2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, February 3, 1999 N ATION/\VORLD
UC Berkeley sued over admissions
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Civil rights groups lacks "educational iustification" the suit said equal nnrtinitv"
sued the University of California at Berkeley yes-
terday on behalf of high-achieving minorities who
were rejected, saying the university system's flag-
ship campus overemphasizes test scores and
advanced courses in admissions.
"This is an admissions process that grants prefer-
ences to the privileged," said attorney Joseph
Jaramillo of the Mexican American Legal Defense
and Educational Fund.
The weight given to the Scholastic Assessment
Test, an examination of English and math fluency,
and advanced-placement grades has a discriminato-
ry effect on blacks, Latino/as and Filipinos, and
Advanced-placement courses, worth an addition-
al grade point in UC admissions ratings, are far
more available in predominantly white high
schools, Jaramillo said.
"What advanced-placement and SAT scores don't
show is talent and ability to succeed in college,"
said one of the plaintiffs, Justine Certeza, a first-
year student at UC-San Diego who was rejected by
The lawsuit seeks court orders requiring
Berkeley to admit Certeza and six other minority
students and adopt an admissions policy that gives
qualified blacks, Latino/as and Filipinos "a fair and
Such po
state and lo
UC Berke
campus reta
and diversit
tions" - the
in admission
ly last fall it
the regents';
licies are still possible despite
ban on race and sex preferences in
cal government programs, the lawsuit
ley Chancellor Robert Berdahl said the
tins "a strong commitment to access
y" despite "a new set of legal limita-
e UC regents' ban on affirmative action
is, later broadened to all state and local
programs by Proposition 209.
enrollment nevertheless fell dramatical-
n the first class at Berkeley affected by
facts" that would detail alleged Clinton
misconduct in anticipation of a final
vote acquitting him of the two articles
of impeachment charging perjury and
obstruction of justice.
"I think it's fair to say that momen-
tum is gathering for a findings of fact,"
U.S. planes fire at Iraqi anti-ship missles
WASHINGTON - Adding a new dimension to the U.S.-Iraq military con-
frontation, American warplanes yesterday attacked Iraqi anti-ship missile launch-
ers newly deployed along the Persian Gulf. Pentagon officials said the Iraqi
weapons had been moved to the area as a threat to ships in Kuwaiti coastal waters.
This was the first time during a recent escalation of tensions with Iraq that U
planes targeted Iraqi weapons designed to strike ships. The other, almost da ,
U.S. attacks have been against anti-aircraft missile launchers and radar used to
threaten U.S. and British planes patrolling Iraq's skies.
Also yesterday, a senior U.S. defense official said Iraq in recent days moved a
substantial number of surface-to-air missile launchers out of the northern and
southern "no-fly" zones to central Iraq. The move appeared to signal a newfound
desire by Iraq to preserve its dwindling air defense forces, said the official, who
discussed the matter on condition he not be further identified.
The U.S. strikes in southern Iraq were among a half-dozen incidents yesterday
that U.S. officials said showed President Saddam Hussein remains determined to
provoke the United States. Saddam has been challenging U.S. and British
enforcement of no-fly zones over southern and northern Iraq, and Pentagon o
cials said they viewed the activation of anti-ship missiles as another form of IrM
Continued from Page 2.
where in the Capitol senators privately
reviewed transcripts and videotapes of
Lewinsky's Monday deposition.
Senators on both sides of the aisle con-
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curred that she was impressive, but they Senate Republican Conference Chair
split sharply on whether her latest testi- Connie Mack (R-Fla.) said after the Northwest pricing on review it will be foundto be so"
mony made it more likely that she issue was discussed, inconclusively, at Seven consumers filed the lawsuit in
would be summoned to testify in person the Senate GOP's weekly luncheon. lawsuit resurrected 1997. They argued that the merger vio-
when the trial reconvenes tomorrow. "Support is growing but it's mixed," lated antitrust law and led to higher
"She appears young, very vulnerable both in terms of whether to do it and MINNEAPOLIS - A federal ticket prices for passengers at
and credible," said Sen. Orrin Hatch what it might say, said Jeffords. appeals court yesterday resurrected a Minneapolis-St. Paul International
(R-Utah). "She'd make an effective wit- Republicans are divided over lawsuit that accuses Northwest Airlines Airport, where Northwest accounts@
nesses, and the American people should whether to rally behind a lengthy, high- of overcharging ticket buyers since a 80 percent of the traffic.
be given that right" to hear her. "I think ly specific statement or a shorter, sim- 1986 merger with Republic Airlines.
