6A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, February 25, 1999 I I BDRM. FOR RENT in 3 bdrm. home. Familysituation. $350incl.all. 665-3261. 1 BDRM.- PROFESSIONAL & grad. bldg. vaulted ceilings, bay windows, spacious, dwshr., A/C. Call CMB 741-9300. 1-2 FEMALES NEEDED to share 1 bdrm. in a 2 bdrm. apt. For the Fall on South U. and S. Forest. $300-$450. Call 997-0952. 1014 CHURCH- Modern, fum. Studio w/ balcony for 1 person $625; tri-level Townhouse w/ courtyards for 3 persons $1025-$1150. Futon, track lighting, dishwasher, central a/c, prkg. & Idry. Sept. leases, 663-7444. AVAILABLE NOW! 1320S. University 2 bdrm. 761-8000. AVAILABLE MAY, AUG., SEPT. 99: Near Med. Ctr. Cmps. Modem 1 & 2 bdrm. apts. Prkg. A/C, Ldry., Balc., Furn. 800 Fuller. 769-7520. KERRY TOWN 2, 3, & 4 bdrm. apt. in a completely renovated, historic house. Also large 2 bdrm. apt. in a remodeled bldg. SOUTH QUAD AREA I & 2 bdrm. apt. New kitchs., furn., & carpet. Heat, water, prkg., Idry. Call 973-7368. LARGE FURNISHED 2 bdrm. apt. on S. State, 5 Min. to Michigan Union. Avail. Fall lease. Heat & water incl., 2-sink bath, Intercom/sec. buzzer, New appliance, Balc., A/C, Prkg., Ldry., for 2 $850-1000, for 3-4 $975-1200, No smkg/no pets. Call 734-996- 3539, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. STOP WASTING YOUR TIME ... driving to the ideal location in town. MOVE THERE! PARK PLACE & HILLCREST now preleasing for fall!! Call now (734) 761- 1897. Students on the (oQq we have the perfect location for Fall 99. One efficiency left with all utilities paid. Across from the Pizza House. 668-1100. SUMMER STUDIO FURNISHED with cable, parking, laundry facilities, heat and- water included. 630 Packard #1. 996-3751. TWO BDRM. @ 910 Packard. Furn. & orkg.. 327-9915 or 769-7025. A FUN JOB! FOR STUDENTS/OTHERS $12.15 to start No experience required Must be neat and articulate PT now/FT after finals Will secure summer position S.cholarship/Internships availably. CALL M-W 10-7 (734) 971-6122 .- * *************PARKING!************* On campus parking! Special rates! 665-8825. 1986 OLDS MOBILE stationwagon. 4 cylinder $850. Call 662-1144 any time. KENWOOD STEREO Receiver, brand new. $100. KLH 6 speaker theater system, brand new. $125. 332-8928. MACEXCHANGE, Your Macintosh specialist for sales & service. Complete Power Mac systems from $649. 1739 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 482-0739. ON-SITE AUCTIONS Prop. #1065 Grand & Spacious Home Close to University Sat., Mar. 6 * 3 PM 1942 Cambridge, Ann Arbor Insp: Feb.27 * 1-3 PM 800-272-6094, www.bippusco.com Bippus & Company, Inc. PARKING AVAILABLE Central Campus Call 668-1100. POST CARDS, T SHIRTS, Bumper Stickers. Cassettes, Tiles! Jake Woods,1506 Broadway #B7, Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Or send to P.O. Box 4261 Ann Arbor, MI 48404. www.shakingiake.com BIG SHOW!!! PRIMESTAR MINI SATELLITE system no equipment to purchase. $49 install. Best price ever. 1-800-459-7357. 12 month leases also available. "The highest quality apartments and service for the most affordable price" Walk to classes Studio, 1,2 and 3 bedroom apartments, swimming pool, game & exercise rooms, study lounge, laundry facilities, lobby attendant, 24 hour maintenance. BEST APARTMENT FOR Fall 99! Close to campus! 702 Tappan, 1 bdrm., $795. 734- 930-9999 or 248-332-4444. Best Location in Town. Just built 2 bedroom apt., great for 2-4 people. May Lease 668-1100. BY BUS. SCHOOL - Lovely furnished rooms with kitchen, ldry., and parking $400- 500/mo. 1012 Hill & 820 Hill. 665-5620. CENTRAL CAMPUS FALL '99. Bi-level I bdrm. apts. near B and Law Schools. Fum., Idry., prkg. 663-3050. EFF. 1 BDRM., 2 BDRM. apts. for lease at Packard and Elm Streets. 