2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 26, 1999 NATION/tWORLD Faculty discusses benefits of divesting $25M in tobacco TOBACCO Continued from Page 1 Einhorn said one reason Bollinger is making tobacco divestment a complicated process may be because he is worried about politicizing the University. Bollinger "is worried about the University taking a position on social issues and acting on that with its investments," Einhorn said. Barbara MacAdam, head of library education and information services, said in the case of tobacco divestment, the public good might supercede other concerns. "If the community decides tobacco is such an egregious good in so many bench- marks, there comes a time when the public good trumps all other criteria," MacAdam said. Many faculty members said they were concerned that the University - respected nationally for its med- ical and health sciences departments - had funds invested in tobacco stocks. Public Health Prof. Kenneth Warner said that since more than half of the University's money was generated by the health sci- ences, the tobacco stocks detracted from this goal. "Nothing prevents death better than tobacco," Warner added sarcastically. Many faculty agreed that even though the University has millions invested in tobacco stocks, the economic issue is relatively unimportant compared to the moral and ethical factors. "Both the president and the CFO are considering this as a difficult matter of principle," Einhorn said. "They aren't concerned with the return of investment at all." Warner said that since the tobacco stocks represent less than one percent of the University's total invest- ment, the economic issue is "just a drop in the bucket." Neither Bollinger nor Kasdin were available for comment yesterday. AROUND T H E NATION Statistical sampling prohibited in census WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled yesterday that the,2000 census cannot use statistical sampling to enhance its accuracy, a decision making it more likely millions of people will be left out. The 5-4 ruling requires the tra- ditional nose count to determine how many members of Congress each state should have. Left in doubt, however, was whether the sampling the Clinton administratio favors will be used to determine state-by-state eligibility for $180 billion in feder- al money each year of the coming decade - or for drawing election districts at all levels of government. That may depend on whether the Republican-led Congress provides enough financing for the Census Bureau. The nation's highest court ruled that a 1976 federal census law "directly pro- hibits the use of sampling in the determination of population for the purposes of apportionment." White House spokesperson Joe Lockhart called the setback for the Clinton administration a "limited decision" and noted that the justices did not say sampling 3I Before you gear up for the Super Bowl, don't miss... From the Great Lakes to the Dead Sea The Michigan Political Leadership Conference sponsored by: AIPAC The American Israel Public Affairs Committee co-sponsored by: University of Michigan Hillel, IMPAC (The Israel Michigan Public Affairs Committee), Michigan State Israel Alliance, and the Consulate General of Israel, Chicago Sunday, January 31, 1999 University of Michigan Hillel Ann Arbor, Michigan Speakers: Senator Carl Levin US Rep. Sandy [evin US Rep. Lynn Rivers AIPAC Lobbyist Jeff Colman AIPAC Analyst Keith Weissman For information call Hillel 769-0500 Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to join students from across the state of Michigan to explore and discuss the US-Israe[ relationship, the Middle East peace process, local politics and campus activism. This conference will provide you with the tools and information necessary to make a difference on and off campus. RS H Continued from Page 1 at the Phi Delta Theta fraternity house. Her blood-alcohol level was found to be 0.059, below the 0.1 level needed to be considered legally drunk. Some of the fraternity houses did not get the turnout they would have liked on Sunday night, but members said they don't blame the low numbers on the recent scrutiny of the Greek system or the increased focus on alcohol. "We didn't have as many (men at rush) as expected. I think that is more due to the weather and lack of publicity," Kappa Sigma Vice President Jake Kurily said. Some potential rushees did not agree with this optimistic view. "After every- thing that happened I just didn't want to deal with what joining a fraternity now would mean," said LSA first-year stu- dent Jason Rosen, who considered rush- ing but said he changed his mind in recent weeks. Since AAPD raided and handed out citations at the Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Nu and Theta Chi fraternities last semester, IFC has been heavily enforcing its alco- hol policy this semester. "Opens have never been allowed. It is now being enforced that