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February 22, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-22

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, February 22, 1999


Albanians, Serbs still holding back settlement

RAMBOUILLET, France (AP) - Secretary of
'State Madeleine Albright, making scant headway
toward a Kosovo peace settlement, said yesterday that
;"if neither Serbs nor ethnic Albanians accept the six-
nation plan, NATO cannot carry through on its threat
to attack Serb targets.
With a new deadline set for tomorrow, Serb nego-
tiators "are not engaging at all" over the critical ques-
tion of whether NATO peacekeepers would enforce
the settlement, while the Kosovar Albanians must still
be persuaded to sign on fully with the plan to give

them greater autonomy in the Serb province, Albright
"Some really earth-shaking decisions are being
made, which is why it is difficult," Albright said on
CNN after several hours of talking separately with
each side. "And these are really decisions between war
and peace and life and death."
Albright, talking to reporters, declined to explain
what was holding up Albanian approval.
In fact, she said, U.S. officials thought the
Albanians had given her a green light on Saturday.

But other U.S. officials said the renewed negotia-
tions focused on the Albanians' quest for indepen-
dence after the plan's interim three-year period, and
the U.S. refusal to endorse independence. And
Albright, ruling out any independence referendum in
the agreement, said she was looking for a way "the
voice of the people" could be expressed in Kosovo.
But "if this fails because both parties say no, there
will not be bombing of Serbia and we will try to fig-
ure out ways of trying to deal with both sides;" she

Congress may wrestle with bitterness
WASHINGTON -They all want to move on. But it won't be easy.
As the post-impeachment Congress returns to the smoking battlefield today, it's
the lawmakers themselves who will go on trial. They face a stern test of their abil-
ity to overcome the most flagrantly partisan period in recent history and work har-
moniously on the public agenda..
That challenge is especially daunting for the House, which impeached Presid
Clinton in December on a mostly party-line vote after months of sniping betwe n
Republicans and Democrats that left many licking their political wounds -- and
nursing personal grudges.
Those hard feelings have not altogether abated.
"It's going to be tough. This has been a very emotional time for a lot of people,"
said Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.), a conservative who has worked closely with
Republicans. "The healing process is going to take a little while before we're going
to have any level of trust and confidence in each other."
Many House Republicans share Condit's concerns. "Clearly there's going to be
antagonism by Democrats toward us," said Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.)
Still, letting bygones-be-bygones is apt to be the theme at the meeting between
congressional leaders and Clinton scheduled for tomorrow at the White Ho*
How much impact that will have in the legislative trenches is open to question.


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Kurd activists strive
to inform students




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Continued from Page 1A
But the protest along the streets of
Ann Arbor was non-violent, consist-
ing of local residents - many of
Kurdish ethnicity and other support-
ers of the Kurdish cause.
"We need to send a message to the
public in this American city to stop
killing Kurds," said Fadil Rawadzy,
a Washtenaw Community College
student who said he came to the
United States after he "escaped from
Saddam" Hussein.
Protesters said they want students
on campus to understand what is
taking place in Turkey although it
may not affect them directly.
"The campus is where students
are, and students are the future,"
protester Zana Zangara said.
The protesters passed out litera-
ture saying that because Kurdistan
was never granted independence
after World War I, many of the
world's 35 million Kurds reside in
Turkey, where the government refus-
es to allow the practice of Kurdish
"If you speak the Kurdish lan-
guage in Turkey you get arrested,"
said Asad Khailany, a computer
information systems professor at
Eastern Michigan University. "Yet
the U.S. government supplies
(Turkey) with unlimited military

