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January 08, 1999 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-01-08

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The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 8, 1999 - 7

VCommander: Iraq intent on attacking U.S. planes.K

The Baltimore Sun
WASHINGT.ON - Iraq is acting intent on shoot-
ing down American attack aircraft patrolling the
country's no-fly zones as a "desperate attempt" to
gain a victory or a propaganda advantage, the U.S.
military commander of Persian Gulf troops said
"They are trying to get one of our airplanes"'
Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni told reporters, saying that
over the past few weeks officials have counted 40 vio-
lations of the no-fly zones in northern and southern
Iraq, which are more aggressive than past cat-and-
mouse encounters. "These attempts we really feel are
serious attempts."
Speaking on a day when there was yet another
encounter between U.S. aircraft and Iraqi installations,
Zinni said U.S. pilots have changed both tactics and
rocedures "to handle the heightened threat."
He declined to say whether the actions would war-
rant another bombing campaign against Saddam
Hussein's forces.
Yesterday, an Air Force F-16 patrolling the northern
no-fly zone fired a missile at an Iraqi anti-aircraft mis-
sile site after it locked on the plane. Also, two Iraqi
fighters briefly entered the southern zone, according
to the Pentagon.
The F-16 and other American aircraft returned safe-
ly to their base at Incirlik, Turkey, after the incident 15
iles northwest of Mosul, said Pentagon officials. The
Amadar targeted the jet but did not fire a missile. There
was no immediate information on damage done to the
Iraqi site.
On Tuesday, Air Force and Navy warplanes fired
missiles at four Iraqi fighters in the country's southern
o-fly zone, but none was hit. The zones were set up
after the Persian Gulf War in 1991 to protect Kurds in
the north and Shiites in the south from attacks by

Hussein's forces.
Zinni termed Iraq's no-fly zone violations "a des-
perate attempt to claim some sort of victory or to use
the event for some sort of propaganda advantage."
"They try to come at us in a way to lure us into mis-
sile engagement zones or they try to come at us in a
way to put us in a position where other planes can
attack us;'said Zinni.
Since last month's bombing campaign on Iraq by
U.S. and British forces, a four-day barrage of cruise
missile and aircraft attacks dubbed Operation Desert
Fox, Zinni said there are signs of "significant internal
problems" in Iraq.
There have been executions of military, tribal and
civilian leaders by Hussein's forces, said Zinni, repeat-
ing reports from other sources, including the Iraqi
Moreover, Hussein has divided the country into
four zones with new officials in charge and sharply
criticized Arab leaders who supported the bombing
campaign. "We're seeing things that do indicate that
maybe his grip on control ... may be slipping," said
the four-star officer.
Zinni said he has various "contingency plans" to
react if the decision is made by President Clinton to
once again mount an attack. Some have suggested tar-
geting Hussein's planes on the ground, but the general
said Iraq's aircraft - aging Russian and French fight-
ers - have been dispersed from airfields, making
them a more difficult target.
While the military is still assessing bomb damage to
Iraq from Desert Fox, Zinni reiterated yesterday that
the attacks were successful. They degraded Hussein's
chemical and biological weapons program and set
back his ability to threaten his neighbors.
The military attack also targeted Hussein's
Republican Guard, which offers personal protection

.- & ', *

US. weapons experts
assisted UN. forces

WASHINGTON (AP) - American
weapons experts, including some from
intelligence agencies, helped U.N.
inspectors hunt for Iraqi weapons and
gained information that assisted U.S.
military planners, Clinton administra-
tion officials said yesterday.
But the officials rejected suggestions
that the Americans were proxy spies.
Unable to handle the arms inspection
job on its own, the U.N. Special
Commission on Iraq requested help
from dozens of countries, including the
United States. U.S. experts in chemical,
biological and nuclear weapons were
attached to UNSCOM on temporary
assignment, White House and State
Department officials said. The informa-
tion they collected was controlled
entirely by the United Nations.
"The business of weapons of mass
destruction arms control is extremely
serious and cannot be carried out by
amateurs," said State Department
deputy spokesperson James Foley.
"The United States has sent
UNSCOM our best weapons experts,
both from the government and pri-
vate organizations."

But once these officials returned to
their U.S. agencies, they carried with
them valuable information that vastly
improved the U.S. intelligence picture
of Iraq, information useful to strike tar-
get planners, among others. Some of
the experts sent to UNSCOM came
from U.S. intelligence agencies,
according to a U.S. official who spoke
on condition of anonymity. The identity
of the agencies sending U.S. officials to
work with the United Nations was not
disclosed to the Iraqis, making offi-
cials, in effect, undercover agents.
Concern at the United Nations that
ostensibly international inspections
benefited U.S. intelligence threatens
to undermine the basis for adminis-
tration policy on Iraq. More than a
year of tension between Washington
and Baghdad began in the fall of
1997 when Iraq demanded an end to
U.S. participation in the weapons
inspections, charging that they were
espionage operations. Iraq's lack of
cooperation with the U.N. inspectors
since then culminated in the pre-
Christmas U.S. and British airstrikes
on scores of targets in Iraq.

Arab students demonstrate in front of the U.N.
Development Program building in Baghdad yesterday.
and helps shield and transport Hussein's chemical
and biological weapons. Gen. Henry Shelton, chair-
person of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told a Senate
panel on Tuesday that an estimated 1,400 members
of the Republican Guard were killed in December's
But Zinni was more cautious. "We have no way of
verifying that number," he said, noting reports of
Republican Guard casualties from a variety of sources
have ranged from 600 to 2,000.

