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February 17, 1999 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-17

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10 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 17, 1999


ndy Potts' friends, family and coaches all
think Potts is a born leader, and he swears
e has never led anyone astray.
But that's Potts' opinion. Michigan men's
swimming coach Jon Urbanchek doesn't share
Urbanchek "has trouble with directions," Potts
On his way to recruit Potts, Urbanchek got
lost. Considering that Urbanchek was in New
Jersey and driving a rental car, that could be
expected. But where Urbanchek eventually
ended wasn't anywhere close where he planned.
"He ended up in the heart of Trenton," Potts
The heart of Trenton, N.J. is not the best place
to be lost. Especially during the night, alone in a
strange place in a rent-a-car. Urbanchek swore
that it wasn't his fault because Potts (his current
co-captain) told him to get off at the Princeton
exit. But Urbanchek said there was never a
Princeton exit and the next thing he knew he was
in the hood.
"I just got really really lost, and it was such a
bad neighborhood that I didn't want to stop and
ask directions," Urbanchek said. "It was dark
and I was supposed to be at their house at six
Andy's Adventures
Some of Andy Potts' career highlights:
l Bronze medalist in 400 IM at 1995 World
University games
U National Champion 1995 USS Nationals
Two-time All-American
r Three-time Honorable Mention All-
Two-time All-Big Ten award winner

o'clock. It was miserable - he almost got me
So miserable, in fact, that Urbanchek couldn't
bear it anymore and called Potts from a liquor
store pay phone to come and find him. A couple
of hours later Potts strolled into the police station
to pick up his then-future coach, and led
Urbanchek back to his house.
From his first meeting with the Michigan
swimming team he was leading the way. The
senior co-captain has developed into one of the
team's most vocal leaders.
"He expresses himself very well," Urbanchek
said. "He lets people know when he's there ...
he's visible and very audible."
Potts is so visible and audible that he has been
regarded as one of the most intense competitors
on the team. A constant force in and out of the
pool with his strong swimming and loud voice,
Potts has a way of making his presence known.
"Whenever he walks into a room, everybody
takes notice," junior Scott Meyer said.
"Everybody knows who Andy Potts is, especial-
ly in the athletic community ... Everybody looks
up to him."
Even though Potts has been competing with
the best since he arrived at Michigan, his com-
petitive nature has yet to let him down. Had it not
been for teammates such as Tom Dolan, Eric
Namesnik (both former Michigan swimmers
and Olympic medalists) and fellow co-captain
Tom Malchow, Potts would be the premier
swimmer at Michigan over the of last couple of
years and would have represented the United
States in the Olympics.
During the 1996 Olympic Trials, Potts fin-
ished one spot away from competing for the U.S.
at the Atlanta Olympics in the 400 individual
medley. The three who finished ahead of Potts
were Dolan and Namesnik, who went on to win
the gold and silver medal in the event, respec-
tively, and Michigan State swimmer Ian Mull.
Having four of the nation's best 400 IM swim-
mers within an hour's drive of each other was
remarkable, and sometimes that kind of a close
7E I' 'M

finish can destroy the psyche of an athlete. But
Potts remained unfazed.
"I thought it was a great accomplishment,"
Potts said. "I didn't really realize what was going
on and then I realized, 'Wow, I finished fourth.
I'm stoked!'
Potts said his plans on trying out rested for the
2000 Olympics, after his performance in Big
Tens and NCAAs. He has done very well at both
since he arrived at Michigan, taking two All-
America accolades and earning All-Big Ten hon-
ors twice.
But honors in the pool are not Potts' only
attribute. He's been very active in community
service ever since high school, when he volun-
teered at his local hospital.
He's the treasurer of both the Student Athlete
Advisory Committee, and the Michigan Peer
Advisors Creating Trust.
Potts is a regular visitor at Mott Children's
Hospital, where he encourages children recover-
ing from injuries and illness. Potts also takes part
in Share, a community service activity where
people read to elementary-school children.
"They always ask you if you're a football play-
er," Potts said. "I'll go with two girls and they'll
ask them. 'Do you play football?' 'No.' Do you
play basketball?' 'No.' Then they find out you're
a swimmer or what have you and they're just as
"It's really important to me to give back to the
community. This community especially, because
they give their athletes a lot of support."
Being a role model is not something that Potts
takes lightly. Potts said he thinks it's an honor to
be considered someone's role model and that he
"takes a lot of pride to live up to that honor."
"He likes to be with people and give back,"
Hatit Potts, his mother said. "There's more to life
than your own little ivory tower."
Potts will need that kind of attitude after he
graduates. He is an English major, and wants to
earn his teacher's certificate so he can teach high
school English like his mother did.
"You get a chance to change someone" Potts
wrestling m


Andy Potts has competed among the best in his four years with the Michigan men's swimming
team. Now as a senior leader, he plans to guide the team to the NCAAs, as well as taking himself
to the 2000 Olympic Trials.

