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February 09, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-09

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2,- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, February 9, 1999
Kosovo rebels cAl for forma cease fire

RAMBOUILLET, France (AP) - Ethnic
Albanians pressed for a formal cease-fire for Kosovo
while Serbs sought a pledge to keep Yugoslavia's bor-
ders unchanged as the two sides held peace talks yes-
terday at a French chateau.
At the same time, international mediators wanted to
drop what they called these "side issues" and move on
to details of a peace settlement for Kosovo, where
more than 2,000 people have died and about 300,000
have been driven from their homes in a year of fight-
The sides remain so estranged that they are not
meeting face-to-face. The mediators, led by

Christopher Hill, the U.S. ambassador to Macedonia,
are shuttling between rooms at a 14th-Century
chateau outside Paris.
Hashim Thaci, political director of the rebel Kosovo
Liberation Army who is acting as head of the Albanian
delegation, called for "an immediate cease-fire agree-
ment between the warring factions in Kosovo - the
Serb forces and the Kosovo Liberation Army."
That cease-fire, he said, should be guaranteed by
the United States and the five other European coun-
tries that make up the Kosovo Contact Group: Russia,
France, Britain, Germany and Italy.
There has been a cease-fire of sorts since October,

when American troubleshooter Richard Holbrooke
worked out a deal with hard-line Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic.
But that deal, which averted NATO airstrikes, has
been shaky from the start, broken by repeated out-
bursts of violence in Kosovo, a province in Serbia, the
main republic in Yugoslavia.
A formal cease-fire, signed by both sides, would
amount to a de facto Serb recognition of the KLA.
The two sides were forced to the table by the
renewed threat of NATO airstrikes against Yugoslavia
and further measures to cut off the KLA's arms sup-
plies and financing. The talks began Saturday.

Pilot talks still stalled, flights canceled
FORT WORTH - American Airlines canceled more than 400 flights yesterday,
the most since pilots began saying they were unable to fly amid a dispute related
to the company's recent purchase of Reno Air.
More than 1,000 flights have been canceled since talks bogged down late Fiday
over when Reno Air pilots will get paid the same as American pilots.
Twenty percent ofAmerican's 2,250 flights were canceled yesterday, with Miami
and New York the hardest-hit regions.
The pilot's association is urging its members to consider whether emotions from
the bickering would affect their ability to safely pilot a jet - apparently prompt-
ing the unusually large number of cockpit crew members saying they are "unfit to
"What we have said is we want you to use common sense and your best judg-
ment," said Gregg Overman, a spokesperson for the Allied Pilots Association.
Pilots are saying they are unable to fly and are also refusing to take on those extra
flights by working voluntary overtime. While American pilots are barred by feder-
al law from striking over the issue, they are allowed to refuse overtime.
Donald Carty, chief executive of American's parent company AMR Corp., sa@
at a news conference that the airline is considering asking a court for an injunction
against the pilots'job action.

Continued from Page 1.
Ahn said, adding that the quality of the
notes is sub-par. "The online notes are
somewhat crude in comparison to the
notes they offer at Ulrich's Grade-A-
Hong said the credibility of the
notes concerns him.
"I don't doubt them because they're
free, but I am skeptical because there
doesn't seem to be any standard to hold
these notes too," Hong said.
Since the site first began under the
name Notes4free.com in September
'97, Lawson said the service has
expanded within the University to
include notes for 28 courses and has
also expanded to seven other schools in
the Big Ten.
Brain Maser, co-founder of a similar
site, Study24-7.com, said profit from
most Internet sites is made through
advertising, which is proportional to
the site's number of visitors.
Professional note-taking services
like Grade-A-Notes, which charge
money for their product, are in compe-
tition with free lecture notes sites. But
sales for Grade-A-Notes have
increased since these Internet sites
have appeared on campus.
"The Internet sites have helped to
promote professional lecture notes and
are providing more awareness for our
product," Grade-A-Notes President
Kathy Eshelman claimed.
She added the quality - or lack

thereof-- of Internet notes has pushed
students to buy notes from the service.
Psychology Prof. Eric Schumacher,
who teaches Psychology 111, was not
aware that free lecture notes were
available for his class on the Internet.
"I think they're fine as long as the
note-takers have been given permis-
sion;' he said. "Students who have
bought lecture notes in the past seem to
like them and feel that they help."
He added that "most students real-
ize that even if they have these notes,
they can't get away with not going to
Prof. Jan Gerson, who teaches
Economics, said she has not granted
permission in the past to note-takers
who have wanted to sell notes for her
"I feel that students use the notes as an
excuse to skip class and it is important
that they learn in class' "she said. "I have .
not granted permission for note-takers to
sell their notes because I feel that this is
not in the student's best interest."
The Study24-7 Website, which has
not yet tapped into the University, con-
tains free lecture notes for 70 schools,
but it also tries to encourage the form-
ing of virtual "class communities."
These communities are facilitated
by the campus note-taker/representa-
tive working for Study24-7.
Although these sites offer many
opportunities for students, Gerson said
it is "important that there is a balance
in the presentation of the information
which we teach."

