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January 19, 1999 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-01-19

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One hundred eight yearofedai freedom

January 19, 1999

p.y s .utfM , 7" N .

die im car
By Michaelaes,
Yaei Kohen
and Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporters
Two University students died and two
others were injured in a car accident on
the Old Mission Peninsula, one mile
north of Traverse City yesterday at 9:33
LSA first-year student Kelson Smith
driving a four-door Jeep when he
lost control of the vehicle and it crossed
the center line and sideswiped the dri-
ver's side door of a Chevrolet pickup
truck, Sgt. David Meachum of the Grand
Traverse County Sheriff's Department
said. A third vehicle then struck the pas-
senger side of the Jeep, which contained
three other University students.
LSA first-year student Celia
Zwerdling, seated in the passenger seat,
.s killed, along with LSA first-year
dent Sarah Metzger, who was sitting
in the passenger side of the back seat,
Meachum said.
Late last night, Smith's condition was
listed as fair and the Jeep's fourth pas-
senger, LSA first-year student Alyssa
Rosen, was listed in serious condition.
Both were taken to Munson Medical
Center in Traverse City after the acci-
County sheriff and hospital officials
ad not confirm whether Zwerdling and
Metzger died at the scene of the accident
or sometime after.
The accident victims were part of a
group of 1I students returning from a
weekend ski trip in three separate cars,
which left a friend's cabin near Traverse
City at different times yesterday morn-
The two other cars were not involved
C the accident, said LSA first-year stu-
nt Tim Mooney, Smith's roommate
who was part of the trip..
Mooney said he left the cabin an hour
after Smith and approached the accident
scene, blocked off by rescue officials.
Meachum said no alcohol was
involved in the accident and every pas-
senger in all three vehicles was wearing-
a seat belt.
Although the prosecutor's office will
termine what or who was at fault and
at action will be taken, Meachum
speculated that icy road conditions,
which also caused the cancellation of
See CRASH, Page 3A
Fail ils
Iems St.
By Sarah Lewis
Iaily Staff Reporter
The list of Michigan students who
died tragically after drinking rose Friday
when a 20-year-old Ferris State
&'iversity student died after falling from
r third-floor apartment window.
Allen was drinking in her off-campus
apartment with friends on Thursday
night, said Kevin Courtney, director of

public safety for Big Rapids.
After Allen went to bed and everyone
except Allen's roommate left the apart-
ment, Courtney said, Allen's roommate
heard a crash that sounded like glass
breaking around midnight Friday.
She then went to Allen's bedroom,
g ked out the broken window and saw
lien lying on the ground below.
"Witnesses outside saw her fall out the
window," Courtney said. "She was alive
after she landed"'
Allen was initially taken to Mecosta
County General Hospital, where her
blood alcohol level was found to be 0.22,
twice the legal level of intoxication in the
state of Michigan.
Later, a helicopter flew Allen to
hetrum Health-Downtown in Grand
Rapids, where she died at approximate-
ly 3 p.m. Friday afternoon, Courtney
The autopsy determined the cause of
death to be massive head injury and
body trauma resulting from the fall.


out a call for action

p csfor lecture
By Yael Kohen
Daily Staff Reporter
People of all backgrounds sat together in a packed Hill
Auditorium yesterday to hear renowned American poet Nikki
Giovanni deliver a light and witty keynote speech with a
powerful message.
Giovanni honored Martin Luther King, Jr. by giving the
University symposium's memorial lecture. She emphasized
the importance of a having a younger generation of
Americans committed to furthering equality.
"You must go on," Giovanni said, adding that while she is
encouraged by progressive reforms throughout history, the
struggle is far from over.
Through her poetry and prose, Giovanni has been a strong
voice for equality for more than 25 years. Her talent for sto-
rytelling rang through in yesterday's speech as she supported
her points with detailed stories, personal anecdotes and cur-
rent events. "It's really a sad day to watch this spectacle going
on in Washington," she said referring to the impeachment
trial of President Clinton.
Giovanni was unreserved in her comments, saying she too
would lie if she slept with Monica Lewinsky and calling for-
mer FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover a "son of a bitch." Some
audience members raised eyebrows at her claim that rapper
Tupac Shakur was assassinated because of his power.
Others said they were drawn in by Giovanni's presence and
the conversational way she engaged her audience.
"It's refreshing that somebody can say what they want to
say ... not caring what other people think," Nursing first-year
student Tanina Media said.
University alumnus Julie Lubeck was not as refreshed by
Giovanni's frankness. "I think she gave a controversial mes-
sage," Lubeck said.
Giovanni spoke of various racial and sexual injustices that
she said exist in the U.S.
She recounted a story about a black boy whose mother
wanted to get him off the streets of Chicago. The mother sent
her son to Mississippi where she thought he would be safer,
but he was later murdered there.
Giovanni decried the use of violence against homosexuals,
citing the beating of Matthew Shepard, a gay University of
Wyoming student. "We refuse to believe that America is
morally bankrupt," she stated.
Giovanni concluded with a call for people on campus and
across the country to fight for equality. "All of you have the
possibility to do something great and something different,'
she said.
Audience members met Giovanni's closing words with a
standing ovation and some joined in the MLK Day march
that followed.
The University has a tradition of naming lounges through-
out the campus after prominent minority leaders. There is a
Nikki Giovanni lounge in the Mosher-Jordan Residence Hall,
where a reception was held for her Sunday night.
Despite the cold weather and slush, more than 100