"Free Kurdistan" sign in one hand
and the hand of his 3-year-old son in
the other, said he wanted to instill
ethnic pride in his son.
"The Kurdish people are also peo-
ple," Piromari said.
"We're here to show the wide
world we have the right to live and
vote," said Kamaran Zanzana, who
helped organize the demonstration.
Turkey has taken a hard line
against Kurdish demonstrators,
arresting more than 1,000 since
Ocalan's capture, according to the
independent Human Rights
Reports said the intelligence
agencies of the United States or
Israel tipped off Turkey of Ocalan's
Israel denies any role, going so far
as to publish a statement from the
Mossad spy agency on Friday and
meeting Kurdish representatives in
Washington officials said the U.S.
took no part in Ocalan's capture, but
had no comment on whether it
helped track him down.
The United States, like Turkey,
considers Ocalan a terrorist. He is
the leader of the Kurdistan Workers
Party, which has fought Turkey since
1984 for autonomy in a conflict in
the southeast that has killed about
37,000 people.
-Daily Staff Reporters Nick Bunkley
and Jewel Gopwani contributed to
this report.

Governors: St out
of tobacco deas
WASHINGTON - U.S. governors,
displaying a united front on an issue crit-
ical to their state budgets, plan to urge
President Clinton today to halt attempts
by the federal government to claim a por-
tion of more than $200 billion that states
captured last year in a landmark legal
settlement with the tobacco industry.
One after another, governors who are
in Washington for a four-day confer-
ence indicated their resolve yesterday
to defend their share of the tobacco set-
tlement, even though the president has
included a major chunk of that same
money in his own proposed budget.
The only distinctions heard from the
assembled state chief executives were
of tone, not of substance.
California Gov. Gray Davis, a
Democrat, said he would "very polite-
ly" ask the president not to take any
state proceeds, which for California is
projected to total $25 billion over the
next quarter century. New Jersey Gov.
Christine Todd Whitman, a Republican,

said she "violently" opposes any feder-
al claim on her state's share.
"The governors feel very strongly
that this is money that came through a
suit brought by the states, not by the
federal government," Whitman said, "It
should be up to the states how the,.
spend the money."
Government wants
advertising code
WASHINGTON - The government
is urging advertisers and broadcasters
to adopt a system to prevent advertisers
from discriminating against radio sta-
tions owned by or geared to minority
Vice President Al Gore and Fede1
Communications Commission Ch
Bill Kennard are making the pitch
today at an advertising conference in
New York.
Their challenge responds to a report,
issued by the FCC last month, that said
advertisers often bypass or pay less
money to minority-owned radio sta-
tions or stations targeting black or
Latino/a listeners.



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India, Pakistan agree
on arsenals, missiles
LAHORE, Pakistan - India and
Pakistan agreed yesterday to work to
reduce the risk of a nuclear war by
exchanging strategic information about
their arsenals and giving each other
advance notice of ballistic-missile tests.
The neighboring nations, which have
endured a half-century of mutual hos-
tility, also pledged to intensify diplo-
matic efforts to resolve their central
dispute over the Himalayan territory of
Kashmir as well as other differences.
The talks would include periodic meet-
ings between foreign ministers and a
proposed visit to India by Pakistani
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
The agreements came at the end of a
weekend summit in Pakistan's second-
largest city, where Prime Minister Atal
Bihari Vajpayee was welcomed with
orchestrated friendliness as the first
Indian premier to visit Pakistan in a
decade. Both countries were eager to
make progress on their disputes, partly
in response to the international pres-

sure that followed their reciprocal
nuclear tests last year..
"The two sides shall engage in bilater-
al consultations on security concepts and
nuclear doctrines, with a view to devel-
oping measures for confidence-build
in the nuclear and conventional fields
aimed at the avoidance of conflict" the
countnes said in a joint statement.
Orthodox Jews
protest supenuarkets
JERUSALEM - The battle
between Jerusalem's secular and '
gious Jews spread to a newf
Saturday: the first supermarket in a
Jewish neighborhood to open on the
A dozen ultra-Orthodox Jews crowd-
ed around "Drugstore 2000" at the Ben
Yehuda pedestrian mall, shouting,
At one point, a fistfight broke out
between two demonstrators and one of
the store's owners, Moshe Abergil.
- Compiled from Daily wire repor*

