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February 10, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-10

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 10, 1999


Continued from Page 1.
the Greek system's policy enforcement.
"Our goal is to self-regulate," Scharg said.
The task force suggested an IFC executive board
member accompany SRC to parties to ensure all vio-
Lations are reported.
.Task force members consulted Vice President for
Student Affairs Maureen Hartford on issues surround-
ing the Greek system's alcohol policy.
Hartford seconded the task force's idea to increase
SRC's reinforcement. But, she said she also suggested
a University faculty or staff member accompany SRC
en its party patrols.

The task force also suggested that Greek houses be
required to increase the amount of educational pro-
gramming they offer, Scharg said.
The task force worked with local police, lawyers
and University administrators to conduct research
when drawing up its report.
"Things are being thoroughly discussed and thor-
oughly researched," Panhel adviser Mary Beth Seiler
"It's a difficult task ... they are struggling with it as
are other social organizations that have social events,"
Hartford said.
When the task force presented its report to IFC and
Panhel representatives two weeks ago, the delegates
made suggestions to the task force's recommenda-

tions. Later this semester, these representatives will
vote on the new alcohol policy.
"Its taking some time," Seiler said, adding that "we
didn't know how long it was going to take"
Task force members said they are still unsure about
what recommendations will be incorporated into the
new policy.
"Overall its a good plan,' said Engineering sopho-
more Charles Thomasma, president of Delta Kappa
Epsilon. But "some of the things on there I don't want
to happen, but they're necessary measures."
If the rules are strictly adhered to, they will benefit
the Greek system, Thomasma said.
"I think its a wonderful thing," Reddy said, adding that
the IFC is "challenging obstacles that are ahead of us."

Study: Sexual dysfunction plagues nation
CHICAGO - More than 40 percent of women and 30 percent of men regular
ly have .,o interest in sex, can't have an orgasm or suffer from some other -seua
dysfunction, according to what researchers say is the most comprehensive U.S. set
survey since the 1948 Kinsey Report.
The study's lead author, University of Chicago sociologist Edward La n
called the findings stunning.
"I think it gives us a base for explaining why we had this enormous response t
Viagra," he said.
The researchers said problems with sex are often coupled with everything fron
emotional and health problems to lack of time, job pressures and money trouble
But they said they aren't sure which comes first - stress or problems with sex.
The study was published in today's Journal of the American Medica
The researchers based their findings on the 1992 National Health and Socia
Life Survey, a compilation of interviews with 1,749 women and 1,410 men.
The participants, ages 18 to 59, were asked if they had experienced sexual dys-
function over several months in the previous year. Sexual dysfunction was de d
as a regular lack of interest in or pain during sex or persistent problems achi*


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lubrication, an erection or orgasm.
Medicare progresses
in curbing waste
WASHINGTON - Medicare lost
about 7 cents of every dollar spent to
fraud, waste and mistakes in 1998, gov-
ernment auditors said yesterday.
That amounts to more than $12 bil-
lion - but it's only about half of what
was lost by the health insurance pro-
gram for the elderly and disabled just
two years ago.
"It shows a very significant turn-
around," said Health and Human
Services Department Inspector General
June Gibbs Brown, who attributed the
improvement to stricter government
"People are taking it seriously that
someone is going to check on what's
going on" she said.
The inspector general's audit looked
at the medical bills submitted to
Medicare on behalf of 600 beneficia-
ries nationwide during the govern-
ment's fiscal year 1998, which ended
Sept. 30. Of those 5,540 bills, auditors
discovered problems with 915.
Based on the dollar value of tlie sam-

ple bills, auditors estimate that overall,
Medicare paid out $12.6 billion it
shouldn't have last year. That's 7.1, per-
cent of the total $176.1 billion Medicare
paid directly to health care providers,
including doctors and hospitals.
Sears to pay fine,
plead ity to frau
CHICAGO - Sears, Roebuck &
Co. said yesterday it will plead guilty to
fraud and pay a $60 million fine for
illegally pursuing debts from bankrupt
credit card customers.
In an agreement with the govern-
ment, a Sears subsidiary, Sears
Bankruptcy Recovery Management
Services, will admit that it failed to
get approval from bankruptcy ju s
for debt-collection agreements
signed by credit card customers who
sought Chapter 7 protection.
Credit card debts are erased when cus-
tomers file for bankruptcy. But when
customers sign reaffirmation agree-
ments, they agree to continue paying
their debt in exchange for keeping the
credit card or keeping merchandise
bought on credit.


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Prosecutors aim to
outlaw religious cults
MOSCOW - Prosecutors
launched a drive yesterday to outlaw
the Jehovah's Witnesses, accusing
them of fomenting religious strife at
the start of a trial that could have
sweeping implications for all faiths in
The case is the most prominent test
so far of Russia's new law on religion,
which is designed to curb the activities
of foreign religious organizations seek-
ing new members in Russia.
Prosecutors brought charges under
an article seeking to outlaw dangerous
cults. The indictment accuses the
Jehovah's Witnesses of inciting reli-
gious discord, splitting families, pro-
moting suicide and denying medical
care to the critically ill.
Human rights advocates warn that
although Russia's constitution official-
ly protects freedom of worship, a ruling
against the Witnesses could be used to
outlaw any religious group that falls
out of favor with authorities.
"This is a major test case' said

Diederik Lohman, director of the
Moscow office of Human Rights
Watch. "If they win this case they can
easily use it as a precedent to close
down groups throughout Russia"' e
ruling in the trial, being held in a sn I,
stuffy local district courtroom in north-
ern Moscow, will technically apply
only to that district of the city.
Iran's intelligence
inistry leader resigns
TEHRAN - The head of Iran's
intelligence ministry resigned yester-
day in the continuing political fa$t
from revelations that agents killed at
least two dissident writers andtwo
nationalist politicians last year.
The resignation of Qorbanali Dotri-
Najafabadi, reportedly along with two
of his deputies, is an important victory
for reformist forces, allowing President
Mohammed Khatami to exert at least
partial control over the Information
Ministry, the somewhat misleading
name of the body that gathers both
internal and external intelligence..
- Compiled from Daily wire reports.


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