4A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 16, 1998 fe Ā£iditgun ?~ZUIQ QTBL QE LO4Bl iLE 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor Litigation can't achieve all the goals that you want to achieve. Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Misinformation Ignorance of Code plagues the 'U' T he Code of Student Conduct - the University's internal disciplinary sys- tem - is currently under review. The Office of Student Affairs at the University is conducting an internal review - looking at the efficiency of the Code's processes. Faculty from Dartmouth, Northwestern and the University of Virginia are working on an external review of the Code - focusing on the general effects the Code has on the stu- dent body and whether or not it is beneficial for the campus. The Michigan Student Assembly is conducting open forums to gather student input on the Code. But there is a problem: Students either don't know or care enough about the Code and the review process to get involved. Much of the problem is that many stu- dents don't know enough about the Code or the review process. The University and MSA need to hold more forums, panels and discussion sessions to educate students and to collect student opinions. These discus- sions should be widely publicized and their importance emphasized. This past week, MSA held a forum on the Code and a mere 30 to 40 students attended. For a policy that can seriously affect the lives of every stu- dent, turnout should be higher than this. Lack of student knowledge of the Code can be attributed primarily to the University. After all, if students aren't actively protesting the Code, the review process will go much quicker. In 1995, when the Code was originally formulated, forums were held during the summer months when the majority of students had left campus. Similarly, this year, the sugges- tions of the University's two review processes are being presented to the University Board of Regents during winter break. It seems that the trend has been to push the Code through the approval process at times when little student intervention and input is possible. Furthermore, out of three bodies that are reviewing the Code, two - the Office of Student Affairs and the national review panel comprised of faculty from other colleges - have gathered limited student input. This is a problem because students will be punished under the Code, yet do not have much say in its revision. Ultimately, through MSA forums, students do have the opportunity to become involved in the review process. And this process can be enhanced through simple emphasis on the University's part and inter- est on the student's part. First, the University should place emphasis on the importance of these forums by holding more of them and pro- moting the ones that they do hold. Students must know that attendance at these forums is important because the Code could have great effect on their lives at the University. The University also must make an effort to inform students about the Code. Almost no effort is made now besides giving copy of the document to every first-year student during the summer prior to enrollment. For a disciplinary system than can result in pun- ishments as severe as expulsion, the University must educate students more than they are currently. Students should also assume some responsibility for their lack of input in the revision of the Code as well by educating themselves and taking a stand on the Code. MSA deserves credit for playing a role in educating students about the Code in lieu of the University's insufficient efforts. Forums will be held in the future, and it is up to the students to determine that it is worth their time to attend. - Prof Peter Jacobson, on the efects that lawsuits against the tobacco industry are having on tobacco use CHIP CULLEN GRINDING THE NIB EV6N 1"H0U0 LET TERS TO THE EDITOR Daily headline perpetuated ignorance TO THE DAILY: I attended this past Wednesday's panel on the Arab/Israeli conflict. But according to the Daily's arti- cle "Jews and Muslims dis- cuss Mideast (11/12/98) 1 wasn't even there. I was involved in the discussion, but I'm not Jewish nor Muslim - I'm Christian (and I'm Arab). Yes, that is possible! I understand that the mistake was not inten- tional and that it was the result of ignorance. Nonetheless, it was very costly in that it portrayed the conflict as a conflict between two religions, whereas in reality, it is not at all a religious conflict. Furthermore, it reiterated the misconception that "Arab" and "Muslim" are synonymous, perpetuating the same ignorance that caused the mistake in the first place. Communist, then they have a strong philosophical tradi- tion behind them of Marx and others like him. It is of further ignorance to say that "conservative/suburban stu- dents could care less about our world today. They come to college not to learn, bot to major in businesssand get drunk." In four years at the University, I have learned the danger of putting the word "most" in front of gen- eralizations about people. It's called a stereotype and it's wrong. If Behnan is to criticize the right for not speaking out, then he cannot criticize the left for doing just that. If speaking out is not some- thing that he values, then he has no right to criticize the right for not do it. MATTHEW HOLTZMAN LSA SENIOR Chappell 's letter about adoption was Equal proteton iState should extend law to homosexuals I CHRISTINA GUIRGUIS angry LSA IIINIOR I JJM JI5vI A s part of a growing national trend, the Michigan House voted to extend the reach of the state's ethnic intimidation law to crimes against homosexuals, despite opposition claims that it would suppress free speech. The ethnic intimidation law, originally adopted in 1988, already protects individuals against violence or threats based on race, religion, ethnicity and gen- der. The version of the measure passed by the House applies