4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, November 12, 1998 c1ie £Qihil1 &ffg 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor 'We will not grant them bargaining outside of state law. If the state law changes then we'll recognize them.' - Joe Duggan, associate dean of the University of California- Berkeley s Graduate Division, on the university's refusal to acknowledge Graduate School Instructors'union THOMAS KULJURGIS TENATIVE x SPEAKING APVANCES5 IN COMMVWCATION: Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. FROM THE DAILY Crackdown AAPD jumps on under-age drinking bandwagon Under-age drinking has become the .a issue du1jour among authority figures at the University. The death of LSA first- year student Courtney Cantor, along with the recent alcohol-related death at Michigan State University, has resulted in various committees and other highly publicized efforts intended to raise an uproar over this perceived scourge on the community. Now the Ann Arbor Police Department has joined the campaign, bringing with it what the University and its task forces could not: the law. Over the weekend, the AAPD tick- eted 75 minors and cited four parties for violating laws against under-age drinking. The police sent under-age volunteers into three fraternities and one campus party where they successfully obtained alcohol. b^ As a result, three fraternities are under investigation and risk a number of possible penalties, including having their charters revoked. This zealotry to crack down on under-age drinkers and their supposed corrupters has gotten out of hand, and the consequences are beginning to outweigh whatever benefits, if any, exist. The integrity of the methods employed by the AAPD are highly question- able. Enlisting people who are under 21 to try to get unsuspecting fraternities to serve them alcohol does not help anybody, it simply pro- vides an opportunity for the police (and the University, if it chooses) to take punitive mea- sures against the houses. Furthermore, it cre- ates an atmosphere of mistrust and antago- nism among students in otherwise social and w largely controlled environments. What it does not do is help prevent tragedies associated with drinking. The AAPD is trying to demon- strate that it will not tolerate under-age drink- ing nor the possible catastrophes that it can cause. These recent sting operations amount - - to little more than a publicity stunt. It makes the police department appear to be on top of a problem perceived as pervasive and insidi- ous, and it sends a message to the parents of students that Ann Arbor is not a place where under-age drinking is allowed. For better or for worse, under-age drink- ing is as common in Ann Arbor and among students at the University as it is anywhere else in the country - the latest efforts of Ann Arbor's Finest will do nothing to change that. Although there is no direct connection between the police actions and efforts to curb under age drinking on the part of the University, the timing of the cita- tions coincides with recent pressure put on fraternities to go alcohol-free. Further, under the recently amended Family Education Rights Privacy Act, the University has the authority to notify the par- ents of under-age students who are caught drinking. Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen Hartford stated that the administra- tion has not yet decided whether or not it will inform the students' parents. The University should not change its policies simply because it now has the legal power to do so; instead, it should respect students' privacy. The belief seems to be that there are major problems on this campus with under- age drinking and that tough action is need- ed to deal with them. Making examples out of fraternities and others who serve alcohol at parties (as well as the people who con- sume the alcohol) is counter-productive. The Ann Arbor Police Department has jumped on the bandwagon of harassment and punishment that has characterized efforts to "help" students deal with under- age drinking. University students need to be given more respect by those who are sup- posedly there to protect them. HER TAP IA? -TAP r : TAP K~stc, S nib I I VIEWPOINT I I 1 t W ~ . m- .-1 4 i l t 9 1 S 1 { E C { }f ¢t t G o en letter to President Bollinger BY THE LSA STUDENT GOVERNMENT converse and ask questions of other advisors. It is It has recently come to our attention that this open and friendly space that would be lost if you plan to move some of your central admin- Advising was moved to temporary classrooms. istration offices to Angell Hall. While our gov- Academic Advising is crucial to the success ernment underst ands the reasoning behind this of LSA students. Each student must meet an aca- move, we feel that it is our duty to inform you demic adviser during his or her first-year orienta- of some of the problems that would result from tion to set up an academic plan for their years at this change. Numerous resources, including the University. This initial contact is one of their LSA Academic Advising and the Honors first and most important impressions of the Office, would be displaced by the move. It is in University, and the move has the potential to the interest of our government to assure that affect an entire generation of LSA students. But these two institutions, which are so crucial to their interactions with Advising do not end there. LSA students. are settled into new homes Academic Advising facilitates 36,000 in-person before the adminstrative shift takes place. appointments, 46,000 phone calls and 23,000 Our concern stems from putting these student academic advisor e-mail messages per year. services in temnorary housing, perhaps with These numbers are just one indication of the classrooms trnsiormed to makeshift cubicle importance of Academic Advising to students. units. Some of Ihe most important benefits of LSA Student Government is willing to Academic Addxing are linked to its spatial endorse your move to Angell Hall, but only if design, includiiw the privacy of individual offices Academic Advising and the Honors Office have that the Cen'tr provides. Without permanent been settled into their permanent homes first. We offices, not only will the quality of advising fear that any other decision would set