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November 16, 1998 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-16

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 16, 1998 - 3A


. C A MPUs i ^
prof. named
The School of Natural Resources and
the Environment named Thomas Crow
as its first Theodore Roosevelt Professor
of Ecosystem Management.
Crow is currently a research ecologist
in the Forestry Sciences Laboratory in
Rhinelander, Wisc., a position he will
retain at a reduced level.
Crow will teach "Ecosystem
Management" in the winter term. The
course will focus on the practical, scien-
tific and intellectual bases of ecosystem
management through time.
*Prof. to speak on
social networks
Sociology and business administra-
tion Prof. Mark Mizruchi is set to
address the topic, "Social networks: Fad
or fact?" on Wednesday, Nov. 18. The
lecture will be in the Michigan Union's
U-Club from noon to 1 p.m.
The event, which is free to the public,
is part of an ongoing series of faculty
speakers sponsored by the Michigan
Union Program Board and the
University's chapter of Mortar Board
senior honor society.
Blood Battle needs
students' help
The University's Blood Battle contin-
ues this week at the Michigan Union in
Wm Wn attempt to beat Ohio State University
n the amount of blood donation.
Students do not need to make an
appointment before giving blood, and the
process averages less than an hour.
The blood drive is scheduled to take
place in the Michigan Union from 1 p.m.
to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday and
9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday.
*Turkish history
prof. to speak
Selim Deringil, a professor of history
at Bosphorus University in Istanbul,
Turkey, will speak at 4:00 p.m. today in
Suite 1636 of the International Institute,
1080 South University Ave.
His lecture, "Reconstituting an
Imperial State in the Late 19th Century:
The Ottoman Empire and the Great
Mowers," will explain how the Ottoman
mpire, as the only non-Christian
empire in Europe at the time, responded
to challenges and created a new Islam.
The event is sponsored by the Center
for Middle Eastern and North African
Studies and the International Institute.
'U' publishes
wetlands guide
The Michigan Sea Grants, a joint pro-
gram of the University of Michigan and
Michigan State University, has published
"A Field Guide to Great Lakes Wetlands."
The wetlands contain a diverse variety
of specially-adapted vegetation and are
vital to the well-being of the Great Lakes
In the guide, author Walter Hoagman
describes the ways that Great Lakes wet-
lands change with varying lake levels
nd how the changes affect plant life in
he wetlands. Copies of the book are
available for $9.95 from the Michigan

,Sea Grant office, located at 2200
'Bonisteel Blvd.
Greek program
receives grant
The University's Department of clas-
@ical studies recently received a
$170,000 grant from the Foundation for
Modern Greek Studies.
The grant, combined with funds
from other contributions, is the first of
three annual $250,000 payments,
which win to develop the modern
Greek studies program in the classical
studies department. The money will
be used to help establish a chair for
modern Greek studies.
- Compiled by Daily StaffReporter
Nick Bunkley.


group speaks against School of Americas

By Josh Kroot
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the Ann Arbor community plan to
gather on the steps of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate
Library to call for the closing of the Army School of
the Americas tonight at 7 p.m.
The Interfaith Council for Peace and Justice is
organizing the candlelight vigil. which marks the
ninth anniversary of the massacre of six priests and
two women by the Salvadoran army.
The vigil also will serve as a send off for an Ann
Arbor delegation planning to travel to Fort Benning,
Ga., the site of the SOA. The delegates plan to meet
with others from around the nation to call for the
closing of the school.
"As an American taxpayer, I find it disgraceful to

support the atrocities which are caused by this
school," said Jack Tocco, a member of the Overseas
Development Network - a student organization
that is sponsoring the event. The School of the
Americas trains Latin American army officers in
American military tactics.
Interfaith Council members believe many of the
schools' graduates are responsible for human rights
violations in Central and South America.
"For years, the school has helped train officers for
oppressive military dictatorships in Latin America,"
said Mary Anne Perrone, president of the Interfaith
Council Steering Committee.
Perrone said the United States sponsored a dicta-
torship in Guatemala that was responsible for
200,000 civilian deaths in the early 1980s.

