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November 16, 1998 - Image 1

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One hundred eight years ofeditorialfreedom

November 16, 1998

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Ann Arbor,

to meet
Clinton said yesterday that Iraq must
cooperate with U.N. weapons inspectors
unconditionally, or Saddam Hussein
could again face the punishing military
strikes he avoided this weekend by
agreeing to work with the United
"Iraq has backed down, but that is
t enough. Now Iraq must live up to its
obligations," Clinton said at a quickly
called a news conference at the White
Iraq on Saturday sent a series of let-
ters to the United Nations that eventual-
ly led the White House to conclude
Baghdad was ready to comply with the
Security Council-ordered weapons
inspections. President Clinton canceled
an ordered military strike against Iraq
rly Saturday when he received word
at Hussein was backing down.
If Hussein's government fails to keep
its word, Clinton said, overwhelming
force remains an option."
"We remain ready to act," he said.
The president said Iraq must allow
inspectors "unfettered access" to view
any site they wish; it must turn over all
relevant documents on chemical and
biological weapons production; and it
t ust not interfere with the inspectors
"The return of the inspectors ... is
the best outcome, because they have
been and they remain the most effective
tool to uncover, destroy and prevent Iraq
from rebuilding its weapons of mass
destruction and the missiles to deliver
them," Clinton said.
U.N. officials said yesterday that its
weapons inspectors were returning to
Iraq shortly. At the end of a Security
*ouncil meeting, Richard Butler, chief
of the U.N. weapons inspection team,
said he was ordering the inspectors to
return tomorrow.
Clinton acknowledged that deep
skepticism surrounds Hussein's promis-
es, but he argued that holding back from
a military strike is the best long-term
"If we take military action, we can
significantly degrade Saddam Hussein's
Wility to develop weapons of mass
destruction and to deliver them,"'Clinton
said. "But that would also mark the end
of UNSCOM" the U.N. special com-
mission on Iraq.
With National Security Adviser
Sandy Berger, Defense Secretary
William Cohen and Gen. Hugh Shelton,
chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, at his
side, Clinton said U.N. Secretary-
General Kofi Annan shares his under-
standing of Iraq's obligations.
At the United Nations, Annan said
Clinton's "statesmanlike response.
will be welcomed by the international
A senior administration official said
yesterday that Clinton gave Shelton the
go-ahead to begin the operation Friday
But shortly before U.S. missiles were
to be launched Saturday morning, news
reports from Baghdad indicated the
Oaqi government was prepared to back
down. Clinton put the mission on hold,
and attack plans began forming for a
later hour.
The president spent much of the day

in the Situation Room, weighing options
with Vice President Al Gore and mem-
bers of the national security team.
After the White House and British
officials rejected Iraq's first statement
over the protests of U.N. officials pre-
'ared to accept it, Iraq produced two
dditional letters clearly stating it would
cooperate unconditionally with the
inspectors and renouncing past declara-
tions limiting their work.
Clinton conferred again by tele-
phone Saturday night with members of
his team, British Prime Minister Tony
Blair and Erench President Jacques
Chirac. At 3 a.m. yesterday, Berger
asked Shelton to scrap the attack plans.
Iraq averted the attack by mere
hours. "It was close. Very close,"
Secretary Cohen said.
He said the U.S. military will "main-
tain a steady force" in the region "that is
more than adequate to deal with Saddam
But Cohen said the buildup might
not reach full planned strength because








Bar fight cited as motive

By Nick Bunkley,
Jewel Gopwani
and Katie Plona
Daily Staff Reporters
Brothers Roberto and Louis Rueda, ages 20 and 26,
were found shot to death in their modest apartment com-
plex, about 10 minutes from the University's Central
Campus, yesterday morning.
The murders are the first to occur in Ann Arbor this
year, Ann Arbor Police Department Deputy Chief Craig
Roderick said last night.
The murder suspect, 26-year-old Milton Castillo, was still
at large last night, and AAPD officers believe he is armed and
dangerous. Roderick said AAPD does not know whether
Castillo is still in Ann Arbor or if he has fled Michigan.

The Rueda brothers, neither of whom are University stu-
dents, and Castillo lived in the Stadium Apartments complex
on Stadium and Pauline boulevards, near Michigan Stadium.
The mother of the Rueda brothers also lives in the complex,
Roderick said. The brothers shared an apartment and did not
live with Castillo, he said.
AAPD received a call from Castillo's roommate yes-
terday at 10:56 a.m. He found the gunshot victims' bod-
ies in his apartment.
Roderick said police think the murder probably occurred
around 10a.m., shortly before Castillo's roommate called AAPD.
Roderick refused to elaborate, but said last night at a press
conference at Ann Arbor City Hall that the alleged murder
was most likely related to an altercation between the Rueda
See MURDERS, Page 3A

Detectives gather outside of 1125 Norman PI., where two brothers were shot and
killed yesterday morning. The suspect is considered armed and dangerous.


