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October 27, 1998 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-27

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IThe Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" This classic silent film,
based upon Vicente Blasco Ibenez's romance set in the first world
war, is an anti-war film about two brothers placed on opposing
sides of the lines. Rudolph Valentino learned from this film that it
"takes tile to tango." Silent with organ accompaniment. Michigan
Theater. 4:10 p.m. $5.25 for students.

Mf~e Aidjigm Itg

Tomorrow in Daily Arts:
2 Come back to Daily Arts for a preview of a special episode
of "Dawson's Creek.-
October 27, 1998


'Iwain crosses-over musical fences

Dy Curtis Zimmermann
Daily Arts Writer
At one point in Shania Twain's show
Sunday night at the Breslin Center, she
was placed on a platform and carried by
six men around the arena. Thisjust solid-
ified her image as
a major sex god-
dess and summed
Shama up the evening -
which lacked any-
Twain thing brilliant
Breslin Center musically - but
Oct. 25, 1998 made up for it
with a dramatic
and somewhat
ridiculous stage
When Twain
originally signed
to her record deal,
she was catego-
rized as a country singer. Beyond the fact
that no one in her band wore a cowboy
hat the show was anything but country.
Her music seemed to be a mix of '80s
spook and
tluil with
By Garth Heutel
Daily Arts Writer
Ijave you ever seen Neeme Jarvi's
underpants? If not, it's because the
Detroit Symphony Orchestra conductor
has never strutted his stuff in a venue
quite like the School of Music's annual
Halloween concert. In what has
b ome almost as much of a holiday
tition as the Simpsons' "Treehouse
of Horror" episode, the friendly musi-
cians proved last Sunday that they too
can have a sense of humor, although
they sometimes don't know when to
The entertainment began before the
orchestra even appeared, as scores of
instrumental music fans arrived
dressed to the nines in their most fanci-
f alloween attire. A sextet of flores-
c glowing monks was seen wander-
ing about the house, aptly titled MIB:
Monks in Black.
If anyone wasn't already convinced
that this wasn't their father's symphony
orchestra concert, a visit from Her
Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II and
Prince Philip did the job. Between
plugging her Website
(wwwgetoo.royal) and finding ways to
avoid "regal carpal tunnel syndrome,"
the Queen even
managed to poke
a jab at every-
one's favorite tar-
S oof get, the newly
renovated and
oween ugly Michigan
Concert Stadium.
Hill Auditorium A r t i s t i c
Oct. 25, 1998 Director Kenneth
Kiesler conduct-
ed the first piece
in drag, display-
ing a scandalous
amount of leg,
and of course the
underpants, which didn't really need to
be seen. His orchestra made their way
onto the stage at a pace just right for
allowing the audience to admire their
costumes. (The best? A viola player

dressed as a viola playing a viola
sed as a viola player)
'Tut the hijinks didn't stop there.
Baritone Gary Moss emerged dressed a
bullfighter, and a lecherous one at that,
while conductor Timothy Semanik was
a bll--er, a cow-for the "Toreador
Song" from Bizet's "Carmen." Moss
received a bit of help on the chorus
from the percussion section, though he
was mnore than able to hold his own.
A powerfully spooky rendition of
anus" from Holst's "The Planets"
followed, featuring an exceptionally
boomy low brass section and more spe-
cial effects than a Michael Bay film.
Moss returned in the middle of one
of the best pieces of the evening,
"Miller's Dance" from "The Three-cor-
nered Hat" by Maniel de Falla. con-

glam rock and Irish folk music. Her two,
sometimes three, fiddle players barely
played anything that resembled country
The crowd seemed to be a mix of the
teenage pop-rock crowd with their par-
ents, the older adult contemporary audi-
ence, as well a few people who by their
dress gave it away that they were country
fans. This whole crowd was essentially
the textbook definition of a country-pop
cross-over success.
Although her music didn't really fall
into the original category of country, it
was still solid. Power rock tunes such as
"Man, I Feel Like a Women," "Honey
I'm Home" and "You Win My Love" are
similar female anthems that have identi-
cal beats and similar melodies.
Eventually, the fact that all these songs
sounded alike became tedious. Despite
this, Twain managed to bring them to life
with a little help from pyrotechnics and
by strutting her stuff like Mick Jagger.
During the show she still mixed her
earlier songs such as "Who's Bed Have

