-- Michigan Daily -- FOA _ Saunft -- November 7, 11
ovember 7, 1998 - Foetb na y-- The Michig ally --3
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Paterno stands the test of time
ly Mark Snyder
Daily Sports Editor
For a little man, Joe Paterno car-
ries a lot of weight.
His players' massive size often
leaves him dwarfed and hidden from
His concealing sunglasses keep
the outside world at an arm's length.
But for a man of minimum physi-
cal size, he carries the stature of a
Paterno is the dean of Division I
coaches, having spent 32 years as the
head of the Penn State program, and
the previous 16 as an assistant.
He has compiled five perfect sea-
sons, won two national champi-
onships and won all four major bowl
games (Rose, Sugar, Orange and
More than 200 of his players have
advanced from Penn State to the
NFL and among that group, 23 were
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selected in the first round.
Basically, he has outlasted the con-
cept of longevity, strolling various
sidelines through the administrations
of 10 U.S. presidents, with another
Oval Office change on the horizon.
But through it all, Paterno has
thrived. Through the 49 years in
Happy Valley, his dedication to his
team is beyond reproach.
Paterno spearheaded Penn State's
entrance into the Big Ten, a move
that has pushed the entire university
forward in the national realm.
"It was a great move for us (to join
the Big Ten,)" he said. "It's been
great for Penn State. Our academic
part benefited as much as our athlet-
ics. It's been a very significant move
for Penn State."
The old coach has missed only two
games during his career - both for
family-related emergencies - and
expects the same effort from his
And, in return, they understand
that they'll leave as winners.
The numbers build on themselves,
impressing with their sheer mention.
He ranks fifth in career victories,
with 304, and the names surrounding
him are the legends of college foot-
Joe Patemo has been chatting with referees for 49 years as the Penn State foot-
ball coach.
ball. Men like Bryant, Robinson and
Stagg are the ghosts of the game he
competes with.
So when JoePa speaks, everyone
listens - especially in Michigan,
after last season.
After his No. 2-ranked Nittany
Lions were crushed by Michigan last
Nov. 8, Paterno had one of his assis-
tants vote in his stead for the coach-
es' poll.
The now-infamous assistant
placed Michigan far down the list,
hurting the Wolverines' overall total.
The announcement of the miscue
elicited a monstrous response from
Michigan fans, but Paterno, always
trying to set a positive example for
his players, owned up to his error.
"If you're going to do anything
with that (poll) impact, you ought to
own up to it," he said. But "that's
putting too much pressure on the
Further conflict with the
Wolverine faithful is far from his
"I needed more mail from
Michigan like I need a hole in the
head," Paterno said.
This weekend, just one year after
getting trounced by the Wolverines
in Happy Valley, the Nittany Lions
are looking to solidify their No. 9
national ranking, but according to
Paterno, revenge is a dish best
"I don't like people to play with
blood in their eyes, because I don't
think they can see," he said.
But you can bet Lloyd Carr will
be watching Paterno from the side-
lines today, wondering what he's
thinking, pondering where his 49
years of experience will help him
Despite the attention of "the
largest crowd watching a football
game anywhere in America," for
Paterno, it's just another game.
The record book
Throughout his career, Joe
Paterno has left his mark on
college football. Below are a few
of his accomplishments.
* Led teams to 18 bowl victories,
more than any other coach
* Only coach to win all four major
NwYear's Day bowl gamea
f Captured two national
championships and recorded five
undefeated seasons
n-WonAFCA coach-of-the-year
award four times - more than
any other coach
What i Football Saturday?
"Football Saturdy to those wo kno the Michigan atleic tradition, is an
institution unparalleled in excitement and spirit. From the action on the field
to the flying marshmallows in the stands, the Big House becomes the center of
life in Ann Arbor each fall, every time the Wolverines take thefield"
With those words, the idea of a Saturday edition of The Michigan Daily
came to life last year. Now in its second year of publication, Football Saturday
continues to evolve - as does the Daily. This year's cast of writers is a new
one, but the goal remains the same: To provide comprehensive coverage of the
Wolverines, and to give 100,000 fans a gameday glimpse of the work of the
University's independent student publication.
