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November 18, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-18

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One hundred eight years of edialfeedom

November 18, 1998

on nse
By Gerard Cohen-vrignaud
DMily Staff Reporter
Smoking is one habit college stu-
dents are not kicking, according to a
new study published in today's issue
of the Journal of the American
Medical Association.
Two surveys, conducted by the
- rvard School of Public Health in
3 and 1997, found that cigarette
smoking among college students
across the nation increased by 28 per-
cent within that time.
Of the 14,251 students surveyed at
116 four-year colleges last year, 28
percent had smoked at least once
within the previous month compared
with only 22 percent in 1993.
Harvard Medicine Prof. Nancy
Rigotti, co-author of the study, said the
ults are surprising because the med-
1 community generally has assumed
that college students, who are more
educated and more wealthy than the
general population, were less affected
by the pressure to smoke.
"Traditionally, we think of college
students as resistant to smoking,"
Rigotti said. "College students
weren't on the radar screen of smok-
ing awareness"
*Rigotti said much of the increase in
the prevalence of smoking among col-
lege students is directly attributable to
a shift in tobacco marketing.
"A lot of it is a consequence of the
marketing and promotion of the
tobacco industry," Rigotti said. "Now
that they're being discouraged from
targeting teenagers, I think the tobac-
co industry is targeting young college
students - ages 18 to 24."
moking increased regardless of
, race, ethnicity or year in school.
The rise in smoking was greater at
public colleges than in private col-
Smoking was more common
among whites than blacks or Asians
and in underclassmen than upper-
classmen. In addition, more compet-
itive schools - defined by ACT and
SAT scores and percentage of appli-
lts accepted - had fewer smok-
Smoking is the leading pre-
ventable cause of death in the United
States, according to the study, and
accounts for more 400,000 deaths
each year.
Smoking is restricted heavily at the
University. It is not permitted in acad-
emic buildings and is limited to.
smoking rooms in residence halls.
But programs to help students quit
See SMOKING, Page 2
Ford to
ieak on







By Paul Berg
and Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporters
Following a wage proposal by the
Graduate Employees Organization, the
University submitted a counterpropos-
al on income in graduate employee
contract negotiations yesterday.
Both sides described the proposal as
"no change" from the current contract
language, which guarantees a salary
raise "floor" and ties any additional
percentage rate wage increases to facul-
ty income.
"It wasn't even close" to what the

expire until Feb. 1, 1999.
"We still have time for further nego-
tiations," Gamble said. "We received
many proposals in the last four weeks.
We received the 37 percent proposal
just like any of the other proposals.
"There is no anger on the
University's part. We're just trying to
negotiate a fair contract;" he said.
Odier-Fink said GEO is bargaining for
wages that better reflect the cost of living
in Ann Arbor. A 37 percent increase
would have raised the wages to $1,796 a
month instead of the $14133 per month
they currently receive.

GEO wanted,
said Associate
H u m a n
Director Dan
Gamble, the
chief negotia-
The coun-

iThey haven't done
their homework."
-- GEO Bargaining Committee
Spokesperson Chip Smith, referring to the
University's most recent contract offer

GEO pre-
sented infor-
mation gath-
ered from
Housing that
illustrated that
splitting a
costs $453 per
is one of the

from '73 lingers
By Matthew Barrett
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan's football team could be off to one of sev-
eral different bowl games depending on the outcome
of Saturday's game vs. Ohio State and a few other
match-ups across the country.
The intricate bowl system might be confusing, but it
provides greater opportunity for post-season play than
25 years ago.
The 1973 Michigan football team would have been
happy to have been in the middle of such controversy.
In 1972, the Wolverines went into their game with
Ohio State with a perfect 10-0 record, only to have
their dreams of roses crushed by the hated Buckeyes.
At that time, Big Ten rules allowed only one confer-
ence team to go to a bowl game, so a 10-1 Michigan
team was left in Ann Arbor for New Year's Day.
In 1973, the Wolverines were again 10-0 heading

Courtesy of the
Athletic Department
Al-Big Ten
Dennis Franklin
led the
Wolverines to a
second half
comeback In
1973,but the
Buckeyes still
were victorious.