747-6895. EFFICIENCIES 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS Fall leasing. Call Cappo Management 668- 2817. EFFICIENCY, 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms apts. still available at 211/213 N. Main, 401 Hamilton, 1303 Wilmot, 1602 Packard & 502 N. State. Call PMSI 665-5552. ' FALL - 2 BDRM. 316 N. State, furn., dwshr., disposal, Idry., prkg., quiet hse., exc. condition. All util. provided. $920.,662-7121. FALL 1999 Modern, furnished, two bedroom apartments in two locations both near central campus. Recently furnished, heat and water included. On-site parking space, laundry room, and storage lockers. Just north of Rackham Hall, and close to North Campus bus stop. From $870-going fast! Call 663-4101 to arrange showing. FALL 1999! Fully furnished efficiency, studio, and one and two bedroom apartments available with many great features and professional service. Heat, hot and cold water provided. Call Wilson White Company, Inc. for more information and an appointment to view. 734-995-9200. Equal Housing Opportunity. 1 BDRM. & PRKG. avail. in 6 bdrm. hse. Mar.-Aug. $367/mo. + util. Megan 663-7277. 1-5 BDRM IN LARGE furnished house May-Aug, ldry, dwshr, some prkg, GREAT LOCATION. 623-9908. 2 DELUXE 1 BDRM. apts. Prime location, near East Quad, furnished. Spring/Summer sublet. $400 each. 997-9559/623-0851. 415 BENJAMIN- Modern, furn. 2 bdrm. For 2 persons, $450; Futon, track lighting, dishwasher, a/c, parking & laundry. May - Aug. lease, 663-3070. http://members.aol.com/htaam/benjamin AVAIL. MAY. 4 large bdrm apt. on Hill street. Perfect for 4 to 5 people, good location, prkg, price negotiable. 623-0420. GREAT APT. for summer 1021 Vaughn. Fully fum., 2 bdrm., I bath. Call 741-9685. STUDIO APT. AVAIL. May. Great location, Huron & Thayer. Partially furn., Idry., price neg. 769-8341. SUBLETTER WANTED ASAP to share 2 bdrm. apt. on E. Univ. Call 810-731-7333. WE GOT WHAT YOU WANT!!! Seven rooms available in spacious, furnished house. 3 bathroom, lots of prkg., ldry., dwshr. $300/room or best offer. Call 327-7474. ADULT INTERNET company in sear f models. Experience NOT necessary. Great Pay & Great Mgt. Please call 1-888-844- 9810 for more info. AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! Make $5,000-10,000 monthly or more! P/T and F/T reps needed. Call toll free 1-888-718-9255. ANN ARBOR'S BIGGEST sports bar is now hiring Waitstaff & Floormen -- Flexible hours -- hardworking -- punctual applicants. Apply today @ Scorekeepers across from Borders. ARRIBA NOW HIRING Full or patde hosts, bussers, cooks, and prep cooks. not required. Call for info. 662-8485. ATHLETIC GUY NEEDED for lifedrawing by established artist. Part time $15/hr. Call 761-4433 9 to 6 leave message. ATTENDANTS University of Michigan Medical Center's valet parking contractor is now seeking energetic, positive, happy people for various part time positions as valet attendants. If you can drive a stick shift, enjoy exercise and meeting friendly people, then you quali to earn $6-$10/hr. Please call 734-267-01*r 734-936-6641 for an appointment. LEASE NOW FOR FALL!! '86 HONDA ACCORD LX 169,614 mi., 5- speed, $750 o.b.o. 973-0210 IBM COMPUTERS for sale. Pentium, lap tops. Call 913-9649. 7 BDRM. HSE. 2.5 baths, new kitchen, new bath, living rm., full basement, washer/dryer, parking, $2730/mo. 606 Catherine. Call 213-1615. !!! MAY LEASES AVAIL. 2 bedroom Bi- level apartments. 1100 sq. ft. I 1/2 bath, microwave, dishwasher, A/C, laundry. Great location. 741-9300. !!!GRAD STUDENT ALERT!!! Old West Side. 1 and 2 bedrooms, fully furnished. MUST SEE for Fall '99. 663-6906. !!!Victorian Home!!! Unique I and 2 bedroom apartments. Hardwood floors, skylights, high ceilings, near Business/Law Schools. Unfurnished. 741-9300 www.cmbmgmt.com $$$ ECONOMY MINDED Students $$$ Immediate Occupancy. 2 bedrooms on the Old West Side. Furnished and parking. 668- 6906. I BDRM. @ 1026 Vaughn. Fum. & prkg. A/C. 994-7776 or 769-7025. I Mon.-Fri. 10-8p.m. Sat. & Sun. 12-5 116 N. STATE, 1 BDRM. for 1-2, prkg., Idry., $660-730. 913-1060. 17 Contemporary locations to choose from. Studios to 3 bedrooms still available. May and September leases. (734) 741-9300. www.cmbmgmt.com 3 BDRM. FALL. 526 S. Fifth Ave. Furn. 2 baths, dwshr. disposal, Idry., prkg., quiet hse., exc. condition, $1275. 662-7121. 