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November 10, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-10

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November 10, 1998


By Paul Berg
iy Staff Reporter
Provost Nancy Cantor addressed the
changing composition of the
University's faculty at yesterday's
meeting of the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs.
Members of the faculty's representa-s
e executive body voiced concerns
Wong tenured professors dealing with;
a shift in the University's hiring priori-
"Part of what bothers me is a signif-
icant increase in non-tenured faculty,
without an increase in tenured faculty,"
SACUA member and Social Work
Prof. Sherrie Kossoudji said. "This
needs to be explained."
Kossoudji referred to a report of the
Study Group on the Changing Nature of
e Professoriate revised by the Office
the Provost in October. The report
contains statistics indicating a growing
non-tenured track group of faculty.
Between 1987 and 1996, non-
tenured faculty increased from 28.5
percent of the University's total faculty
to 39.2 percent. There is a higher dis-
parity in smaller academic units.
Medical departments offer examples
of schools that have seen large increas-
due mainly to rises in clinical non-
aching positions and lecturers.
"In the School of Nursing, we have
seen an evolution," said Pharmacology
Prof. William Ensminger, the chair of
SACOA. "If this trend continues, we
will see very few tenured faculty in the
The report indicates a non-tenured LSA sophomore
faculty increase in the School of one of the com
Nursing, from 12.3 percent of total
Nursing faculty to 50.5 percent. In the
ool of Medicine, the increase was
m 27.4 percent to 42.5 percent,
During the same time period, the
total number of tenured faculty stayed
essentially the same. There were 2,679
tenured faculty members in 1987, and By Jaimle Win
2,678 in 1996. Daily Staff Report
"I see no problem during this eco- In what is
nomic expansion," Ensminger said. reducing swea
These statistics illustrate an impasse tially appointe
nfronting the University. The future dent monitorin
the faculty composition and what it the public.
means to the University are at issue, The Appare
and Cantor said two goals collide. comprised of
"We want to preserve an environ- rights groups,
ment of academic excellence in teach- consumer ad
ing and research, but we must alter fac- University athl
ulty roles to meet changing educational The AIP re
needs," Cantor said. the Fair Labor
Cantor said a dialogue followed by as a go-betwee
decisions on action should occur. One Although t
action that could increase dialogue and promise, some
See SACUA, Page 2
Livi ngston
takes control of
.Speaker race
WASHINGTON (AP) - Rep. Bob Livingston (R-La.), a
pragmatic conservative, took command of the race to succeed
House Speaker Newt Gingrich yesterday as his only rival

dropped out and the second-ranking Republican leader paid a
courtesy call.
"The truth is, the vote is in. Bob Livingston is going to be
our next speaker and I'm withdrawing my name for that rea-
son," said Rep. Christopher Cox (R-Calif.), who was a for-
mal candidate for less than 72 hours.
Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) left the Capitol to
*sit Livingston in his office in a congressional building
across the street, said spokesperson Michele Davis. "He went
over there to congratulate him" she said.
Armey, too, has enough votes to ward off challenges,
Davis said. Even so, Rep. Jennifer Dunn (R-Wash.)
announced a bid to topple Armey, joining Rep. Steve Largent
(R-Okla.) in that race. "I am asking you to support me as a
member who will serve as a fresh face for the party" Dunn
said in an e-mail sent to GOP lawmakers.
In addition, GOP officials said Rep. Howard "Buck"
cKeon (R-Calif.) intends to enter the race. His office said
ly that an announcement is set for tomorrow.
In a statement later, Armey said he welcomed the chal-
lenge and stressed his success in pushing through much of the
"Contract With America" agenda in 1995, soon after the
Republicans won control of both houses of Congress.
"My experience building unity as we constructed the con-
tract from the ground up will be crucial as we make the tran-
sitiAnn t a new sneaker" Armev said. "I have a vroven track

awat word

National headquarters,
University officials have
say in fate of three bust-
ed fraternities
By Nikita Easley
Daily Staff Reporter
After the Ann Arbor Police
Department issued citations Friday
bight to minors in possession of alcohol
at four campus parties, the University
community is waiting for a response
from University officials, the
Interfraternity Council and national
headquarters of Beta Theta Pi, Sigma
Nu and Theta Chi.
"We are doing our own internal
investigation into the facts,"
University spokesperson Julie Peterson
Peterson added that until University
officials review police reports and
speak with local and national headquar-
ters of the fraternities, no sanctions will
be pursued against the fraternities.
AAPD ticketed 75 minors and cited
the three fraternities after AAPD volun-
teers, who were underage, allegedly
were served alcohol.
"The police are just doing their jobs,
but at the same time it's sort of unfortu-
nate because these things are being held
in a controlled environment," LSA
sophomore Mark Chen said. "It's an
unfortunate thing for the fraternities."
Interfraternity Council President
Bradley Holcman said "it is a distinct
possibility" social activities for the
three fraternities will be canceled this
But Holcman said he does not think
canceling social activities again will
prove anything to the Ann Arbor com-
"We want to prove we can have par-

