LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 3, 1998 - 3 subjects escape from correctional institution Three female suspects escaped Sun day from the Arbor Heights Center, Depertment of Public Safety reports state. " The suspects escaped from a bath- roim window in the correctional facili- ty located on Washtenaw Heights. DPS -fficers were advised the suspects had changed into street clothes. There is no available description of the suspects. DPS officers checked the Greyhound bus stop, Mary Markley Residence Hall *'and Nichol's Arboretum but could not locate the suspects. Diesel spills on North Campus ,,"About 15 gallons of diesel fuel silled Thursday night at the North Campus Service Station, according to DPS reports. The diesel surrounded the gasoline * pumps. The caller said he was unsure if the duel had spilled or was leaking from the pumps. The Office of Safety and Environmental Health was contacted to clean up the spill. Man threatens to 3tfmp from parking structure A man told Ann Arbor Police Department officials Thursday night that he was planning to jump from a parking structure, DPS reports state. .The man called AAPD officials ,from a pay phone in Fuller Park and said he was going to jump from the .nearest parking structure. The sus- pect described hirself as a 38-year- old male, wearing a blue jogging suit and carrying three bottles of *whiskey. DPS officials blocked access to the University Hospitals medical area parking structures. AAPD officers apprehended the man and transported him to University Hospitals emergency .rpos. Vehicle strikes, Iktils deer . A vehicle struck and killed a deer &riday morning on Plymouth Road, DPS reports state. A driver struck a deer in the west- bound lane of Plymouth Road about 100 yards from the entrance to Arbor Lakes. The driver was not injured, and no report was filed. DPS officials con- tacted the Washtenaw County Sheriff's P,p.rtment to remove the deer from the roadway. *Man exposes himself in UGLi A male exposed himself Saturday yeaing in the Shapiro Undergraduate Ubrary, according to DPS reports. ~A caller reported she saw the man ,masturbating in the fourth floor library stacks. The suspect is a 6- foot-tall male with short brown hair and was last seen wearing eyeglass- s with purple lenses, a white but- on-down shirt with plaid stripes ,apfblue jeans. DPS officers who :ked the area could not locate 'be uspect. SSpaSSser found with marijuana DPS officers stopped a tresspasser in possession of marijuana early Saturday wrning in Angell Hall, DPS reports "tate. DPS officers stopped the 20-year- old male "frequent tresspasser" in the Fishbowl. The suspect was under a bench warrant from the Redford - Township Police Department for $544. DPS officers found marijuana on the suspect, who they turned over to the RTPD. Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter Jennfer Yachnin. SACUA discusses 'freedom lecture' By Paul Berg Daily Staff Reporter While the idea of "sexual McCarthyism" has been raised in the weeks leading to today's election, a rift between faculty and administration about the original Red Scare's effect on the University narrowed yesterday. At a meeting of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, the faculty's governing board, members of the Academic Freedom Lecture Fund's Board of Directors discussed the possi- bility of reconciliation with the University. "When we went to the (University Board of Regents) for funding in 1990, they told us to take a hike," said Peggie Hollingsworth, president of the AFLF's Board of Directors. "Because of SACUA's efforts, we have been able to receive contribu- tions through the University without the hypocrisy of looking at a University receipt." The AFLF was established after Senate Assembly and SACUA passed resolutions in 1989 and 1990 urging action to preserve academic free- dom. The fund sponsors the annual Davis, Markert, Nickerson Lecture Series, named after three former University instructors suspended for political rea- sons in 1954. The House Subcommittee on Un- American Activities interrogated Chandler Davis, Clement Markert and Mark Nickerson, and the University eventually suspended the professors because of their suspected Communist beliefs during the anti-Communist paranoia. University President Lee Bollinger recently offered financial support, endorsed by the regents, to the lecture series and blamed the incident on "an era of rabid intolerance by the University." The apparent reversal of the adminis- trative stance created what SACUA Chair and pharmacology Prof. William Ensminger called "a good time to put everything on the table." "I believe the support is there, which is a change from 1990' Ensminger said. "There is an openness now." Sociology Prof. Don Deskins echoed other'SACUA members who said the AFLF's Board of Directors should consider becoming fully affil- iated with the University to preserve the fund. "Whatever we come out with would be a compromise, but we must look at what is going to happen when the founders of the fund are gone," Deskins said. "They will take their intent with