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January 19, 1999 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-01-19

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4B - The Michigan Daily - SportsTuesday - January 19, 1999

Puck talk
"When I looked up I heard the crowd
cheering, so I assu dthat I made
a goad play.
- Michigan's Kevin Magnuson
after foiling a Western Michigan
2-on-I break in the Michigan zone

Michigan 6

Key Play
Saturday night, 2:47 left in the
third period
Dale Rominski redirects a Dave
Huntzicker slapshot past Western
Michigan goaltender Matt Barnes
for his first career hat trick.

Michigan O

Western Michigan


'The Daily Stars
The Michigan Daily hockey writers'
picks for Michigan's three stars of
the weekend.
Missed opportunities in both
games, but netted three goals

Wolverines bounce back after debacle on road.

By Dave Den Herder
Daily Sports Writer
Proclaiming Friday's loss at Ferris
State "a low point of the season,"
Michigan hockey coach Red Berenson
had 21 hours to refocus his players on
Western Michigan and the remaining
CCHA schedule.
His eligible players, anyway. Three
Wolverines served their mandatory one-
game suspensions-..-.............
during the Western Hockey
Michigan game for
an altercation with Nohod
Ferris State the pre-...--------------
vious night.
"Preparation is a big part of it,"
Berenson said. "Discipline and playing
better defensively - when you do those
things you end up scoring goals and get-
ting more chances."
The Wolverines, perhaps fortunate to
have the advantage of home ice and a
weaker opponent, made Saturday's
abbreviated roster click and rebounded
into the win column - effectively nip-
ping any "low point" in the bud.
Friday's game "was a real struggle for
us," said center Mark Kosick. "But
tonight we really opened it up a lot more
- we got the puck in deep and worked
the net a little, cycling the puck. It paid
off for us."
The payment was in the form of a 6-3
victory and two points in the CCHA
standings, but Berenson was still con-
cerned with the deterioration in his
team's play as the game moved into the

third period.
Despite a hat trick on Saturday, assis-
tant captain Dale Rominski agreed that
the team slipped into a late-game lull.
After the game, he offered a breakdown
of the breakdown.
"We're not hitting at all," Rominski
said. "We're waving at the puck, and
they've got odd-man rushes, and we're
not picking up guys late. It's a break-
down. We're still trying to get together a
60-minute hockey game."
DROP THE REF: The usually-critical
Yost crowd was quiet with concern after
referee Roger Graff fell to the ice stained
with his own blood midway through the
first period of Saturday's game.
A puck that careened off the near-side
glass caught Graff in the face, knocking
him down and stopping play for an
extended period of time, while trainers
tended to his injury and cleaned the ice.
Berenson said after the game that he
expects game officials will eventually be
required to wear face shields.
"It probably will come to that,"
Berenson said. "They are very vulnera-
ble - the sticks are up all over the ice
and the referees are involved in the play."
But Berenson mentioned that he is not
a proponent of the face-shield mandate
for NCAA players.
"I'd rather the referees wore shields
and the players didn't - and it would
make the game a better game," he said.
"But you won't see that day in college
After Graff was assisted offthe ice in

Drop your goes
This weekend's most-watched fight
may have been the Tyson-Botha
battle, but the Michigan hockey
team had a war of its own against
Ferris State on Friday night
Here's a short recap of this week-
end's "Main Event" in Big Rapids.
Friday, 1:36 left in the game
Fact: Michigan's Andrew
Merrick collides with Fernis State
goaltender Vince Owen.
Owen's opinion: "I was just
getting sick and tired of all of
their guys running into me."
Merrick's opinion: "I guess I
could've tried a little harder to 4
stop (before hitting Owen)."
Fact: The Bulldogs rush to the
aid of their goaltender and
begin to fight Merrick and Greg
Crozier. Michigan's Jeff Jillson
switches with Merrick and
begins to pound on Owen, who
has since removed his mask.
Result: MenTck, Crozier and
Jillson are disqualified Owen
doesn't receive a penalty for his
part in the braw. Only one Feis
State player is given the boot.
Michigan must skate two men
down for the rest of the game.


