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February 24, 1999 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-24

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Stinford students
angered about
racist e-mail
0 One hundred and fifty Law students
at , Stanford University met with
Stanford Law School Dean Paul Brest
last Wednesday to discuss an anony-
mous, student-written e-mail that
attacked black Prof. Kendall Thomas.
The e-mail was sent to students in
Thomas's constitutional law class,
and raised questions about Thomas's
legitimacy as a professor and a
lawyer. The e-mail included issues
oncerning race when Thomas's abil-
to teach was compared to another
black professor.
The attack caused a series of out-
raged e-mails within the class about the
content of the letter and also the
author's unwillingness to be identified.
At the meeting, Brest condemned the
attack but said he defended the student's
First Amendment right to remain anony-
Students said they were not pleased
th the way the dean dealt with the
issue. Brest didn't take a strong stance
..he never gave any thought o the fact
that an attack on a professor because of
skin color is an attack at all," Stanford
law student Dominique Day said
U of S. Florida to
petition for court
to drop lawsuit
U.S. District Court is being peti-
tioned by the University of South
Flori;la to drop the latest sexual dis-
crirpination suit against the university.
.The lawsuit was filed in January by
former College of Nursing Dean Judith
Plawecki. Plawecki claims the USF dis-
criminated against her and other female
em'ployees in wage salary and benefits
ractices. The university denies the
John Campbell, the defending attor-
ney, said that the case is unfounded and
should be dropped.
Penn State
Dance Marathon
breaks records
Penn State's Interfraternity and
nhellinic Dance Marathon broke the
ising record again this weekend.
Commonly known as "Thon" by Penn
State-students, the event raised more than
$2.5 hillion - $500,000 more than last
year's record $2 million.
The money raised at the 48 hour
marathon goes to the Four Diamonds
Fund, which is based at Hershey
Medical Center. It assists families who
have children with pediatric cancer
e money in the fund goes toward
medical bills, and in some cases house-
hold expenses.
^Dance Marathon originated at Penn
State more than 25 years ago, and has
now spread to encompass college cam-
puses across the country.
BU Medical prof.
ta be arraigned on
ape charges
Boston University Medical School

Prof. Marcos Ramos will be arraigned
today on charges that he raped a
paint and molested three others.
Rates was indicted Feb. 12 on one
count of rape and seven counts of
indecent assault and battery.
The Boston University Medical
Center said in a written statement that
Ramos's teaching appointment expires
'June and will not be renewed regard-
less of the outcome.
The rape allegedly occurred in 1987,
and.ethe seven instances of assault and
battery each allegedly occurred with
thee different victims in 1994, 1995,
and 1996. All instances took place in
Ramos's office.
If convicted Ramos could face up to
20 years in prison for the rape and five
years for each count of indecent assault
d battery.
= Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Lauren Gibbs.

LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily Wednesday, February 24, 1999
heating minimal on financial *d forms


By Kam Chopra
Daily Staff Reporter
With the upcoming deadline to submit the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid, representa-
tives from the University Financial Aid Office
said they are not worried about students and par-
ents cheating on their applications.
Applications from incoming students must be
received by the FAFSA department by Feb. 21,
while current students have until March 21.
In contrast to reports nationwide that both stu-
dents and their parents are attempting to cheat the
system, University administrators said they have
not had many problems with the issue.
Thom Johnson, a financial aid officer, said he
can only remember a few cases in the past 20
years when students were caught providing false
information to the University.
The Financial Aid Office was able to avoid
these problems by implementing an internal sys-
tem of verifying application information.
"We require almost all students to produce
both student and parent tax returns, as well as
another verification worksheet;' Johnson said.
The University punished the cheating students
by sending their cases to the federal government.
No further action was taken on these cases,
Johnson said, but there have been recommenda-

tions to punish students and their parents through
legal action in other instances.
Johnson said he believes those sanctions are
too harsh.
"I think there should be some punishment,
such as barriers for future federal aid, and restitu-
tion of stolen funds," Johnson said.
LSA junior Jeff Gorman agreed, explaining he
was not shocked that students were trying to cut
corners. But, Gorman said, they should pay for
their actions.
"I am an out-of-state student and my parents
would do anything to save money on tuition, so if
people are out there cheating, then they deserve
to be punished," Gorman said.
Jan McDonough, a local associate financial
adviser for MTS-AI McDonough, said her firm
helps students fill out their FAFSA forms, but she
has never found any falsified information.
"We fill out student and parent applications
with the help of their income tax statements;'
McDonough said.
Lola Wilkins, a supervisor for the Federal
Student Aid Information Center, said that they
have received reports of cheating.
"Sometimes we get questions in reference to
students cheating on their forms," Wilkins said.
"We usually report them to the student's college."

LSA junior Shaghne Manning browses handouts yesterday at the Financial Aid Office. University Financial
Aid Office employees said they are not worried about students cheating on applications.
If the government does decide to take a He added that such a program would be fund-
stronger stance on cheating, Johnson said, indi- ed by educational funds from the government.
vidual schools would do most of the work - "The government is going to put the burden on
meaning the University would be responsible for the universities to find these people," Johnson
identifying people who had falsified information said. "They are going to use money from the edu
on applications. cation budget to fight the problem."