Joe Rivers, husband of U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers (D-
Ann Arbor), is one of the delegates planning to trav-
el to Georgia to protest the school.
"I'm just going as a concerned citizen who is
appalled by their atrocities," Joe Rivers said, adding
that he believes the SOA is "policy gone wrong."
"It stands out as the dark side of U.S. foreign pol-
icy," he said, adding that his wife supports closing
the school. She has signed on to close the school "on
every bill that has come before Congress."
Although none of the bills have passed, organizers
of the vigil remain hopeful. "More and more people
come (to the protest) every year," Perrone said. "Last
year, over 2,000 people came. We estimate over
5,000 this year."
Tocco, an LSA junior, said he believes most stu-

dents at the University are largely unaware of the
problem. "I think things like this vigil and protest
will put the issue more into the spotlight," he said.
But organizers said they agree that most
Americans know little or nothing about the SOA.
"We believe that most Americans would be
appalled if they knew their tax dollars were going to
support this place," Perrone said.
The Interfaith Council has sponsored programs to
raise student awareness about the issue. 1They have
shown videos and hosted guest speakers at the
University. They also sent lobbyists to Washington
D.C. to put pressure on elected officials.
"We are trying to cut the school's funding," Joe
Rivers said. "If you don't have any bucks, you can't
play Rambo."


DaimlerChrysler begins ad campaign

DETROIT (AP) - Employees,
executives and a pair of crash-test
dummies are the stars of
DaimlerChrysler AG's first advertis-
ing campaign. They will be unveiled
tomorrow when the new German-
American automaker begins trading
its stock on the Frankfurt and New
York stock exchanges.
The ads introduce the transnation-
al company that has emerged from

the combination of Chrysler Corp.,
the No. 3 U.S. automaker, and
Daimler-Benz AG, the German com-
pany that owns Mercedes-Benz.
Together they comprise the world's
fifth largest automaker as measured
by vehicle sales.
Using the theme, "Expect the
extraordinary," the print-only cam-
paign features close-up, black-and-
white portraits of Daimler-Benz and

Chrysler employees by celebriiy
photographer Richard Avedon. The
ads begin appearing in newspapers
Wednesday and in magazines dated
for next week.
"We've started with a focus on the
people," said A.C. "Bud" Liebfer,
vice president of marketing for
Chrysler. "Whatever success we
have is going to be because of the

Continued from Page 1A
brothers and Castillo that took place at a bar about 10 days ago.
Late yesterday afternoon, AAPD officers and Michigan state
police officers searched two apartments in the same building,
which is located at 1125 Norman Pl. within the Stadium
Apartments complex.
Concerned Stadium Apartments residents huddled in a small
group outside the building late yesterday afternoon, watching
the shadows of Northville Crime Laboratory investigators
through the half-drawn vertical blinds in the windows of the
second-floor apartments.
Police also searched the building's roof for evidence with the
aid of the Ann Arbor Fire Department.
Stadium Apartments resident Trevor Sowers, who lives next
to the building where police were conducting their investiga-
tions yesterday, said the complex has a history of disturbances.
"At night there has been a lot of noise. I've actually called the
police myself before" about noise and drinking violations,
Sowers said.
The Stadium Apartments complex contains more than 10
individual units, which each hold six apartments, Sowers said.
He said a lot of children live in his cluster of buildings.

"I've never felt unsafe in my own apartment," Sowers said,
adding that when he leaves his apartment "it's always bein
shady out there."
Resident Ramani Kalpathi said he was shocked by the news
of the alleged homicide. "It makes me feel very unsafe that
people are carrying guns in this place," Kalpathi said.
John Morrill, who moved out of the Stadium Apartments six
months ago, said the apartments were not necessarily unsafe.
"Safe - yes. But not the clientele that we wanted to raise my
son around," Morrill said.
AAPD sent an announcement to police agencies in other
states and other areas of Michigan in search of Castillo.
"We put out our broadcast and we're hoping someone will
respond," Roderick said.
Roderick described Castillo as a 5-foot-4-inch Latino male,
weighing 180 pounds, with brown hair and brown eyes. He dri-
ves a 1986 white Toyota sports car. Roderick would not say
how long the Rueda brothers and Castillo lived in Ann Arbor
or if and where they were employed.
AAPD officials asked that anyone with information about
the murders or information that might lead to Castillo's arrest
call the AAPD's anonymous tip line at 996-3199.
- Daily StaffReporter Gerard Cohen- Vrignaud
contributed to this report.

