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January 14, 1999 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1999-01-14

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t23 - The Michigan Daily Weeken Magazine - Thursday, January 14, 1999



The Michigan Daily Weekend Mai

..p i P

l Road Trip of the Week
Citrus Bowl offers Disney-laced,
rose-free new year's atmosphere

ERIN HOLMES/For the Daily
Cindarella's Castle is just one of the many attractions crammed into the mammoth
Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World.

By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
ORLANDO - It wasn't the glory
of the Tournament of Roses or the
ecstasy of a National Title, but it
was a bowl game framed by the
warm Florida sun and the glamour
of ritzy downtown hotels and
Forget the flowers that adorned
breakfast plates a year earlier; a stay
in the Sheraton Orlando North
meant continental breakfasts in a
musty downstairs room by the pool
and an $80 cab ride one-way to
Disney World.
But the fun of the 1999 bowl trip
was partly captured in the high-fiv-
ing of hands warmed in the after-
noon sun during the fourth quarter
of the-game, and mirrored in the
enthusiasm of hundreds of fans who
stayed to watch Marcus Ray lead the
Michigan Marching Band in a cho-
rus of "The Victors." It was more
than worth the plane ride - even
for the Band, cheerleaders and Bo
Schembechler, who spent six hours,
and two "in-flight movies," on a
plane as hot as Orlando (the air
vents weren't working) on the tar-
mac in Detroit before even taking
off the ground.
The trip was accented by pep ral-
lies - one on the rooftop tennis
courts of the Peabody Hotel and one

in the crowded confines of Church
Street Station, seemingly the place
to go in Orlando for a party. With its
strip of balconies, bars and tiny
walkways, the area's jovial atmos-
phere mimicked New Orleans'
Bourbon Street, even without the
groups of Michigan fans who
showed up after the victory to watch
the presentation of the game trophy
and MVP titles.
It was the little extras, even for
the biggest football fans, that gave
the opportunity to truly enjoy
The main attraction, Disney
World, is just "20 minutes away
from anywhere in Orlando" park
directors say - a distinction that
would seem to make it do-able.
But once there, Space Mountain,
It's a Small World, and the countless
other attractions within its confines
are still spectacular, even for the 20-
something Michigan fans that were,
no doubt, its main customers before
the big game.
In addition to its usual magic, the
park was bespectacled with a gigan-
tic Christmas tree and hundreds of
other seasonal decorations. The air
was filled with recordings of
Christmas music, in place of the
usual tiresome Disney tunes.
December holidays in 70-degree
weather may be hard to swallow for

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true Michigan natives, but it does
provide for a unique - and truly
"Orlando" - experience.
On Dec. 30, Medieval Times, a
restaurant/theater that serves mas-
sive quantities of food with not
enough soda to wash it down and
stages artificial battles between
knights with apparently fake swords
but real horses, opened its doors to
more than 225 Michigan Band
members. A wizard decked out in
"authentic" medieval garb, talking
through a large microphone, wel-
comed customers to their seats
amidst smoke and trumpeting.
The crowning point of the night
came as the band entertained the
crowd - mostly families with
young children - with its cheering
that was unavoidably learned from
the seats of Yost Ice Arena.
The scene: a large wood theater with
seating on both sides and horses and
knights prancing in the center. From the
south side came sudden cheers for the
restaurant's blue knight: "Let's go
blue!" And to the other knights compet-
ing for recognition that night: "Over-
rated!" The performers were treated to a
full array of Michigan cheers - includ-
ing the edited-for Orlando "hey Knight,
it's your mom! she says ... you stink!"
Of course, "Sieve, sieve, sieve" also
worked its way in to the evening.
New Year's Eve at Pleasure Island,
another delightful extra to bowl game-
goers, provided a chance for partyers to
welcome in 1999 with Huey Lewis &
the News. Pleasure Island, with its
boulevard of bars, restaurants and
dance clubs that could rival those in
Europe, featured a sky that sparkled
with fireworks at midnight.
Despite the crowds, people wear-
ing colorful "Happy New Year" hats
crowded the stage while singing
along with the popular tunes and
humming on free kazoos. Silly
String bonded the dancing crowd
together as they clapped, hugged
and kissed in the new year.
But the best part was the hun-
dreds of fellow Michigan fans who
lined up for the buffet, offered pre-
dictions of the next day's game and
bet on MVP along with a toast to
1999 and the Maize and Blue.
Student discounts on
eye exams and eyeglasses
Great Brands
Polo TommyHilfiger Calvin Klein
it. S. S.ae3.t
"S I F

