7B - The Michigan Daily - SportsTuesday - January 19, 1999
Michigan men's swimmers
take two Big Ten victories
By Jason Emeott
Daily Sports Writer
"Purdue and Penn State are the most
improved teams in the conference,"
Michigan men's swimming coach Jon
Urbanchek said.
Judging by how the two teams
matched;up with the No. 9 Wolverines
this weekend, Michigan's streak of 32
consecutive conference victories might
not get snapped anytime soon.
On Friday, Michigan defeated No. 25
Purdue 134-109 in the Big Ten confer-
ence opener thanks to the help of four 1-
2-3 Michigan finishes. Then, on
Saturday - Senior Recognition Day -
Michigan handed Penn State a 148-95
The Wolverines are now 2-0 in the
conference this season - more impres-
sively, Michigan is 76-2 in the 17 years
Urbanchek has been coach.
"For the first time, Purdue and Penn
State came in here ready to swim
Michigan - they wanted to win," said
Urbanchek. "This is good for the confer-
ence, but not so good for Michigan."
Penn State wasn't much of a match for
Michigan. The Wolverines dominated in
what have become their automatic
events this season - the 200-yard but-
terfly, 1,650 freestyle and 500 free. After
a clean sweep of those events and anoth-
er strong outing from the divers, there
weren't many points left for Penn State.
On top of that, Michigan seniors who
were swimming in their final home meet
turned in some quality swims. Malchow
won his usual 200 free and 200 fly, Andy
Potts won the 200 backstroke, Joe
Palmer took fourth in the 500 free, John
Reich took fourth in the 100 free and Jeff
Flermoen took fifth in the 200 breast-
stroke. Senior Brett Wilmot came out on
top again by sweeping both one-meter
diving events on the springboard.
The Wolverines didn't have much of a
problem taking on the challenge from
the new-and-improved Boilermakers
and Nittany Lions.
Against Purdue, Michigan got its
expected wins from Tom Malchow and
Chris Thompson in the 200 butterfly and
1,650 freestyle.
And once again, the Wolverines got a
strong performance from their divers.
Junior Josh Trexler, Wilmot, and sopho-
more Carlos Castillo swept the top three
spots in both voluntary and required
one-meter springboard.
Aside from all of the Michigan first-
place finishes on the evening, the most
promising performance of the meet
came from Michigan's second place
400-yard freestyle relay. The relay team
of Malchow, John Reich, Tim Siciliano
and Scott Meyer swam a season-best,
coming in at 3:05.65.
Even though Michigan defeated both
Purdue and Penn State handily, the quest
to bring the Big Ten swimming banner
back to Ann Arbor is going to be a tough
"We want to bring back the Big Ten
title, but it's not going to be easy.
Minnesota is still very tough,"
Urbanchek said. "There's going to bja
lot of pressure on these freshmen to he)p
us out. We'll see if they're cut out to
swim at this level. We'll see if they're up
to the challenge.
Urbanchek may be up to the challenge
of winning his 12th Big Ten title since
"If it were easy, it wouldn't be worth
it. It wouldn't mean a thing," Urbanchek
v chigan's Andy Potts won the 200-yard backstroke against Penn State, and the Wolverines took dual meets from b ath
Purdue and Penn State over the weekend. Michigan hasn't lost a conference dual meet in 32 tries.
Women's swinmers stomp
Purdue, f
Ryan C. Moloney
ly Sports Writer
Talk about a long weekend.
The Michigan women's swimming
and diving team faced one of its more
frueling tests of the season this week-
--end, swimming two meets on consecu-
tive days.
a Though the Wolverines handled
Purdue 131-111 Friday, the fatigued
injury-riddled team could not over-
me powerful No. 2 Georgia, losing
168-122 on Saturday in Athens.
"Looking at it from a two-day stand-
pint, we did very well, Coach Jim
ichardson said. "I think these trips are
a test because you've got to go an extra
-mile. That experience breeds a tough-
ness and determination which will
serve well in the end"
Once again, junior Shannon
Shakespeare led the way for the
*lverines. The Big Ten swimmer of
the week captured first place in the 100-
yard breaststroke, the 100 freestyle and
anchored the winning 200 free relay on
F.Eriday. On Saturday, Shakespeare won
dte 200 individual medley and placed
second - a rarity for her - in the 100
free. Georgia's Stefanie Williams best-
ed Shakespeare by only .24 of a second.
"I swam pretty poorly in Hawai'i and
t so great afterwards," Shakespeare
Ad. "I think I swam pretty well (this
weekend) and I've been making solid
After losing by a touch to Williams,
,Shakespeare leaned over her lane and
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A long way back
Michigan men's swimming coach Jon IUrbanchek hasn't lost a Big Ten dual meet since the 1988-89 season. Some
events taking place when this 63-50 loss to Indiana occurred:
- George Bush was in the Oval Office, and Monica Lewinsky was just a teenager.
The Detroit Pistons were preparing to make their two-year championship run.
- The Detroit Lions hadn't drafted Barry Sanders yet, but were hopeful that, with a game-breaker like Sanders and
new head coach Wayne Fontes, they could make tracks toward the Super Bowl.
- Peter Tomarken hosted "Press Your Luck," the TV game show where you had to avoid the whammy to win "Big
- ALF was in his prime.
offered Williams a congratulatory pat
on the back.
"Shannon is a great example for
everyone'" freshman Kerianne Kalbko
said. "She shows us that you need to be
tough and look forward to the future
and not the past."'
Additionally, freshman Lindsay
Carlberg and Kalbko performed well in
spite of the wear and tear of travel.
Kalbko placed second in the 500 free
on Friday and Carlberg finished second
in the 100 backstroke Friday and first in
the 200 back on Saturday.
"Everyone was really happy with
how we swam under those conditions. It
makes us tougher," Kalbko said. "It also
gives us a chance to compare ourselves
with good teams, like Georgia, that are
in other conferences."
The trip to Georgia also afforded the
Wolverines a chance to get aquainted
with the facility which will serve as the
site for the NCAA Championships in
"It was very important for us to be in
Georgia' Richardson said. "We needed
to get used to the environment and the
facilities and we also needed the expe-
rience of swimming in their pool."
For the time being, the team will con-
centrate on healing up in time for the
end of the season. The Wolverines have
been hit by the flu bug, making depth a
valuable commodity.
"We left four people home from
Georgia because, energy-wise, they
were just tired," Richardson said.
"Jennie Eberwein has Epstein-Barr,
that's not good and she is certainly a key
to our success in the end."
Richardson also cited the recent ill-
nesses of Cathy O'Neill, Kalbko and
Jenny Crisman as reason for concern.
"We're small-so any one person
being sick or not at 100 percent has a
dramatic effect on our ability to per-
form," Richardson said.
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