LSA junior Stacey Johnson and her father Ken spend time together during
Parents Weekend.
1X of events
bri*ng parents
'U' for weekend

Continued from Page IA
because of a lack of enforcement, Hovan
said. "A qualified underdog without con-
nections might need to spend 52-300
more" than a front-runner, said Olga
Savic, MSA Rackham representative.
Candidates traditionally line the walls

and floor of Angell Hall with fliers
encouraging students to vote, but LSA
independent candidate Dale Winling
preaches otherwise. "A large majority of
people on this campus don't care what
MSA does," said Winling, an LSA
jtnior. "I'm kind of annoyed with all the
campaigning I've seen in my years here."
Winling said he encourages students

to make a statement with "apathy about
the MSA elections." Winling has run in
two previous MSA elections, but has
never served on the assembly.
Although candidate numbers are
somewhat lower than last year, there is
still competition for seats in all schools
except the School of Dentistry and the
School of Business Administration.

Don't forget about ME! Don't forget about NE!

By Dave Lu
Daily Staff Reporter
With a myriad of events and activ-
ities, the University played host to
thousands of visiting parents this
past weekend.
Parents Weekend 1998, organized
by the Student Alumni Council, took
place Friday through Sunday.
"Parents weekend gives parents a
chance to come up to the University
and get a feel of the campus while
classes are in session," said Business
junior Tracie Heyman, one of the
event's co-directors.
Hailing from all corners of the
world, more than 3,500 parents
attended the ninth annual parents
weekend. Two parents traveled from
Russia to visit their child.
"The purpose of the SAC is to
bring together students and alumni.
We link the past with the present and
the future," said SAC President Kelly
Korreck, an LSA fifth-year student.
"Parents weekend is the largest event
for SAC, and it is all run by stu-
Coinciding with multiple other
University events, parents weekend
offered many entertaining activities
for parents and students.
In addition to Saturday's football
game against Wisconsin, a sold-out
performance at Michigan Theater
featured comedian Margaret Cho.
An art exhibition titled "The Secret
Spaces of Childhood" opened dur-
ing the weekend in the Residential

College Art Gallery in East Quad
Residence Hall showcasing the
artistry of Jim Cogswell and Jean
Magnano Bollinger, wife of
University President Lee Bollinger.
"We were happy that a lot of parents
and families came," Art Project
Director Elizabeth Goodenough said.
Many Ann Arbor stores extended
their hours of operation to accommo-
date the influx of parents.
"I love it here. There is so much
to offer the students. If (students)
chose to take advantage of every-
thing here, they will all be very
enriched," said Susan Kaufman, a
visiting parent from Great Neck,
Kaufman and many other parents
participated in tours of the
University's Museum of Art and the
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology as
an alternative to attending the foot-
ball game.
"I was really looking forward to
seeing my parents," LSA first-year
student Daria Moaveni said. "We
went to the football game and then
a performance of 'La Traviatta.'
"My parents love U of M. They
always say they would like to go to
school here. They love the diversity
and being in a college atmosphere"
Moaveni said.
LSA junior Lauren Fredericks, co-
director of the weekend, echoed this
"This was the biggest and- best
parents weekend ever," she said.



Senior Portraits Walk-In Week will be from Nov. 16- Nov. 24.
Just stop by the Tappan room on the first floor of the Union:

Monday - Friday

1 1:00am - 6:O0pm, (Tuesdays 1 1:00am - 9:00pm).

Please present this COu pon when you have your picture taken
and save $4 off the regular price of the sitting fee!

Michigan Student Assembly election rules allow students to vote from personal computers. This was incorrectly report-
ed in Nov. 12 of the Daily.
MSA does not officially support the idea of divesting University funds from tobacco stocks. This was incorrectly
reported in a headline in the Nov. 6 edition of the Daily.
What's happening in Ann Arbor today


E5 /IE




call 764-9425

Walk-in Week:
November 16 - 24th in the 1 st floor of
Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 11:ooam -
Thes. 1 1:00am - 9:00pm.

the Union.
® --- JI

U "Beating the Blues," Sponsored by

Koessler Room, 7-9 p.m.

Lobby, 8 p.m.- 1:30 a.m.
UPsychology Academic Peer Advising,
647-3711, East Hall, Room
1346. 11 amm-4 p.m.




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