she's come across very credibly." pler version that might pick up some A district judge wrongly interpreted
Yet several other Republican senators Democratic support and thereby put a antitrust law in dismissing the lawsuit, Drugs reduce AIDS
were more skeptical, raising doubts gloss of a bipartisanship on the bill of a three-judge panel of the 8th Circuit
about whether a majority would sup- particulars condemning Clinton's con- U.S. Court of Appeals ruled. ViruS tranSmiSSionl
port live testimony given the certainty duct. The consumers who sued Northwest
of near-universal opposition from A GOP task force appointed by don't want to undo the merger, but they CHICAGO - A controversial
Democrats, who hold 45 of 100 seats. Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) seek as much as $400 million in alleged medical experiment in Africa has
Sen. James Jeffords (R-Vt.) said he met yesterday morning and hopes to fare overcharges each year. found that two anti-viral drugs
was "surprised that she seemed all have a couple of drafts ready for a "It is a meter that's running," said reduce mother-to-child transmissi
together, intelligent," but added that "at Republican conference planned for Craig Wildfang, a Minneapolis attor- of the AIDS virus by more than o4
this point, I don't see any reason to call today to discuss whether to go ahead ney for the consumers. He will try to third when they are given for only a
her" before the Senate. "She just sub- and, if so, the details of the plan. have the case certified asa class action, week, which is just a fraction of the
stantiated her earlier statements" Sen. Snowe, one of the leaders of the task he said. week, which is just a fraction of the
Robert Bennett (R-Utah) was briefed force, said she favors the simple Northwest spokesperson Jon Austin duration customarily prescribed in
on her deposition by his staff and told approach because the concept would said the airline would appeal the ruling. wealthy countries.
"there is nothing new. If in fact there is work only with endorsements from "This is an issue that has been liti- The study raises the possibility
nothing new, I suspect she wouldn't be both parties. "There's no point having, gated before three federal judges that for even the poorest nations, a
called." And Sen. Olympia Snowe (R- another party-line vote," she said. "I already and has been rejectedeach time practical method of cutting "prena-
Maine) said that "if nothing dramatical- think that's not the purpose here. The until today," Austin said. "We think this tal" transmission of the virus is
ly changes ... I don't think there would purpose here is to recognize at leaststhat is an incorrect decision. We believe that within reach.
be any point" in calling witnesses. the U.S. Senate within the court of
The likely alternative to live testimo- impeachment (believes) that the presi-
ny would be a vote by the Senate to dent did commit wrongdoing."
authorize both prosecution and defense Many Democratsshavejoinedthe White RO UND THE W O RLD
to use specific portions of the deposi- House in condemning the idea as ucon-
tion videotapes as part of their closing stitutional. So far, Sen. Joseph Lieberman
arguments. (D-Conn.), has been one of the few
Under such a scenario, the Senate Democrats to express any interest. Albanian rebels to nal on whether the Serbs will send del-
could meet its Feb. 12 target for com- Still, Democrats are wary of appear- egates to the talks organized by the
pleting the trial, although Hyde said he ing to condone Clinton's actions. Sen. attend peace talks United States and five European coun-
believed that deadline could hold even Robert Byrd (D-WVa.), who sponsored tries. The government has been
with live testimony. last week's unsuccessful motion to dis- PRISTINA, Yugoslavia - Ethnic against any terms that would erode
Senators were still struggling, how- miss the case, nonetheless told CNN Albanian rebels reluctantly agreed control over Kosovo, a province in
ever, with how to wrap up the trial. In yesterday that "there's no question" that yesterday to take part in weekend Serbia, the main republic in
behind-the-scenes talks, Republican Clinton testified falsely under oath peace talks aimed at ending the bloody Yugoslavia.
leaders reported growing support even if he did not commit perjury in a 11-month conflict in Kosovo - a
among their members for a "finding of "strict legal sense." decision that focused international IOC under attack at
pressure on the hard-line Yugoslav
government. opening of summitt
B M Rebel participation had been
thrown into doubt after spokesperson LAUSANNE, Switzerland -
Continued from Page . . Adem Demaci recommended against America's drug czar assailed the sce-
ballot," BAMN member Melisa Resch sending delegates. dal-riddled IOC yesterday and Olym0
said. But, the main Kosovo Liberation officials tossed back barbs of their own
Dowdell announced that BAMN plans Army spokesperson, Jakup Krasniqi, during a verbal brawl at an internation-
to organize another conference for Feb. 9 told reporters in central Kosovo that al summit on performance-enhancing
at 5 p.m. on the steps of the Union. the KLA would name its delegates drugs.
