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One hundred eight years of editorfiltfeedom
November 19, 1998
Students hit
polls for
Top: Owner Jim Paron, head
waitress Melissa Matich and floor
manager Mike Wing stand near the
restaurant. Bottom: Sam Sword
holds the Little Brown Jug after
this year's victory over Minnesota.
Left: Patrons dine at the Jug.
Jug to throw
birthday bash
By Kelly O'Connor
Daily Staff Reporter
The Br wn Jug restaurant, a cornerstone
of the c ipus area since 1938, will cele-
brate its 60-year anniversary tonight.
The Jug, as it is called by many, is no
stranger to celebration. The last six decades
have been filled with historical University
events, and for many, The Brown Jug is a
large part of the Michigan tradition.
Even the name itself is closely tied to a
strong element of the University community
Michigan football. The Little Brown Jug
game, the name given to the yearly match
between the Michigan Wolverines and the
Minnesota Golden Gophers, has a story that
dates back to 1903.
The Michigan football team went into the
Minnesota game that season undefeated and
had a 28-game winning streak. The Gophers
.also were strong, with a 10-0 record. With
doubts'that Minnesota would provide
acceptable drinking water, Michigan Coach
Fielding Yost sent a team manager into town
to buy a water jug for the players to use.
The game tied, and in their haste to catch
the train home, the Michigan players left the
jug in Minnesota. Yost wrote a letter to
Minnesota Athletic Director L.J. Cooke ask-
ing for the jug back. Cooke wrote, "If you
want it, you'll have to come up and win it
The Little Brown Jug has since become a
tradition in Michigan football, and when
Harold House and James Moore opened the
restaurant in 1938, its name opened the door
for it to become an important site for
Michigan sports fans.
But it's not just football that has kept The
See JUG, Page 7A
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily StaffReporter
The first day of voting in the fall
Michigan Student Assembly clec-
tions produced an online voter
turnout of 990 students.
"I think it's decent so far. I' m
expecting more tomorrow, but not
much more," said MSA election
director Alex Hovan. Final election
results should be counted by Sunday
afternoon, he added.
Hovan said he expects the final
vote tallies to be just slightly lower
than the fall 1997 results. Last fall's
MSA election set a record for fall
voter turnout. Twvelve percent of the
student body hit the polls, v ith a
total of 2,876 students casting bal-
MSA representatives said few
students visited paper ballots sites
Although candidates handed out
fliers throughout yesterday on the
Diag reminding students to vote.
both candidates and assembly mem-
bers said campaigns have been sur-
prisingly low-key.
"It's a little slower than I'd like it
to be" said MSA external relations
committee vice chair Ellen
Friedman, who helped monitor a
paper ballot voting. site in the
Michigan Union yesterday.
Friedman said several students
were surprised the elections twere tak-
ing place.
"It's surprising too many peo-
ple," Friedman said.
Students' Party candidate for the
School of Music Shaila Guthikonda
said the decline in "hard-core cam-
Casting Ballots
Fall elections
U 990 students cast ballots in the
first day of Michigan Student
Assembly elections yesterday
r I
Students can vote online at
http://www.urnich.edu/~vote until
11:59 tonight
0 Students can vote today at
paper ballot sites until 4 p.m. in 4
I the Michigan Union and Angell
Hall Fishbowl and until 3 p.m. at
Pierpont Commons
paigning" is due to the lack of party
rivalries in the election.
"The Michigan Party died."
Friedman said. "The big rivalry is
New Frontier Party organizer
Jacob Oslick said despite Students'
Party claims. other parties are formi-
dable opponents.
"The Students' Party shares a lot of
our ideas." Oslick said. "But they don't
have a plan on how to get there."
LSA junior Melissa Steinmetz.
like many other students. said she
knew about the elections, but chose
not to vote.
Steinmetz said she voted in the pre-
vious MSA election as an Engineering
student. but did not vote yesterday
because she does not know enough
about the LSA candidates.
[SA senior Janet Maki said she
did not v ote because she is not con-
cerned with the functions MSA per-
forms besides funding student orga-
nizations, including her favorite, the
See MSA, Page 7A
GOP to
*ote oon
*louse impeachment investigators
awaited prosecutor Kenneth Starr's
testimony, Republicans moved to
expand ithe inquiry by summoning
President Clinton's private lawyer
and closest confidant and showing a
belated new interest in campaign
Judiciary Committee Chair
Henry Hyde said majority
epuLblicans probably would vote
oyo subpoenas for White
House deputy counsel Bruce
Lindsey, the president's most trusted
adviser, and for attorney Robert
Bennett, who represented Clinton in
the Paula Jones lawsuit.
The committee also plans to
question Daniel Gecker, the lawyer
for Clinton accuser Kathleen Willey,
and Nathan Landow, a Maryland
Democrat who had contacts with
Willey. She has accused the presi-
ent of making a sexual advance
inside the White House.
Hyde also informed the White
House that attorney-client privilege
would not be recognized in the
impeachment proceedings, a claim
that could be made by Bennett and
Lindsey as lawyers for Clinton. But
Hyde added that the committee
"intends to seek information regard-
*ng only the personal actions of
these individuals and not communi-
cations with their clients."
