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November 09, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-11-09

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One hundred eight years tof editorizlfreedom

November 9, 1998

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By Ern Holmes
Daily StaflReporter
Two weeks after the final meeting of
Michigan State University's Alcohol
Action Team, parks and recreation junior
Bradley McCue was pronounced dead
Thursday morning following a night of
king in celebration of his 21st birth-
The tragic death accents the recent out-
burst of national attention to binge drink-
ing on college campuses that has trig-
gered numerous alcohol task forces and
education programs.
Autopsy results revealed McCue had
suffered acute alcohol poisoning after
drinking 24 shots of alcohol within two
hours - a night of celebration that pro-
pelled McCue's blood-alcohol level to a
#al level of .44, the Detroit Free Press
reported. A person is considered legally
drunk in the state of Michigan with a
blood alcohol level of 0.10.
"This is a wake-up call to any doubters
who thought the alcohol problem didn't
exist,"MSU spokesperson Terry Denbow
Medical personnel airived at McCue's
apartment at 8:45 a.m. Thursday. When
le did not respond to their treatment, he
s transported to Sparrow Hospital in
Lansing, where he was pronounced dead
upon arrival.
In the aftermath of McCue's death,
Denbow said administrators are urging
students to take more responsibility for
themselves and to take care of one anoth-
er while drinking.
"Those two issues are so basic,"
Denbow said.
Maureen Hartford, University of
chigan's Vice President for Student
airs, said the shock factor of the death
lies in the fact that no one stopped him
from drinking.
"I don't seem to feel from students and
peers a feeling to take responsibility or a
willingness to speak up," Hartford said.
"Why wasn't someone there saying, '24
shots will kill you?"'
Mirroring Hartford's confusion, some
MSU students said the death has veiled
* campus in frustrating questions.
"This is such a senseless death that
shakes the student body" MSU senior
Melissa Steger said. "Everyone is asking,
Why was he home by himself? Who was
with him and what were they thinking?"'
McCue, who Denbow called "one
great kid," enjoyed working with kids and
had worked at a youth camp. The
Clarkston native once dressed up as an
ape for Halloween and handed out candy
to children.
g ast summer's formation of MSU's
ohol Action Team stemmed from
what began as a peaceful protest on
Munn Field last May and resulted in a
major campus riot that police officials
partially attribute to alcohol.
Denbow said the action team recently
issued 33 recommendations to the uni-
versity to increase alcohol education and
curb binge drinking. He added that
although the university's attempts at alco-
* education were implemented before
McCue's death, the impact of the tragedy
will serve as a reminder of the
inescapable effects of alcohol abuse.
"Binge drinking has got to end,"
Denbow said. "It is not right to say it is
not a life and death issue, because clearly
it is,'
At a press conference involving stu-
dents and faculty, MSU President M
Peter McPherson said students wrongly
considered excessive drinking a "rite of
ssage." Students, McPherson said,
need to establish a rite of passage without

passing out.
MSU first-year student Alison
Johnson said the social atmosphere on
campus this weekend was not necessarily
dampened by McCue's death, but every-
one was aware of it.
"I don't think it has changed people's
behavior, but I think maybe people have
in the back of their minds," Johnson
Johnson said the campus, which gives
students the option of alcohol-free floors
on residence halls, made alcohol abuse
an issue before the death.
"It's a widespread issue, but there are
also a lot of students who don't partici-
o"inAr-na : nhmn. znid he

By Nikita Easley
Daily Staff' Reporter
Posing as potential party hoppers, Ann Arbor
Police Department volunteers slapped minor in pos-
session of alcohol tickets on 75 students and three
fraternities Friday night and early Saturday morning.
The Beta Theta Pi, Sigma Nu and Theta Chi fra-
ternities, along with a house party on Division Street,
allegedly were serving alcohol to minors, officers
operating an undercover sting for AAPD found.
President of Sigma Nu Brian Hollowaty and
President of Theta Chi Wesley Cornwell declined to
comment. Beta Theta Pi president Dan Dinicola said
the fraternity is "looking into the matter."
"I am not surprised police found 75 minors drink-
ing," Vice President for Student Affairs Maureen
Hartford said. "It was probably far more than that."

Undercover AAPD officers

issue tickets to
AAPD Sgt. Brian Jatczak said several underage
volunteers acted as party go-ers, entered these ran-
domly selected fraternity houses freely and were
served alcohol.
One of the fraternities had a sign advertising the
event as a 21 and older party, but when undercover
volunteers told door monitors they were under 21,
they were still allowed into the party.
Interfraternity Council President Bradley
Holcman said he warned the Greek community of



such possible actions by the AAPD and is not sur-
prised by the busts.
"We knew if things got worse in the eyes of the
Ann Arbor police, this was an option," Holcman
said. "We told the Greek community 'You need to
change or you're going to get busted for it."'
Holcman said the AAPD informed IFC that if
undercover representatives were not allowed into the
parties, they would not force their way into the hous-
es. But because the rules of showing University

identification or having your name on the guest list
were disregarded by the fraternities, AAPD was able
to give citations.
Michigan Student Assembly President and Beta
Theta Pi member Trent Thompson said laying
down the law is not going to solve the problem.
"The way to stop minors from drinking is to
change the culture and not have them make alcohol
a priority on weekend events" Thompson said.
Both Hartford and Holcman said it is up to the fra-
ternities' national organizations to revoke a fratemi-
ty charter.
"Only nationals can ban a fratermity," Holcman
said. "The University can make it very tough for us."
The Phi Delta Theta fraternity national organi-
zation recently revoked the campus' chapter's
See BUST, Page 8A