Spirit in the sky

oins newrogam to
help lower electricity costs
By Jaimi Winklr comply with the current Ann Arbor consumer is very interested in reducing
Daily Staff Reporter ordinance, which states that suppliers ourcosts;'Kosteva said. The University,
In an attempt to keep at the forefront must have a renewable energy require- involvement will help experiment and
of cost efficiency, the University has ment, pollution restrictions and contri- gather information about how dereguld;
involved itself in a new program that butions to the assistance fund. tion will work, Kosteva said.
allows competition in the utilities mar- "There is a direct correlation between The pilot program tentatively effects
ket and lower costs not being able to pay utility bills and only North Campus. The new power
In June 1997, the Michigan Power being homeless;" Council member Heidi provider is expected to service as many
Services Commission announced its Herrel (D-Ward III) said. units as possible on North Campus, but-
intentions to deregulate the utilities She added that Ann Arbor has these will not serve the residence halls or off-
market gradually until 2002. provisions, but MPSC does not require all campus residents, he said. No new
Although the Michigan Legislature utilities competitors to comply to these power lines will be constructed,
failed to pass a bill to draw competitors standards. "Individuals could end up pay- Kosteva said, because Nordic will share-
to the energy market in December 1998, ing more for power that's dirtier" Herrel lines with Detroit Edison.
MPSC has still begun pilot programs to said. "This could be a very bad thing for "We are hopeful it could bring in sav-
explore the benefits and problems with the environment and individual" ings within 5 to 10 percent," Kosteva
a competitive utilities market. Hanna-Davies said while the council said. "If successful, the University
The University is attempting to get was debating the new power source, its could lower its operating costs. The
involved in a pilot program using a new concerns were that the energy be as lower operating costs would help keep.
electricity provider on North Campus clean as possible and that the franchise tuition pressure down."
- Nordic Electric. Nordic's application would contribute to Ann Arbor'ssassis- ' The implementation of the program
for franchisement was passed recently tance fund for people who can't pay would begin after MPSC approves the
by the Ann Arbor City Council. their utility bills. potential contract between Nordic and-
"Another one is interested - DTE University Director of Community the University.
Co., but they're not ready yet," said Relations Jim Kosteva said "the City Kosteva said he expects the decision
Council member Tobi Hanna-Davies Council is like a gate keeper," explain- in about two months.
(D-Ward I), adding that Detroit Edison ing that they can authorize new com- Herrel said another small section of
is the current provider. petitors in the utilities market. Ann Arbor may open up to this program,
Potential suppliers would have to "The University as a major energy which could include private residences.

Bible Baptist Temple member Lonnie Means, a professional roofer, helps
fellow members shingle the roof of his church in Muskegon yesterday.

Continued from Page 1
to consider their futures as MSA repre-
sentatives.When thinking ahead to the
next election, Bernstein said, members
may also attempt to prevent representa-
tives from other parties from accom-
plishing their party objectives.
LSA Rep. Vikram Sarma suggested
passing the motion would increase the
amount of time and money spent on
campaigns and distract current assem-
bly members from their jobs. "I'm
afraid MSA is at the peak of its influence
right now," Burden said after the assem-
Continued from Page I

bly rejected the proposal. "Partisan bick-
ering is going to bring it back to where it
was in the '80s - ajoke."
Last night the assembly also allocat-
ed funds to student groups.
The Community Service Conimittee
recommendations were approved with a
majority of the assembly's vote. CSC
Chair Mike Masters, an LSA sopho-
more said the committee was allotted
$37,360 to fund 73 student community
service organizations.
The Budget Priorities Committee
recommended allocations for 240 stu-
dent organizations, using $168,000,
were approved with a majority vote.

"It's going to take alot of time when you look at the demographics of who's in
college" Williams said. "It's going to take a concentrated effort ... I don't see it
being remedied quickly."
Bob Galardi, principal of Ann Arbor Pioneer High School, said the problem
should not be reduced to a numbers game.
The skills teachers have to offer should play a more important role than their
race, he said.
"I need the 130 very best teachers (who) care about the kids, know the subjects
and (are) creative" Galardi said. "Yes, it's important to have a diverse population
that represents what is in the school, but if they're not any good, that's the worst

The wrestling Big Ten Tournament will be held March 6-7. This was incorrectly reported in yesterday's Daily.
*}University Health Service Health Education Coordinator Laurie Fortlage was incorrectly identified in Monday's Daily.
Whitney Thompson was also incorrectly identified.
N "Still Killing Us Softly: Advertising's Image of Women" will be playing tonight at 8 p.m. in room 1210 of the Chemistry
Building. This was incorrectly reported in Monday's Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today
GROUP MEETINGS and Schooling," sponsored by Lobby, 8 p.m.- 1:30 am.
Institute for Resarch ons Women Q Psychology Academic Peer Advising,
U Dinner and Prayer Meeting, and Gender, West Hall, Room 460, 647-3711, East Hall, Room 1346,
Sponsored by University Christian 12 - 1:30 p.m. Weekdas 11 a.m.-4 p.m
-Outreach,716 Catherine St., 6 U Safewalk, 936-1000, Shapiro Library
ptm. ,SERVICt,6Lobby, 8 p.m.-2:30 a.m.
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