Rids alter
By Michael Grass
Daily StaffReporter
In a second weekend of campus party raids, Ann Arbor
Police Department officers delivered 58 minor in possession of
alcohol citations Friday at a Phi Kappa Psi fraternity party and
two house parties.
As part of an undercover operation, AAPD officers handed
out nine citations at the Phi Kappa Psi party, six of which were
MIP citations, AAPD Sgt. Myron Blackwell said. They deliv-
ered seven citations at a house party at 1120 Oakland St. and 48
MIP citations at a house party at 426 Hill St. Citations were
given for false identification, supplying alcohol to minors and
hosting the party, Blackwell said. AAPD did not conduct under-
cover operations on Saturday night.
Phi Kappa Psi is the fourth fraternity targeted by AAPD offi-
cials in the past two weeks. In a similar operation, AAPD raid-
ed parties at Sigma Nu, Beta Theta Pi, Theta Chi and a house
party on Nov. 6, issuing 75 citations.
These recent busts have forced fraternities to more strictly
enforce the Greek system's rules about serving alcohol and
monitoring entrances at parties.
"We could see from observation the fraternities caught on
quickly," Blackwell said.
Interfraternity Council President Bradley Holcman, a
Kinesieology senior, said the raids have sparked reform in the
Greek community.
"People are changing, but unfortunately this group did not
change," Holcman said of Phi Kappa Psi.
Holcman said four parties were registered with IFC on Friday
and nine Saturday. Fraternities enforced strict admission poli-
cies, including guest lists and checking students' identification.
"They were checking IDs and taking enforcement actions"
Blackwell said.
Holcman said most of the fraternities and sororities realize
they have to follow IFC's party guidelines. IFC prohibits hard
liquor, glass containers and common sources of alcohol.
Registered parties must post taxi information and monitor
entrance and exit points.
"By showing that we can do things right, we are being more
responsible," Holcman said, "Internally, things are changing."
Many students attribute changes in the campus party scene
directly to recent raids on fraternities and campus house parties.
LSA senior Brian Kowaleskey, a member of Sigma Phi fra-
ternity, said his house canceled an open party Friday night after
discussing the implications with members of another fraternity.
"We were planning to have an open party, but another frat
See PARTIES, Page 7A

Running back Anthony Thomas (32) and quarterback Tom Brady celebrate after Thomas scored a touchdown in the second quarter to help
the Michigan football team beat Wisconsin. Thomas scored another touchdown in the same quarter.
Mihiandism~tantles Wicf~yisconsin, 27-1
B Mar Sn pAde

By Mark Snyder
Daily Sports Editor
With a mixture of stifling defense and a
surging ground game, the Michigan football
team served notice on Saturday afternoon that
Pasadena is still a possibility. The Wolverines
efficiently dismantled the Wisconsin
Badgers, 27-10, before 111,217 fans at
Michigan Stadium.
The victory over Wisconsin (6-1 Big Ten,
9-1 overall) cemented the Wolverines alone

atop the Big Ten standings for the first time
since the end of 1997, and positioned them as
masters of their own destiny. With a victory
over Ohio State next Saturday, Michigan (7-0,
8-2) will return to the "Grandaddy of them
all" for the second year in a row.
"Now we've got to think about going to the
Rose Bowl," said linebacker Sam Sword, who
stood at midfield after the game savoring his
final home victory.

Michigan contr y. with a victory,
the Wolverie d to'h Rose Bowl.
Read The Daily's special section Friday previewing
Saturday's showdown at The Horseshoe.
Nov. 21, 1998 e Noon@0 Ohio Stadium


MSA elections
around the corner

And the band marches on

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
Michigan Student Assembly fall
elections are scheduled for Wednesday
and Thursday, when students will be
able to vote for representatives in their
respective colleges.
Candidates from the Students' Party,
New Frontier Party, Defend
Affirmative Action Party and several
independent candidates are campaign-
ing to fill seats representing the College
of Literature Science and Arts, the
College of Engineering, the School of
Music, Rackham Graduate School, the
School of Business Administration and
School of Dentistry.
Amendments to this season's election

"Students will be able to vote
from any computer - be -it in a
computing site, a residence hall
room or via a dial-up connection,"
Business senior Andrew Serowik,
MSA rules and elections chair, said
in a written statement. "The person-
al computers are exempt from some
of the rules regarding campaigning,
such as the 50 foot rules, but stu-
dents will be able to vote there."
MSA will operate a few paper ballot
voting sites. The three sites will be in
Angell Hall, Pierpont Commons and the
Michigan Union. Elections Director
Alex Hovan, an LSA junior, said he
would not be surprised if paper ballot
voting is eliminated in the near future.

gude now
s earchable
By Melissa Andrzejak
Daily Staff Reporter
Registering for classes typically
involves high levels of stress, hours
of sifting through courses and the
unavoidable CRISP lady.
With next semester just around
the corner, students are beginning to
think about what classes fall within
the prime 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday
through Thursday line-up.
This semester, thanks to the
LSA's Office of Student Academic
Affairs, the search for undergradu-
ate classes will be easier than ever



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