The White House scoffed at
plans for calling the additional wit-
nesses and ignoring attorney-client
privilege. "In an effort to pick a par-
tisan food fight, they are reduced to
far for the Roses
Students planning tnps to OSU
By Adam Cohen
Daily StafReponer
The Michigan Daily s and The Ohio Lantem's What are you doing
columnists sound off about this weekend's game.
Check out the Daily's sports section - and this weekend.
tomorrow's special section - for extra coverage. As Saturday nears
Nor? 21, 1998* Noon @ Ohio Stadium and the excitement
builds, students are
packing their lucky hats, scraping up money for tickets and heading
south to witness an age-old rivalry: Michigan vs. Ohio State.
A win Saturday would send the Wolverines to the Rose Bowl for:
the second straight year.
LSA junior Matt Siegel plans to leave for Columbus, Ohio tomor-
row, accompanied by his maize-and-blue knit cap, which he only wears
to special games.
"I'm wearing my lucky hat to the game,' Siegel said. "I'm putting
its 6-0 record on the line:'
University President Lee Bollinger, who is traveling to Columbus
and attending the game with former Michigan football coach Bo
Schembechler, said he plans to watch the Wolverines battle the
Buckeyes in Ohio Stadium.
"I would like to see peacefulness and a courageous showing,"
Bollinger said.
In April, the Michigan ticket department put 527 tickets on sale for
this Saturday's game.
"They went on sale April 1," said Lisa Wiltse, office assistant at the
University's ticket department. "They were sold out April 1."
LSA sophomore Jordan Litwin and some of his fellow Tau Epsilon
Phi fraternity brothers were among the lucky students, faculty and staff
members to get tickets though the University.
Due to the overwhelming demand for OSU tickets, not all ticket
requests were fulfilled.
Not having tickets is not stopping many loyal fans from trekking to
Columbus this weekend.
About 20 Steve & Barry's University Sportswear employees and
some of their friends recently made reservations at a Columbus hotel
but have not yet purchased tickets.
"The closest hotel we could find was 15 miles from the stadium'
LSA sophomore Gina Le Claire said. "We're gonna drive around their
main street with Michigan flags and try to have some fun, tormenting
the OSU fans,"
Le Claire and her friends also have plans to cheer loudly, paint their
faces maize and blue and wear identical clothing to promote Wolveririe
Other students also hope to get football tickets.
"We're going to root on our squad, celebrateour victory and get
some decently priced tickets by the stadium." Engineering sophomore
Aaron Gill said.
Engineering fifth-year senior Mike Khomutin said he will be trav-
eling to the game wx ith the original Superfan Jeff Holzhausen, the new
Superfan Reza Breakstone and theall-time Michigan rushing leader
Jaime Morris, who currently is working in marketing for the Michigan
Athletic Department.
'A fter aninoying him arid chanting his name at games in the past. we
met Mr. Morris at a basketball game and he asked us to go to the game
with him, after we asked him it he knew of any tickets for the OSU
game:' Khomutin said.
See OSU, Page 2A
Wage concerns rie Walking the line
GEO ebr
By Paul Berg
Daily Staff Reporter
As a graduate employee contract
bargaining session began last night,
more than 60 Graduate Employee
Organization members greeted
University negotiators, who offered
their first proposals of the negotia-
Fueled by frustration and disap-
pointment after receiving the
University's counterproposal offering
no change in wages, the GEO mem-
bers sat in support of their negotiat-
ing team.
GEO Bargaining Committee
spokesperson Chip Smith said mem-
bers came from 24 different depart-
"Wages are still the issue, and we
are organized behind this," Smith said.
"We don't think our position will
break the University, and we share the
goal of wanting to improve the
posals to the table until Dec. 2, when
bargaining sessions will resume.
The University bargaining team
offered three proposals last night, their
first of these negotiations.
"Three years ago they didn't offer
any proposals at all," said GEO
President Eric Dirnbach, who was
heavily involved with the last contract
negotiation process in 1996.
Two of the University's proposals
dealt with amending contract language
concerning the union dues and repre-
sentation fee graduate employees pay
to the GEO.
Associate Academic Human
Resources Director Dan Gamble, the
University's chief negotiator, said the
proposals must correct the contract
language so it agrees with recent
changes in tax law.
The third University proposal would
alter the graduate employee grievance
procedure for graduate student
Suspect s
car found
out of state
By Nick Bunkley
Daily Staff Reporter
Murder suspect Milton Castillo con-
tinued to evade authorities yesterday.
but Maryland police found the car
investigators believe Castillo used to
flee Ann Arbor.
Police in Prince George's County.
Md., have picked up thi, blue Ford
Probe the Ann Arbor Police
Department believes Castillo was last
driving. Castillo's whereabouts are
still unknown, although this discovery
confirms that he is no longer in
"We were able to recover the vehicle
but not the suspect associated with the
vehicle," Prince George's County
Police Department Corp. Tim Estes
Authorities found and imponded