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One hundred eight years of editorialfreedom

January 7, 1999

[VOL OIX, , 54
f 4

Impeachment trial set to open


Plans made to call 10 witnesses;
inators to be sworn in as jurors

Trial may seep into
college curricula

The Washington Post
impeachment trial of President Clinton
scheduled to open this morning, the
House Republican team assigned to
prosecute him made plans to call as
many as 10 witnesses, including
Monica Lewinsky, despite uncertainty
a ut whether the Senate will agree to
t live testimony.
The Senate will formally receive the
13 House prosecutors and hear the
charges at 10 a.m. today and return at I

p.m. to swear in Chief Justice William
Rehnquist as the presiding officer and
then all 100 senators as jurors. But
aside from determining these ministeri-
al beginnings, Senate leaders were still
conferring last night about how to pro-
ceed with the first trial of a president in
130 years.
The key sticking point remained
whether witnesses would be called,
which the House prosecutors have
insisted on and Senate Democrats
adamantly oppose. A compromise pro-

posal floated
by some sen-
ators yester-
day would
put off a decision on that question until
after both prosecutors and Clinton
defense lawyers make several days of
presentations. At that point, having
heard summations of the evidence, the
Senate could decide whether direct tes-
timony is necessary and vote on sub-
poenas witness by witness.
See TRIAL, Page 7

By Lauren Gibbs
Daily Staff Reporter
"A time it was, and what a time.
And this is a time for the president."
Political science Prof. Mel
Laracey used the famous Charles
Dickens quote to start his first class
of second semester in political sci-
ence 415: The American Chief
Today is a day that will go down
in the history books as the second

impeachment trial for an elected
president is scheduled to begin.
Although the trial dominates head-
lines, most political science classes
- even those dealing directly with
the presidency and American gov-
ernment - will not change dramati-
cally, professors said.
Laracey warned his students yes-
terday to keep from getting too
wrapped up in the trial.
See COURSES, Page 2

Political science Prof. Mel Laracey
discusses the impact of the
impeachment of the president on his
presidency course in class yesterday.

er m
By Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
AWith the University still coping
with the death of LSA first-year stu-
dent Courtney Cantor, the investiga-
tion into what happened on that
night in October continues.
Cantor's family is still consider-
ing hiring a lawyer to do a private
investigation into the events of the
night. But the family is taking their
time talking to possible lawyers and
weighing all options:
"There is nothing to be done right
I ," said George Cantor, Courtney's
father. "We haven't heard anything about
the possible prosecution, and are still
considering an attorney."
George Cantor said the CBS televi-
sion news magazine "48 Hours" will
air a segment on the drinking situation
at the University and Cantor's death
next week.
The father said he hopes this contin-
t to foster the discussion about the
L erage drinking problem at the
Cantor died Oct. 16 after falling
from her sixth-floor Mary Markley
Residence Hall window.
CBS reporters interviewed the
Cantor family and many of
Courtney's friends, her father said,
and also took footage on campus.
Although the official University
report was submitted to the
-shtenaw County Prosecutor's
o ce before the end of first semes-
ter, a decision whether to prosecute
the members of the Phi Delta Theta
fraternity, or any other party, has not
been reached.
"The investigation is still on-
going," said Joe Burke, an assistant
to the Washtenaw County
Prosecutor. Burke said he could not
speculate as to when the investiga-
tf would be completed, nor would
he comment on what, if any, action
will be taken.
Cantor's father said he has not
heard anything from the office
about their conclusions.
While he does not wish prosecution
on any of the parties, he says he has
mixed emotions on the subject.
"But if someone wants to make a
serious statement on campus about
drinking, this could be it," he said.
3urke said the reports filed by
the University and all of the other
information the office is looking at
adds up to several hundred pages of
Cantor was seen drinking at the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity house the night
she died, and that realization lead to the
indefinite suspension of the chapter
from campus. Mark Mores, the nation-
a irector of risk management for the
4 nization, said the national is com-
municating with the University in an
effort to return to campus.
Mores said it will probably be a
two to three years before the frater-
nity returns to campus. He added
that the current members of the fra-