By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
In the last few moments before
Honorable Constance Baker Motley
took the podium, organizers scurried
to find enough chairs for the audi-
ence members crdwding the doorway
of a Hutchins Hall classroom.
But the lack of space didn't scare
away listeners. People stood in back,
sat on the floor and lined the walls of
the room as a University professor
introduced Motley to the crowd.
Motley, the first black woman
appointed to the federal bench, spoke
of her experiences as a clerk for the
NAACP Legal Defense Fund under
Thurgood Marshall.
Law second-year student Brian
Stolzenbach said Motley's active role
in the Civil Rights Movement peaked
his interest.
"I thought it would be interesting to
hear someone who has been involved
in things rather than just thought
about things:' Stolzenbach said.
Motley's speech is one of more
than 80 events being held in honor of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. this
month. The 1999 symposium, titled
"On the Verge of a New Millennium
... STAND!,' consists of workshops,
speeches and marches that make up
one of the country's largest MLK
Day celebrations.
Other schools also planned many
events in observance of the holiday.
Michigan State University hosted a
speech by King's son, Martin Luther
King III.
His speech centered around his
father's ideas and his concern for the
nation's poor. After the speech, King
See MLK, Page 8A

Above: Poet Nikki
Giovanni shows off her
tattoo reading "Thug
Life" in honor of Tupac
Shakur yesterday.
Giovanni was the keynote
speaker for the Martin
Luther King, Jr. Memorial
Lecture at Hill
Left: Engineering first.
year student Cornell
Schultz, MSA student
representative for the
College of Engineering on
the Defend Affirmative
Action Party ticket,
holds a sign at an MLK
Day rally on the Dlag
yesterday. Schultz was
one of several students
addressing a crowd of
about 200 people.

Duderstadt speaks on mandate

By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
Although James Duderstadt has been out of office for near-
ly three years, he still is part of diversity issues on campus -
more than just being named as a defendant in the two lawsuits
aiming to abolish the use of race in University admissions.
The former University president spoke last night at Bursley
Residence Hall on student activism and its relation to the
Michigan Mandate - a set of policies enacted during his
administration that brought more minority students and fac-
ulty to campus.
"I wanted to bring people from the upper administration
closer to the students and what better way is there than to
have (Duderstadt) speak. He put forth a policy that changed
the face of the University" said Bursley minority peer advi-
sor assistant William Johnson, an Engineering senior and an
organizer of the event.
The Michigan Mandate, first enacted in 1989, marked the

culmination of a period of intense social activism on campus.
"In order to awaken the University, it took the action of stu-
dents," Duderstadt said.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the University began to make
changes in reaction to the student-driven Black Action
Movement. Duderstadt said BAM activism brought more
black faculty and staff to the University.
"Social obligations were realized," Duderstadt said.
After a period of stagnant student activism in the 1970s, the
administration "went to sleep" in the 1980s, Duderstadt said.
In reaction to this, a new movement, BAM II, brought
about even more changes. Many students demanded that
University investments in South Africa be divested because
of the government's apartheid policies.
Along with the United Coalition against Racism, BAM II
"pushed really hard against the University," Duderstadt said.
Starting in 1986, a strategic plan for the Michigan

Inside ML.K coverage:
Some University students use their
day off for community service.
Page 3A.
Encompass, a pan-ethnic show,
draws 1,500 to
the Michigan
Page 7A.
activist lectures
on the cultural
insensitivity in
sports mascots.
Page 7A.
Students pay tribute to King
through music performances
Page 8A.

Dems: Witnesses
may be inevitable

At the Capitol

Look for in-
coverage of
the Michigan
delegation at
the Senate
trial later this
week as The
Michigan Daily
heads to

Jackson, Brooks may be
off team for next season

Impeaching he

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate's Democratic
leader conceded yesterday that witnesses "may be
inevitable" in President Clinton's impeachment trial
but said that once live testimony starts the Senate
could lose much of its control over the proceedings.
A Republican victory on calling Monica Lewinsky
and others could extend the trial indefinitely, said Sen.
Tom Daschle (D-S.D.). And he speculated that it also
i-mild A 1a...o n . ,, eQ*.r cn ctne r I 00 senators

A s
D aschle
White House

By Rick Freeman
and Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporters
The indefinite athletic suspensions of
Michigan football players Jason Brooks and
Ray Jackson, who were allegedly involved in a
Jan. 8 scuffle outside the Sigma Chi fraternity
house, could last throughout next season,
Michigan Athletic Director Tom Goss said
"I doubt whether they will be on the team

Associate Athletic Director for Media Relations
Bruce Madej confirmed last night. Peterson
declined comment on the matter yesterday.
"We will allow him to complete this semes-
ter" on his athletic scholarship, Goss said. "He
is a student here '
Athletic Department officials did not
specify why Peterson was removed from the
team, but said reasons behind the three sus-
pensions varied. Peterson was suspended
from the team for his involvement in a mis-

lawyers honed the defense presentation they will begin
today. It will focus on conflicts in testimony, a strategy
that would be aimed at undercutting House charges of
perjury and obstruction of justice but that also could
onen the wav tn Renhlican demands for witnesses to

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