misdemeanor penalties for hate crimes, as well as a $5,000 fine and i two-year felony penalty to crimes moti- vated by hate of homosexuals. The bill now heads to the state Senate, where opposition is strong. "Free speech" concerns aside, such leg- islation is long overdue and ought to be sup- ported by anyone with a streak of decency. The wording of the bill defines criminals guilty of "felonious intimidation" as anyone who maliciously "causes physical contact with another person" or "damages, destroys or defaces any real or personal property of another person" "because of that person's race, color, religion, gender, sexual orienta- tion or national origin." The attempts by elected officials to con- ceal their bigotry by opposing the legislation on free speech grounds are shameful and should not be forgotten by their constituents. Rep. Michelle McManus (R-Lake Leelanau) characterized the bill as a "thought crimes act." But the law says nothing to the content of one's thoughts - it simply makes danger- ous or damaging action based on bigoted thoughts illegal. Apparently, these lawmak- ers believe that when it is against homosexu- als, violence and vandalism constitute free speech. While the effort in Michigan to extend anti-hate crime laws to acts against homo- sexuals is laudable, a national law that pun- ishes crimes motivated by an individual's sexual orientation is necessary. The United States should not allow violence motivated by hatred to go unpunished in some places but not in others. Conservatives who oppose homosexuality on moral grounds should be able to reconcile anti-hate crime statutes with their ideology. It ought to be possible to personally oppose a lifestyle and simultaneously condemn vio- lence. The same people who oppose this mea- sure would not dare oppose a similar measure that protects a racial minority. When homo- sexuals seek the same protection, though, they are seeking "special rights." It ought to be taken as a given by now that no one deserves to be assaulted or have their property destroyed, regardless of who they are or what they believe. It may seem hackneyed and condescending to remind people that all types of violence ought to be condemned in a civilized society. Unfortunately, the 57-38 vote on the amendment to the ethnic intimida- tion law proves that at least 38 lawmakers in Lansing still need to be educated. Clearly, the movement in Michigan to extend the protection of anti-hate crime laws to homosexuals is a step in the right direction. Rather than give in to pressure from a politi- cal camp obviously motivated by bigotry, state senators and Gov. John Engler ought to consult their consciences when the measure comes before them. Legislators on Capitol Hill should follow Michigan's lead and draft a national anti-hate crime statute that gives homosexuals the same protection that is extended to other minority groups. Violence is not warranted under any circumstances, and society's laws should reflect that. 'U' campus does have a 'political atmosphere' To THE DAILY: I'm writing to criticize Scott Behnan's letter ('Lockyer was 'right on,"' 11/12/98) First, Behnan claimed that these "zealots convince people that U of M truly has a political atmos- phere. I beg to differ." The truth is that the University does have a political atmos- phere. But that atmosphere is mostly represented by the liberals. Nonetheless, simply because people attempt to draw attention to issues not covered in the mainstream media does not define them as zealots. Subjects such as human rights are hardly miniscule issues. Sleeping out on the Diag to raise awareness of homelessness does not constitute irrational political thought either. College is a time to learn to think in new ways and explore new ideals. This is part of the maturation process, one in which Behnan has chosen not to partake. Professors do not "fuel these leftist/zealot groups." They educate stu- dents and teach them to think critically, to see through the hegemony imposed on them by society. I commend them for this. Furthermore, these "Communist" groups do not engage in "whining about tyranny in the United States." They protest it and TO THE DAILY: Cameron Chappell 's response to the Daily editor- ial "Plagued by the Past" (11/6/98) was very angry indeed ("Confidential adop- tion laws hurt adoptees," 11/11/98)!1I can also speak from experience as an adoptee. It scares me to think my records could become public. I don't have a burning need to meet my birth parents, nor do I feel their absence leaves a void in my life. I am curious, as all adoptees are, about med- ical records and other sib- lings, but I am a strong and confident woman with a wonderful family to support me. I don't want to compli- cate my birth mother's life. I also don't want her compli- cating mine. Opening adop- tion records may not give me that choice. I do agree with an intermediary option if both parties want to meet. Cameron, your letter lashed out at birth mothers ("they might actually have to take responsibility for their actions, god forbid"), and adoptive parents ("the only socially accepted rem- nants of slave trading in the United States"). I don't pre- tend to know anything about your life, but you are obvi- ously harboring a lot of anger. I hope that someday you will find peace. KIM SOBIESKI UNIVERSITY STAFF Changing drinking ~age will not solve nmrhlrmc ness" the Daily has made it clear in the last week that they feel the drinking age of 21 is unnecessary and illogi- cal. Does the Daily really think that 18-year-old "col- lege students ... should have the right to drink" and "should legally be allowed to consume alcohol'?" As a logical follow-up to the trag- ic alcohol-related deaths of teen-aged students in the United States, has the Daily chosen to run an article pushing the reduction of the legal drinking age? What makes the Daily think lowering the drinking age will "solve many of the