role in the evolution of
the sloppy process.
During her seven years at the University,
Hartford has led the Division of Student
Affairs in many positive directions. She over-
saw the development of the program on
Intergroup Relations, Conflict and
Community, which helps the campus com-
munity confront issues such as racism and
homophobia through dialogue.
Hartford helped establish the Center for
Community Service through Learning, a
department that promotes volunteerism. But
it is impossible to separate Hartford from the
Code process, which is an incredible viola-
tion of students' rights. Hopefully, she will
not institute a similarly oppressive process at
Meredith College.
It will be in the best interests of the
University community, especially the stu-
dents, for Hartford's successor to have a bet-
ter understanding of the rights guaranteed in
the U.S. Constitution. The new vice president
for student affairs must be more sympathetic
to students' rights.
ir crash improperly
- such as increasing his altitude and
decreasing his speed. As a result of this
lapse of common sense, the decision is dif-
ficult to justify.
Currently many U.S. troops are deployed
around the world to help promote world
peace. Such an incident sets a bad prece-
dent - that U.S. troops may not necessari-
ly be accountable for their actions while
deployed overseas.
The U.S. government needs to prevent
such incidents from happening in the
future. While the Pentagon's announcement
last week that aircraft flying in the region
must maintain an altitude of at least 2,000
feet is a positive step, the military jury
appears to have looked after one of its own.
This sends a potentially dangerous message
to military personnel.
When U.S. troops are deployed overseas,
they have the obligation to behave responsi-
bly, and must be held accountable when
they do not.
The United States should not duck
responsibility for the incident. It is time for
the U.S. government to rectify its actions

overseas to prevent such incidents from
occurring. The verdict leaves many people
still searching for justice.

wouldn't you know it - premarital sex.
. Question posed: What moral arguments do
you women out there have about when it
comes to having premarital sex? I'm not talk-
ing about STDs or pregnancy. First, you have
to just love the forum that was chosen by this
woman for this kind of discussion - it's a
Second, let's talk about sex baby, let's talk
about you and me, but let's talk about only the
good things and not the bad things sex can be,
let's talk about sex. But anyway, on to the best
part - the responses.
Response no. 1: Premarital sex isjustfine.
As long as you are doing it for the right rea-
sons - Your pleasure, to strengthen a Mutual
bond, to grow (in any way). Just don 't ever do
it for someone else.
Response to response no. 1: Why? You
can 't find pleasure in anything else? When
you have sex it should be open to life. Have
you ever thought about that? You tell her girl-
friend! When people get pregnant they say,
oh... the condom broke, etc... it wasn't
planned... Well, ifyou 're having sex, you must
be married because sex is life giving and any-
thing else is just sinful. Everything other than
married sex is sinful! SH**!
And marriage and love does last forever
Tell that to the 50-plus percentile of divorcees.
But if you abuse it with sex then you let evil
into your life before your marriage begins.
Sex means you are one inside marriage, out-
side you are just being an animal. This girl
means business.
Response to response to response no. 1:
Yes, but you are making the choices in your
Response to response to response to
response no. one (you see how confusing a
bathroom discussions can be): Not if you are
raped. Whoa, now here's a tangent that could
be interesting. Rape is definitely not your
choice and canf*ck up your life. Fight against
sexism, sexual harassment and rape for a bet-
ter quality of life for all women! Yes, but

weren't we discussing the ethics of premarital
sex? It's amazing how people can work their
agendas into anything.
Response no. 2: 1 dont think premarital sex
is okay at all. First of all, why would you want
to have sex with someone when you aren 't
completely sure that you'll be spending the
rest of your life with them? 1 think that mar-
riage is a strong commitment and the only
person I plan to have sex with is my husband.
Plus, I'm a devoted. Christian and the Bible
says no sex before marriage. Plus, I'm a
devoted Republican and we're not supposed
to do those prurient things.
Response to response no. 2: Idiot.
Marriage is just a piece of paper; anyway.
People still get cheated on after marriage. It's
the emotional conmitment you should be
uvrried about.
From here, comments about the Bible, slav-
ery and sexual test drives were all scrolled
across the sticky walls ofAngell Hall.A fruit-
ful discussion that ended with what I assume
to be the original instigator scrolling a hardly
noticeable "Thank you for the responses."
But while some responses were ugly and
mean, they will soon be invisible and clean.
For the University sees it necessary to erase
this place of feeling, painting over the walls
every week, yet finding new images to keep
them reeling. It really is a silly fight, students
and administrators showing their might. Who
knows, maybe this sex talk helped the young
woman think and possibly even balk. What
real harm could this be, this distraction in
Angell Hall, is a little ink really going to hurt
a stall?
These discussions are quite funny, and
you'd think we deserve some entertainment
for our money. So, to the janitorial staff and
Administrators, here's a little something to
humorize this sh**, taken right from the
stalls, as if offered as a tip, leave the fast
sausage to the mothership!
- Sarah Lockyer can be reached over
e-mail at slockyer(&umich.edu.