Your Boots Been Under" and "Any Man
of Mine" with her more recent "country"
hits "Love Gets Me Every time," and the
Irish folk tune "Don't Be Stupid." Early
on in the show she played her cross-over
hit "You're Still the One." This was not
the high point of the show, but did say
something about her performance. She
didn't have to rely on just heavily played
singles to keep the crowd entertained,
putting her a step ahead many main-
stream country and pop rock singers.
Twain also brought a lot of local musi-
cians up on stage. The Almant High
School choir helped her sing "God Bless
the Child," and the same schools march-
ing band drum section provided the extra
beats in her encore. She even brought a
local singer up on stage and had her sing
one of her early songs - a country tune,
surprisingly. While all this was rather
entertaining at times, the show managed
to simply become pretty boring, and
seemed as though it was just filler mate-
Another aspect of the show that also

seemed to get old, but was still a little
more appealing was her interaction with
the audience. She brought many young
kids up on the stage. One 7 -year-old boy
admitted to her that he and his brother
were both in love with her. This was met
with an affectionate "awww" from the
crowd until he told Twain that his older
brother was 19. These moments man-
aged to get a little more ridiculous such
as when she brought up two guys who
won a Shania Twain drag contest who
demonstrated their abilities to walk and
dance like her.
Twain's show was certainly no experi-
ence in musical virtuosity. But there
were enough elements that made it a
solid example of pop rock, country or
whatever genre she seemed to fall into
on any given song. When considering
that this is her first tour and that she
could entertain a crowd the way she did,
it definitely proves that she has the
potential for a lasting musical career
even when she's no longer receiving the
airplay that she has now.

returns to A
By Leab Zalger
For the Daily
They say home is where the heart is. David Daniels will
be returning to where his heart is for this performance. The
countertenor is internationally known for his brilliant musi-
cal talent. Performing with the Arcadian Academy, con-
ducted by Nicholas McGegan, the prized musician was the
first countertenor in the world to receive the 1997 award
from the Richard Tucker Music Foundation shortly after his
Ann Arbor presentation of Handel's Messiah with the
University Musical Society Choral Union.
Following his 1994 performance as Emperor Nero at

Shania Twain displayed her ability to appeal fans of all pop and country music on
Sunday night.
Jake performs more
than circus tricks

Menrelssohn Theater
Tonight at 8

Glimmerglass Opera, he debuted
with several other groups: the
English National Opera as Oberon in
"A Midsummer Night's Dream," the
Glyndebourne Festival as Didymus
in Peter Sellar's critically acclaimed
production of Handel's "Thodora;'
and with the Los Angeles Opera as
L'Humanita Fragilita/Anfinomo in
Monteverdi's "i1 Ritorno d'Ulisse in
Patria." He has also performed at
London's Wigmore Hall and New
York's Lincoln Center. His first
album will be released when he
begins a future touring schedule.
Conductor McGegan was trained

Courtesy of University Musical Society
Ann Arbor native David Daniels returns for a concert.
ductor of Sweden's renowned Drottingholm Court Theatre.
He is also the founder, director and harpsichordist for the
Arcadian Academy.
The Arcadian Academy was founded in Rome in 1690, as
an organization of artists, musicians, scholars and writers,
the original Arcadian Academy dedicated itself to the
reform of Italian culture. The current group is a division of
San Francisco' Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra.
Specializing in music of the 17th and early 18th
Centuries, the group's performance generally concentrates
on works by composers who were a part of the original
group, including Scarlatti, Rossi, Fontana and Uccellini.
The ensemble tours the United States and France regularly,
performing in New York City, and has earned much recog-
nition for its releases on the Harmonia Mundi label.
With unique and widely acclaimed talent, the union of
David Daniels with the Arcadian Academy and conductor
Nicholas McGegan indicates tonight's concert is bound to
be a melodic and moving performance.
~' i. ~