Some students
still stranded
after blizzard


By Asma Rafeeq
Daily Staff Reporter
There were a few empty seats in lec-
ture halls yesterday, as snow-bound stu-
dents remained stranded in their home
LSA sophomore Megan Schulze was
eager to get back to Ann Arbor on time
because she is waitlisted in a class she
really wanted to take.
But lake-effect snow in her home-
town of Muskegon, Mich., foiled her
plans to arrive on Tuesday, causing her
to miss two morning classes - includ-
ing the waitlisted course.
"I'm hoping the snow is a good
enough excuse" to still get into the
class, she said.
Schulze was still unsure about dri-
ving yesterday, but finally left in the
afternoon. The roads were still some-
what dangerous then, she said.
"From Muskegon to Grand Rapids,
you couldn't even tell if you were dri-
ving in the right lane, the left lane or in
the middle of the road," she said.
Other students haven't made it back
to Ann Arbor yet.
LSA first-year student Paul Caiano
originally had planned to fly from his
home in New York to Detroit
Metropolitan Airport on Tuesday. But
when his flight was canceled Tuesday
night, he decided to relish his extra time
at home.
Realizing he would miss yesterday's
classes even if he took the next flight out
of New York and knowing that he had no
classes tomorrow, Caiano decided to skip
his classes scheduled for today and fly to
Ann Arbor this Saturday.
"I'ni not mad about the snow," he
said, "especially considering I get an
extra four days with my girlfriend."
As the snowstorm forced airports
throughout the Midwest to close, airline
passengers were stuck at airports, wait-
ing for standby flights.
LSA junior Kevin Meconis spent two

"1 went througha
lot of batteries
on my CD player."f
- Kevin Meconis
LSA junior
days with his family at the airport in
Denver waiting for the next available
flight home.
"It was really boring," he said. "I
went through a lot of batteries on my
CD player."
Rowell Huesmann, professor of com-
munication studies and psychology, also
was left without a flight in Denver this
past weekend. He decided to rent a car
and drove with his son from Denver to
Ann Arbor.
"The roads weren't bad at all until we
got to Chicago," Huesmann said.
Those who were able to make the trip
back to Ann Arbor on time faced treach-
erous conditions.
With medical school classes starting
this past Monday, Medical first-year
student Debbie Kwon urgently wanted
to get to Ann Arbor by Sunday night.
Despite the warnings and advice of
friends who told her not to go, Kwon,
along with two undergraduate
University students, set out from
Cincinnati on Sunday evening.
But about halfway through the drive,
her car skidded across the freeway, mak-
ing a 180 degree turn amidst a crowd of
cars and landed in the median. As
another passing driver was watching
Kwon's car skid, he lost control of his
own car, and it flipped over twice in the
middle of the highway, Kwon said.
"It was like a movie," Kwon said.
Kwon's car was towed out of the
median and she kept driving, anxious to
get to Ann Arbor for her Monday class-
See STUCK, Page 2

Top: LSA sophomore Erin Perrone and Engineering junior Michelle Rogers sled in Nichols Arboretum yesterday.
Above: Snow warriors from West Quad Residence Hall whitewash a resident from South Quad Residence Hall during
the annual snowball fight between the two halls. After more than an hour of hand-to-hand snow combat across
Madison Street, residents from West Quad claimed victory. Department of Public Safety officers closed off the street.
Flu season peak approaches

By Asma Rafeeq
Daily Staff Reporter
it's time to take out the chicken soup.
The peak of flu season will soon be
While upper respiratory infections
plague people throughout the academic
year, the number of flu-like cases reach-
es its highest points during January,
February and March, University Health
Service Director Caesar Briefer said.
Despite the prevalence of the dreaded
cough, cold, headache, stomach ache
and fever that characterize the flu,
researchers have yet to find a cure for
the virus.
Medicines such as antihistamines,
decongestants and Tylenol, as well as
home remedy-type treatments such as
chicken noodle soup and hot tea with

waiting out the flu is about all a sick
person can do, he said.
The good news is that although the
recent colder temperatures and piles of
snow may mean miserable times for
those already shivering with the flu,
they don't necessarily lead to a greater
likelihood of illness for the population
"The problem has more to, do with
being confined indoors," Briefer said.
Indoor living exposes people to lower
humidity, which can lower the ability of
the mucosa respiratory lining to fight
off diseases, he said.
So what can you do if you want to
prevent a bout of the flu this semester?
"I always tell people to do what their
bodies tell them to do," Briefer said.
Eating well, getting a decent amount

"I haven't been very smart about
keeping myself well," said Art and
Design first-year student Kim Walter,
who came down with flu symptoms a
week ago - the fifth time this winter.
"I haven't been getting enough sleep,
and I've been partying too much," she
Placing a vaporizer by the bed helps
humidify dry homes.
, Flu shots, which are available at
UHS, are another viable option. Most
often given to the elderly and those with
chronic diseases, they are also practical
for students in community living situa-
tions who are in contact with many peo-
ple every day, Briefer said.
Shannon Glutting, an Art and Design
first-year student, received a flu shot
from UHS for $11 in the fall at the urg-

Shoppers at the Ann Arbor Meijer store have many options for flu medicine.

flu shot, those wanting to should get it
soon since it takes several weeks for
the immunity to build up, Briefer

system, have been hot items at the
pharmacy. But neither has been
proven conclusively to work in scien-


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