4 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 U#{w £kbiun &|{g 420 Maynard Street HEATHER KAMINS Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editor in Chief daily.letters@umich.edu Edited and managed by JEFFREY KOSSEFF students at the DAVID WALLACE University of Michigan Editorial Page Editors Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. Things to do w I t can happen to any student. Say you've read ahead in the assigned reading. Say you've already covered this sort of infor- mation in another class. Or just say you're hen there isn't a not yourself that day last thing you can keep your mind on. We all do things in class to keep our- selves .,entertained. Even the most dili- gent students let their minds wander. Even your profes- sors, when they were our age, got bored one day and doodled in the margin of their notebooks. This is an attempt, to codify and bring order to the world of lecture games. (Editor's note: The and a lecture is the Out to eat James Miller Miller on Tap Dining Center proposal is flawed "Well, I was just going to say, like, I think that, um, like this has a lot to do with like, society and the way it like, um, like does things and the way society treats like, people. Does that makes sense?" That's money in the bank right there. For extra fun you can play with the person next to you. Have each of you pick an imbecile and a certain word. The person whose imbecile used the word most often wins. Listen careful. Small brains have fast tongues. The Cutting Session. This is another one to play in discussion with a friend. Start a fake rivalry between the two of-you. I used to play this game with my friend Aaron in philosophy class. It goes something like this. He raises his hand and makes a point. Immediately raise your hand so you get called on next. When the GSI calls on you say "Well, I think the Aaron makes a good point for someone of his intelligence. I think (blah, blah, blah.) Did you follow that, Aaron? Need smaller words?" Your partner raises his hand and responds: "I disagree with the butthead to my right, who probably couldn't find a bowl of rice in a Chinese restaurant. I think Descartes probably was Maoist. What do you think of that, toolbox?" (Blows his nose on your backpack.) Repeat this pattern, getting more child- ish and cruel sounding with each cycle. This is an especially fun game to play in a class you plan on dropping, as you can have the fight escalate into fake fisticuffs and racial epithets ("Die, honkey scum!"). Try and knock over some of the furniture if you can. Interlocking Names. My friend Rudi helped invent this game, or at least he helped perfect it. The object is to think of two names that can be put together to nything to do make one long name. Steve Martin + Martin Luther = Steve Martin Luther. Pretty simple. The less the two names have to do with each other the better. Benedict Arnold Palmer and Isaiah Thomas Aquinas are good. Bruce Lee Bollinger and Woodrow Wilson Pickett are better. The highest point totals are reserved for three or more names put together. The more-names used, the greater the skill of the player. Charlie Parker Lewis Carol Burnett, for example. What's My Line? This is a game to play with a friend again, but it can be played in either discussion or lecture, if you're dar- ing. The object of this game is to listen to someone finish a thought or a sentence, then add the logic or comical conclusion. P.J. O'Rourke used to play this game with the Jimmy Carter autobiography. For example, the hump in the Polo out- fit, tassel loafers with a briefcase opens his mouth: "Um, is this stuff gonna be, like, on the midterm." Response: "Because if I have any non- LSAT related information in my brain, I might die." Raver party girl disco biscuit: "I just think people need to be more aware of their own personal force field of life power energy. Mmm hmm. Totally. Phat beats." Response: "I thought of that myself. I know you're a professor and all, but have you ever taken 'E'? It's killer. Can I leave? I forgot what class this is." Professor: "This is one of the most important themes in the novel." Response: "It's what I wrote my thesis on. I wipe my ass with student evaluations. Prepare to receive the Gospel!" -James Miller can be reached over e-mail atjamespm@unmich.edu. SOME KNCKLEHEADxs 01 L ast week, Housing Director William Zeller and interim Resident Hall Dining Services Director William Durell presented the Michigan Student Assembly with plans to construct a new dining hall - Hill Area Dining Center - that would replace the four existing Hill area dining halls. The proposed facility - a 50,000-square-foot hall built between the Alice Lloyd and Mosher Jordan residence halls - would cost nearly $1.5 mil- lion and take three years to build. The facility would be a sort of food court, including restaurants similar to the Michigan Union in addition to the cafeteria. The existing dining halls would be transformed into classrooms and academic advising offices. This proposed plan by University Housing could have many implications for student life at the University. Because many of the details, such as the method for funding the project and the logis- tics of the plan are still unclear, MSA should oppose to the proposed construction of the Hill Area Dining Center. One of the important decisions that stu- dents choosing to live on campus make every year is what residence hall to live in. Part of this decision process is associated with the accessibility of dining halls - especially dur- ing the Michigan winter, when snow makes travel quite challenging for students. The existing dining halls provide most students with meal services in their building - an asset demonstrated last month when nearly two feet of snow covered the ground and wind chills dipped below zero. The Hill Area also currently hosts four liv- ing and learning communities: the 21st Century Program, Lloyd Hall Scholars Program, Women in Science and Engineering and the Undergraduate Research