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February 10, 1999 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-10

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 10, 1999 - 5


Gentlemen, start your voices


Continued from Page i
An effort led by Democrats and
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)
to open the proceedings failed - it
gained a 59-41 majority but that was
short of the two-thirds needed - with
the GOP leadership helping to stiffen
the opposition.
Closed-door deliberations are
more conducive to thoughtful
exchanges, said Sen. Jon Kyl (R-
Ariz.). "Sometimes a discussion
breaks out. If it's in closed session,
you will see more of a dialogue. If
there's going to be any persuasion it's
only going to be in closed session."
Despite his remarks, Kyl voted to
open the doors.
One Republican senator said he
hoped that by closing the deliberations
the Senate would be able to engage in a
candid, nonpartisan discussion of a pro-
posal to censure Clinton after his pre-
sumed acquittal.
Democrats have been leading the
censure effort, with the support of a
small number of Republicans.
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine)
lent her support during the day. A
spokesperson said she had succeeded
inserting language in a proposal
under consideration to make it clear
that Clinton would be treated like
any other citizen after he leaves
office - a time when the govern-
ment decides whether to prosecute
him for any alleged crime.
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ken.)
said many GOP senators oppose cen-
sure, but he said he might be recep-
tive as a way of dousing any plans

for celebration at the White House.
"What we could end up having by
the end of the week is a bipartisan
acquittal, which I'm afraid could
lead to a good deal of celebrating
downtown," he said.
Presidential spokesperson Joe
Lockhart has already declared that the
White House will be a "gloat-free
zone" after the Senate takes its votes.
Republicans, in particular, were
offended by Clinton's campaign-style
appearance at the White House with
Democratic lawmakers hours after the
House voted last December to

impeach him.
With one or two possible excep-
tions, the Senate's 45 Democrats are
expected to vote for Clinton's acquittal
on both charges - perjury and
obstruction of justice. Most of the 55
Republicans are expected to vote for
conviction, although several GOP sen-
ators have said in recent days the arti-
cle of impeachment alleging perjury,
in particular, could fail to achieve a
majority vote.
With the end of the historic trial only
days away, Republicans moved to tie up
loose ends.

iSA junior Evan Scalzo, a member of the a cappella group The Gentlemen, sings before members of the Michigan
Student Assembly at their meeting last night In the Michigan Union.

Continued from Page 1
students face a drug charge, they often
plead guilty in order to receive a lesser
penalty, even if they have done nothing
wrong, he said.
"A lot of kids are going to plead
guilty without knowing it will affect
their financial aid status,' he said.
Jamie Greco, president of the
' tochester Institute of Technology's
student government in New York, said
tkhe assembly supported the anti-provi-
sion resolution because the drug provi-
sion may limit students who wish to
make positive changes in their lives.
"Our thoughts were that it didn't give
people a chance to redeem them-
selves," Greco said. "These are the peo-
ple that need the money the most"
Greco stressed that the RIT student
government does not condone sub-
sWtance abuse. "We are against drug use.
We just want people to have a fair
chance," he said.
The provision's author, U.S. Rep.
Mark Souder (R-Ind.), supports a
tpugh stance on drug use, said his
deputy Chief of Staff Angela Flood
"If they are breaking the law by
,Using drugs, are convicted of using
drugs and are receiving federal aid,
they are going to be held accountable
or that;" Flood said. "Drug use affects
our ability to learn"
There has been no organized reaction
against the provision at the University.
Local marijuana activist Adam
Brook said the lack of response on the
University campus is due to students'
fears of being vocal about drug legisla-
tion and an apathy among students.
Brook, who is the former president
of both the National Organization for
*he Reform of Marijuana Laws and
Help Eliminate Marijuana Prosecution,
said by not voting, many young people
bypass the chance to have a say in what
happens in government. This provision
should serve as a wake up call to stu-
dents, he said. i
"Students need to stand up and pay
attention to what's going on around
them," Brook said. "They don't, and
then they lose their rights."
Although the Higher Education Act
went into effect in October, the
University has not yet worked out a
system for enforcing the regulations.
University associate Vice President
r for Government Relations Tom Butts, t
who is working with others to decide
how to enforce the act's drug provision,
said individual schools are responsible
for enforcing the provision.
"If the institution's aware of it, they
lave to act on it," he said.
Smith said many options have been
:discussed, such as a system of self-
i-eporting, which would require stu-
dents to report a drug conviction, or a
cross-referencing of information from
the Justice Department and the
Department of Education to obtain the
information. This particular method
could anger many people, Smith said.
"A lot of people have serious con-
cerns about privacy issues," he said.

Continued from Page I
suits challenging use of race in admis-
sions practices of the University's Law
School and College of Literature,
Science and the Arts.
Jaye played a role in the organization
of the two lawsuits.
"If we defeat Ward Connerly and
company, we can drive a stake in the
heart of their ballot initiative," said
Luke Massie, a member of the
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action
By Any Means Necessary.
"We've -,pent the past two years orea-
nizing" at the University, Curtin said,
adding that campus organizations from
around the state have joined their
efforts to fight the state proposal.
"Unity is essential - that is what
gives it its substance and power" Salas

The proposal and other issues facing
the future of affirmative action will be
addressed at a regional conference on
race, scheduled to be held on MSU's
campus in April.
"We are now at the beginning of a
new civil rights movement." Curtin said,
Many at the press conference said
they fear the implications of the ballot
proposal if Michigan voters approve it.
"It scares the hell out of me," said
Tendaji Ganges, interim coordinator for
affirmative action at the University's
Flint campus.
"Peovle don't recognize the dangers
here," Ganges said.
Ganges said student activism is key
to opposing the proposal. "Those of us
who aren't students are counting on the
students on various campuses to carry
the ball," he said,

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