them." AFLF's directors have to weigh the benefits of remaining an independent corporation against those of institution- alizing for the sake of longevity. "Our board would have to receive a thorough argument that this would be good for us," AFLF Treasurer Thomas Moore said. There is also no guarantee the current environment of good will indicates an administrative desire to bring the fund "under its wing" in any official capaci- ty. SACUA and AFLF board mem- bers voiced concern about the sepa- ration of funds for academic free- dom and a desired formal apology from the University for its actions in 1954. "Unless we set up a clearly stated strategy that is broader than these three names, the goal of academic freedom will be lost as an institutional memory" said SACUA member and pathology Prof. Peter Ward. The next in the series of annual AFLF lectures is set for March 15, 1999. It will set the stage for the 10th anniversary lecture in 2000, and pledges for the lecture's funding already exceed S200,000. T-shirt exhibit combats violence By Adam Cohen Daily Staff Reporter Created by a survivor of sexual vio-, lence, a T-shirt displayed in the Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center reads, "I need to stop just barely surviving and live." In observance of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, SAPAC is sponsoring the National Clothesline Project. "It is part of a national event at campuses across the nation designed by survivors of sexualized violence," said LSA senior Heather Heitfield, co-coordinator of networking, public- ity and actions for SAPAC. "It allows them to express their feelings and experiences." At its North University Avenue loca- tion, SAPAC is hosting the Silent Witness exhibit, a part of the project. "It shows how pervasive sexualized violence is, providing a visual aspect" Heitfield said. "It gives a voice to women and children who were silenced." The exhibit contains various T- shirts painted with messages of sur- vivor experiences. Inscribed on one of the shirts in large, bold print is the question: "Do you know what happens behind curtains?" Another reads, "Speak to your silence." Life-sized silhouettes, representing 200 gather to honor prof~s work, accolades By Nick Bunkley For the Daily More than 200 members of the University community gathered yes- terday to celebrate the accolades recently bestowed upon a University professor. Biology Prof. Stephen Easter pre- sented an hour-long public lecture titled, "Let There Be Sight: The Ontogeny of the Visual System" to a near-capacity Rackham Amphitheatre, followed by a recep- I'm so happy for him." Easter's daughter Kim echoed her mother's sentiments. "My dad's always worked really hard. It's good to see it come to this ... public recognition, thanks to Mrs. Sokol," Kim Easter said. Of the three to four collegiate pro- fessorships offered by the University per year, Stephen Easter was fortu- nate to receive an appointment this year. The namesake of his professor- ship, the late Prof. Matthew Alpern, was a col- tion in his honor. Easter discussed findings from more than 20 years of "I'm smicerel overwheimem both of thesd LOUIS BROWN/Daiy Shirts made by survivors of rape with messages of their experiences are on dis- play in the SAPAC office. research at t h e University by him and his students. He explained how the visual system of vertebrates functions and devel- ops. women who died in an act of sexual violence, stand in the middle of the exhibit. Each silhouette carries a small plaque, telling the story of the murder. The purpose of displaying sur- vivors' stories is to educate people, Heitfield said. "It's part of the healing process for the survivors." "It's a really moving experience," said Laura Berkaw, a SAPAC volunteer and LSA senior. "It shows you all the different emotions people feel. Each one touches you in a different way." Deborah Frankle, an LSA senior and co-coordinator of NPA for SAPAC, described the event as "a trib- ute to the strength of the survivors." SAPAC has set aside two days for the T-shirt making. The first was yes- terday, but the second will take place tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the SAPAC office on 715 North University Ave., Suite 202. Anyone interested in the event is welcome to visit the exhib- it, make a shirt and call the office for an appointment at 763-5865. Website displays local menus Although the lecture focused on very complex aspects of the visual system, Easter said it was designed for an audience outside the scientific community. His interjection of humor into an otherwise complicated topic kept the audience listening intently. "This is a public lecture intended for an audience of non-specialists," Easter said. Easter's lecture celebrated his recent appointment to the Matthew Alpern Collegiate Professorship in Biology and his receipt of the 1998- 99 Margaret and Herman Sokol Faculty Award. "I'm sincerely overwhelmed to receive both of these honors - especially in the same year," Easter told the audience. Easter's wife Janine said the hon- ors are the product of many years