The best part about Football Saturday? Easy. All the writers, photographers
and producers are students -just like the players. Enjoy.
-Jim Rose, Managing Sports Editor
Football Saturday Staff
Football Writers/Sports Editors: Cover Graphics:
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Flattening victory
Michigan linebacker Ian Gold and the Michigan defense pounded Minnesota quarterback Billy Cockerham and the Golden
Gophers into the Metrodome turf last week, preserving a 15-10 victory and retaining the little Brown Jug.
'M' keeps Jug, loses respect in win
By Mark Snyder
Daily Sports Editor
MINNEAPOLIS - If there is one
attribute of last season's title team that
Lloyd Carr didn't want to emulate, it
had to be the reliance on the defense
to win games.
Fortunately for him, this defense
still is that good.
And in front of 41,310 fans in the
Halloween-themed Metrodome on
Saturday, it was Michigan's 'D' that
Mi n ne sot a. g Michigan 15
James Hall's
sack of Minnesota 10
Billy Cockerham in the end zone with
10:42 left squeezed Michigan into its
first lead since the first quarter.
Later, JayFeely added a field goal,
but the safety, and the stingy
Michigan defense, proved to be an
effective Ziploc.
"It's a big play," said Hall, who had
six tackles in the victory. "The
defense hadn't scored in a long time."
While safeties are becoming com-
monplace for the Michigan defense --
the three thus far tie the 1976 team for
the most in a season - the unwilling-
ness to yield is becoming a hallmark
of the Jim Herrmann regime.
Aside from the initial familiarity
stage which allowed a Minnesota field
goal early, the Michigan defense -
ranked No. I in Big Ten games -
held to form.
Herrmann's outfit kept Minnesota
scoreless the rest of the way, ending
with late interceptions by William
Peterson and James Whitley.
The stat sheet contradicts such a
theory. Michigan's leading tackler
was Sam Sword with just nine tack-
les, and in the first half Michigan's
bend-but-don't-break defense was in
full force
The game just reinforced the power
of the concept of team defense and not
one individual.
"The thing that we have is kids who
are smart and are able to adjust,
Herrmann said. "There were adjust-
ments in there that helped us shut
them down. That's the key thing."
Numbers place Brady as the bionic
man, throwing long and longer, even-
tually compiling an impressive 282-
yard performance. But Brady took
four sacks, and the ground game was
nonexistent, losing 23 yards on the
But from the beginning, Michigan
planned to attack through the air - a
game plan that was executed perfectly
via Tai Streets.
Etching his name into the record
books as he went, Streets grabbed
only six balls but totaled a Michigan
road record 192 yards through the air
- the highest total by a Wolverine
anywhere since 1966. On the first play
of Michigan's second drive, Brady
went with what worked last week -
the bomb to Streets.
And, just as he did against Indiana,
Streets reached for a beautiful ball,
maintaining his balance before sprint-
ing into the end zone to stun the oppo-
sition. This time, the pass went for 76
yards and, on one play, established
Michigan's air attack - and Brady's
Carr's assertion has been that
Michigan passes just to keep defenses
Unable to move the ball the rest of
the first half on the ground -
Anthony Thomas led Michigan with
just 24 yards on the ground - the air
attack was the only source of pride for
the Wolverines.
So they milked it. Trapped in the
end zone after a 13-yard gain was
negated by a Jeff Backus face mask
penalty, Brady threw a ball only
Streets could catch.
Thirty-nine yards later, Streets
secured the toss and Michigan was
marching again.
Overcoming their rushing deficien-
cies proved to be the most difficult
task for the Wolverines. The drive
continued as Thomas struggled to gain
two and three yards on each handoff,
running between the tackles.
So Brady went back to Old
Reliable, Streets, who hauled in a 23-
yard pass to bring Michigan within a
breath of the end zone at the four yard
line. But what would a Michigan
offense be without mistakes near the
goal line?
Last week's halfback pass by Walter
Cross became this week's Brady fum-
ble on the one, but fortunately for the
Wolverines, they covered up this one
and settled for a field goal.
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