problems of underage drink- ing?" Does it actually feel that facilitating post-adoles- cent experimentation with mind-altering substances is the answer to people dying? Would lowering the drinking age spontaneously subvert decades of hard-wired cul- tural alcohol fixation in teens? Is the answer: "Make it legal, then it won't be cool and 'forbidden' anymore?" The Daily seems to answer these questions with a resounding "of course!" It would take more than drop- ping the age for there to be a complete implosion of our country's alcohol fixation. The idea of playfully altering one's mind with chemicals in the spirit of having a good time is very appealing to young people. If those who would see the drinking age changed to 18 could convince the legisla- tors of this state and country (and me) that the impetus for this change comes directly from all those 20- and-unders missing out on the flavor, then right next to the Pepsi fountain in Bursley we would eventually have Natural Light. But was poor Bradley McCue - whose body didn't take kindly to the 24 shots he fed it thinking about ... taste? I understand that people are looking for solutions to this problem in our country. I think we need to focus on educationi and awareness, but we must also strive to be rational in our decision- making. PAUL BHASIN SCHOOL OF MUSIC Weekend should have run story on Poetry Project To THE DAILY: The Nov. 5 Weekend, Etc. was supposed to run an article on the State Street Poetry Project and our show that weekend. Though we under- stand there are space limita- tions in Weekend, we find the omission of our article puz- zling. Perhaps articles about Te real reason for American gun violence O ften when we fail at our assigned tasks, it's our natural inclination to find an innocent party to shoulder the blame. That way we can hide all our slip-ups and walk away blameless in the eyes of others. Everyone's done it at least once. After all, it's a really tempt- ing way to deal withfailure. Just ask the men and women we elect to run our cities.N Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley led his city Thursday in filing suit HUNTER a g a i n s t ,\ l~l~ firearms manu- facturers for nn S1'l,1 the financial toll that gun violence has taken on the area, Chicago officially chose a scapegoat for its ills. But the windy city is not alone, New Orleans did the same thing a couple weeks ago. Plus, Dennis Archer and the mayors of other big, important cities mayedo likewise, following decisions made during an annual mayoral confer- ence. The basis of their complaint is this: Much of the cost cities incur because of gun violence - in the forms of police overtime, court costs and med- ical fees - exists because manufac- turers make, advertise and sell guns that are dangerous to the public and thatsappeal to criminals. Backers of these suits liken the legal action to the product liability suits against tobacco companies. As a completely rational human being, I would tend to believe these supporters of the handgun litiga- tion if they were not, shall we say, dead wrong. Now, for those of you who don't watch "COPS" regularly, let me fill you in: Handguns have been tearing apart American streets for quite some time. In fact, handguns are the * weapon of choice in well over three thousand criminal prosecutions every year. Remember all the New York parents sending their tiny, helpless progeny to school clad in bullet-proof vests? Remember allhthe teens mowed down for wearing the wrong colors in the wrong part of town? It's even gotten to the point that many bourgeois suburban- ites are scared to drive their Grand Cherokees from their picket-fenced yuppie towns into the hearts of urban cities. But despite the prevalence of guns in violent crimes, steps have been taken over the last decade or so to improve the situation: Many municipalities have severely tightened licensing protocols and have limited handgun sales. The Brady Law, for instance, imposes a five- day "cooling down" period for handgun purchases, while many state laws make ! it more difficult than ever to obtain firearms licenses. If you pay close attention to all of these regulations, however, you'll notice one characteristic common to all of them: None of them in any way regulate the manufacture of handguns. This is because guns, unlike cigarettes, are not inherently dangerous. They only become dangerous when they fall in the hands of the wrong people - usually these are the same people who shoot other people. A gun itself has never killed a person, but gun-wielding murderers have actu- ally been known to kill quite a few peo- pie. This small segment of the popula- tion gives rise to our firearms control problems. Many other people use guns for purposes that do not contribute to gun violence - perfectly respectable purposes like hunting, where you pur- m sue a helpless unarmed bunny rabbit through the woods and pop a cap in his ass for fun. So, all this tells the reasonable person that gun manufacturers are not responsi- ble for the gun violence ripping at America's cities. No gun maker has ever jacked a kid for his Air Jordans or held up a liquor store. The mayors contemplating legal action against gun producers would do better to acknowledge the failure of gun control laws and crime prevention pro- grams and then work on revising exist- ing legislation. Our civil courts are not the correct forum for remedying legislative and law enforcement problems. Expending ener- gy on the lawsuit will not mitigate the problem of handgun crimes nor will it hold accountable the people who are actually responsible for the rampant crimes: the criminals. The idea of blaming gun manufactur- ers for the illegal use of a legal product lacks a rational basis. By the same logic. cities should sue Toyota and Chrysler to pay for hit-and-run accidents in this country. Or how about suing Dutch Boy each time some 14-year-old kid dies r, .1* ii l "li -m I