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February 05, 1999 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-02-05

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, February 5, 1999


Continued from Page 1
"I enjoy performing, so this was a
chance to perform and maybe make
some money," Quaye said. The Black
and Gold pageant is similar to fash-
ions shows Quaye has participated in
before, but "when you add the com-
petition it adds a new twist," she
z Because event organizers worked

with the contestants, Quaye said
knew what to expect.
One member of the audien
LSA sophomore Carla Butler, sa
she enjoyed the show for the ent
tainment and because similar eve
do a good job of promoting un
among black students at t
"It's putting African Americans
a good light by showing posit
qualities," Butler said.


Equipment pulled
from 'no fly' zones

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in Los Angeles Times
ive WASHINGTON - Iraqi President
Saddam Hussein has begun withdrawing
air-defense batteries, artillery, troops and
other material from his country's north-
ern and southern "no-fly" zones in the
face of steady strikes by U.S. and British
warplanes, U.S. officials said yesterday.
Although the withdrawals may be
temporary, U.S. officials pointed to the
regrouping as evidence of the effective-
ness of a six-week campaign in which
allied warplanes have inflicted substan-
tial damage on Iraqi air defenses without
losing any aircraft or pilots.
"He's been demonstrating to his con-
stituencies his weakness, not his
strength," a senior Clinton administra-
tion official said.
Hussein has been challenging jets
patrolling the Western-imposed no-fly
zones since mid-December, after inten-
sive U.S.-British airstrikes on his coun-
try. Iraqi fighter planes have repeatedly
flown into the proscribed zones and
occasionally fired at allied warplanes.
Anti-aircraft missile batteries have
"locked" their radar on the U.S. and
British jets, often a prelude to an attack.
In response, the allied air armada has
struck about 40 surface-to-air missile
batteries, knocking out roughly 20 per-
cent of Hussein's long-range SAM
installations, according to U.S. defense
The intermittent skirmishing has been
more punishing than Operation Desert
Fox, the December assault that targeted
34 air-defense batteries and struck about
two-thirds of them.
President Clinton gave military com-
manders latitude last month to respond
with broad counterattacks on Hussein's

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air defenses any time Iraqi planes or
radar make threatening moves.
The no-fly zones were imposed after
the 1991 Persian Gulf War to shield the
Kurdish minority in the north and dissi-
dent Shiites in the south from air attack.
A defense official said Hussein has
been moving equipment around rapidly,
following a long-established pattern
intended to confuse his adversaries.
He has apparently moved some equip-
ment into the zones, which are south of
the 33rd parallel and north of the 36th
parallel. But, "overall, there's a net reduc-
tion," this official said. "He's had only
two choices: Move it or lose it."
It is next to impossible to assess how
many casualties the Iraqis have suffered
in the course of the air-defense strikes,
but analysts say troops and crews often
work near the equipment.
Still, some signs suggest that
Hussein doesn't intend to stop his
provocations right away.
Although bad weather has made flying
difficult in the region for several days,
two Iraqi MiG aircraft were spotted
briefly in the southern zone yesterday. As
recently as Monday, Hussein offered a
bounty of $14,000 for the downing of an
allied warplane, and a smaller amount for
the capture of a pilot.
The limitations of Hussein's air-
defense equipment and personnel have
been underscored during the past couple
of years by the Iraqi military's failure to
counter air raids by neighboring Iran's
antiquated air force against opposition
groups based inside Iraq.
"These should have been easy to
stop, but Iraq couldn't," said Kenneth
Pollack, an Iraq expert at the National
Defense University in Washington.
Continued from Page 1.
While seen by GOP leaders as a way of
expressing disapproval of Clinton's
behavior despite his anticipated acquit-
tal, the proposal threatened a major
rupture with Democrats, and key
Republicans said yesterday they will
drop it unless they detect support
across the aisle that does not now exist.
Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott
(R-Miss.) underscoring GOP anxiety
about prolonging a trial seen as hurt-
ing the party politically, laid out a
schedule that would allow the Senate
to meet his goal of final up-or-down
votes on the two articles of impeach-
ment by next Friday - and "conceiv-
ably" even a day earlier.
"I do think it's time that we get to a
vote and that we move on," Lott said.
"We can complete this next week and
(after a recess) we can be talking about
education, defense and tax cuts and
Social Security by the 20th of February."
While resigned to their defeat, the
House prosecutors who once envi-
sioned a full-scale proceeding with 10
to 15 witnesses professed disappoint-
ment at not being allowed to bring
Lewinsky, the single witness they
asked for yesterday, to the Senate floor.
"Either Lewinsky or Clinton is lying
and the Senate's job is to figure out
whom," said Rep. F. James
Sensenbrenner (R-Wis.). "I don't think
the Senate is making available the best
evidence to itself.
But from historical precedent, it's
clear that the Senate is in charge of
running the trial."
The White House was not entirely
claiming victory either. While success-
ful in blocking live Lewinsky testimony,
Clinton's legal team had fought even a
video appearance by the former White
House intern whose affair with the pres-
ident led to the perjury and obstruction
of justice charges against him.
Although her voice has been heard

since the House's release of her secretly
recorded telephone conversations with
Linda Tripp, never has Lewinsky been
seen by the nation's public describing
her dealings with Clinton. In a last-ditch
appeal yesterday, his lawyers pleaded
with senators to consider the emotional
turmoil such video segments would
cause Clinton's wife and daughter.
"How can the Senate contemplate
releasing Lewinsky's videotape testimo-
ny discussing her relationship with the
president without giving at least some
thought to the impact that this might
have on the members of the family?"
White House special counsel Gregory
Craig asked before yesterday's votes.