Trial steps
unclear, profs say
Continued from Page 1
families, including children, watch the trial
unfold, detailed questions would arise about
exactly what type of sexual relations Clinton
had with Lewinsky, Hutchings said.
' Although Clinton's lawyers have fought vig-
orously against the possibility of an all-out
trial, Hutchings said he thinks it could give
Clinton one last chance for vindication.
"Clinton might be better off if there is a full
trial," he said.
Aside from the political motivations for choos-
ing a trial procedure, another issue remains: what
does the Constitution say about the way a Senate
trial of the President should be run?
Article One, Section Three of the
.constitution gives the Senate "the sole power
to try all impeachments," but what does that
trial encompass?
Political science Prof. Mark Brandon said
the document is unclear about whether wit-
nesses are to testify in the trial.
"Under normal circumstances, the judicial
body trying the case would have to have the
facts presented to them in some form, but the
manner in which they are to be presented is not
spelled out," Brandon said.
* A third issue surrounding the legal proce-
dure of the century is the public's reaction.
In contrast to the Watergate scandal of the
1970s, which found University students wait-
ing in lines for hours just to buy transcripts of
the Nixon impeachment hearings, reactions on
campus have remained relatively benign.

Caucuses to hold meeting

Continued from Page 2.
president, Senate leaders engaged in an after-
noon of up-and-down negotiations that ended
with signs that a resolution could come today.
"We may be closer than we think we are,"
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.)
said at a collegial early evening news confer-
ence with Minority Leader Thomas Daschle
(D-S.D.) intended to demonstrate that talks
were back on track.
In a final bid to bridge party lines, the
Republican and Democratic caucuses will hold
a rare, if not unprecedented, joint meeting at
9:30 a.m. today, essentially a closed session of
the entire Senate. However, even if it cannot
reconcile differences over calling witnesses,
the Senate intends to reconvene at l p.m. to
approve a trial schedule with opening argu-
ments next week.
By yesterday night, the parties were circulat-
ing competing plans. The Democratic version
envisions seven days of arguments by prosecu-
tors and defense lawyers beginning Tuesday,
with the Senate starting deliberations Jan. 22
and voting on the articles of impeachment Jan.
26. The Republican version would start pre-
sentations Wednesday, limiting each side to 24
hours of arguments, followed by consideration
of motions and then votes on subpoenas for
witnesses. An unspecified amount of time
would be allowed for testimony, followed by
eight hours of closing arguments and votes in
early February.
The confusion on Capitol Hill yesterday
underscored the extraordinary nature of the
constitutional confrontation now engaging all

three branches of government. The only other
time the Senate has considered whether to
remove a president from office came during
the 1868 trial of Andrew Johnson, in an era
when there were no independent counsels, no
DNA evidence, no direct election of senators
and no television cameras.
Johnson was acquitted by a single vote after
a 2 1/2-month trial on charges that he violated
the law by firing a dissident Cabinet officer
without congressional permission, the climax
of years of political battling over his
Reconstruction policies easing the return of
Confederate states to the Union.
Clinton went on trial yesterday for "high
crimes and misdemeanors" ofa far different sort,
charged in two articles of impeachment with per-
jury and obstruction of justice stemming from
his efforts to keep secret his affair with former
White House intern Monica Lewinsky. Under
the Constitution, conviction requires a two-thirds
vote, or 67 senators if all are present.
As he has through much of the year-long
scandal, Clinton did his best to ignore the cri-
sis, at least publicly. Aides said he did not
watch the morning Senate proceedings and had
lunch with Vice President Gore during the
afternoon session.
His advisers were not so restrained. White
House press secretary Joe Lockhart com-
plained that starting arguments next week
without the rules in place would be "manifest-
ly unfair to the president" and warned that
allowing witnesses as demanded by House
prosecutors would force a lengthy delay.
With the Johnson trial as its only real guide,
the Senate plowed forward with the formali-

Continued from Page I
"He was like a player on our team for
three years," Berenson said.
Fishman, 29, left his position as hockey
sports information director after last year's
season ended when he took a job as man-
ager of communications and marketing for
USA Hockey, the association responsible
for organizing teams for international
"He added a lot of enthusiasm and did a
great job of being a sports information
director," Berenson said.
Associate Athletic Director for Media
Relations Bruce Madej said he was
shocked at the news of Fishman's untimely
"It's tragic," Madej said. "My entire
office was extremely distraught about the
"It's a sad situation when you lose some-
one at the beginning of a long life," Madej
Madej said the Athletic Department suf-
fered a loss when Fishman left at the end
of last season, but was confident Fishman
would find success at his new job at USA
"I didn't want to see him leave, but he
had an opportunity with USA Hockey that
he thought would take him farther," Madej
Although no formal plans have been
made to honor Fishman, Berenson said he
hopes there will be some kind of memori-
al to recognize Fishman.
- Daily staff reporters Nikita Easley, Katie
Plona and Jennifer Yachnin
contributed to this report.

The format of the upcoming impeachment trial is
still in question, and President Clinton continues
to address issues affecting the nation. Clinton
spoke on his education agenda yesterday.
Political science Prof. Christina Fastnow said
many theories could explain the country's seem-
ing apathy toward the Clinton scandal.
"It could be we are tired of hearing about it,"
she said. "It could be we are inured to it since
Watergate or because we've gotten so cynical."
This real-life example of the power of the
Constitution offers a perfect opportunity ;for
students to learn about their government,
Fastnow said.
"It will definitely come up in class," she
said. "It makes a really good example of how
the Constitution is applied."

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