Continued from Page 4B
with her lifelong friends, the self-
named Ya-Yas, and helps Siddalee to
discover her true self.
John Irving also came out with a
book that can be placed under this self-
emergence heading titled "A Widow for
One Year." For the bo k's main charac-
ter, Ruth Cole, it takes 41 years for her
true self to emerge when, after just a
year as a widow, she falls in love.
And, finally, Mitch Albom's true-life
account of his relationship with his
professor in "Tuesdays With Morrie"
caps off this particular theme of 1998.
Upon hearing that his favorite college
professor has Lou Gehrig's disease,
Albom puts aside his work at the
Detroit Free Press to visit his Brandeis
Prof Morrie Schwartz every Tuesday in
Boston. Morrie's ever-inspirational
words makes this book arguably the
most popular word-of-mouth book of
the year.
Another trend of '98 was one of
racial struggle. Toni Morrison's
"Paradise" exemplifies this trend with
its poignant racial observations through
the study of a fictional all-black town
named Ruby. This town has a vivid rec-
ollection of slavery as shown by the
violence wreaked upon a nearby
covenant where the Ruby inhabitants
"(shot) the white girl first, with the rest
they (took) their time." This novel, then,
explores not only the roots of slavery
but the long-term, current effects of it.
Barbara Kingsolver's "The
Poisonwood Bible" explores the racial
injustice present in the Belgian Congo
through a missionary family's narrative.
By concentrating on Nathan Price, a
Southern Baptist minister who
becomes obsessed with saving the souls
of the Congo natives, Kingsolver shows
a powerful struggle of wills.
And Tom Wolfe's much-anticipated
novel "A Man in Full" shares a similar
theme. This struggle, however, concen-

trates on the difference between Old
South and New South values at the
approach of the millennium. It also
deals with race, as one of the main
events of the novel is the alleged rape of
an upper-class white girl by a black
football player. Primarily, the book is
about the decline of Old South values
and human fears and anxieties. Most
importantly, however, is the presence of
the intoxicating prose that can only be
described as Wolfe-esque. This come-
back, though it will not be remembered
as his best, is a successful one.
And, finally, number 10 which will be
an inclusion of one of the aforemen-
tioned vital blockbuster writers. Stephen
King takes this award for his attempt at a
more serious, less horrific novel, "Bag of
Bones." King takes on the serious subject
of a severe case of writer's block con-
nected to the death of the writer's wife.
This escalates into a tangled web of
everyday and supernatural events, how-
ever, in Stephen King fashion.
This combination of scary prose typ-
ical of King's horror stories and emo-
tion found in more dramatic novels pro-
duces a story that some find to be dis-
jointed. However, it could also be seen
as an original, interesting transition to
future novels that could perhaps be nos-
talgic of his more serious short stories
such as "The Body" or "Rita Hayworth
and the Shawshank Redemption."
Since most college students do not
have time to read the top 10 books of
'98, there are three "must-reads." The
first is Helen Fielding's "Bridget
Jones's Diary," most notable for its wit
and identifiable prose. The second,
Mitch Albom's "Tuesdays With
Morrie" is a touching tale that no one
should miss. Finally, after a decade-
long dry spell, Tom Wolfe is back with
"A Man in Full.' Though this master-
piece is unique on its own terms, it is
quite possibly Wolfe's last novel, since
he is approaching age 70. If you only
have time to read one book in '99, that
should be the one.

By Stephen Gertz
Daily Arts Writer
The video game world expanded in several directions,
especially with Nintendo's undeniable masterpiece "The
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Tim," this past year. The latest
installment of the "Zelda" series - four other versions are
available for various earlier Nintendo systems - had gaming
enthusiasts everywhere championing it as the best of all time.
And with good reason. The new "Zelda," which hit the mar-
ket just in time to ride the crest of the Christmas-rush tidal wave,
is a breathtaking epic. Like the other Zelda games, it features
elfish protagonist Link running about the Tolkien-esque land of
Hyrule, solving puzzles and valiantly slaying annoying Tektites
and Leevers in order to ultimately rescue the lovely princess
Zelda. This new version, however, takes the complexity of the
original "Zelda" to an unprecedented new level as Link engages
in an enormous variety of activities along the way, including a
series of "side games" during which the player can partake in a
fishing outing, horseback riding, target shooting and other such
activities. The graphics are Nintendo's best yet, the story line is

Latest Zelda' quest en<

captivating an
game is tighta
choice for 199
Just as "Ze
story-craft in
made signifi
numerous pla
tion in a way
Also, games
Playstation's "
transformed ti
gorefests into
given to plotlir
nage level. Fo
with plenty of
barbarism, "Gr
their way up a r
sinating police

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And this
located nex doorto Spinnaker & Lal
Beach Resort u Spring Break Headquan
Beach. Florida. And as hot to Ss Beac
immersed in the center of all the non
So paty wida daouauk but seq



A R Renee


Spring Break,
all here...
Vela, the Boardwalk
ers for Panama City
I Club '99, you'll be e
istop party action!
P with die bes

January 14
Hill Auditorium

The Gospel at Colonus
J.D. Steele and Jevetta Steele
Clarence Fountain and The Blind Boys of Alabama
The Original Soul Stirrers
Reverend Earl Miller
The Duke Ellington Centennial Choir
Friday, January 15, 8 p.m.
Saturday, January 16, 8 p.m.
Sunday, January 17, 3 p.m.
Monday, January 18, 8 p.m.
Power Center


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Us m .'''''....... $2.f k..
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North Campus
Rush Outlet
at 1'ieiipontC oninlow,
netto Littlcesar's
on Thursdays.
I a.m.-1:30 pin. (lr
Thursday through
WVed nesday evcnts.)

Bring your valid student ID.
I here is a two ticket
limit Per studenlt.
Tickets are subject to

Central Campus
Rush Outlet
Michi~zan Union
Ticket 0lfice on the
day of the event. 9
a.m.-5 p.m.. Monday
through Friday Friay
!'or weekend events)

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