Ferris State 4, Michigan 0
Michigan 0 0 0 -0
Ferris State 1 0 3 -4
Frst period-1. FSU, Swider 9 (Wishart, Dube) 13:11
(pp). Penalties - Mich, Peach (holding) 1:46; Mich,
Vancik (interference) 6:38; FSU, Tessier (interference)
9:08; Mich, Ritchlin (hooking) 12:38.
Second period - no scoring. Penalties - FSU, Basile
(holding) 1:23; FSU, Basile (interference) 6:57; Mich,
Hayes (tripping) 10:53; Mich, Huntzicker (hooking)
17:09; FSU, Homner (interference) 20:00.
Third period- 2. FSU, McCullough 7 (Dube,
Kowalski) 4:07 (pp); 3. FSU, Harris 3 (Dube, Tessier);
13:464. FSU, Swider 10 (Hodel, Basile) 16:24.
Penalties - Mich, Van Ryn (interference) 2:33; Mich,
Hayes (slashing) 5:07; Mich, Merrick (slashing) 16:01;
FSU, Tessier (roughing) 16:01; FSU, Lewis (major fight-
ing) 18:24; FSU, Lewis (game disqualification) 18:24;
FSU, Steinmetz (sticking) 18:24; FSU, Steinmetz
(roughing) 18:24; Mich, Jilison (major fighting) 18:24;
Mich, ilson (game disqualification) 18:24; Mich,
Merrick (major charging) 18:24; Mich, Merrick (game
disqualification) 18:24; Mich, Crozier (major fighting)
18:24; Mich, Crozier (game disqualification) 18-24;
Mich, Huntzicker (high sticking) 18:24; Mich,
Huntzicker (roughing) 18:24; Mich, Langfeld (game
misconduct) 18:24; Mich, Van Ryn (game misconduct)
Shos on goal - Mich 616-6 - 28; FSU 811-12 -
Power Plays - Mich, 0 of 4; FSU, 2 of 8.
Saves - Mich, Blackburn 7-11-9 -27; FSU, Owen
6-16-6 -28.
Referee - Steve Piotrowski.
Lineomen - Paul Tunison, Kevin Langseth.
At: R.L. Ewigleben Ice Arena, Big Rapids. A: 2,641.
Michigan 6, Western Michigan 3
Westem Mich. 0 1 2-3
Michigan 3 1 2- 6
First period - 1. Mich, Langfeld 11 (Hayes,
Trainor), 6:52. 2. Mich, Kosick 6 (Peach, Van Ryn)
8:24. 3. Rominski 7 (Crawford) 18:31 (pp).
Penalties - WMU, Waring (tripping), 7:37; Mich,
Magnuson (roughing), 13:51; WMU, Crane (rough-
ing), 13:51; Mich, Rominski (roughing), 15:11;
WMU, Andrews (cross-checking), 19:05.
Second period -4. Mich, Rominski 8 (Langfeid,
Van Ryn), 2:49 (pp). 1. WMU, Kline 2 (Mitchell),
9:02. Penalties - WMU, Crane (roughing), 1:42;
Mich, Hunzicker (hooking), 5:12; Mich, Van Ryn
(hooking), 6:14; WMU, Andrews (interference),
9:57; WMU, Novock (check from behind), 12:32;
Mich, Langfeld (cross-checking), 15:10; WMU, Gove
(slashing), 15:10; Mich, Langfeld (roughing), 15:10;
WMU, bench minor (too many men), 16:09; Mich,
Hayes (major high sticking), 18:58; Mich, Hayes
(game disqualification), 18:58; WMU, Addesa
(slashing), 18:58.
Third period- 5.Mich, Clark 2 (Blackburn), 1:43.
2. WMU, Farquhar 1(Waring, Andrews), 2:26 (pp).
3. WMU, Mindel 9 (Gove, Crane), 6:52 (pp). 6.
Mich, Rominski 9 (Huntzicker, Langfeld), 17:13.
Penalties - WMUJ, Collard (roughing), 4:50; Mich,
Kosick (roughing), 4:50; Mich, Peach (slashing)
5.54; WMU, Kline (hooking), 9:15; WMU, Crane
(roughing), 12:23; WMU, Novock (slashing), 18:04;
Mich, Magnuson (unsportsmanlike), 18:04.
Shots on gool - Mich 11-10>5 - 26; WMU 7-312 - 22.
Power Plays - Mich 2 of 8; WMU 2 of 7.
Saves - Mich, Blackburn 7-2-9 - 18; WMU,
Barnes 8-9-3 - 20.
Referee - Roger Graff.
Linesmsen - Pat Bracco, Chris Davis.
At: Yost Ice Arena. A: 6,412.