DAAP calls on students to support GEO walkout
The Defend Affirmative Action Party of The refusal of the administration to agree to crimination clause were key iss
he Michigan Student Assembly calls on all the just demands of the GEO betray where its 1975 GEO strike. The second BL
ndergraduates, professors and campus work- priorities lie. Movement (BAM 11) at the
rs to support the Graduate Employees The administration tries to squeeze every occurred simultaneously with the
)rganization walkout and strike. The fight of dollar it can out of students - from continu- strike. Hundreds of black and oth
he GEO is everyone's fight - we demand a al tuition increases past the rate of inflation students occupied the administrati
uality education, teaching and learning as a and exorbitant housing and food costs, down on the eighth day of the strike. Ir
irst priority, equality and a commitment to to making us pay for printing at University student action, and specifically stu
ighting racism and sexism and respect. computing sites. The administration has have been and remain the stronger
The GEO is fighting for contractually refused to grant GSIs the necessary pay dents have in the fight against raci
uaranteed paid training for international increase that would free many GSIs from hav- struggle to improve both the qualit
Iraduate Student Instructors, fair calculation ing to work second jobs in addition to teach- tion and to expand access to educ
)f hours worked and an increase in wages so ing sections and being full-time students. The levels.
hat no GSI has to work a second job to afford overextension of GSIs has a negative impact The administration's current
o live. on undergraduate and graduate education. In grant the GEO affirmative acti(
The GEO is also trying to win a paid grad- addition, the lack of a living wage for GSIs betrays administrative hypocri
ate student position to deal with inequity in functions to keep access to graduate school mouthing commitment to "dive
he administration's hiring policies for GSIs. weighted in favor of more elite, upper- and administration refuses to take re
hese demands are critical to improving the middle-class students. The necessary pay combat inequity in its own hiring
uality of education both undergraduate and increase would cost the administration a neg- Especially now, when the Univer
raduate students receive, and to improving ligible part of its $2.4 billion budget - $50 mative action policies are under
ccess to high quality public education. million of which was brought in by the work must not permit the administratio
The purpose of a university should be the done by GSIs. on issues of affirmative action an
ursuit of education and human knowledge. A Minority students, and all students who against racism and sexism. A vict
iniversity should be focused on making intel- have been participants in the movement to GEO will advance the fight to de
ectual and practical contributions to the soci- defend affirmative action must unite with the mative action and the fight for h
ty of which it is a part. The purpose of a uni- GEO, which historically supports affirmative education at the University.
'ersity should not be the pursuit of profit and action at the University. -- Written by DAAP memo
he constriction of access to higher education. Affirmative action and winning a non-dis- Curtin, Erika Dowdell and Mwan

ues in the
ack Action
1975 CEO
er minority
on building
dent strikes
st tools stu-
ism and the
y of educa-
cation at all
refusal to
on demand
sy. While
ersity," the
al steps to
g practices.
sity's affir-
attack, we
n to retreat
nd the fight
tory for the
efend affir-
igh quality
bers Jessica
aisha Sims.




yJ A. I ' V LL. YA SP .I- .


Article omitted
MAC members

As a member of the University's
College Bowl team, I am happy to see that
the Daily is covering an activity to which a
number of University students devote a
great deal of time and energy. We sincerely
appreciate any exposure and encourage-
ment that the University community pro-
vides us.
Unfortunately, the Daily's Feb. 25 article,
"College Bowl team looks for champi-
onship' omitted mention of a vital team
member. Ravin Garg has been a mainstay of
our team and deserves recognition for his skill
and leadership. Garg is also the only player
remaining from the University's 1996 World
Championship team and is one of the premier
players in the nation. It is rather ironic that an
article about our team's championship hopes
would neglect to mention a player so pivotal
to our chances for success.
Additionally, Steve Traicoff and Michelle
Lalonde deserve recognition. Traicoff was
our team's alternate and played admirably
when called upon, while Lalonde - also a
member of the 1996 World Championship
squad - has provided our team with invalu-
able guidance as our coach. The contributions
of each of these individuals are essential for
Michigan to defend its national title.
'U"s flaws tarnish
top-notch image

dents in classes designed no
edge, but to "separate the m
Most majors come compl
ments for one or more o
classes. Complaints of G
speak English, or unfair gra
individual GSI's guidelines
that people dismiss them, c
occurrences are just "the,
University. That's not wha
from one of the best school
Many professors seem t
University not because ofth
municate with students or
well, but because of resea
ducting. While it may be
taught by world-renown(
important mathematical res
n't matter how smart some
communicate with students
the understanding that, bef
Michigan is a research w
U.S. News and World F

t to impart knowl- Accurso's Feb. 22 letter, "Second
en from the boys." Amendment has been severely misinterpret-
ete with require- ed.' Accurso compared someone deliberately
f these "weeder" shooting someone else with car accidents
SI's who cannot when he was calling for lawsuits against
ading based on an firearms manufacturers because they provide
s are so common the means for killing, whereas car accidents
laiming that these are just accidents. Let's compare apples to
way it is" at the apples. If someone runs over your sister with
t I would expect a car on purpose, would you sue the car man-
s in the country. ufacturer for providing a means to kill?
:o have jobs at the Accurso said guns were not needed in our
eir ability to com- civilized society. We don't live in a civilized
to teach a class society. As long as we have to worry about
rch they are con- being attacked, beaten, robbed, raped and
an honor to be killed for no other reason than walking alone
ed historians or at night, we don't live in a civilized society.
searchers, it does- Using guns for defense of self and loved ones
one is if they can't will always be a fact of life whether it is the
. This leads me to police riding around the streets, U.S. soldiers
ore anything else, in another country fighting for us, or a
niversity. Perhaps woman walking to her car in the parking
Report considers garage after work.

PHONE: 764-6270
E-MAl: leecbol@umich.edu.

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