Michigan controls its own destiny. With a
victory, the Wolverines head to the Rose Bowl.
Read the Daily's special section Friday previewing
Saturday's showdown against Ohio State.
Nov. 21, 1998 0 Noon Ohio Stadium

into their clash with an undefeated and top-ranked
Ohio State, bent on avenging the past year's loss.
Playing before a then-NCAA record of 105,233
spectators in the Big House, the Wolverines trailed 10-
0 at the half.
Led by the play of all-Big Ten quarterback Dennis
Franklin, Michigan stormed back in the second half,
tying the score at 10 on a dazzling fourth down run by
The Michigan defense continued to stop Ohio State,
and the Buckeyes were held to no yards of offense in
the game's final -six minutes.
But the offense struggled after Franklin left the
See ROSE BOWL, Page 7

terproposal stipulated a minimum of
a 2.5 percent increase, the annual
raise to account for inflation, which
is far below the 37 percent increase
CEO's bargaining team asked for
last week.
The GEO team expressed frustration
about the counterproposal, and GEO
Chief Negotiator Eric Odier-Fink called
the University's offer a "pittance-level
raise" Odier-Fink said the counter-pro-
posal ignored everyday concerns of
graduate employees.
"Currently, members accrue thou-
sands of dollars in credit card debt to
pay for rent, groceries and other
expenses;" he said. "We expected some
sort of movement, and my heart really
sunk, but this is early in the game."
Both sides agree this is far from the
final word on economic matters, as the
previous three-year contract does not

most inexpensive options for graduate
student instructors, rent still consumes
42 percent of their average income,
GEO negotiators argue.
"We've done extraordinary research
and they have not looked at it, nor have
they done any of their own,' GEO
Bargaining Committee spokesperson
Chip Smith said. "Today was the culmi-
nation of frustration. They haven't done
their homework"
Smith echoed sentiments of other
GEO negotiators, who said a large
increase is necessary to build a propor-
tionally fair base income before per-
centage increases can meet the
demands of a "living wage.'
"Adding 2.5 percent of $1,100 does-
n't do that much," Smith said.
Odier-Fink said the administrators on
See GEO, Page 2
Party Candidates
New Frontier Party

month. Although this

Issues vague in MSA elections

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Despite the fliers full of campaign promises
smothering the walls of Angell Hall and candidates
passing out pamphlets explaining their platforms, no
one issue has emerged as the topic of debates during
the Michigan Student Assembly elections.
"There's a lot of issues people will say they're run-
ning for, and they have no idea what their talking
about," MSA President Trent Thompson said.
Students can vote in the elections today and tomor-
row at Angell Hall, the Michigan Union, Pierpont
Commons and online at
Several candidates said campaign platforms can be
divided between ideological issues and tangible pro-
ject proposals.
"It's just a matter of who will get things done when
they're elected," said Students' Party Engineering
candidate Dave Burden, MSA Budget Priorities
committee chair. "I don't think people will be elect-

ed because of their ideological beliefs."
A slight drop in the number of candidates registered
for the fall election, Burden said, is in part due to a con-
centration on "actual projects" such as a student-run
coursepack store and improved student services.
"When there is a focus on ideological issues ... it
tends to attract more people," Burden said.
Combining ideological issues with project propos-
als, the Defend Affirmative Action party's platform
centers around creating a student movement to support
affirmative action. "I personally feel very strongly
about affirmative action and tuition rates," said Defend
Affirmative Action LSA candidate Courtney Rae
Rawls. But voters need to investigate issues, Rawls
added, rather than voting "off of soundbites."
MSA Rackham representative and independent
candidate Josh Trapani said the assembly needs to
"educate students and get a dialog started, but not
take a stance" on affirmative action.
Several candidates and two parties also have
included reforms to the Student Code of Conduct on