Josh Langfeid's 11th goal of the season helped jump-start the Wolverines against
Western Michigan, leading to a 6-3 victory over the Broncos.

the first period, play continued with the
linesmen taking on his responsibilities,
until Graff returned later in the period.
service and reception in honor of the late
Brian Fishman has been scheduled for
Friday, Jan. 22, at the Ann Arbor Ice
Cube on Scio Church Rd. from 5-7 p.m.
Fishman was the sports information

director for the Michigan hockey pro-
gram from 1995-1997. Those who are
unable to attend but wish to share mem-
ories are invited to mail or FAX notes
and photos. A memorial fund has also
been established at the USA Hockey
National Team Development Program.
Inquiries should be directed to USA
Hockey at (734) 327-9251.


RommskstrcsM s treat

By T.J Berka
Daily Sports Writer
Going into Saturday night's game
with Western Michigan, the
Michigan hockey team needed an
offensive spark.
The Wolverines had been spanked
by Ferris State 4-0 the night before,
the second time that Michigan had
been blanked in two weeks. The
Wolverines needed someone to step
up and break them out of their scor-
ing funk.
Enter Dale Rominski.
The senior forward and co-captain,
known for his physical play and his
documentary films, obtained the
first hat trick of his Michigan career.
Rominski scored a goal in all three
periods to pace Michigan's 6-3 victo-
ry over the Broncos.
"I'm really happy for Dale," fellow
forward Mark Kosick said. "He
deserves it and has played well all
Rominski's trifecta was in doubt
toward the end of the period, as his
third goal, a deflection of a Dave
Huntzicker slapshot, was originally

given to Huntzicker.
Rominski then proceeded to miss
an empty-net opportunity in the last
minute, leaving the elusive hat trick
in doubt.
To everyone but Rominski, that is.
"I knew I had it," Rominski said.
Huntzicker's "shot went off my stick,
so I knew it'd be changed. I wasn't
too worried about missing the last
Rominski's hat trick didn't come
easily for him, though. Although he
lit up the red light three times, he had
at least three other near-misses at
"I was wondering why I didn't get
hat tricks," Rominski said jokingly.
"I probably should have had five or
six goals tonight."
Rominski's three goals came from
being in the right place in the right
Rominski's first goal - which put
the Wolverines ahead 2-0 in the first
period - came off a perfect feed
from Scott Crawford.
"I was streaking down the right
side and I saw Crawford look at me,"

Rominski said. "He gave me a great
pass and I put it in."
While a hat trick is cause for cele-
bration no matter the occasion in
which its scored, Rominski's came at
an especially clutch time, with the
Wolverines being embarrassed by
Ferris State the night before in a
fight-marred melee.
"We didn't play with class. It was
an embarrassment to our team,"
Rominski said. "We talked about
going back to our work ethic
If there's one thing that Rominski
is known for, it is his work ethic. But
with his seventh, eighth, and ninth
goals of the year, Rominski might
become known as a good scorer as
Either way, Rominski's first hat
trick since his days with the
Compuware Ambassadors in the@
North American Hockey League was
The hat trick "feels really great,"
Rominski said. "I haven't had one in
four or five years, so this feels really

Dale Rominski helped Michigan forget its awful showing against Ferris State with
three goals in Saturday's 6-3 victory over Western Michigan. The hat trick was a
career first for the senior.

Michigan bench steps up, keys team to victory

at Ohio State

Jan. 21
Jan. 23

lan. 29 at Michigan State
How the USCHO
Top 10 fared
Rankings and rcords as of Jan 18
No.1North Dakota (17-2-1) def. Colorado
College 5-4 and 5-1.
No. 2 Maine (16-24) dlef. Yale 61 and
Mass-Amherst 5-0.
No. 3 MichiganState (19-3-3) tied Bowling
Green 2.2,def.Miami 5-1.
No. 4 New Hampshlre (174-1) def.
Menimack 6-1 and s-1.
No. 5 Michigan (16-5-2) lost to Ferris State
4-0, def. Western Michigan 6-3
No.6 Boston College (13-7-2)def.
Northeastern 54 -
No. 7 Colorado College t15--1) lost to
North Dakota 5-4 and 5-1.
No. B Notre Dame (14+2) def. Alaska
Fairtanks 6-2 and 6-1.
No. 9 Princeton t(114-1) did not play:
No. 10 Rensselaer (13-5-1) def. Union 4-1.