said. "Not just the people you're closely tied to,
your real good friends or your family. If you can
change someone else's life for the positive, take
That view of life is something that was drilled
into his head all childhood in Princeton. His par-
ents would often follow or drive him to his meets
just to watch their son swim.
After Michigan came in second last season
at the Big Ten Championships, Potts was
really down on himself because of the loss. It
was his mother and father, Buzz, who could-
n't have been prouder for their son when they
applauded him.
It was positive support like that from his fam-
ily that has allowed Potts to be a energetic, yet
controlled leader on his team. Despite his
easures up

prowess as one the most dynamic and respected W
swimmers on the team, he is also one of the
Instead of listening to Metallica "Kill 'em
All" for inspiration before a meet like his team-
mates do, Potts - who went to the same high
school as Blues Traveler - prefers Van Halen's
"Top of the World" in his headphones before a
meet or in the locker room stereo.
"It helps me visualize where I want to be after
my swim," Potts said. "If I can visualize where I
want to be after a swim meet all I have to do is
go out and do it ... It's that extra thing before
championship meets that helps me get in the
zone mentally."
Judging by his success, those directions must
be easier to follow.

By Michael Shafrir
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan wrestling coach Dale Bahr
has seen a lot of teams and a lot of
wrestlers during his 21-year tenure.
Heading into the Big Ten champi-
onships Mar. 7-8 at Crisler Arena, Bahr
has had time to reflect on the wrestlers
he's coaching this year - and some of
the greats that have passed through his
program beforehand.
The triad of Michigan assistant coach-
es, Joe McFarland, Kirk Trost and John
Fisher, all wrestled under Bahr in the
1980s. All three were All-Americans and
Bahr said that they were three of the best
wrestlers he's ever coached.
"McFarland and (Fisher) were all-
Americans in their first year" Bahr said.
"That's a high standard for anyone to
McFarland went on to become a four-
time all-American and with Bahr step-

ping down at the end of this year, he will
coach the Wolverines next season. Fisher
was also a four-time All-American and
now teaches as well coaches.
Trost left his mark on the Michigan
wrestling program with a national cham-
pionship as a heavyweight in '86.
"Kirk took a while to develop, as so
many young guys do;" Bahr said. "But
once he did, he became a really over-
powering wrestler"
Of the wrestlers this year, Bahr said
Joe Warren, Otto Olson, Andy Hrovat,
Damien Logan and Chris Viola have the
best chance to win All-America honors.
"They have demonstrated that they
can go out, week after week, and win,"
Bahr said. "Both this year and down the
line they could be All-Americans."
Bahr said that no matter how many
all-Americans this year's team produces,
it will be hard to match the '88 squad.
That team, led by all-Americans Mike

Amine, Larry Gotcher, Joe Pantaleo and
Fisher, had beaten Iowa during the regu-
lar season, only to fall to them 116.75-
105.25 at Big Tens.
"We were leading going into the sec-
ond day, which is the only time that's hap-
pened since all of their titles," Bahr said.
The difference between that team and
this year's version is experience.
"That team and this year's both have
five or six outstanding individual
wrestlers;' Bahr said. "But that team was
mostly juniors and seniors, while this
team is a lot of younger guys who
haven't been there before."
Iowa, which has won 25 straight Big
Ten titles, is vulnerable this year. The
Hawkeyes have lost to Minnesota twice,
and last weekend lost to Illinois.
"I'm not sure if we'll be able to pull it
off" Bahr said. "But this team has more
heart than most of the teams I've
coached. Their work ethic is excellent."

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By Ryan C. Moloney
Daily Sports Writer
On any sports team, there comes a
time in the season when the superstars,
as well as the lesser-knowns, must "step
up" and perform up to their abilities.
No one on the Michigan women's
swimming and diving team is more
aware of the challenge than Jenny
Crisman and Shannon Shakespeare -
the Wolverines' two top performers this
Crisman and Shakespeare, both
NCAA meet qualifiers, will attempt to
add to their lengthy list of accolades this
season at the Big Ten Championships in
Minnesota this weekend.
Both Crisman and Shakespeare are
considered favorites in their events -
Crisman in the 100 backstroke, 50
freestyle and Shakespeare in the 100
breastroke and 100 freestyle.
Yet, Shakespeare does not underesti-
mate the competition with predictions.
"Our goals are just to swim as fast as
we can," Shakespeare said. "We're
going to do as much as we can, and as a
team we're going to stay positive."
Though Crisman and Shakespeare
have not swam up to their potential since
making NCAA cut times in December
and early January, they have not been
taking it easy.
Both have been training through the
dual meet schedule and did not taper for
the Big Ten meet. Michigan coach Jim
Richardson said that the lack of rest will
not limit their performances.
"Both of them will swim real well"
Richardson said. "They can perform
well when they are not rested, and that
serves to our advantage."
Shakespeare has been a utility swim-
mer of sorts this season - the junior has
swam sprints and distance events as well
as anchored relays. The events she will
compete in this weekend are yet to be
Besides Crisman and Shakespeare,
several Michigan swimmers have a shot#
at a high placement, and possibly a con-
sideration time for the NCAA
Among the top hopefuls, Jennie
Arndt, Missy Sugar, Lindsay Carlberg
and Kerrianne Kalbko stand out as the


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