and Opportunity Program. Part of these communi- ties' attraction for students is the ability to bond through the constant interaction that occurs in the living quarters. The dining halls play a large part in the social sphere of these programs. Introducing the Hill Area Dining Center would take away an important aspect of these living-learning communities - and perhaps take away some of the appeal of these programs. According to this proposed plan, if the University renovates the existing four dining halls, at a cost roughly the same as building the new center, the room and board rates would increase. But the proposal maintains that the new dining center would allow the rates to remain the same. This assumes the center will earn profits to cover the expenses of construction - an assumption that is not guaranteed. Even if rates did not increase due to the new dining center, one has to question who will pay the costs of converting the exist- ing dining halls to classrooms and advising offices. Health issues are also involved. The University dining halls, while not always pop- ular, attempt to provide nutritious food that students may not find as easily at the proposed food court, which likely will feature fast food chains. The dining halls also accomodate stu- dents with specific concerns, such as provid- ing vegetarian dishes. It is unclear whether this plan would require cash at some sites and a M-Card at another. Also, one all encom- passing dining hall could seriously congest the Hill campus. Since the plan has many holes and details are currently sketchy, MSA should not endorse such a plan. author would like a chance to cover his behind. To anyone reading this piece who is currently or has been a professor of mine, or to anyone reading this who might have a say in the way my shaky future turns out, please do not regard this article as an admission of inattention or lack of interest in any course or professor. Sufficiently backpeddled, we continue.) The Word Count. This is a personal favorite, so I'll talk about it first. This only works in discussion section and preferably one that has lots of talking in it. Pick an imbecile. Pick your favorite imbecile. Now pick a word such as "like" or "soci- ety" or a whole phrase like "I was just going to say..." Count the number times in one stretch your mark says one of these words. SCOTT ROTHMAN Higher Education Bill would attract better teachers n choosing a career, students usually weigh a couple of factors: The amount of personal enjoyment a career will offer and the financial benefits it will provide. For a long time, students have been deterred from pursuing a career in educa- tion because they find teaching to be' either personally or financially unreward- ing. The result is a shortage of good teachers. But a new bill introduced in the state Senate could help change the incen- tive for students to pursue a degree in education. The new bill promises up to $12,000 in loans distributed over four years to col- lege students pursing degrees in educa- tion at state universities. In return, the students must agree to teach at an "at risk" school for at least four years. The bill will not only reward these specific schools with better teachers, but it will reward the teachers with better careers as well. Most importantly, the new bill will attract more students to teaching. Teaching is one of the most important professions, yet potential teachers are reluctant to pursue a degree in education due to the lack of financial incentives. With the $12,000 in loans, the bill will help to encourage potential teachers to pursue a degree in education. Furthermore, by requiring that stu- dents who receive the loans teach at "at risk" schools, the bill will increase educa- tional opportunities for students across the state. The State School Aid Act of 1979 identifies "at risk" schools based on a and the school's average scores on stan- dardized tests. These "at risk" schools with lower standardized test scores are often in poorer districts, where new teachers are unlikely to go. Still, these schools need new and enthusiastic teachers the most. Placing teachers in "at risk" schools may also help educational inequalities that exist in the public school system. Many poorer schools fail to attract the best teachers, who might find resources more plentiful in wealthier districts. With college admissions becoming more competitive and financial aid for college being handed out based on stan- dardized test scores, these new teachers are greatly needed in the "at risk" schools. The new bill will help to put more teachers in these schools and increase the opportunities available for the students. Finally, not only will the new bill reward the students in "at risk" schools, it will reward the teachers as well. Working in "at risk" schools, teachers will be able to see the benefits of their hard work - a reward that is even better than the finan- cial incentives offered by the bill. A good education is priceless in preparing students for the future. And to provide a good education, good teachers are needed. The new bill will help by pro- viding more teachers. The financial incentives can attract those students who already considered education, and even those who never considering it for finan- cial reasons. Once good teachers are committed, the bill helps by putting those Clinton's immoral acts should be examined thoroughly To THE DAILY: There has been much debate about President Clinton's conduct concerning his "personal" matters. Although both sides have presented many strong points in defense of their stance on this matter, the media in general has sought to ignore or not portray the true circumstances surrounding this issue, instead choosing to write this off as a partisan attack on the president, or more commonly, as the whole issue being about sex. While the first argument is up to one's personal opinion, the latter is not. Of course we as Americans value our privacy and thus, even the privacy of the