a precedent diminish, but the inconvenience and unsettling of compromising students' interests, thus priori- atmosphere of the temporary space would tizing administrative objectives over students' decrease the ef1iectiveness of advising in general. needs. Before the administrative relocation takes Also, each adviser currently has the ability to use place, we are asking you to support the students' the Internet to ensure accurate advising, which need for sufficient advising facilities by provid- temporary cubicles in a classroom would not ing a permanent setting where adequate space allow. Finally, perhaps what makes the Advising and computer facilities are available. Thank you. Bollinger's test will come when he takes a stand on the Code Sf Lee Bollinger wants to reach out to Istudents and change the way ihe president relates to campus. he Won't just move from the Fleming Buildin t Angell Hall. He will take a stand against the Code of Student Conduct. The Code is a bill of non-rights. It is inhumane, authori- tarian and directly contradicts the longstanding prin- ciples of the University. If, for J any reason large or ELDRIDGE small, you are pur- STI' Ks sued under the lrsls Code, may God help your soul. In the Code, we can see how this University views its students. And the picture we discover is ugly. "This Code is one of the University's administrative procedures and sh not be equated with procedures use civil or criminal court," the document's text states. Among other things, these proce- dures include piddling, silly little tra- ditions like reasonable doubt, the importance of precedence, public hearings and the right to an attorney. Under the Code, witnesses may not be called unless both parties agree to allow it. Some standard for an institution d icated to openness, education and in vidual rights. The text of the Code uses comforting terms such as "values" and "essential mission" to soften the otherwise overt route it takes in trampling the rights of students. (Read the full document at http://www.umich.edu/~-osr.) When the Code was approved in the fall of my freshman year, few people were fooled. "This isn't even a literate document. ... These are not values in any sense of the word," said a member of the facul. ty's governing body, shortly before th Senate Advisory Committee or University Affairs unanimously recon- mended that the regents not approve tfr Code. Early in 1999, the Code will sr face before the Board of RegeVt once again. Internal and exter review processes are looking into success of the Code's implementatyr - an intriguing prospect, considering Code hearings take place in ats pheres of total secrecy. Results will be presented to the Board of Regets in January. If Bollinger were to come out in f of of revamping -or ideally, comple ly scratching the Code, the imp"et would be forceful. Throughout his preside y, Bollinger has talked about the im r- tance of a humane education. Education is a civilizing force.T e University has a great role to plaPin shaping a better society. It is ann - tution that shaped thervisions of peo- ple like Robert Frost, Clareee Darrow and President Ford. a,,}v Bollinger is spearheading plan-to build a theater dedicated to Univety alumnus Arthur Miller. Approprnet1 one of Miller's most famous pay , "The Crucible," comments on a soety spun out of control by the distortioj, of justice. The University president is a' First Amendment scholar and a brilfiant legal mind, someone widely regarded to possess the elusive quality of being a humane lawyer. In two years in office, he has fostered an enormous reservoir of good will among studen* the object of far more affection than I believed possible for a.. University president. Now it's time for some hard deci- sions. The approach Bollinger takes to the Code's future will reveal the depth of his remarks about institutional values and building a tolerant society. I don't judge anyone in leadership positions on the basis of one decision. I have great admiration for the vision and integrity of Bollinger's predecess* James Duderstadt, even though Duderstadt's administration oversaw the Code's implementation. One decision does not make a president. And the Code is an ugly topic. Changing it will not bring the University national glory, boost its spot in U.S. News rankings or increase state appropriations. It will tug this administration in controversy. The last 'time the Co' was a major topic on this campus, stu- dents stormed the Fleming Building. But this controversy can be weath- ered. Dismantling the Code is a cause worth fighting for. Bollinger has articu- lated a moving, inspiring vision of this I Inive'it's, aidentity andnlae in th Office work so well is the open space in the mid- dle of thedoffice where students can consider their questions and schedules and where advisors can A copy of this letter was sent to President Bollinger m - - Passing the buck Court should make a ruling on voucher system Money for public schools can continue to be diverted towards private schools. That is what the Supreme Court decided on Monday when it resolved, eight to one, not to hear a challenge to Wisconsin's school vouch- er program that provides low-income families with credit of up to $5,000 per child toward tuition for private schools. While the decision does not set any national precedent, it still gives credence to a disturbing national trend. On their face, voucher programs sound like an excellent opportunity for families whose public schools have failed them. But the reality is that vouchers have yet to produce any ben- efit that outweighs the harms of taking money away from public schools whose resources are already meager enough. Independent annual evaluations of the voucher program in Milwaukee have shown that there is no significant increase in learn- ing for students who received vouchers compared to their counterparts in public schools. Private schools are not inherently better than public ones - last year, two pri- vate schools in Milwaukee that had students who utilized vouchers shut down in the middle of the school year. Private schools can often be elitist and have the ability to accept or deny students as they please. Statistics have shown that on average, private schools with religious affilia- tions typically accept