their platforms. The Code is scheduled to be
reviewed by the University Board of Regents in
"Everyone should fight the Code;' Students' Party
LSA candidate and MSA Treasurer Bram Elias said.
Trapani said the assembly needs to use the board to
express student opinion. "I think that the Code is flawed
in a fundament way,' Trapani said. "Both accused and
accusers get their rights trounced by this."
Students' Party Chair Ron Page said issues
focused on by his party, including renovating the
Central Camp's Recreation Building, revolve around
"improving student life on campus."
"The thing that differentiates us from everyone
else is that we have platform goals ... and we are
already in motion;' Page said.
New Frontier Party Rackham candidate Charles
Goodman said his party, as well as several indepen-
dent candidates and the Students' Party, is focused on
privatizing the residence hall meal plan and reviving
See MSA, Page 2

Jacob Oslick
John Jernstad
Michael Enright
Dror "Dudi" Baron
Pak Man Shuen
Gabe Quinnar.
Bram Elias
Jeffrey Omtvedt
Elise Erickson
Kymberli Stewart
Koonal Gandhi
David Singer
Joe Bernstein

Alok Agrawal
Michael Austin
Jim Riske
Charles Goodman
udents' Party
Dave Burden
Jennifer VanRoeyen
Shaila Guthikonda
Vineet Shahani
Suzanne Owen

Defend Affirmative Action Party

Aimee Bingham
Mwanaisha Sims
Julie Fry
LaNIce Flowers
Paress Salinas
Lakesha Taylor
Erika Dowdell
Courtney Rae Rawls

Cornell Schultz
Gabriel Regentin
Jessica Curtin

Sy Mike Spahn
Daily Staff Reporter
in 1920, the 19th Amendment to
the U.S. Constitution was ratified,
giving women the right to vote.
While this was the culmination of
first massive women's rights
movement, suffrage was only the
first step in the continuing fight for
women's rights in American poli-
Tomorrow, scholars, journalists
and various other women in politics
will gather at the Michigan League
to discuss the progress of that move-
ment in a Gerald R. Ford
FIndation-sponsored conference
d "Women in American Political
Life: We've Come A Long Way -
Former President and University
alumnus Gerald Ford plans to
address the conference and introduce
the keynote speaker, American Red
Crn-.v Prep5ient FPi~aheth Dle. The

salsa time

FBI to help find murder suspect

By Nick Bunkley
and Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporters
The Ann Arbor Police Department will
ask the Federal Bureau of Investigation to
aid in its search for Milton Marin Castillo,
who they suspect killed two brothers in
Castillo's Ann Arbor apartment Sunday

may be headed to Maryland, where he once
lived under the name Milton Marin. Police
said Castillo switched cars at his mother's
Ann Arbor apartment Sunday afternoon.
AAPD has had no reports of his location
The murders are the first to occur in Ann
Arbor this year, AAPD Deputy Chief Craig

plex, bu

Castillo has been charged by the T eA O s e .t e t
W a Cunee~osut 'b c*Te AAPD asked the FBI to
Washtenaw County Prosecutor's Office T
with a four-count felony warrant forethe #
deaths of brothers Luis and Roberto assist in Ritss. search fornArbr ew
Rueda, according to Ann Arbor News murder suspect Milton Mann
Police received a call reporting the a
murders at 10:56 a.m. Sunday. Castillo's '
roommate found the bodies in his apart-
ment in the Stadium Apartments com-
plex, located near Pauline and Stadium boule- Roderick told The Michigan Daily on FordPro
vards on Ann Arbor's west side. Sunday. 866.

Ruedas may have gone to Castillo's
ent to confront him.
rick said police think the murders
d around 10 a.m., shortly before
's roommate discovered the bodies.
brothers lived in the apartment com-
it not with Castillo.
The Mediterrano Restaurant on
South State Street recently fired
Castillo because he was not right for
the job, said Manager Donald Bargos.
The investigation into the murders
is being hampered by language bar-
riers between the police and poten-
tial witnesses, AAPD Sgt. Michael
Logghe told The Michigan Daily on
Castillo may be driving a blue 1989
obe with the Michigan license plate QGZ


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