The Michigan Daily - Friday, November 6, 1998 - 7
Continued from Page 1
away the book."
Problems with the book-ticket system includ-
ed students losing books or leaving the books in
Michigan Stadium.
"If that system was a good system, it would
still be in use today" Bodnar said.
Bodnar said a decision will be made about
tickets within the next few months.
"In late January we go to press on the student
,plications," Bodnar said. "My priority is to get
on the phone and see what other schools do."
Students are not being specifically targeted by
the University, Bodnar said.
"Scalping is an issue for everybody who
attends the game'" Bodnar said. Bodnar said stu-
dent tickets may be targeted because of the dis-
counted price.
Board members discussed the football ticket
system used by the University of Notre Dame,
which uses designated student gates.
"It's very difficult to scalp a student ticket at
Notre Dame," Bodnar said.
Greg Herczeg, a senior at Notre Dame,
described the ticket system.
"We get a packet of six tickets in one"
Herczeg said. Students are required to sign the
front of the packet and show a student ID twice
"It's very difficult to scalp a student ticket at
Notre Dame."
- Marty Bodnar
Director of ticket operations
- once upon entering the stadium and then
before sitting in the stadium. Student IDs are not
closely examined, Herczeg said.
"It's really hard to sell a ticket if you don't
trust a person," Herczeg said.
Students can opt to exchange their tickets for
general admissions tickets, but they are required to
pay the $16 price difference, Herezeg said.
"The major problem with tickets is if you're
acting out at a game ... the ushers will take your
ticket book,' Herczeg said.
If tickets are confiscated for misbehavior,
refunds are not given, Herczeg said. Students can
purchase general admission tickets if their book is
taken or lost, but they must pay $16 per ticket.
"It's fairly common for friends" to loan ticket
books to one and other, but "you have to be care-_-
ful doing it," Herczeg said.
The Board also discussed the examination of
women's water polo and women's lacrosse as
possible future varsity teams to fulfill the°
requirements of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act.
"We want to be proactive along these lines:'
Goss said. "If you plan it and manage it, it will
have less of an impact on your operations."
A committee through the Athletic Department
will determine the expense each team would incur
as a varsity team, including national champi-
onships, the needs of each team and facilities.
"It's a road map in terms of where to go"
Goss said.
Continued from Page 1
Educational Fund.
^ MALD spokesperson Rosa
Abreu said the coalition is empha-
sizing the importance of student
evolvement with the lawsuits and
said it is clear the students who wish
to intervene have a lot at stake.
"Every day that goes by without
the view of minority students is a day
that is really lost in student's ability to
fully participate," Abreu said.
But the current problem, Dillard
said, is not an issue of the University
versus the coalition.
"We're dealing with the issue of
3*ether U of M can adequately repre-
sent the position of people of color:'
Dillard said. "The coalition is con-
cerned with equal access to educa-
tion. (The University) is concerned
with education diversity."
University spokesperson Julie
Peterson said she could provide no
information regarding the coalition's
latest appeal.
In the wake of this latest develop-
ent, Law Prof. Terrence Sandalow
hid there is no question that the
progress of the case continues to draw
interest among students and faculty.
"In the sense that it is a legal case.
There is a great deal of interest
-around the Law School," Sandalow
said, adding that he was not familiar
enough with the details of the latest
appeal to say for sure whether it will
make substantial progress in the law-
Dillard said it is important to
understand that the coalition, while
appealing to the Cincinnati-based
court, does support educational
diversity, but also believes the
University alone may not be able to
adequately argue some of the law-
suit issues.
For better representation, he said,
the lawsuit should involve minority
students, prospective minority stu-
dents and the coalition.
"The University is a state actor
and is subject to external and inter-
nal pressure" Dillard said, citing the
recent debates over the dedication of
an East Quad Residence Hall room
to RC Prof. Carl Cohen.
The room originally was sched-
uled to be named for Cohen but the
naming was revoked due to problems
with Housing Division policies,
sparking debate over whether or not
Cohen's outspoken opposition to the
University's use of race-based prefer-
ences in admissions also contributed
to the decision.
The coalition also considered the
University's overall support for the
previous intervention attempt to be
"We feel (the University) gave
lukewarm support for us ... we would
have liked it to be stronger," Dillard
The lawsuit intervention process
has been long and discouraging,
Abreu said, but it has not necessarily
hindered students' energy about the
central issue of involvement in the
"It's clear that from the stand-
point of prospective students, they
are more interested than ever,"
Abreu said.
Cox seeks to
topple Gingnich
* -
Los Angeles Tunes
WASHINGTON -- A Californian
has fired the opening shot in the polit-
ical blood bath that could erupt later
this month when House Republicans
decide whether to dump one or more of
their leaders because of the party's poor
election showing.
Rep. George Radonovich announced
yesterday he will run for one of the
party's leadership posts - Republican
Conference chair - when all GOP
members meet Nov. 16 to choose their
leaders for the new Congress.
And another Californian, Rep.
Christopher Cox, said he plans to
sound out colleagues about running
for a top leadership job, perhaps even
challenging House Speaker Newt
Gingrich (R-Ga).
Cox, who holds a mid-level leader-
ship post as chair of the House GOP
policy committee, would be consid-
ered a longshot for toppling Gingrich.
But his willingness to entertain the
notion is indicative of the turmoil
brewing within the GOP.
Indeed, in comments at an Irvine,
Calif, luncheon, Cox flatly predicted:
"There will be a leadership shake-up.
The damage that Newt Gingrich has
sustained over being the poster child for
everything that's wrong with
Washington makes him a less attractive
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House Speaker Newt Gkngdch (R-a.)
speaks at a press conference Wednesday
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anyone else."
Radonovich, owner of a California
winery who was elected to Congress in
1994, is the first Republican to openly
announce a challenge to a sitting GOP
In seeking the post of conference
chair, Radonovich will take on Rep.
John Boehner (R-Ohio). The chair's
job is to preside over weekly closed-
door meetings of all GOP House
members, at which they plot legisla-
tive and political strategy.
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