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February 12, 1999 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-12

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Thu RAinh;elnn nnilu - Crir4oi Cnkriickrt! 1 '7 1000 - r,

LOCAL /STATEr i ne lilcUngIn uidy - lrUday, re rua yI, .Li -
-Cold weather invades Michigan after warm spell

*Weather system brings
temperatures to state
The Associated Press
Call it winter's tease.
40 A record-setting warm spell yester-
day that made January's blizzard in
southern Michigan a melted memory
was being followed by a squall line
expected to plunge much of the state
into a windy chill of freezing rain and
snow today.
"Temperatures are falling like a
rock," National Weather Service
meteorologist Jeff Boyne said about 5
p.m. yesterday.
His warning for much of Lower
vichigan: "Whatever the tempera-

ture's going to be at midnight tonight
is going to be the high for (today),
and I couldn't even venture a guess
what that's going to be."
How swiftly - and dramatically
- things change.
An upper-level trough that pulled
warm air from the Gulf of Mexico
into the Great Lakes region translated
into record highs in several Michigan
cities yesterday, some posting their
warmest February day ever.
Detroit's high was 70, nine degrees
balmier than the previous record for
that day set in 1932.
The Motor City's high yesterday
also eclipsed the high for any day for
the month -68 set on Feb. 26, 1944.
For Detroit, Boyne said, "it was the
earliest 70 ever, going back to March

7, 1987."
Such was the story in Flint, where
yesterday's high of 67 shattered the
day's old record of 42 in 1966 while
posting the warmest February day
since the city began keeping such
records in 1942.
The old record for the month was
63 on Feb. 23, 1984.
Grand Rapids reported a high yes-
terday of 68 degrees, four degrees
warmer than the day's old record set
in 1932.
And in Alpena, temperatures rose
as high as 54 on yesterday, breaking
the city's old record of 42 in 1984.
Benton Harbor weighed in yester-
day at 71, Battle Creek and
Kalamazoo 70 a piece and Lansing at

Generally in northern Lower
Michigan, yesterday's highs were in
the upper 40s, low 54s, a far cry from
typical temperatures there of the
upper 20s this time of year, said
Brian Adam, a weather service mete-
orologist in Gaylord.
While Michigan perhaps warmed
to the rising mercury, Boyne said the
balminess would be short-lived.
"If you don't enjoy the next couple
of hours, bye-bye," he said.
By yesterday evening, conditions
in parts of Michigan already were
turning testier, with the weather ser-
vice warning northern Lower
Michigan of foul, scattered thunder-
storms headed its way.
Some the storms were expected to
pack winds gusting to 60 mph, heavy

downpours and lightning.
Lakes Michigan, Huron and Superior
were under a gale warning effect yester-
day night that was expected to last until
today. That could make conditions on
already thin ice even more dangerous
by shifting ice around.
"There is no such thing as safe ice
because conditions change so rapid-
ly," U.S. Coast Guard Group Detroit
Chief Kenneth Andera told The Bay
City Times.
To Boyne, the dramatic change was
part of a squall line racing toward
Michigan, bringing with it the poten-
tial of a shivering mix of snow, sleet
and plunging temperatures for much
of Lower Michigan today.
It's gonna get pretty messy,'
Adam said.

Yesterday's record
setting weather:
Detroit's high temperature of 70
degrees breaks record dating to
a Flint's high of 67 degrees
surpasses a 42 degree record set in
15 year-old Alpena record
temperature broken with 54 degree
m Grand Rapids shatters record from
1932 with a 68 degree recording.
Lakes Michigan, Huron and
Superior under gale warning,
71 degrees recorded at Benton

Clinton to address nation

Snippin' some love

Continued from Page 1
Senate returns to regular legislative session, they will make a
arliamentary move aimed at forcing a vote on their resolu-
tion to censure Clinton, but Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah),
one of the GOP's few censure supporters, said it would fail.
More likely, Democrats say, is the inclusion in the
Congressional Record of a statement rebuking Clinton for his
With the verdict all but in hand, White House aides were
happy to make reasonably positive judgments on the Senate's
labors, praising it in comparison with a House debate they
dismissed as excessively partisan.
"There have been days in this process where we've had
some grievance with a turn in events one way or the other,"
*Panel discusses i

said White House press secretary Joe Lockhart. "But ... there
has been a vast difference."
Clinton has said he plans to address the nation today after
the end of the trial, but officials have said there will not be a
repeat of what some senators of both parties have called a
partisan celebration that occurred when the House
impeached Clinton in December.
Asked what he wanted to hear from Clinton today, Sen.
Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) replied: "As little as possible."
For 100 senators meeting in secret for three days, the only
view shared by every one appeared to be disgust with President
Clinton's behavior. But on the critical question of whether
Clinton's alleged perjury and obstruction rose to the level of
impeachment, the two sides generally parted company.
Regardless of his sins, Democrats said, Clinton should not
be removed from office.
religion, Internet
information about religions they are not familiar with.
"You can't believe everything by e-mail, you can't
believe everything you look up on the web," Lawrence
J Earlier this week Lawrence spoke on a variety of reli-
gious issues, including the question of a unified religion
in the United States and the shift from civil society to
f information society.
h Last night he gave his last lecture, "Revisiting
Religious Pluralism."
"I think (Lawrence) hits the mark on many issues,"
said Yoon, but added that she thought the panel was too
e broad and should have been broken down into more con-
r crete issues.

Continued from Page 1
felt was necessary for a sense of spiritual
Williams spoke of the "full body presene
he feels is needed in human interaction,c
.ody-language and interruptions. ,
But since religion can also be define
abstract ideas, Long said, the Internet wi
"If religion is ideas, the Internet feeds
cept of disembodied ideas," Long said.
Audience members also raised concet
credibility of the Internet when people at
Condom day
safe sex
Continued from Page 2.
Beth Karmeisool said. Customers I
can register to win at the store.
While condom sales remain
steady throughout the year at The
Safe Sex Store, sales of novelty
items, including glow-in-the-dark
condoms, always rise around
Valentine's Day, Karmeisool said.
The Safe Sex Store has a variety-
of prophylactics for Valentine shop-
"We have every national brand
condom," said Karmeisool. "We
also have imported condoms and
specialty condoms like World
Wrestling Federation condoms and
Marilyn Monroe condoms."
The store also sells condoms in a
variety of colors and flavored con-
doms that come in cola, strawberry
and vanilla, to name a few.
"National Condom Day reinforces
the importance of safe sex, so I
*fink it's good that they have it,"
LSA sophomore Rina Bhattesaid.
"But I don't have any special plans
to celebrate the day."
,Other students say that practicing
safer sex is a year-round issue, so
"National Condom Day" is unneces-
"For me, every day is National
Condom Day," LSA first-year stu-
dent Rachael Adamczyk said.
f A

LSA sophomore Ann Walker makes a valentine on the ground floor of the Michigan Union yesterday as part of the
Michigan Union Programming Board's Artsbreak.


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