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On hnre eeyasojdnfdom~a
November 17, 1998
Ivl. Cx, No. 3AT
tIS e. calls
for test of
that Saddam Hussein will keep his
word, the White House pressed for a
swift test of Iraqi promises to cooperate
with U.N. arms inspectors. The United
States stopped its military buildup in
the Persian Gulf but warned it could
strike "at a moment's notice."
*he world is watching Saddam
Hussein to see if he follows the words
he uttered with deeds," President
Clinton said yesterday. "Our forces
remain strong and ready if he does not."
Reinforcing Clinton's statement,
National Security Adviser Sandy
Berger said that if Iraq does not com-
ply, "There will be plenty of opportuni-
ty for military force."
The administration said it would be
up to U.N. chief arms inspector Richard
fer and his team to judge whether
Iraq, in fact, allows unrestricted access
to all sites the inspectors choose. "He's
not been shy in the past about express-
ing his views when he believes his
work has been obstructed," White
House press secretary Joe Lockhart
said. Butler is to return to Iraq today.
With tensions cooling, Clinton took
the morning off to play golf. The White
H ise also resumed plans for a presi-
d ial trip at midweek to Japan, South
Korea and Guam that had been put off
as the United States moved toward
attacking Iraq.
Speaking to reporters, Clinton said
the best outcome would be to get the
inspectors back on the job with "unfet-
tered access and full cooperation."
Since the Gulf War, U.N. inspectors
have forced, Iraq to destroy 40,000
chemical weapons, 700 tons of chemi-
c eapons agents, a biological
w aons plant, 48 missiles and 30 war-
heads fitted for chemical and biological
weapons. Clinton said.
"Governments all over the world
today stand united in sharing the con-
viction that full compliance - and
nothing short of full compliance - is
needed from Iraq," Clinton added.
Berger made the rounds of television
talk shows to make the case that
Coon had assembled the strongest
consensus against Iraq since the Gulf
War. He said Butler and his profession-
al staff are in the best position to evalu-
ate Iraqi compliance and set deadlines
for producing documents about
weapons programs.
"We certainly hope that they will
move as expeditiously as possible,"
Berger said. "I believe they will."
But the administration said Butler
would not be able to render an immedi-
atoerdict. "It's going to take some
time for them to go in and for them to
continue on with their testing and
establish whether they believe that
Saddam Hussein is in compliance,"
Lockhart said.
See IRAQ, Page 2
choose to
run alone
Dy Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
survey says..
Killer evades
By Nick Bunkley
and Nikita Easley
Daily Staff Reporters
The Ann Arbor Police Department still is look-
ing for suspected murderer Milton Castillo. who
police believe shot brothers Roberto and Luis
Rueda early Sunday morning at Stadium
Apartments on the west side of Ann Arbor.
AAPD Sgt. Michael Logghe said police still are
searching the area and warning Ann Arbor resi-
dents of Castillo. Police believe he is heading for
Maryland, where Castillo - then known as
Milton Marin - has some family ties, said Sgt.
Andrew Zazula.
"We are trying to piece everything together,"
Logghe said.
Because of a language barrier between the
police and many possible witnesses, Logghe said,
it is difficult to determine specifics about the vic-
tims and the suspect.
Castillo's roommate found the brothers' bodies
Sunday morning in Castillo's apartment at 1125
Norman Pl., near Stadium and Pauline boulevards.
The Mediterrano restaurant on South State
Street hired Castillo two weeks ago but fired him
on Saturday morning because he was not right for
the position, said manager Donald Bargos.
Castillo switched cars at his mother's residence at
Pine Valley Apartments where a police SWAT team
just missed him, Zazula said. Police impounded
Castillo's white Honda at that apartment.
Mark Rowland, a resident of Stadium Apartments
who lives across the hall from the crime scene, said
he did not hear anything that morning.
Rowland said he did not notice anything unusual
when he entered his apartment at 5:30 a.m. Sunday
morning and went to sleep an hour later. At about 11
a.m., he awoke to police banging on his door and
demanding that he remain in his apartment, he said.
"The AAPD wouldn't let anyone leave or come
in," Rowland said.
Two bullets went through the door of the apart-
ment where the murders took place and became
A bullet
hole marks
the door
across the
hall from
the apart-
where two
were found
embedded in the outside wall of Rowland's apart-
ment, leaving a pile of drywall pieces on the floor.
He said that because of the two layers of brick
in the apartment walls, the bullets did not pene-
trate the entire wall.
Rowland frequently watches television in a
chair just on the other side of that wall.
"The brick wall saved the bullets from coming
in here," Rowland said.
Rowland, who has lived at Stadium Apartments
for one week, said police frequently are called to
the apartments.
"We've been here one week, and we've had the
cops over here four out of the seven days,"
Rowland said. "I came out here to get away from
this in Detroit."
Rowland said he met the victims several times
and the apartment across the hall was always full
of visitors coming and going at all hours.
