4A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 29, 1998 Ulie idtcilgu &td 4 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, Ml 48109 L E MAYK $$ f Editor in Chief Edited and managed by IJL students at the JACK SCHILLACI University of Michigan Editorial Page Editor unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Daily's editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily. 'I think (Amnesty International) just wanted a break from going to all those bad prisons in places like China.' -- Michigan Gov. John Engler, during an endorsement interview with The Michigan Daily, on why he did not let Amnesty International inspectors into the state s correctional facilities THOMAS KULJURGIS TENTATIVELY SPEAKING om pol gubern politick proven Repubb termp as Fieger Kevork politica cedain gold ct neiber abdities -ng yeids. heg1thi firf ter thi; co legt attribut lar gai nafina In ont otl*r grans vices a strtits. Engl with th melt le to be Dufing ist tiol Departi Resour been ri thekpoi coripse en' iro OM THE DAILY None of the above Neither candidate is worthy of election ething is terribly wrong with the While his policy has proven time and itical race in Michigan. The state's again to be faulty, he has been successful at atonal contest - with its dogmatic getting his misguided policies enacted. king and personal attacks - has Engler has shown that he can lead the state to be the source of much controversy. - but he has led it in the wrong direction. ican John Engler is vying for a third Fieger, on the other hand, has the opposite governor against Democrat Geoffrey problem. While his social and economic pol- - who used his position as Jack icy shows a lot of promise, his ability to ian's attorney to propel him into the implement that policy and lead the state as d arena. While both candidates offer the chief executive would be seriously ham- qualities that would make them a pered by his tabloid-quality attitudes. hoice for the chief executive position, Although an executive must be willing to put possesses a complete package of himself on the line to enact good policy, he s that makes him worthy of election. also must be able to build political coalitions ler has led the state for almost eight and reason with people in a calm and ratio- While Michigan's economy is much nal matter. Fieger has proven through his er now than it was at the onset of his campaigning tactics that he could do neither. m - a fact he is quick to point out - On the other hand, Fieger's approach to uld be at policy is excel- partially OUT OF OPTIONS lent. His policies ed to simi- could do a lot to ns in the Engjr has reverse the dam- r economy. Shown that he age that has been Tast, many done during state pro- c l t Engler's reign as and ser- governor. His edu- sre at de e- u}e cation and envi- has led it In the ronmental poli- ler's record cies, in particular, e environ- Engler wren5direion could bring aves much marked improve-' desired. Rlgeg ment to the state. his admin- At an endorse- n, the to rn the state ment interview ment of would bewith The u r al a r byMichigan Daily, ces has Fieger insisted educed to propensityfthat his campaign nt of near had focused sole- e while his FlaiI Pot shots lleger ly on the issues nmental and had not been AND IN OTHER NFW,QovE ETw OFJ S (WAVE Q4WLOU NCEPP iVAT WAW1I6 TOO M"k{TELEVISION MAY CONTRIBUT W WE(4T PRO5LEMS 1 z LETTERS TO THE EDITOR policies have brought the negative attention of the Environmental Protection Agency to the state. In a telephone endorsement inter- view with The Michigan Daily, Engler claimed that he was "very proud of (the state's) record" and said the Clean Michigan Initiative was his main environmental policy and had no plans further legislation. While the Initiative is a good start, Michigan's poor environmental record is not something Engler can cure with a single shot. K-12 education has a big enemy in John Engler. While average spending is up, Engler's approach for solving many public schools' problems are disastrous. Less than two years ago, he proposed that the state wrest control of 10 schools districts from the local school boards, appointing admin- istrators that would be responsive to Lansing and not the district's community. Further, charter schools - one of Engler's brainchildren - are not subject to many of the same curriculum and teacher certifica- tion requirements as public schools - pre- venting any guarantee of quality education across districts. Engler's relationship with higher educa- tion - and the University in particular - has been equally despicable. His recom- mendation for this year's state appropriation was far from sufficient to fund the many activities and services the University pro- vides. Thankfully, the state Legislature managed to increase it, preventing Engler's foolishness from crippling the University's academic strength. Throughout his tenure, he also voiced a belief that he should appoint the University Board of Regents rather than allow Michigan residents elect them - a frightening prospect that would deny state residents the power to influence the state's largest public university. a contest of personalities. In a subsequent question, he showed that he was not above making caddy jokes as he said that the gov- ernor is "... not exactly the posterboy for the President's Initiative (on Physical Fitness)." Fieger's ability to run the state would be hampered by his propensity for making pot shots. Fieger would bring much enthusiasm to the role of governor, and his conviction to prevent special interests from interfering in the work of government would be welcome. At the same time, his contempt for govern- mental processes and the media sometimes borders on paranoia. Further, his tempera- ment is not conducive to getting the job of the chief executive done. It is unlikely that his tendency to berate his political opponents would do him much good when trying to get his policies through the state Legislature. So what should