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The PROPHET Science Team on

"Sustainable Atmosphere"

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NEWS Jennifer Yachnwin, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Ein Holmes, Katie Plona. Mike Spahn.
STAFF: Janet Adamy, Melissa Andrzeak, Angela Bardeni, Marta Brill. Nick Bunkley, Kan Chopra, Adam Brian Cohen. Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud,
Nick Falzone, Lauren Gibbs, Jewel Gopwani, Michael Grass, Maria Hackett, Jody Simone Kay, Yaet Kohen, Sarah Lewis, Chris Metinko, Kelly
O'Connor, Asma Rafeeq, Nika Schulte, Emina Sendijarevic, Jason Stffer, Avram S. Turkel, Jainie Winkler, Adam Zuwerink.
cALENDAR: Jewel Gopwani, Adam Zuwerink.
EDITORIAL Jeffrey Kosseff, David Wallace, Editors
STAFF: Chip Cullen, Ryan DePietro, Jason Fink, Seth Fisher, Lea Frost. Scott Hunter, Thomas Kulurgis, Sarah LeMire, Sarah Lockyer, Laurie
Mayk " J "mes Miller ' Michael Nagrant, Steve Rosenberg, Scott Rothman, Branden San, Ki"y Scheer, Jack S"hil"ac Mean Sch"mpf'D
Whitcup.Paul WongNick Woomer. I
SPORTS Rick EreeOMan Managing Editorj
EDITORS:TJ BerkaChris Duprey, Josh Kleinbaum,Andy Latack, Pranay Reddy.
STAFF: Josh Borkin, Evan Braunstein, David Den Herder, Dan Dingerson, Jason Emeott, Jordan Field, Mark Francescutti, Geoff Gagnon-
Raphael Goodstein, Chris Grandstaff. Rick Harpster, Michael Kern. Vaughn R. Kiug, Chris Langrnll, Ryan C. Moloney, Stephanie Offen.
Sharat Raju, Jim Rose, Kevin Rosenfeld; Tracy Sand;er, Michael Shafrir, Mark SnryderNitaSrivastava, U masSubrananian, Jacob Wheeler.
Jon Zemke.
ARTS Jessica Eaton, Christopher Tkaczyk, Editors
WEEKEND, ETC. EDITORS: Aaron Rich, Will Welssert
SUB-EDITORS: Gabe Fajun (Music), Chris Cousino(TV/Newmedia). Anna Kovaszki (Fine/Pefoming Arts), Ed Solinsky (Film), Corinne Schneider (Books)
STAFF: Amy Barber. Matthew Barrett, Jenny Curren, Jimmy Draper, Jeff Druchniak, Cortney Ouweke, Brian Egan. Laura Flyer, Steve Gertz,
Jenni Glenn, Jewel Gopwani. Caitlin Hall. Gina Hamadey, Garth Heutel, Elizabeth Holden, Chnis Kula, Bryan Lark, Dawson Leary, Kristin
Long, Kelly Lutes, Ryan Malkin, Rob Mitchum. Andrew Mortensen, Kerri Murphy, Dikran Ornekian, Erin Podolsky, Luren Rice, Adlin Rosli.
Ted Watts. Juquan Williams, Le"h Zaiger.
PHOTO Margartet Myers, Warren Zinn, Edit
ARTS EDITOR: Adriana YgovichW
ASSISTANT EDITORS: Louis Brown, Dana innane
STAFF: Chris Campeinell, Darby Fnedlis, Kristin GobleD hani JonesJessica Johnson, Kelly McKnnell,David Rochkind, Nathan Ruffer,Sara
ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Editor
STAFF: Toymn Akinmusuru, Seth Benson, Rachel Berger, Amy Chen, Paul Wong.
GRAPHICS STAFF: Alex Hogg, Vicki Lasky.
hlDIPLY SALESNathan Rowef.Manager

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