6 BEDROOM HOUSES remodeled, spacious, parking, great location and clean. Available Fall 1999. Call 994-3907. 915 E. ANN & 204 N. INGALLS, one/two bdrm. apt., free prkg., close to campus, from $620. 663-2731. A Very Quiet Place for Fall '99- Perfect for MBA's and Grad Students. Studio & I bedroom apartments. Close to campus. quality living. 668-1100. AAAAAHHHHH!! Start with unbelievable large 2 bedroom bi- level apartments. l11/2 bath and contemporary in every way. Add a great location near CCRB, free resident shuttle, fantastic rec. room, a state of the art weight room and you have Geddes Hill. (734) 741-9300 www.cmbmgmt.com AIR CONDITIONED Spacious unfurnished 2 bedroom apt. Balcony, Dishwasher, Laundry, Parking. Close to campus. Available Fall 944-2405. ARE YOU LOOKING for housing? Contact us on the web at www.amvestproperty.com ATTENTION GRADS. Prof. & grad. bldg. now leasing for Fall. Unique I bdrm, apts. w/ spacious floor plans. Call CMB 741-9300. AVAIL. MAY-APR. I bdrm. in 6 bdrm. hse. Good loc. Nice people. Crystal 622-0924. AVAIL. SEPT. 1-E. William/Division. Eff., I & 2 bdrm. apts. w/sec. buzzer, Idry., storage. Gallatin Realty Co. 994-1204. *Spacious 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms! *Great Rates! *Fitness Center. pools & more! * Professional Services! *Most pets welcome! *Reserve your new home today! (734) 971-5455 www.rent.net/direct/glencoehills LUXURIOUS HOUSE on Forest Ct. 6 people, 6. prkg., sharp kitchen, 2 refrigerators, dwshr., deck, wshr./dryer, 2.5 baths, dbl. beds, fireplace, much more. Non-smokers only. $3500. May Ise. 995-0534 or 668-1111. MAY TO MAY LEASES 2 bedrooms are available in Central Campus locations. Lease now. Varsity Mgnt. 668-1000. McKinley is Amazing! I and 2 bedroom apartments. Contemporary in every way. Dwshr., A/C, covered prkg. Near Bus. & Law Schools,741-9300. N. DIVISION, 2-3 BDRM. APTS. , heat included. Pets OK. $1050-$1100. Email hp666@hotmail.com NOW LEASING ! Fall '99 Furnished apartments Stop by for a brochure Campus Rentals 1 335 S. University at Washtenaw 665-8825 NOW LEASING APTS. for 1999-2000 school year near campus. Oakland Management. 761-7491. http://members.aol.com/woosters ONE BDRM. FURN. modern apt. for I person. Avail, for fall on Oakland near Church St. Ldry & prkg., no pets. $560 incl. heat & H20. 429-4427. ONE, TWO, THREE BDRM. at 1600 Packard. Unfurn/furn., modern, A/C, prkg. 913-5387 or 769-7025. Parking for Two Bedrooms for Fall '99. Great locations, but only a few left. Furnished and laundry. 668-1100. .1100 Sq. R. Apts. Great for 2-5 people -Built in microwave, dishwasher, disposal eBeautifully furnished -Close to CCRB -Complimentary Resident Shuttle to Class -Exercise Room, Aerobics Room eRecreation Room, Study Lounge eFree Photocopying and Fax A WAY TO TURN $390 into $3900 CASH in less than a week!!! Call Don Lapre at I- 800-482-1113. COLLEGE CLEANER-Professional Dry Cleaning and Summer Storage available. Basement at 715 N. University. 662-1906. EDITING & FORMAT. Theses, books, , journal articles, proposals. All disciplines. 734/996-0566 or writeon@bizserve.com FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES good or bad credit. Money for homes, trucks, boats, cars, furniture, vacations, debt consolidation, and credit card repair. Call 1-888-780-8082. LIFEGUARD CERT. COURSE -- YMCA. 3/1-4/19 Mondays 6-9 p.m. Must be 16, swim 500 yd. CPR-PR and 1 st Aid certified. $100 -- includes text. (734) 663-0536. SHOPPER'S NETWORK-Work at home. $500/wk. 1-800-811-2141 code 76729 for free info. WE'RE NIMBLE WITH a thimble. For all your sewing & tailoring needs. A-1 Alterations, 621 E. William, 994-3228. ATTENTION STUDENTS!! MI TELEFUND is hiring!! Create your own schedule, gain valuable computer & communication skills. Paid training, fun atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore! For application & info stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. BRIGHTON AREA SWIMMING Pool Store, summer help wanted. Great pay, jots of hours. Contact Matt (810) 229-8552. CIRCUIT CITY STORES, INC. is w hiring for our new store coming soon