of hard work by her husband. "I think they were well-deserved after many hours in the lab," she said. "Now the reward is coming. league who "T E a s t c :I I to r ceive respected a n d 9 honors." admired. - Stephen Easter "I know Biology professor my father has enor- m o u s respect for Mr. Alpern," noted Kin Easter. "It's an honor for him to be able to name it for Matthew Alpern." Stephen Easter's winning of the Sokol Faculty Award also carries a great deal of prestige. Only one such award is given every year to an LSA scientist. "It's very gratifying, to put it mild- ly, to be selected," he said. Students in Stephen Easter's class- es describe him as one of the great teachers that they've had here at the University. "He devotes a lot of time to his students," said Sejan Patel, an LSA junior. Yesterday's lecture exemplified Easter's teaching style in class, LSA sophomore Nancy Joseph said. "I thought it was a really eloquent, powerful lecture," Joseph said. While winning these honors is a great career achievement, Easter remains humble about his accom- plishments. He told the audience he was hon- oring a friend of his as much as the University was honoring him. It's "a lecture intended in part to honor Matthew Alpern," Easter said. By Jaimie Winkler Daily Staff Reporter Welcome to the Web, may I take your order? Roommate on the phone? Don't know what to eat? Late night studying has you staring at a blank screen? Try pulling up www.takeoutexpress.com - the Internet site that connects viewers to a multitude of Ann Arbor's restaurants and their menus. After accessing the site, surfers may choose the type of cuisine they prefer and order from a restaurant on the site. A menu from the selected restaurant appears. With a swift click of the "sub- mit" button, the order is sent to the restaurant and prepared, said Benny Cheunm, president of the Novi-based Take-Out Express. Students can choose to have their meals delivered, or to pick them up at the restaurant. "It's an additional way for restaurants to get business," Cheung said. The Website is free publicity for the restaurants. The site' has printable coupons, and the restaurant does not have to pay for advertising this way, Cheung said. The site boasts its easy use for diners and restaurant owners. The store is only charged when an order is placed. The customer is not charged, Cheung said. - When accessed it can provide useful information about the menu, phone number and location at no charge to the restaurant, he said. LSA first-year student Emily Wingfield said she would use the ser- vice because she is tired of always ordering from the same menus that are slid under her door. "I think it would give you more acces- sibility to more places," Wingfield said. The company started in February of 1997 by listing restaurants in Dearborn and Dearborn Heights. The cities did not respond as expected, Cheung said. The company selected Ann Arbor for the service because of its reputation for using technology, Cheung said. He said many businesses and students would find the service to be a great help. Chris Schultz, an Engineering first- year student, said the Website might benefit him if he did not know a restau- rant's phone number. Otherwise "I might just prefer a phone book," Schultz said. Cheung said the site receives a good amount of business. "We've been averaging about 2,000 hits a month," he said. More than 25 Ann Arbor restaurants are listed on the site, including the var- ious Cottage Inn Pizza locations on campus. "We have our own Website where you can order" said Bob Bloomer, manager of the Central Campus Cottage Inn on Packard Street. They have been accepting orders via the Internet for about three years. We get "a couple per month. We have a few people who that's their main way of ordering," Bloomer said. He said he thinks North Campus receives more orders than Central Campus. But students without immediate computer access, such as Engineering first-year student Ben Jimines, may find the service to be inconvenient. Jimines said he probably would not use the service "just because I'm too lazy to do that." RITE FOR THE DAILY. STOP BY THE STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BUILDING ANY DAY. IHi ALLNIAR What's happening in Ann Arbor today GROUP MEETINGS U Allanza Weekly Meeting, Michigan Union, Anderson Room D, 332- 6056, 7:30 p.m. U LSA Student Government, LSA Building, Room 2003, 7:30 p.m. ~-hStudent Greens, Michigan League, Check room location at front desk, 7:15 p.m. Wolverine Room, 5:15 p.m. U "Function Follows Form: Examples from the Multichannel Electrode World by Professor David J. Anderson," Sponsored b Science Research Club, Dental School, Room G-390, 7:30-9 p.m. U "2nd Annual Diag Sleepout," Sponsored by Habitat for Humanity U ofY M, Diag, 10:30 p.m. U "Senior Portraits." Snonsored by University St., Suite 202, 12 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. U "United Students for Christ Bible Study," Sponsored by Labor of Love Church, Michigan League, Room will be posted, 7:30 p.m. SERVICES U Campus Information Centers, 763- INFO. infoaumich edu. and