only one out of every three applicants. Students who lack ,the grades, test scores or intellectual ability to- perform well at a private school - those who need special resources the most - will remain essentially abandoned in a financially crippled school district. The purpose of public education is to give every American child an adequate scholastic background, not only the smartest or most well-behaved students. Vouchers can never cover all of the expenses of sending a child to a private school either. Total tuition costs often exceed the value of the voucher. Additionally, when poor families choose out-of-the-way private schools (as necessity often dictates), transportation costs can be prohibitive. The number of families who use their vouchers to send their children to parochial schools is significant. So much money is going to nonsectarian institutions that the Wisconsin branch of the American Civil Liberties Union opposes the decision of the Wisconsin Supreme Court to uphold the state's voucher policy on grounds that it vio- lates the separation of church and state. When the court ruled in early June of this year, it said that school vouchers did not contradict the First Amendment because the purpose of the program is to advance secular interests and that any benefit to religious institutions would be purely incidental. But when public money is being diverted away from public schools and redirected toward religious schools, it is easy to see why the Supreme Court should have taken the opportunity to set a national legal precedent on this issue. Presumably, the Supreme Court's deci- sion Monday was in accordance with the tradition of waiting for several lower courts to make rulings on constitutional questions before it steps in to clarify legal disputes. But such a process could take years. Meanwhile, proponents of voucher pro- grams in several states, including Michigan, have been emboldened. The practical and constitutional consequences of voucher programs are far too dire for the Court to ignore. LETTERS TOr U' treats athletes diffeenty TO THE DAILY: After reading Friday's arti- cle about Steve Nadel ("Nadel suspended after Code hear- ing"), I feel it necessary to point out a double standard in the policy regairdi!:a academic punishments fr sex offenders. Steve Nadel was convicted of fourth-degree criminal sexu- al conduct for a crime commit- ted in February. As you may recall, this is much like the case of one Jason Brooks, also convicted of fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct for a crime committed February of the same year. Nadel was sus- pended indefinitely; Brooks was not suspended from the University at all. The difference? Brooks is a member of the U of M football team - Nadel is not. Nadel faced an academic punishment that could easily lead to his not receiving a degree - Brooks was not allowed to play foot- ball for four games. A double standard surfaces. It becomes clear where the University's interest lies: Punishing sex offenders is all well and good so long as it does not interfere with our pre- cious football. I d say we must ask ourselves what is more important to us as human beings, a fundamental respect for all people or sports? Is it more important to us to have people who can walky the streets of Ann Arbor without fear or to have students who can throw a ball really well? I'd say that the University has shown us a gross miscar- riage of common judgement, one that is certainly not in the THE EDITOR. Princess Rachael Farber's backside, I fail to understand how doing so will mend rela- tions at this wonderful univer- sity. The harsh words Farber had for my previous letter only serve to make my feelings stronger. Since when is criti- cism a capital offense outside of Staten Island? I had merely wanted to express my opinions of the fragmentation of the stu- dent body. I foolishly believed that some students from New York would appreciate it. I was wrong. Farber, if you still wish for me to kiss your ass, I'm having my teeth cleaned on Thursday. KEN GALICA LSA JUNIOR Lockyer was 'right on' TO THE DAILY. Sarah Lockyer is right on about the zealots and converts who control this campus "The fervor of the new convert," 11/ 10/98). These zealots con- vince people that U of M truly has a political atmosphere. I beg to differ. Most of the pro- paganda and rallies involve protesting minuscule issues, like freeing a cop killer. Others believe that sleeping on the diag in 20-degree weather will curb the homeless problem. Unfortunately, there is no political balance at U of M. Nearly every political organi- zation is shifted to the left. This results in Communist groups whining about tyranny in the United States. Sadly, the professors fuel these leftist/zealot groups. Most of these groups base their argu- ments on subjective emotion. Societies are 'racist' TO THE DAILY: First, I want to thank the Daily for even acknowledging that the Tower Societies even exist, as many people at this University would like to pre- vent the majority of the student body from knowing what goes on in their own Union at all ("Secret societies pressed to go coed," 10/28/98). Second, how- ever, is a complaint on the breadth of the article. While the fact the both Michiguama and Adara are in violation of Title IX is important, what is even more upsetting is their co-opting of Native American culture. Anyone who has walked by the Union on Monday nights has heard the drumming and chanting com- ing from the Tower, which is some misguided and disre- spectful attempt on Michiguama's part to create a sense of brotherhood and com- munity by desecrating two parts of many Native American religions. Most stu- dents do not know about the totem pole that was supposedly removed from an area near the University ropes course, the tree by the Grad Library that they used to paint red late at night or the silly names mem- bers used to give each other mocking Native names. If the culture and religion of any other minority group on this campus was so blatantly trivi- alized and misrepresented, this University would be in an uproar. So I ask you to consid- er this as not only an issue of sexism, but as an issue of bla- tant and University-sponsored racism. Removing the Tower Societies from University property because they violate