By Gabe Fajuri
Daily Arts Writer
The punk-ska circus is in town.
Ladies and gentlemen, children of all
ages, the main attraction this evening:
Less Than Jake. Wilder than a pack
of lions, crazier than a rampaging ele-
phant, this group of Gainesville, Fla.,
clowns are bringing its infamous
show to Pontiac tonight.
"But there won't be any clown this
time, just a skeleton," said Pete, the
newly inducted trombone player for
LTJ. "You can expect all the usual
stuff from us -- confetti cannons, toi-
let paper guns, you know, crazy
In addition to its breakneck touring
schedule (eight months out of the
year), LTJ has made a name for itself
through incredible live performances.
Over the past several years, on-stage
antics have included the tossing of
countless promotional goodies to the
crowd, spraying adoring fans with
high-powered water cannons and
sundry "characters" dancing their way
through LTJ sets. On more than one
occasion naked fans and clown-suited
roadies have been included in said
cast of characters. The band is also
famous for its "spanking machines"
- the spankees are bare-bottomed,
yet adventurous fans, and the machine
is made up of the band.
With the recent release of "Hello
Rockview," LTJ's fourth full-length
release and second for industry giant
Capitol, the band has hit the road for

"seven weeks," according to Pete. "If
we weren't on the road, we'd be sitting
at home, bored out of our minds."
Thankfully it's not. Playing the
same towns over and over again never
seems to thin out crowds at LTJ
shows. With such excellent reputa-
tions preceding every performance,
the same LTJ fans can usually be
spotted at each and every show. Being
on the road for more than half the
year does take its toll. While the vast
majority of its shows can only be
compared to a low-budget KISS con-
cert, LTJ does infrequently have its

Less Than
Clutch Cargo's
Tonight at 7p.m.

off nights. "Oh
yeah, L.A. and
New York were
definitely off
nights," said
"And we've
had some bad
stuff happen to
us on tour."
For instance?
"Well, one night,
Derron, he's out
sax player, found
maggots in his
horn. He actually
ended up swal-

at the Oxford Universities of Cambridge, and has served as
music director of San Francisco's Philharmonia Baroque
Orchestra since 1985.
From 1993-1995 he won acclaim as the principal con-
Vi eo goes De

lowing one. He was freaked out for
the rest of the night."
The four-band evening of mayhem
starts around 7:30 tonight. Tickets
are only $10, so you have no excuse,
ladies and gentlemen, to not attend
this, the greatest show on Earth.

By Matthew Barrett and
Aaron Rich
Daily Arts Writers
Can you feel the love tonight? If so,
wander back into the jungle with the
straight-to-video release of "The Lion
King II: Simba's Pride." Listen for
Matthew Broderick as the voice of
Simba and the "Party of Five" tag team
of Neve Campbell and Lacey Chabert
as the old and young Kiara, Simba's
growing daughter. In the booming
direct-to-video market, it is rare to
find a video like this. Look for Simba
to tussle with Rose and Jack for the
title of video of the year.
Fans of the classic "Gone With The
Wind" will find happiness because a
digitally remastered version of this
Civil War saga is coming to video.
Rhett still doesn't give a damn but at
least he's no longer grainy.
Director Neil Jordan teams with his
"Crying Game" star, Stephen Rea, in
"The Butcher Boy," a story of lust,
love and betrayal as only the Irish
could do.
Students who spent their summers

wasting away inside stuffy offices will
be able to relate to "Clockwatchers,"
the story of a few disgruntled female
office workers. Parker Posey, also
known as Princess Independent, stars
as the ringleader of the troubled
And finally, the gutsy-disaster-
wannabe, "Deep Impact." This mud-
dIed flick about a love story in the
midst of grave natural disaster
attempts to tug at
the heart strings
but comes up
short. Elijah
Wood gives a
New On striking perfor-
Video This mance as a
Week teenage scientist
and husband,
who does any-
thing he can to
save his one true thing. This is the
highly awaited third part of the "deep"
and "rising" trilogy of 1998. "Deep
Impact" beats out "Mercury Rising,'
but is devoured by the mammoth beast
from "Deep Rising."

(nterested in a Career in ir Cho ogy?
Career Planning and Placement and the
Undergraduate Psycho/oica/&ciety
are sponsoring a PanelOiscussion
"Exp/oring Careers in Psycho/ogy"
'ues. Oc 27 6: f0-7:30 pm
Kuensel/Room M/Union
for more info e-mai/ ups. board@amich.edu
assa anneson mnem ern menoai.

Courtesy of Dreamworks Pictures
Elijah Wood looks In the eyes of dsastet-


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