LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Thursday, January 28, 1999 - 5A 'UM Greats' program 0 By Michael Grass Daily Staff Reporter The University is well-known ft its famous gradu- ates - including former U.S. Preident Gerald Ford, ,creenwriter Arthur Miller and act James Earl Jones. Now, with a new program call UM Greats, many 9 ther accomplished alumni will'eceive official hon- for their achievements atmonthly University Board of Regents meetings. The goal is to feature U of/I alumni in research, scholarship and creative arts wo have had an impact on our world," said Lee Katrman, coordinator of earch communication for tl University. The program is under a trl-period for one year, atterman said. University alumnus Claud Shannon, a pioneer in formation-technology thecy, was featured as the ~ONNER LY Tad f tiEed from Page 1A Tawd "'It is not a question of ifit's a ques- tion of when minority prefrences will be banned from Michigan,'he said. Law second year stdent Jodi Masley, a member f Defend Affirmative Action ByAll Means Necessary, said a partnership btween the two antiaffirmative ion activists will jt people's Wention. "At the same time ther are two law- suits aimed at dismantlig affirmative ;action at the University id ultimately' in the state of Michiganit is definitely aiprovocation," Masleysaid. "On the other hand, I think it'ssomething we Oan defeat.". BAMN and other nro-affirmative action groups will meenext Tuesday at 5 p.m. on the steps d the Michigan ion to rally against efforts to curb e use of affirmative ;ction. y Groups rallying forthe continuation of affirmative action annot deny basic problems with the policy, Connerly said. "It's not right. It wrong and it's unconstitutional," hesaid. "No amount of protesting will evar change that real- 'nvrity." University President Lee Bollinger if a ballot propsal striking down affirmative action is passed, it would niot automatically afect the University edmission process. "It is my understanding that under A billbo8d i the (Michigan) constitution, the promotin s University is granted autonomy," Iollinger said. "In my judgment, that means autonomy over the admission of students. "Any ballot initiative would have to i nge or amend the constitution," he But Jaye said there are alternatives to going through the lengthy process of getting an amendment passed that would still allow a ban of race-based admissions to be effective. "There's more than one way to skin a ct," Jaye said. "Although they have constitutional autonomy, they have to nstto the legislature for" their allot- nt of the budget. ,aye said he has proposed legislation in the past that would restrict Michigan Universities from collecting up to 10 S percent of their appropriation if they do STOP 6 nOt implement processes that are color-blind." Bollinger said if the ballot proposal did pass, it would be a blow to the ;University community. "It would be doubly unfortunate," he said. "It would reduce diversity that would be a pity. It would also 4 opardize the University's autono- nMy. Bollinger, who has consistently and vocally supported the University's admission process when it has come ;uder fire from the lawsuits, said he is confident of people's support for the school. "I feel strongly that there would be an overwhelming support for the 4iversity," he said. Connerly's politics are his own, Bollinger said, but he will not stand by and allow changes in the law that he feels will harm the University. "I strongly disagree with his views About higher education, but he's tntirely free to pursue this as he wishes," Bollinger said. "I would do everything I could to counter his views." NoteTakers Wanted .; $200-$1500/class! Post your lecture notes on the Internet SIGN UP ON-LINE @ www.STUDY24-7.com i l January UM Greats selection. Vice President for Research Fawwa on Shannon's accomplishments in the mation technology. "His mathematical model is the bas mation technology used today, Ulaby s The influence of Shannon's work, d years, forms the foundation for modern t tions, compact disc technology and the Ir Katterman said the February UM Gr been selected. Letters describing theI sent to college deans and other faculty g nominations for future selections. UM Greats will feature alumni fromz areas of study. Katterman said that since January's sel an alumnus in the math and sciences, Fe recognizes acco tion will most likely be an alumnus involved in the arts. z Ulaby spoke Although the process has not been finalized, Ulaby field of infor- and his senior staff will go through nominations and decide on the monthly selections. is of all infor- After the presentation of the selections to the regents, said. the Office of the Vice President for Research will ating back 50 assemble additional information on the UM Greats, pro- lecommunica- ducing a Website and publishing articles. nternet. After Ulaby finished his presentation on Shannon, eat has notyet University administrators and regents said they were program were impressed with the new program. groups seeking "We don't talk about the accomplishments of our grad- uates enough," said Regent Laurence Deitch (D- many different Bloomfield Hills). "This is great and ... very fascinat- ing." ection featured Regent S. Martin Taylor (D-Grosse Ile) said the bruary's selec- program "is sensational." mplished alumni ry tanning IMPEACH Continued from Page IA sources said last night. Before leaving the Capitol for the night, Lott and Daschle said the two sides were narrowing their differences and that the final plan could end the trial by Feb. 12. The two key roll-call votes early yes- terday afternoon came after more than 55 hours of arguments by House GOP prosecutors and White House lawyers and on the 13th day of the nation's sec- ond-ever presidential impeachment trial. Aside from Feingold, the other 44 Senate Democrats voted to dismiss the case. Thus even if all 55 Republicans voted to oust Clinton, they would need 12 Democrats to join them to reach the required two-thirds majority. By prior agreement, there was no floor debate preceding yesterday's votes. Each had been debated by the Senate in closed sessions earlier this week. If the three witnesses could be deposed this weekend, Lott said, the trial could resume as early as Tuesday. But whether or not the depositions can actually take place remains uncer- tain. Lewinsky has returned to Los Angeles after meeting over the week- end with three House prosecutors. Jordan is attending a business confer- ence in Switzerland. A speedy trial resolution, said Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.), would require not only "a lot of very quick movement in terms of depositions," but also "the president's counsel to forgo some of the discovery in the legal sense that they said they felt they had to do to protect the interest of their client" Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart raised the prospect that the depositions could be delayed when he argued for full access to the documents of the House prosecutors. "We believe that it's a fundamental issue of fairness that the accused gets a right to, and access to, the same material that the prosecution gets," he said. AP PHOTO .# '*, '~, ' .. .. ..t' n Holland, Mich., advertising sun tanning packages offends some local residents, who claim the display is ex. The irate residents have said they want the ad taken down. LORE THAN 18,000 SERVED DAILY. The University of Michigan Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee Proudly Presents Arab-American Student Activism: Bridges to the 21St Century The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor January 29-31, 1999 A conference dedicated to developing stronger ties between Arab-American Student Organizations. Keynote Speaker : Dr. Rashid Khalidi, President of The American Committee on Jerusalem and Direc- tor of The Center for International Studies at the University of Chicago. 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