8B - The Michigan Daily Weekend Magazine - Thursday November 5, 1998
"Rescue!" A voice from the Ann Arbor Fire
dispatcher blares over the intercom. Memb
Eof the first response rescue truck leaves the
4 and slides down the fire pole to the waiting
ries below. The engine roars to life, the ig]
% A3 are activated, and the crew races through th
A Arbor traffic.
889 Despite the high number of cars on the roa
hour and the maze of cross streets and one-
Ereue tuc cnr arritve almos ranywh ere in
least First Response Medical Training and ~
to help immediately once they get to the sc
gency. The crew of the rescue truck is mosti
help that arrives in the critical minutes afte
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The Michigan Daily Weekend Maga2
ers of the crew
ir warm dinner
truck three sto-
hts and sirens
e thick Ann
I during rush
way roads, the
the city in four"
)artment has at
so they are able
ene of an emer-
t often the first
r a 911 call.
(clockwise from upper right)
Members of the Ann Arbor tire
Department's rescue crew often
work hand-in-hand with Huron
Valley Ambulance paramedics.
left to right) Lt. Mike French,
Fire Fighter Amy Schnearle and
Fire Fighter Dan Campbell attend
to a senior citizen.
(left to right) Fire Fighter Matt
Hughes, Fire Fighter Gianna
Bommarito and Driver/Operator
Jim Budd rest with the rescue
truck in the background.
Fire Fighter Matt Hughes pays
basketball to keep in good physi-
cal shape.
Fire Fighter Amy Schnearle pats
Fire Fighter Dan Campbell on the
back for a job well done while Lt.
French secures the completion
of the scene.