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November 13, 1998 - Image 14

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2 - The Ohigan Daily - FetaBdm m y- November 14,199P



Nov er 14, 1998 -I


Let Ellerbe surpr'se you

- he's already done it

Goal line stand
For the second year in a row, a
huge late-season win
over Penn State has the
Wolverines within striking
distance of the Rose Bowl.
Michigan jumped back into the
national picture with a 27-0 win
at Michigan Stadium.
The Line
How big is Ron Dayne? And
how big is his offensive line?
Those two questions probably
will determine the outcome of
today's game, with the winner
emerging as the Big Ten leader.
Daily football writer Mark
Snyder describes the Wisconsin
line and its star tackle Aaron
Gibson - focusing mainly on
how much room he takes up.

Butting heads
The Daily's Sharat Raju and the
Wisconsin Badger-Herald's Dan
Alter went toe-to-toe this week,
in the brainy battle preceding
today's brawny battle. Judge for
yourself who came out on top.
Quick Info
Everything you ever wanted to
know about the game and where
Michigan stands so far this
season - and check out the
picks of the 'experts.'
-"8-"" """
The Rosters
Player by player, all the vitals of
everyone on both teams.

Large and
ine charge
Wisconsin running back Ron
Dayne is stomping his way
through opposing defenses, and
doing the same to his school's
record books. But coach Barry
Alvarez says Dayne's just
a 'big puppy dog.'
Surprise, sUrprse
While most Michigan basketball
fans aren't expecting much from
this year's team, Daily Sports
Editor Pranay Reddy tells why
we shouldn't write off the
Wolverines just yet. With the
'interim' tag removed from coach
Brian Ellerbe's title, Michigan is
finally in a position to exceed
people's expectations, rather than
lag behind them.

ot more than a month ago, I
was walking into the office of
Brian Ellerbe. I sat down in the
corner of his office, about to discuss
the upcoming season with Michigan's
newest head basketball coach.
I'll be honest, I was the biggest skep-
tic you could find when it came to dis-
cussing the bas- _
ketball team.
Graduation left
this year's
squad with
Louis Bullock
and Robbie
Reid running
the show, and a PRANAY
bunch of role REDDY
players sur- Reddy.
rounding them. or Not
Not a pretty
sight, I thought.
And I was confident sitting in
Ellerbe's office that he wasn't going to
convince me otherwise. But he did do
something in the hour or so I spent in
his office - something that completely
took me by surprise.
He interested me. He made me look
forward to the upcoming season - a
season without Traylor, Baston and the
rest. I actually couldn't wait to see guys
like Josh Asselin, Brandon Smith and
Pete Vignier take the floor.

Sure, these guys were no more than
role players a year ago, but something
about Ellerbe's pitch made me believe
that they could be much more.
So why should we believe him? The
better question is: Why shouldn't we?
If you recall, this time last year, no
one was high on a Michigan team with-
out Maurice Taylor. And
after the turmoil sur-
rounding the NCAA
investigation, Steve
Fisher's firing and early
losses to teams such as
Western Michigan and
Bradley, it seemed like
there was no reason to
get excited about
Michigan basketball. I
know I wasn't.
Slowly, things began
to turn around. The
Wolverines upset No. I
Duke. They pulled off a
stellar victory against
Indiana and a Big Ten
Tournament victory
over Purdue.
Ellerbe and the
Wolverines started sur-
prising people.
All of a sudden,
Michigan was the
hottest team in the Think Michigan
country heading into fooled - Robb

the NCAA Tournament. The Wolverines
took care of Davidson in the first round,
and people were excited about Michigan
basketball again. Sure, they ended up
losing in the second round to UCLA -
but it was fun, wasn't it?
It was fun finally watching a
Michigan basketball team exceed your

expectations, as opposed to lagg
behind them. For all the Fab Fis
lades and the 'next Fab Five' hy
never saw the Wolverines actual
their potential.
But this season, there's no dar
that. No one expects anything fi
team - and maybe Ellerbe pre




Free toV a0 eVns
ver y rro

William Peterson's interception last weekend brought Marcus Ray to his
feet, and had Joe Patemo feeling helpless on the sidelines.

n's season might be a yawner? Don't be
e Reid certainly does not


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