president, but this virtue should not avoid the facts. Below are some questions which the media obvi- ously did not care about even though they may have helped change the atmosphere of the debate. How many papers have expounded on the fact that Clinton had Monica Lewinsky perform oral sex on him the day he met her? She even claimed that he didn't even know her name for months. Instead, the media is satisfied with Clinton's explana- tion that it was a long friendship that cul- minated in these activities. What about the fact that NBC chose not to air an interview with Jane Doe number 5, Juanita Broaddrick? In this eight-hour interview, she claimsthat while Clinton was the attor- ney general of Arkansas, he sexually assaulted her. What about the fact that the head of NBC News is a radical Clinton supporter? What about the English woman who claimed (and her claim is documented with the state department) that Clinton raped her while he was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, a claim she submitted immediately after the incident? What about the Miss Arkansas scandal, where Clinton took advantage of her? What of the "hundreds" of women that Clinton bragged about sleeping with to Lewinsky? How about Geraldo's claim that no one had been prosecuted for per- jury about sex? What about the fact that Clinton had a Marine officer drive Lewinsky to the White House from the Pentagon when he wanted to meet her? What about the fact that Lewinsky was pleasuring him while he was on the phone with other world leaders? These questions have been avoided by the mainstream media and deserve to be asked. People have been swayed by their emotions, led by a media clamoring for; public support, like so many other issues that the media has chosen to champion. A parting question for anyone who still cares about sexual harassment laws: Can witness- es lie about "sex" when the whole case is based on whether or not a person had a ten- dency to elicit sexual relations from a sub- ordinate employee? By God, Lewinsky was 21 years old! JOSEPH KIM c~punni nf ntKTsernV I-.-~ p I 1 PESENS TZE FoRw WIL Dance review did not apply modern standards TO THE DAILY: In the name of all people who sincerely enjoyed the music accompanying the Merce Cunningham Dance Company's performances last weekend, I loudly protest Julie Munjack's reactionary review ("Merce music overpow- ers, 2/15199). Like many music critics, Munjack is not alone in suggesting thatmusic should still be held up to eighteenth- and nine- teenth-century standards. At the end of the twentieth century, it seems that many ears - with or without earplugs - still haven't caught up with our century's sound world. Far be it from me to imply that Munjack - and perhaps many Cunningham audience members who were "chased" out of the the- ater by "terrible music" - might have bene- fited from the many educational events arranged by the University Musical Society in connection with the Dance Company's Ann Arbor residency. But Munjack should at least give credit where credit is due. Unfortunately, she did not even mention the names of the composers who collaborated with Cunningham, including John Cage, Brian Eno, Stuart Dempster, David Tudor and the Dance Company's musical director Takehisa Kosugi. Cunningham and Cage collaborated for half a century. Their ideas have influenced artists working in every creative medium. Their attitude toward the independence and interaction of music and movement demon- strates one of the most radical developments in the performing arts. Cunningham's support of composers working with live electronic music has been uncompromising. This "cacophonous," "intolerably loud," "irritating and obnoxious" and "unbearable" music does not have to be merely "an obstacle." And by the way: the music I heard was also quiet, humorous, beautiful, mysterious, playful, indeterminate and highly interesting. Cage and Cunningham believed that by expe- riencing sound and movement in unconven- tional ways, our perception could be chal- lenged, and eventually changed. My final gripe with Munjack's review is that she implies that Cunningham and his dancers did not receive "the applause they. enced both ended with explosive applause and standing ovations. Munjack's omission of this detail makes me wonder if she might have been one of those poor listeners who ran horrified from the Power Center with her hands over her ears. AMY BEAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC Race-based admissions are unfair TO THE DAILY: In July of this past year when the U.S. District Court denied the motion to intervene to the many would be co-defendants in the lawsuit challenging the University's admis- sion procedures justice was undoubtedly served. The judge fairly refused the motion of Intervention of Right because he concluded that the proposed defendant-intervenors failed to assert any right to have the current admis- sion procedures continue. They also failed to show (as the Intervention of Right motion must) that that they were not adequately rep- resented by the existing parties. So imagine my disgust when I read in the Daily that two more groups were attempting intervene. The arrogance of people like Lee Felarca is appalling. Who is he to represent the University and its applicants by attempting to become a defendant? In his haughtiness he contends that intervention "is a matter of democratic right." Well I propose that it is every University applicant's right to equal pro- tection under the law as provided by the Fourteenth Amendment. Felarca continued making irrational claims in stating that the U.S. District Court's denial of the motion to intervene is "racist" and part of a larger "pattern of discrimination by the court." Nothing is more discriminatory than giv- ing students of color priority over others in admission to college..In fact, it is insulting to minorities. The University is saying that they don't have enough faith in them as a group to be admitted on their own merit. JEREMY PETERS 14 I