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February 09, 1999 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-09

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12 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 9, 1999

ACC commish urges Auburn boycott-

Florida State basketball team might still play

game against Tigers next season

If the Wolverines surprise Ohio State tonight, it will be their first road victory.
can shock Bucks

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - The commissioner
of the Atlantic Coast Conference wants his nine
schools to boycott Auburn in every sport as punish-
ment for canceling a Sept. 2 football game against
Florida State.
In a letter to Auburn Athletic Director David
Housel, ACC commissioner John Swofford called it
"absolutely reprehensible that a university the stature
of Auburn would ever consider canceling a contract-
ed football game that has been scheduled for nation-
al television less than seven months prior to kickoff."
The Seminoles are scrambling to find a new oppo-
Housel, reached at his home late last night, said he
"would have no comment" on the memo.
Southeatern Conference Commissioner Roy
Kramer said last night he was unaware of Swofford's
memo and had no comment on it. Auburn is a mem-
ber of the SEC.
"If this is the way Auburn University is going to
conduct its business, I feel it is my obligation as con-
ference commissioner to ask all of our member insti-
tutions to seriously evaluate whether it makes sense to
schedule Auburn in any sport," Swofford wrote.
The Orlando Sentinel obtained a copy of
Swofford's letter.
Florida State is scheduled to return a basketball
game to Auburn next year, and Seminoles coach
Steve Robinson indicated last week he planned to do
At least one ACC school, Clemson, has future foot-
ball games scheduled with Auburn. The schools hold
contracts for four games from 2005 through 2008.
Clemson spokesman Tim Bourret said yesterday he
did not know whether the Auburn-Clemson games
were in danger.
Swofford, who express-mailed the letter to Housel
before Auburn made a final decision on canceling the
game, said the ACC will demand an additional
$850,000 - the amount the league will lose if the
Seminoles are unable to find an opponent suitable for
"We just cannot conduct business this way,"

Continued from Page 10
the way he was the first time he
played Michigan.
Some think he might not have to
worry. But like most college coach-
es, he won't speculate past the next
It's easy to say Ohio State has the
NCAA Tournament locked up. Beat
Michigan tonight, and they're

assured of at least a .500 conference
The Buckeyes also haven't lost
more than two straight games all sea-
Michigan, by contrast, would need
to win every one of their remaining
It'stpossible, as is nearly anything
with this team.
But it's not likely, even if they pull
the surprise tonight.

If ACC commissioner John Swofford gets his way, Florida State's basketball' team might not play It's scheduled
game against Auburn next season.


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Swofford wrote. "It damages the entire enterprise of
intercollegiate athletics. It is simply wrong."
Housel said they had received the letter before
making a decision but did not elaborate.
Meanwhile yesterday, Florida State athletic direc-
tor Dave Hart made the first of a series of phone calls
to conferences and schools across the country,
searching for an opponent. Pickings are slim.

Officials from eight major conferences - SEC,
Big Ten, Big 12, Pac-10, Big East, Mid-American,
Western Athletic and Conference USA - said all
their teams' schedules were completed.
"It's very difficult," said Hart, adding that FSU'sO
Thursday night slot on ESPN was all but dead.
"Because of the calendar ... it goes without saying
we're very short on time. We're up against it."

Icers might face Bulldogs in playoffs


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Continued from Page 10
Michigan will face the Broncos
twice over the course of the next two
weeks, traveling again to Kalamazoo
on Feb. 19.
would be hosting Ferris State in the
first round of the CCHA playoffs, if
the season ended today.
The Wolverines are currently i
third place, which would pair ther
with sixth-place Ferris State.
Michigan has concluded the regu-
lar-season series with the Bulldogs,
defeating them twice at Yost Ice
Arena, but dropping the only contest
in Big Rapids.
Should Michigan retake second
place from Ohio State, it would then
welcome Bowling Green in the first
round, a more palatable option f*;
the Wolverines, since they have won
all three matchups with the Falcons.
The playoffs begin March 12, with
the four first-round winners conven-
ing at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit the
following weekend to decide the
playoff championship.

If the season were to end today, then Sean Peach and the rest of the Michigan
hockey team would face Ferris State in the first round of the CCHA playoffs.

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