ties in compliance with the rules,'
Holcman said.
Holcman said he plans to meet with
the presidents of the Beta Theta Pi,
Sigma Nu and Theta Chi today.
le added that after the investiga-
tion is closed, the IFC executive board
will follow standard procedure in con-
sidering hearings and testimony from
district court and will write a complaint
to the IFC judicial board.
In a mutual agreement with its
national headquarters yesterday, Sigma
Nu indefinitely suspended all activities
involving alcohol.
"We are dealing with serious allega-
tions," said Brad Beacham, chief oper-
ating officer of Sigma Nu's national
headquarters. "Until we investigate, we
came to this mutual agreement."
Beacham added that Sigma Nu
members have cooperated and reported
that a keg was present at their party this
weekend, but fraternity members are
unsure of how the keg got into their
house and who brought it.
"It was an unplanned activity and
was not authorized by chapter officers,"
Beacham said.
Erv Johnson, International
Headquarters director of communica-
tions for Beta Theta Pi, said John Ault,
one of the international vice presidents
of Beta Theta Pi, met with fraternity
members and University officials
beginning yesterday to "inquire into the
Johnson said he is unsure what
actions will be taken against the frater-
"I am not going to speculate,
Johnson said. "It depends on the sever-
ity of the circumstances and the history
of the chapter."
Dan Westol, international executive

Stanton Jones sports his Nike apparel yesterday. Nike is a major sponsor of University athletics and is
panies involved in the Apparel industry Partnership.
,6e labor dewlal reachd

being hailed as an historic step toward
tshop labor across the globe, a presiden-
d task force has agreed to allow indepen-
g of factories and reporting of results to
l Industry Partnership, created in 1996, is
apparel and footwear companies, human
labor and religious organizations and
vocates. Nike, a major sponsor of
etics, is one of the companies in AIR.
ached an agreement Nov. 3 that created
Association. The FLA is designed to act
n for workers and the large companies.
he creation of FLA is a step toward com-
officials warned there is still a long way

to go.
"This agreement is only the beginning," President
Clinton said in a written statement. "We know that
sweatshop labor will not vanish overnight."
In 1997, the AIP agreed to a code of conduct with
regard to child labor, discrimination, wages, health and
safety. The code adhered to the international labor laws
already in effect.
The AIP also instituted a system of monitoring that
called for internal monitoring of wages and hours
worked by accountants and internal employees.
In addition, the agreement commissions religious
and human-rights groups to provide external monitor-
ing of the working conditions and living standards of
"Individual companies will not have to worry about
See NIKE, Page 7

Savir speaks on
1993 agreement

By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
When last month's safety inspection
of Mary Markley Residence Hall's
windows found 97 window stops not
operating to their design safety specifi-
cations, the condition of windows
across campus residence halls also
came into question.
"At the time of replacement, you
put in the best windows possible, and
safety is considered in the design" said
Alan Levy, director of Housing public
Residence hall windows across
campus vary in age and design. The
oldest windows are in Fletcher Hall,
dating back to 1923.
The University's newest windows
were installed in the east wing of
Couzens in 1997, according to
University Housing.
When LSA first-year student
Courtney Cantor died after falling from
her sixth-floor Markley window on
Oct. 16, Housing conducted the safety
inspection on Oct. 24 to ensure that all
of Markley's windows were safe, Levy
"It was a precautionary action," he

By Nick Falzone
Daily Staff Reporter
Uri Savir, the chief Israeli nego-
tiator in the Israeli-Palestinian peace
talks from 1993 to 1996, spoke to a
crowd of 800 people - many of
whom were University students --
last night at Rackham Auditorium.
Ambassador Savir, director gen-
eral of Israel's Foreign Service,
spoke about his participation in the
peace agreement at Oslo in 1993,
outlining the process and the issues
involved in the talks.
During the meetings, held in
secret at a cottage in Oslo, Savir and
other Israeli negotiators met with
three leaders of the Palestinian
Liberation Organization.
"I was sent to see if the PLO
could be an Israeli partner," Savir
"I had to see if they were willing
to profoundly change."
During the conference, Savir
pointed out that Israel believed
Palestine posed a mortal threat to its
"Our problem was that we were
dangerous to each other," Savir said.
"We were ideological spearheads for
each other's existences."
These existential threats, Savir
said, produced a great amount of
conflict for both Israelis and
He argued that this suffering
could only be resolved by creating
a partnership between the two
"We must mutually accept each
other," Savir said.
"Change can only come from
true recognition each other and
mutual understanding."
After three months of negotia-
tions, the opposing sides reached a

Rep. Bob Uvingston (R-La.), speaks on the telephone in his
office in Washington. Uvingston took control of the race to
succeed House Speaker Newt Gingrich.
event that led to his stunning decision Friday to step down as
The Georgian did not speak to reporters as he arrived. A
handwritten sign was posted at the entrance to the suite where
he presided over the Republican Revolution the past four
years: "Office closed to tours."
Gingrich arranged an evening speech before GOPAC, a
political organization that helped fuel his extranary rise to
Inside the Capitol, though, he was a lame duck, his power

Url Savir, the chief Israeli negotiator in
the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks for
three years, speaks last night.
death of Oslo," Savir said.
"Everything collapsed at the end of
After the failure of the peace
agreement, the Israelis and
Palestinians met again in Tel Aviv.
In Tel Aviv, they decided to
increase cooperation between the
two states.
"We achieved an agreement
within nine months which still holds
today," Savir said.
Savir argued that as a result of
this bilateral cooperation, there will
be a Palestinian state by 1999.
"The Oslo peace agreement ends
after five years," Savir said. "It's the
natural outcome."
But some students said they
believe the goals articulated by
Savir are unattainable.
"Savir is sugar-coating things,"
Public Health student Sawsan
Abdulrahim said. "He's totally

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