He noted that he did not recognize the suspect in
See MURDER, Page 2
Greg McIntyre of Washtenaw Engineering surveys the area around Hill Auditorium yesterday. The
company is preparing to make a map of both the Hill and the Modern Language Building areas.
Lawmakers may create
new drinking sanctions
By Jason Stoffer
Daily Staff Reporter
If the recent wave of police raids on
campus continues through the next leg-
islative term, underage students caught
with alcohol may need to worry about
more than a fine and a slap on the wrist.
Under a bill introduced by state
Rep. Judith Scranton (R-Brighton) in
the state House of Representatives,
any minor between the ages of 18 and
21 will have their driver's license
revoked if they are caught possessing
Since January, the Democratic
majority has stalled Scranton's bill in
the Judiciary Committee, but Scranton
said she will reintroduce the bill when
Republicans take control of the House
next term.
Many legislators from both parties
agree the bill will pass through the
Legislature and be signed into law.
Scranton said recent events on the
state's college campuses, including the
death of a Michigan State University
student after he drank 24 shots of hard
liquor, demonstrate that stricter penal-
ties are needed for minors possessing
"If you are underage and if you pos-
sess alcohol or walk into 7-Eleven and
try to buy alcohol, you are breaking the
law and need to be punished," Scranton
said. "Minors are unable to handle the
responsibility of drinking (as demon-
strated by) the high number of acci-
dents involving kids using alcohol."
Under the proposed legislation, stu-
dents who get their driver's licenses
revoked will not receive new licenses
for 90 days or until they are 21 years
old, whichever is longer.
In addition, violators will not be eli-
gible for a restricted license for working
or other purposes.
Many students across the campus
said they do not understand how the
possession of alcohol and operating a
motor vehicle are linked.
Rackham student Adam Chalom said
the bill's proposed punishment for
drinking does not fit the crime.
See BILL, Page 7
The cash register at Village Comer is decorated with photos from fake IDs that
clerks spotted and confiscated.
Three parties vie
for student votes
Campaigning for a seat on the
Michigan Student Assembly is not
one big party - at least not for the
candidates running independently.
School of Music candidate Ariel
Lauren Bamett, one of eight candi-
dates on the fall election ballot who
ose not to run separately from the
ree registered student parties, said
a party did not serve her specific
"I've decided to run independent-
ly because being in the framework of
a party would undermine some of
my concerns, specifically about
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Among the handful of student par-
ties registered with candidates in the
fall Michigan Student Assembly elec-
tions, a former giant is no where to be
"We were hit by graduation," said
LSA junior Mehul Madia, a former
Michigan Party Member.
The Michigan Party, formed in
1993, began deteriorating in recent
months and did not run a presidential
slate in the elections last spring.
"There were efforts last semester to
recruit members ... but a lot of people
went independent," said Madia, an
MSA LSA representative.
The increase in independent candi-
Party will reappear in the Spring elec-
tions, Madia said, the party's future is
currently uncertain.
The Students' Party, New Frontier
Party and Defend Affirmative Action
Party are the only registered groups in
the fall election.
The Students' Party currently con-
trols MSA, with nearly 60 percent of
the assembly, said Ron Page,
Students' Party campaign chair.
"Since we're not organized on the
fly, we spend the whole year recruit-
ing our candidates," Page said.
Page said the party recruits students
"with experience" on the assembly --
half of the party's fall MSA slate are
incumbent candidates.
The downfall of the Michigan Party
'U' awarded
$2.5 million for
grad education
By Erin'Holmes
Daily Staff Rteporter
Early last spring, the University began working on a pro-
posal to submit to the National Science Foundation.
Today, Rackham School of Graduate Studies Dean Earl
Lewis is in Washington, D.C. representing the University
- one of only eight colleges nationwide that received a
grant from the foundation - at a conference discussing the
application of the nearly $2.5 million awarded for the pur-
pose of moving forward in the field of minority graduate
The money will fund a new five-year program to increase
the number of black, hispanic and Native American students
working toward doctoral degrees in the fields of science,
mathematics and engineering.
"The fact that we received this grant represents a lot of hard
work and represents an opportunity for collaboration between
the College of Engineering, LSA and Rackham," Lewis said.
More than 200 other-universities applied for the grant.
The enrollment numbers for Fall 1998 reveal that
approximately 7.6 percent of enrolled students in the
College of Engineering are among those groups consid-
ered "underrepresented" - and none are Native
uAVIu UUNDufuay
LSA first-year student Kym Stewart puts up fliers in Angell
Hall yesterday for the Michigan Student Assembly election.
r---- ---------------------------------
Independent candidates in tomorrow's election ;
| LSA Music Vote in the MSA |
Theresa Oney Ariel Lauren elections tomorrow
Rory Diamond Barnett or Thursday. Vote
Kevin Frame Rackham online at |