no one is ran- domly allowed in at the door. Each per- son must be invited by a member of the hosting party and appear on a guest list," Reddy said. Some members said the lack of the open parties did not deter potential rushees. "Fall rush opens are important because they make guys come to the house, but winter rush is mainly word of mouth and I don't believe that the absence of opens has hindered guys from getting down to the house" Ruggnetta said. Following AAPD raids, the national chapters of the involved fraternities sanc- tioned their chapters with varying degrees of severity. "Alcohol can only be consumed in the private rooms of members of legal age. All social events must be in conjunction with a third party vendor," said Erv Johnson, director of communications for Beta Theta Pi. "Each member must take place in the Beta talking prevention workshop, perform 10 hours of commu- nity service for an alcohol education ser- vice. The chapter must perform campus- wide alcohol awareness events. Failure to comply with any of these provision will result in the chapter becoming alcohol- free." Sigma Nu's nationals have been work- ing with their chapters to educate mem- bers on the dangers of alcohol. "Alcohol is something serious for university stu- dents. Our goal is to help and educate the students," said David Glassman, nation- al director of insurance and risk reduc- tion for Sigma Nu fraternity. In order to regain their full ability to have the functions and privileges of the chapter, members of Sigma Nu were required to adhere to several rules. "A number of individuals are required to take place in TIPs (Training and Intervention Procedures), a University program to deal with responsible man- agement of alcohol," Glassman said. "All member under the age of 21 must partic- ipate in Alcohol 101, a CD ROM pro- gram to review choices that accompany the uses of alcohol, including driving and sexual assault. They also have to develop their own written policy to maintain national, University and Ann Arbor (alcohol) policy." Students who still opted to rush cam- pus fraternities expressed excitement about being part of the Greek system. "It doesn't matter to me that they are being so strict with the opens and alco- hol. Being part of a fraternity is more than parties. It is about being with your friends," said LSA first-year student David Kaplan, who plans to attend rush events at various houses. VOUCHER Continued from Page 1 out on the runway for that long," Johnson said. LSA first-year student Lauren Riback and her family were on the same flight back from Puerto Vallarta as Perlman. Riback said the passengers were not given much information regarding the status of the situation. "We were only told that we were number 27 in line for an available gate," Riback said. According to Consumer's Digest, the Detroit Metro Airport rates as one of five most troubling airports in the continental United States for pilots. The report described the airport as having "spaghet- ti runways and poor markings." LSA first-year student Aimee Kraft traveled on another airline the same day as Riback. Kraft said she received no compensation for similar circum- stances. Her plane sat on the runway for more than two hours. "They kept the seatbelt sign on for the entire time. The crew was also flat out rude," Kraft said. Medical first-year student Brian Eisner traveled Jan. 2 from Miami to Detroit on Northwest but was unable to land at the Detroit Metro Airport. Eisner's plane landed in Lansing instead. "We were told that there was no room to land and no room at the gates" Eisner said. Eisner and the other passengers on his flight were eventually bused from Lansing to the Detroit airport. In addi- tion, the passengers were confronted by luggage problems. "I arrived seven hours late because of the whole ordeal," Eisner said. LAST DAY FOR DROP-ADDS IS TODAY* DON'T FORGET! ou've tto et away! is unconstitutional. That means Congress could decide method. Three to be tried in Texas murder case JASPER, Texas -After he was mur- dered last June in a grotesque racial crime that seized world attention - after he was chained and dragged behind a pickup truck along a narrow ribbon of backwoods pavement until his head and right arm were torn off in one piece - and after his closed-coffin wake, James Byrd was buried in Jasper's old City Cemetery. He was laid to rest in what had always been, first by law, then by tradition, the black section of the 163-year-old grave- yard, an area set off by a rusted, wrought iron fence. The ancient barrier, parts of it bent and fallen, was a vestige of Jim Crow tangled in weeds, a symbol of the racist mindset that authorities say led three white men to murder Byrd in what amounted to a lynching, for no reason beyond blind hatred. Now, as the world's eye again turns to this racially diverse city of 8,000 in the East Texas pine woods, with the start of jury selection yesterday