Companies test new
music technology,
NEW YORK - In a major move to
protect the music industry from online
bootleggers, five leading record com-
panies are teaming up with IBM to test
technology that lets people quickly
record CD-quality albums off the
Computer users can already get ille-
gal, pirated material over the Internet. .
The test announced yesterday is aimed
at thwarting the bootleggers by offering
better-quality sound and a wider selec-
tion of music.
"This trial offers an extraordinary
window on the future of the music
business;' said Roger Faxon, senior
vice president of business development
at EMI, whose music catalog includes
the Rolling Stones, Frank Sinatra and
the Spice Girls.
Beginning in the spring, IBM's new
technology will be tested during six
months by about 1,000 people in San
Diego. BMG Entertainment, EMI

Recorded Music, Sony Music
Entertainment, Universal Music Group
and Warner Music Group will create an
online music store with more than
2,000 albums for sale.
Trial date set for
Michigan woman
WASHINGTON - Last year,Ant
Arbor resident Renee Emry Wolfe lit up
a joint in a congressman's office to bring
the issue of medical marijuana to the fed-
eral government's attention. Now she's
going on trial in Washington for posses-
sion of a controlled substance.
Wolfe said marijuana is the on1
way she gets relief when her muscle
go into spasm from multiple sclerosis.
U.S. attorneys are prosecuting the
case because "the possession of mari-
juana is against the law in the District;'
spokesman Channing Phillips said.
District of Columbia Superior
Court Judge Anita Josey-Herring
decided yesterday to set an April 26
trial date for the case.

Continued from Page 1.
University student Tamara Williams,
who was fatally stabbed outside her
Northwood apartment complex build-
ing by her live-in boyfriend on Sept. 23,
Tony Springfield, who teaches U-
Move-sponsored self-defense sessions at
the Central Campus Recreation
Building, is scheduled to instruct
Thursday's assembly sponsored class at
the Union.
Springfield, whose experience
includes 15 years of competition and 20

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years of teaching judo, has taught self-
defense classes through U-Move for
three years. He has also taught self-
defense classes at Bursely, Mary
Markley and Couzens residence halls.
Springfield said he plans to split up
Thursday night's session by dis-
cussing with students what they
would like to learn as well as taking
questions and teaching specific
defense techniques.
"What you do mentally is just as
important as what you do physically in
a crisis situation," Springfield said.
Springfield said he would probably
teach moves that include breaking out
of bear hugs, front and back choking
and hairpull attacks.
Jody Delind, an LSA sophomore who
plans to attend the class, said she thinks
"it's important to take responsibility for
yourself and to be independent."
Delind also said she hopes to leave
the class with more self-confidence and
Nia Aguirre, a U-Move personal
training director and a Kinesiology lec-
turer, said its five-session classes, held
once every term, attract a sporadic
turnout. Of those who attend, Aguirre
said, most are females.
"The participants leave here feeling
confident and they are really happy that
they took to class," Aguirre said.
Stewart said she hopes the class
will increase student interest in crime
prevention. Thursday's class, Stewart
said, is the start of an awareness series
to "raise the consciousness level" of
the campus.
The next event in the series is not yet
scheduled, but Stewart said the CSC
plans on presenting speakers to discuss
the effects of gammahtdroxybutric acid
Department of Public Safety
Lieutenant Joe Piersante said the depart-
ment encourages people "to learn as
much about crime safety as possible?'
Of the 139 felonies and misde-
meanors reported to DPS in December
1998, Piersante said there were seven
assaults and 99 larcenies.

Man connected with
bombing released
NAIROBI, Kenya - A mechanic
arrested last week in connection with
last year's bombing of the U.S.
Embassy in Nairobi has been released
without charge, the man's lawyer said
Ali Mohfoudh Salim was released
Saturday from a police station in the
coastal city of Mombasa.
Following claims of torture and
unlawful detention, a Kenyan high
court had ordered Friday that Salim be
released or brought before a court as
soon as possible. The court also
ordered the Immigration Department
not to allow U.S. agents to take Salim
out of the country for further question-
ing about the Aug. 7 blast.
The development marked the FBI's
first legal obstacle in its hunt for bomb-
ing suspects in Kenya.
Taib Ali Taib, Salim's lawyer, said his
client had been harassed and physically
abused, and his passport confiscated by
security agents. Salim would file an affi-
davit in court today, Taib said.

"He was beaten, he was kicked, he
was told he was going to be extradited,"
Taib said of his client, adding that
Salim was yet to undergo a thoroug
medical check-up to determine t
extent of his injuries.
China assails ruling
on immigrants
HONG KONG - Setting the stage
for a constitutional crisis that will test
the limits of Hong Kong's judicial
independence, a senior Chine
Cabinet official yesterday attacked
ruling by the territory's highest court
granting the right of abode to thou-
sands of mainland-born children
whose parents live in Hong Kong.
"The decision of the Hong Kong
court was a mistake and against the
Basic Law," Zhao Qizheng, director of
the State Council Information Office,
told reporters attending a reception in
Beijing. Zhao said the ruling last
month by Hong Kong's Court of Fin
Appeal "should be changed."
- Compiled from Daily wire repQrts.


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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday tnrougn -riday during ne ra lanO winter term bUy
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus su
scriptions for fall term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Erin Holmes, Katie Plona, Mike Spahn.
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ralzone. Lauren Gibbcs, Jewel Gopjwani, Michael Grass, Maria Hackett, Jody Simone Kay', Yael Kohen, Sarah Lewis, Chris Metinko, Kelliy
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CALENDAR: Jewel GopwaniAdam Zuwerink.
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SPORTS Rick Freeman, M aging Editor
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PHOTO Margret Myers, WarrenZ'". , Ed
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