voters do with their ballot? Voting for either Fieger or Engler would be tacitly endorsing mediocrity in government. Rather than not voting, the University com- munity should write in a vote for a third can- didate to send a message to Lansing that the political landscape in Michigan is unaccept- able. Doug Ross and Larry Owen - the can- didates that lost to Fieger in the Democratic primaries - are both far more worthy of a vote than the two men listed on the ballot. While it is unlikely that a write-in candi- date would win, voting for a third party will also make the elected government's credence with the Legislature decline. As a result, the rest of the elected positions in the state would become all the more important. Since the election of either of the major parties' candi- dates would be disastrous for the state, the state Legislature's elections' importance is all the more prominent. Write in a candi- date for the gubernatorial election. Letter was 'propaganda' To THE DAILY: I am writing in response to Jacob Oslick's letter in the Oct. 15 issue of the Daily ("Refugee problem is not Israel's fault"). Oslick's letter reveals his lack of knowledge of the Palestinian-Israeli con- flict. Most importantly, Oslick's way of misconstru- ing historical facts exposes his lack of professional integrity as a newspaper edi- tor. In 1948, 750,000 Palestinians, not hundreds as Oslick puts it, were made refugees after their villages and towns were either destroyed or evacuated by Israeli forces. I (Rahim) am a Palestinian from one of the 400-plus villages whose inhabitants were made refugees in 1948 and whose houses later became occupied by Israeli settlers. Of course, news of mas- sacres of some Palestinian villages by Israel instilled feelings of fear among neigh- boring towns and speeded up the evacuation process. A well-known massacre took place in the village of "Deir yassin" where virtually all inhabitants of the village were murdered. I honestly wonder if Oslick consulted with any credible historical sources on the events of 1948 before writing his letter. I would encourage him and others to read Benny Morris's "The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem, 1947- 1949," or Edward Said's "Blaming the Victims." On an end note, I am a proud member of the Palestine Catastrophe Committee. Our aim is to educate the general public about the palestinian strug- gle, and dispel stereotypes about Palestinians as terror- ists. We are not an "Israeli- hating," "anti-Semitic" group. In fact, most of our members are Semites, both Jews and Arabs. The time when "anti- Semitic" was used as a term to intimidate critics of Israel's oppressive policies against Palestinians has long gone. I encourage Oslick to start searching for new terms to express his anti-Palestinian, anti-Arab propaganda. SAWSAN ABDULRAHIM ANN ARBOR RESIDENT BLAINE COLEMAN ANN ARBOR RESIDENT DEANA TALAL RABIAH SNRE SENIOR 'U' community should take note of act of vandalism and Awareness Center, a University agency about which this vandal had some unkind (as well as profane) things to say. The Daily probably could not print the text of this van- dal's message, but their choice of words is beside the point. This vandal wanted to silence survivors of sexual- ized violence so desperately that they risked serious University sanctions by defacing the announcement. One in four college women will be sexually assaulted during her college years. What kind of person would want to silence the many survivors on campus? The only people who benefit from the violent censorship of survivors are the perpetra- tors and enablers of sexual violence. I think that this communi- ty should take note of this incident of hate speech and be alarmed. Clearly there are some on this campus, even in 1998, who support violence against women so strongly that they are willing to com- mit crimes - vandalism, harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, etc. Silence surrounding this inci- dent will only reinforce the feeling of entitlement that causes assailants to feel justi- fied in hurting others and motivated this vandal to deface University property. Unfortunately for this vandal and all other support- ers of sexualized violence, the survivors and opponents of all forms of violence will not be silenced any time soon. Civil rights are hear to stay, as is the freedom of speech. Don't let this act go unquestioned. It is imperative that we resist such attacks and continue to pursue jus- tice for survivors of assault. ANNA PHILLIPS LSA JUNIOR Daily should use 'survivor' To THE DAILY: I am writing in regard to the Oct. 21 article about Steve Nadel, who sexually assaulted another University student ("Student gets proba- tion for sexual assault"). I appreciate the Daily's fair and consistent coverage on issues of sexual assault and acquaintance rape which per- tain to the U of M communi- ty. But I would like to again encourage the Daily's staff to use the word "survivor" rather than "victim." Within our society, the word "vic- tim" has come to symbolize helplessness and negativity, whereas "survivor" implies strength and survival. Current legislation, literature and commentary on sexual assault have embraced this positive terminology - I hope the Daily will make an the countless blasphemous e- mails I have received regard- ing the dedication of the read- ing room to Prof. Carl Cohen. Cohen's approach to education was integral to the innovation behind the founding of the Residential College. For this reason, and for his dedication to upholding the standards of this educational system, the Residential College wanted to pay tribute to him. But that honor has been retracted for "procedural reasons" and because his views contradict "fundamental University val- ues." Cohen was accused of being a racist. Calling a man who believes that "equal treat- ment is the moral foundation upon which the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment ulti- mately rests,' who for