in the to amend the 1976 law and support tf first of three death-penalty trials stem- ming from the murder, the fence is gone, scrapped. Its removal last Wednesday says much about what has happened here since the predawn hours of June 7, when Byrd was dri- ven into the forest, pummeled a* stomped, then chained and dragged to his death. Man receives new, hand in transplant LOUISVILLE, Ky. - A man whose left hand was blown off while playing with a powerful firecracker 13 years ago received the first han transplant in the United State Hours later, the new hand was pink and warm. The 14 1/2-hour surgery, completed yesterday morning, was the second such transplant ever. But doctors cautioned that the patient, Matthew David Scott, had a high risk of blood clots and possibly other complications in the first 24 hours. AROUND THE WORLD U.S. missiles strike southern Iraq BASRA, Iraq - U.S. missiles slammed into residential neighbor- hoods in southern Iraq yesterday, demolishing sturdy, stone-walled homes as they killed at least I1 people, Iraqi officials said. U.S. officials said its Air Force and Navy jets fired at air defense systems in response to "threats by anti-aircraft artillery fire" and by four Iraqi war- planes flying south of the 33rd parallel in violation of the no-flight ban. Pentagon officials said it was likely that U.S. jets targeting the Iraqi air defense installations misfired and that at least two missiles may have resulted in civilian deaths in and around the city of Basra. Spokesperson Navy Capt. Michael Doubleday said U.S. officials were "still assessing the site damage." The missiles hit five areas of south- ern Iraq, including the working-class al-Jumhuriya neighborhood on the out- skirts of Basra, Iraqi officials said. Several homes in that neighborhood were destroyed, their roofs caved in. Broken dishes and kitchen utensils were strewn among the rubble. Civilians worked late into the night to clean the debris from the morning strike. At least 144 dead in Colombia quake BOGOTA, Colombia - An earth- quake struck western Colombia yester- day, killing at least 144 people and injuring more than 900 as it toppled buildings across the country's coffe- growing heartland, civil defense ofl cials said. The early afternoon quake had a pre- liminary magnitude of 6, according to the U.S. Geological Survey in Golden, Colo. Its epicenter was located in western Valle del Cauca state, 140 miles west of the capital, Bogota. The death and damage toll appeared to be highest in Armenia, Pereira and Calarca - three cities near the epicen- ter.Cy - Compiled from Daily wire reports. ONA-.E LOV E. O :r t ikrT-. M G R W.TA AIRT'Y! Ur 1193 TUAT TIMv OF U~AR WIW.WM ThOIUSAM®S OF STVDNIS COMIF TO JANAICA PACKAGE INCLUDES:. :. " e Round-Trip Mram 7 ights Hotel Accommodations Free Welcome. Beach a Evenlg Parties Free Admission to Night Cl *5 Packages available to NegrIl and Montego Bay " Rosud-Trip Airport a Hotel Tranfers . Discounts on Restaurants, ater Sports a Side Excursions . 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Winter term (January through April) is $95, yearlong (September through April) is $165. On-campus sub- scriptions for fail term are $35. Subscriptions must be prepaid. The Michigan Daily is a member of the Associated Press and the Associated collegiate Press. ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327. PHONE NUMBERS (All area code 734): News 76-DAILY; Arts 763-0379; Sports 647-3336; Opinion 764-0552; Circulation 764-0558; Classified advertising 764-0557; Display advertising 764-0554; Billing 764-0550. E-mail letters to the editor to daily.letters@umich.edu. World Wide Web: http://www.michigandaily.com. NEWS Janet Adamy, Managing Editor EDITORS: Maria Hackett, Heather Kamins, Chris Metinko. STAFF: Melissa Andrzejak. Paul Berg, Marta Brill, Nick Bunkley, Kam Chopra, Adam Brian Cohen, Gerard Cohen-Vrignaud, Nikita Easley. 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Lauren Rice, Adlin Rosli, Amanda Scotese, Gabriel Smith, Ted Watts, Juquan Williams, Leah Zaiger. PHOTO Margaret Myers, Warren Zinn, Editors ARTS EDITOR: AdrianaVugovich ASSISTANT EDITORS: Louis Brown, Dana Linnane STAFF: Aison Canter, ODay Fniedls, Jessica Johnson, Andi Maio, Rory Michaels, Kelly McKinnel, David Rochkind, Nathan Ruffer. Sara Schenk. ONLINE Satadru Pramanik, Editor STA-CAmy ChenVictor Kucek. Ra*iv Raiani, Paul Wong. G; APHCS STAFF: Alex Hogg. Vicki Lasky. HAL Computer Systems - a wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu, Ltd. is designing, marketing and servicing products that are flat-out blowing minds. Take the HAL Station 900 Series. It's the fastest SPARCTM system available today. And it's just one example of the kind of ideas that are invested here everyday. Associate Design Engineer - CO-OP Utilize your BS/MS degree in EE/CE/CS in developing high performance microprocessors. 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