town Arbor. Call 800-555-HIRE for immediate consideration. We promote a drug-free workplace. EOE. COLOR SEPARATION HOUSE SEEKS p/t assistant for the following duties: pick up and delivery, proofing, equipment maintenance, and quality assurance. Call 913-0690. COMPUTER NETWORK ENGINEER Challenging Career installing and supporting UNIX, Netware, and Windows NT networks in SE Michigan. Will train the right people. Controller, 4201 Varsity Dr. #D, A2 Ml 48108. www.doinsys.com EOE. Edited by Fran & Lou Sabin C www.cmbmgmt.com FALL 99 CENTRAL CAMPUS. Great selection of eff. 1 & 2 bdrm. apt. furn., prkg. & Idry. Contact 663-3050. FALL 99 Large bi-level 6 bdrm. apt. 3 baths., modern kitch., dwshr., disposal, a/c, new carpet, Idry. on premisis, heat/ water incl. $2199. 665-8825. FALL 99. Lge. 4 bdrm bi-lev. penthse. unit. 2 ceramic tile baths, 2 bales., track-lighting, A/C, dishwasher, disposal, heat/water incl., parking, & laundry. $1899. 665-8825. FALL RENTALS Large I bedroom apt. Fireplace. Hardwood floors. High ceilings. 2 blocks to campus. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. FEMALE SHARE HOME, private bdrm. Ldry. prkg. kitchen privileges. furnished. $350. Utils. 971-8592. FIREPLACE Spacious 2 bedroom apt. Hardwood floors. Large rooms. Available Fall. Ph. 944-2405. FRESHLY REMODELED furnished 3 bdrm. house in quiet residential area. Laundry, A/C, dishwasher, parking, heat & H20 incl.$999/mo. May lease. 975-6625. HOUSE TO RENT at 335 Packard. Close to campus. Sleeps six, two baths, and laundry. Available June 1. 248-852-3111. $$SUMMER WORK OPPORTUNITY$$ Looking to select independent, hard working individuals for a fun and challenging summer work program. Chance to travel and get outstanding experience for resume. First year ave. $576/wk. Call 971-0790 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. $1000'S WEEKLY!! Stuff envelopes for $2 each + bonuses. F/T, P/T. Make $800+ weekly, guaranteed! Free supplies. For details, send I stamp to: N-122, 12021 Wilshire Bl., Suite 552, Los Angeles, CA 90025. $1500 WEEKLY potential mailing our circulars. For info call (203)319-2802. **VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for website design usability study. 1 hr. $20. Call Diamond Bullet Design. 665-9307. z'; ACROSS 1 Make-believe 5 Robert and Alan 10 Tot's walker 14 John van Druten play, with 52 Across 15 Projector's place 16 Rarae - 17 Music for the birds? 20 Atlantic crossers 21 Sloppy act 22 Blissful states 23 Dater's 3 Good-luck 4 5 charm Georgia city Lincoln, and more 6 Its Ben-Gurion today 7 M.D. 8 Goddess born fully armed 9 English draft 35 Arm of the sea? 36 Mantel pieces 37 Bit of hope 38 Return spec. 41 She made a big splash in "Splash" 42 Twittery 43 Missing Earhart 44 Give a higher seeding 45 Dry lakes 47 Thrice-made film noir 48 Bam dance partner 49 Suggest 51 Three-handed fN ri 52 53 54 55 56 card game Family Laptops, maybe Marker CD- -- Can you dig it? 25 28 29 30 31 33 34 endearment Lady of Sp. "NYPD Blue" job Carvey and Delany Order Philistines Solo Senate guitarist? Golf grip? Emulate Mark Antony Insignificant Like deer and 10 11 12 13 18 19 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 horses Mackerel shark Loathing Room sign Doofus Chess pieces: Abbr. Bellow Rodgers's lyricist Beached Stripper Sally Brunched Monk's title Drifting ice Donkey talk Off somewhere Bottom line, briefly Speech problem 12 13 14 T M A N F L A P M O P U P R A R E I O T A A D A T E O T I S S P A T R I S E N J U S T T H E T I C K E T ARTS Y O D E R E A N E A L I L I S T E A L S W i T H R ES E A A T I O N I N R E T R A I L S S C OWL S T Y P O S R S E A U NU P S N A T A L B A G A N D B A G G A G E B E L L E A R A B A L I E S W E A R R U LE TE Want to reach thouoarwis of possible subletters for your house or apartment? Type or print legibly the text you want included in your ad. Ads will be designed by The Michigan Daily. Phone in your order for more convenience! Call 764-0557 with your credit card # ready! name address F i I . 1 -1 E I I I I I I -IiUii l M l L-J %,aQI1