Conference organizers said they today. Barry McCaffrey, a White House
contacted many pro-affirmative "We have some objections to the adviser on drug policy who spoke on
action groups from around the state proposed document, but we are cer- the opening day of the International
and students from other Michigan tainly ready to go," Krasniqi said in Olympic Committee's drug summit in
universities - including Michigan comments welcomed by Clinton Switzerland, said the IOC must insti-
State University and Eastern administration officials. tute democratic reforms and open its
Michigan University - to speak at Yugoslav President Slobodan books to have any credibility in the
the conference, said BAMN member Milosevic has sent the matter over to fight against drugs in sports. *
Caroline Wong. the Serb Parliament, which meets
BAMN members said the poor tomorrow, and resisted giving any sig- - Compiledfom Daily wire reports.
media showing was only a minor set-
back and the number of non-BAMN
members who came was encouraging. "
BAMN is "highly outweighed here,"
Wong said. "We don't judge our The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday through Friday during the fall and winter terms by
progress by the media's coverage" students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
While BAMN members blamed $85. Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearong (September through April) is $165. Oncampus su-
scriptions for fal term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid.
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Christina Zapata said those reasons Email letters to the editor to daily.letters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: http://www.michigandaily.com
were not good enough for her, adding -. ...
w11 2 that she was disappointed by the lack of NEWS Jennifer Yachnin, Managing Editor
University students at the event. EDIiORS: MBatiaramslpa. EdanHolmeshKrttle eohissMikaaSpats
UnierAtys:detsatnhetvet.d'T ,Mel-sa"no 3kPulBrg r801, Nick Bunkly, Ka Choa, Adam Brian Cohen, Gerard Con-rignad, Nick
Zapata said it seemed that students Fmee, Laure Gibbs, Jewel Gopwa Mche aelrsawMdeaeJySneK, oenSarah Lewis, Chris Metinko, Kelly
on campus do not understand the last- OnrSusanT GaortAna RneqNika Schulte, Jason Sttter, Aram S. Turkel, Jamie Winkler, Adam Zwerin.
ing impact of affirmative action. EDITORIAL Jeffrey Koseff, David Wallace, Editors
This is "an institution of knowledge. ASSOCAnTEsnEO:El Aeraun
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Versity.com is your It's just not jiving with these brothers ; N s Sa ah LeMieSarah Lokyer, Lue Mak James Millerm, AoseslheemiJckSelMegan Shempf, Drw W
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rld Wide Web. Notes She said the University's reputation SPORTS Rick Freeman, Managing Ed
EITOlS T.1.Brka, Cnhi uro sh Klen Olii,AyLtan, , n Rt.
up to date and AL- and the intellectual background of the STAFF: Josh torkin, Evan Braunstein, David Den Hrder, Dan Dgersonlsm Emeot, Mr Fencesuttt, Gof Gagnon, Raphael
studpnts oncampusrpel r Goodstein, Chris Grandstaf, Rick Ha pster Michael Kern, Vaughn R. Mug. Chi s Lngrll, Ryan C. Moloney, Stephanie O n, Sharaa,
stu ent a pus Propeled her hope Jim Rm., Kevin Rosenfield. Tracy Seandr, MiceShaelr, Mark Snyder. Nta Srivastava, maSubaran, Jacob Wheeler, JonZemke.
entire semester, you for bringing media attention to the ARTS Jeesica Eaton, Christopher Tkaczyk, Editors
issue. WEEKEND ETC. EDITORS: Aaron Rich, WillWeilssert
cture from any com- SUB-EDITORS: Gabe FamMusic) ,Chis Csin (tY/Nwmedi) AnnatKealMki (Fn/Pblming ArtsBEd llrnyl, tCBineSVhniiW t(Wks
STAFF: Amy Banter, Matthew Garrett,Clay Childs, Bn Cohen , Jey Curren, Jimmy Draper, Jeff Duchk, Corthey Duweke, Brian
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SW bandLOnroideLin,Oilin Leong,Kehlly s,ReanMalkinsJamMi, RobMchum AtewMa Mn KenMrphy 0n lar
Poadlsky, Louen Rice, Adin Rosli, Amanda ScoteseGabrel Smith, Tad Watts, JIuan WilliamsLeah Ziger.
I PHOTO Margaret Myers, warsen Zinn, Editors
There's a whole world oISNTER sBrn Danan e
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