NRA lobbies to prevent gun lawsuits
ATLANTA - Unwilling to spend billions to settle litigation as the tobacco
industry did, gunmakers and the National Rifle Association are firing back, lobby-
ing state officials to outlaw lawsuits seeking to recover the cost of gun-related vio-
"It may bankrupt us, but we are never going to settle," said Bob Baker, president
of Freedom Arms Inc., which manufactures high-end revolvers in Freedom, Wyo.*
Five cities - Chicago, New Orleans, Atlanta, Bridgeport, Conn. and the unified
Miami-Dade County government in Florida - have sued various gunmakers.
Atlanta, site this week of the nation's largest gun and hunting trade show, filed its suit
Mayors of other cities say they are planning similar litigation.
But the industry and the NRA, which boasts 3 million members and relies on more
than 80 million registered gunowners, are using their considerable political clout to
halt the lawsuits before the legal fees add up.
"What the mayors are going to find out is that a direct attack on the freedom to
bear arms is the toughest briar patch they can jump into," NRA Vice President Wayne
LaPierre said.
"They think that there is no cost, and this is a way to a quick buck, like tobaco
money. But their cost, politically and economically, is going to be high, because we're
determined to expose this for the sham that it is."

HIV medicines show
unexpected results
CHICAGO - When HIV patients
take medicines that control the virus,
their immune systems begin to recuper-
ate in ways that are puzzling and con-
troversial, doctors are finding.
Patients recover immunity to some
deadly opportunistic infections, but
appear unable to fight diseases they
were vaccinated for as children or to
target HIV itself.
Scientists reported yesterday that use
of Highly Active Antiretroviral
Therapy, can in at least half of all HIV
patients push the viral population down
to undetectable levels, allowing the
beleaguered immune system to recon-
struct itself. But it appears the recon-
structed system bears little resem-
blance to the immune system of a
healthy individual, and it's unclear
exactly how well the cells and antibod-
ies in the system can protect HAART
At the Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections, Brigitte

Autran of the Hospital Pitie Salpetriere
in Paris presented evidence on patients
with advanced HIV infection. She said
that after two to three years on HAART,
these patients can muster reasonable
numbers of immune system cells t
can recognize and destroy so
Microsoft revises
court presentation
WASHINGTON - Trying to
restore its courtroom credibility,
Microsoft Corp. yesterday played a
new video demonstration at- its
antitrust trial, after inconsistencies in
the original tape drew the ire of
federal judge hearing the case. B
the company did not recreate an
important test that the government
had deemed was misleading ana
Microsoft also acknowledged that
the original video did not show an actu-
al test, as the company had initially told
the court. Instead, it was an "illustfa-
tion" created in a video-production stu-


Serbs agree to
Kosovo peace talks
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia - Serbian
leaders agreed yesterday to join ethnic
Albanians in peace talks, but both sides
in Kosovo's conflict insist they won't +
drop demands that threaten to block a
deal to end the bloodshed in the sepa-
ratist province.
After a daylong debate peppered
with attacks on the United States and
NATO, Serbia's parliament voted 227-3
in favor of sending a delegation to the
peace conference, set to begin tomor-
row near'Paris.+
But Serbian leaders rejected the
deployment of foreign troops in
Kosovo, a predominantly ethnic
Albanian province of Serbia, to
police any agreement. NATO is lay-+
ing the groundwork for a peacekeep-
ing force, which is likely to include+
U.S. soldiers.
"We don't accept the presence of for-
eign soldiers on our territory under any
excuse of implementing any agreement
that is reached," said one article in a 12-
page resolution approved by parlia-

It also condemned "in the
sharpest terms" NATO's threats to
bomb Serbian forces if their leaders
do not reach a peace agreeme
calling the threats a violation of t
U.N. Charter because NATO didn't
get approval from the Security
Dying Hussein
returns to Jordan
AMMAN, Jordan - King Hussein,
who had been undergoing emergency
treatment in the United States for lyr
phatic cancer, flew home in criticY
condition yesterday to a shocked and
worried nation.
A statement quoting Hussein's pri-
vate physician and released by
Jordanian officials yesterday said the
condition of the 63-year-old monarch
had "become critical due to the failure
of the functions of the internal organs.
A bone-marrow transplant per-
formed earlier in the week in an effort
to halt the progress of the cancer h
- Compiled fom Daily wire repts.

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