the past 30 years has fought for equal rights for all and who was chairman of the American Civil Liberties Union, a racist is completely ridiculous. By withholding the dedication of the reading room to Cohen, RC Director Tom Weiskoff not only "confirms" the unfound- ed allegations, he is telling students and the University community that the political views that the University holds are absolute truth. I am disap- pointed that the open-minded Residential College, which I joined is not only preaching against a diversity of opinion, but is upholding false allega- tions! Disagreeing with prefer- ential treatment based on race does not mean a disagreement with the original definition of affirmative action, which is to insure the elimination of racially discriminated prac- tices, and it is not reason to overlook this mans contribu- tions to our University. Are these "fundamental University values" teaching us that one should not dis- agree with the institution? Are they telling us that false accusations mean more then a life's work and dedication? I hope that Tom Weiskopf seriously reconsiders and dedicates the room to Professor Cohen. SARAH CHOPP RC SOPHOMORE Fieger should leave the 'U' alone TO THE DAILY: Is it me, or is Democratic gubernatorial candidate Geoffrey Fieger spending a disproportionate amount of time knocking on the University community's col- lective door? I can understand trying to glean votes from one's alma mater, but quite frankly, I'm getting a little sick of seeing the guy. (More sick than I already was from his television ads, that is.) Granted, Fieger is a Democrat, which I am not, but even a number of mem- Fighting to beat back my e-mail demons I'mbrowsing my saved messages fothe past few years and realizing the high number of quarrels inspired by a rashly sent e-mail. Messages that aren't rude are often vapid. Many times, I've hit control-x on tel- net and instantly regretted it. Just as fre- quently, I stare at the computer screen wondering what the hell was going through the writer's' head. Sending e-mail asks for no fore- thought. A few lines of text are pounded jout and the message flies - long-term JEFF implications be ELDRIDGE damned. Unlike ver- STICKS ANDI bal conversation, an STONES s e-mail polemic isn't expressed, then gone. It floats indefinite- ly, a saved-message monument to ill- temper, insensitivity or a fit of pettiness. Here are a few favorites. Some of them I sent; some were mailed by others to large groups. Some of are confront a- tional; some are just stupid. Spelling and punctuation gaffes are left unedited: " i don't think you know anything. ok? got that straight? nothing. I apologize for suggesting the three of you should be burned alive. You're wrong. This is an idiotic message Or how about one word: sedatives? These people are not my family, and you're the only one who's happy. I'm the damn President - you think I have time for all of this? The intent of this theft was not so someone could enjoy Mariah Carey in the comfort of their own home - these cd's were stolen so that I would no longer have them DON'T YOU PEOPLE THINK BEFORE YOU PUSH THE LITTLE BUTTONS ON THE KEYBOARD? Drown him in the dipping sauce from Mr. Spots. ANd put poisin in it, just in case he is able to swim in it, because0 then he'll eat it and die... if you were pondering about gary coleman, i could understand. but not gary indiana. gary coleman is THE MAN! Most of these messages were written between friends. Because of this, I read them and laugh, but I flinch a little, too. How does e-mail acquire such bitter tones? Because it's easy to write these things on a computer screen and press a couple of buttons while forgetting the people at the other end. These are phrases people would sel- dom express if speaking face to face. Having a conversation requires both par- ties to acknowledge each other and, at all but the most irrational levels, listen to what the other person is saying. Nor would these phrases find their way into conventional correspondence. Sending a letter demands too much work for a thoughtless, spastic attack to slip through. By the time it's signed, sealed and dropped into the mailbox, most people would realize the nastiness they're expressing and censor themselves. If they don't, then such statements are intentional. E-mail works differently. It's dehu- manizing. Something annoying pops into the inbox, and before there's been time to time to think about what's hap- pening, an angry reply is composed and sent. Obviously, electronic communication has its benefits. Most of us have friends at different spots all over the country. Without e- mail, we'd lose track of each other or have phone bills through the roof. Getting important information from professors or administrators is easier because of e-mail. It generally -does a decent job of facilitating other formal correspondance. For example, I get a handful of messages replying to my columns each week. If these people called me or wrote formal letters, I suppose I'd be frightened. For my mom, e-mail is a sign of thoughtfulness, signifying I took a moment out of my day to let her know what I'm doing. Most of the time, it's not like this. I get 20-30 messages a day. Some are valu- able. Few are as offensive as the excerpts I listed above. Few convey lasting mean- ing, either. How much can we say to each other over computer lines? Ideas are expressed, sent and disposed with about as much consideration as your average piece of Kleenex. It's a fake exchange. What is the point of a beautifully phrased thought or a deep insight when the person at the other end can press a key, purge the message and eradicate its meaning? What's to prevent a flash of electronic Tourette's that insults others or embar- rasses ourselves? This past weekend, I sat down and FIEGER FOR GOVERNOR 24001 SOUTHFIELD RD., SUITE 112 SOUTHFIELD, MI 48075 HTTP://WWW.FIEGER4GOV.COM ENGLER FOR GOVERNOR 605 S. CAPITOL AVE. LANSING, MI 48933 HTTP://WWW.ENGLERFORGOV.COM I I