Back in business

dowvn; cas
GPAs up
Minority enrollment
remains the .same
By Erin Holmes
Daily Staff Reporter
After receiving a record-breaking number of first-year
applicants to the University, administrators looked for quali-
ty, not quantity when selecting the fall 1998 incoming class.
While the total of enrolled first-year students - 5,253 -
is 5.1 percent fewer than last year's class of 5,534, the incom-
ing class of 2002 has a larger number of students ranked in
the top quarter of their graduating class than in previous
years, according to figures released Friday.
And despite two lawsuits filed one year ago challenging
the University's use of race in its admissions policies, minor-
ity enrollment showed little change for this year's incoming
Eighty percent of the students also got a head start on their
college education - earning Advanced Placement test
scores that enabled them to enter the University with college
"We strive to admit the best possible students with strong
academic records," Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Lester Monts said. "These numbers reflect our recruitment
While the record number of first-year applicants coin-
cided with the hockey and football national champi-
onships, enrollment numbers were kept to a normal
University spokesperson Julie Peterson said the smaller
number of first-year students, which represents 2,650 women
and 2,603 men, is not alarming.
"The numbers of the freshman class are down a little, and
that was planned," Peterson said.
The smaller number, Monts said, is one that was targeted
in correlation with the goal to cut overcrowding in University
residence halls.
Last year, some first-year students were forced to
sleep in temporary bunks erected in lounges for up to 11l
days because there was no room for them in their
assigned rooms.
"We planned for a smaller class to accommodate the resi-
dence hall problem," Monts said, adding that the final num-
ber for the incoming class is "about where we wanted to be.
Like the first-year class totals, the final numbers for other
undergraduates revealed little change from last year's classes.

Photos by WARREN ZINN/Daily
Marcus Ray (29) had reason to be excited during his first game back on Saturday. The Michigan football team salvaged its season with a
27-0 thumping of Penn State and vaulted to No. 15 In the Associated Press poll. The Wolverines are tied with Wisconsin for the Big Ten lead.

M' defens
By Sharat Raju
Daily Sports Editor
During the past week, someone erected an
immovable wall on Michigan Stadium's nat-
ural turf. It's too bad that nobody informed
the Penn State football team.
On Saturday, the ninth-ranked Nittany
Lions (3-2 Big Ten, 6-2 overall) were met by
a roadblock - the Michigan football team's
defense - and were upset by the Wolverines,

e stifles Ni Lions

27-0, in front of 111,019 spectators.
The defense dictated the tone in a football
clinic displayed by the 22nd-ranked
Wolverines (6-0, 7-2).
"We should have had 10 points in the first
half" Penn State coach Joe Paterno said.
"We should have but we didn't - Michigan
wouldn't let us get them."
Combined with Penn State's miscues, the

Wolverines would not let the Lions get a sin-
gle point in the game, let alone in the first
half. But the outcome of the game was
decided in the first quarter.
The sturdy Michigan defense set the tone,
stuffing Penui State's first drive and forcing a
inside: Commentary on the game, Page lB.
For additional coverage, Page 4B.

dazzles 4,000
By Nika Schulte
Daily Staff Reporter
For Urvi Mujumdar, Friday night's Indian American
Student Association Cultural Show was more than just a
chance to see one of the largest student-run productions in
the country. It was an opportunity for her and her family from
Detroit to continue a tradition.
"I was in the show my freshman year and it became a fam-
ily thing," said Mujumdar, a Public Health student.
Mujumdar was one of more than 4,000 students, family
and community members who crowded Hill Auditorium on
Friday night for thel5th annual IASA Cultural Show.
Presented as if it were on television, "The Big Picture"
highlighted Indian culture through dance, song, fashion
shows and skits.
IASA President Ankim Shah reminded the crowd of the
importance of having events like this to ensure that the tradi-
tions of the culture live on.
"We must not let our culture get lost as generations con-
tinue to be born in the United States," Shah said.
whie hah teased that it mihtbe "annovin" to have to

Coursepack store
plans proceeding

By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly's
idea for a student-run coursepack store
may soon materialize.
"The legalities surrounding running
a coursepack store are a lot more com-
plex than we thought," MSA treasurer
Bram Elias said.
MSA is pushing ahead with plans to
create a coursepack store that provides
students with cheaper course materials
by making use of the fair use provision
of the U.S. Copyright Act, said Elias, an
LSA junior.
"The law basically says if it is used for
an educational purpose, there's no royal-
ties that can be charged," Elias said.
According to copyright law, the legal
use of a copyrighted work for teaching
and scholarship, including multiple
copies for classroom use, is not an

stores with a one to one-and-a-half cent
charge on each printed page to pay for
publisher's royalties.
"All we have to do to stay legal is
make a good-faith effort to pay royal-
ties," Elias said.
In the beginning stages, the assembly
will subsidize the extra charge in order to
pay all the royalty fees in full, he added.
Law Prof. Roberta Morris, who
teaches copyright law and has been
working with assembly members,
would not comment on how, Section
107 of the U.S. Copyright Act, the fair
use statute, allows the coursepack store
to reduce its royalty fees to students.
Morris provided the assembly with a
copy of Section 107- of the act, she said,
because "if more people knew what the
statute actually says, the educational
community would benefit."
In a written statement, Morris said it

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