By Mark Francescutti
Daily Sports Writer
Michigan coach Red Berenson looked
at his lineup card before Saturday night's
game against Western Michigan and saw
more holes than in Michigan's roads.
With defenseman Jeff Jillson and for-
wards Greg Crozier and Andrew
Merrick relegated to the press box, all
serving a one-game mandatory suspen-
sion for fighting against Ferris State,
Berenson had to count on his reserves to
fill in the gaps.
But Berenson had no reason to be
afraid, as Kevin Magnuson, Krikor
Arman and Bob Gassoff were ready and
willing to step up.
All three helped lift the Wolverines to
a 6-3 victory over Western Michigan on
"It was definitely a good change from
yesterday," Arman said. "It showed that
the team doesn't change, the players
don't change, it's all about how you pre-
pare youself for the game. It was a whole
different team."
But the biggest plus for these three
players was their individual perfor-
mances that helped the Wolverines keep
withing two points of conference leader
Michigan State.

"Mags made some great plays on
defense, Gasser was out there just pun-
ishing people, and I thought I added
some offense and some defense;"Arman
said. "I'm glad we got tocontribute."
It didn't come easy for Magnuson and
Gassoff. Both had to play at forward, a
position the two aren't very accustomed
"I was running around like a chicken
with its head cut off," Magnuson said. "I
have to admit though, forward is a little
bit easier than defense, I was just trying
to make as many checks as I could."
Magnuson hadn't played forward
since his senior year in high school in
Chicago, but tried his best to fit in the
new role of switching between defense
and forward.
Magnuson did make one spectacular
play that prevented a strong Western
Michigan scoring opportunity.
When Bronco David Gove cruised
down the ice on a breakaway, Magnuson
slapped the puck away, preventing
Dove's shot on goalie Josh Blackburn.
"It was a two on none and I just tried
to go for swipe," Magnuson said. "The
crowd cheered so I thought. I made a
great play."
Gassoff had the pleasure of switching

from defenseman to forward, like he did
earlier in the season, and thinks that with
some more time, he can succeed on the
other end of the playing spectrum.
"I've done it in the past, and I did ok
tonight," Gassoff said. "The more I play
the better I'll get."
Berenson said to not be surprised to
see Gassoff's physical presence assert
itself more often.
"Gassoff was not out of place as a for-
ward," Berenson said. "You might see
him there more."
Arman, who returned to the lineup
after several scratches, also held his
own. He even took a flurry of two shots
in the second period on goalie Matt
."I thought I played well tonight"
Arman said. "I got a few chances -
fired the puck eight miles high on one
- but I got more ice time than I ever
All three players played almost five
minutes each. Arman played almost
eight. But for the Wolverines, they will
be happy to know that they can count on
every player of the team to provide the
necessary success for a victory.
"I'm glad they got a chance to play"'
Berenson said. "They didn't hurt us."

Michigan's win over Western Michigan Saturday was a team effort, as the
Wolverines stepped up to fill the voids left by Jeff Jillson, Greg Crozier and Andrew
Merrick, who were all serving one-game suspensions following their game
disqualifications against Ferris State.

CCHA Standings
a N

Spartans take three points, stay ahead of Blue
From Staff Reports and anassist as Mirchian State finished its three- BOWLING GREEN 5, LAKE SUPERIOR 4



S 1








Unlike most teams' usual two game weekend
series, four CCHA teams - Ohio State, Alaska
Fairbanks, Ferris State and Miami (Ohio) - had a

victory sweep of Miami (4-13-3, 6-16-4), outscoring
them 15-2. The Spartans, now unbeaten in their last
12 games, haven't lost since November.

Bowling Green is 8-0-0 when leading after two
periods, but after Buddy Powers' troops pulled off a
2-2 tie over Michigan State on Friday, the Falcons

I ..4

1 7~ IA .

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