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October 26, 1998
MSA meets Big Ten cers
By Jennifer Yachnin
Daily Staff Reporter
EVANSTON, Ill. - Members of the Association
of Big Ten Students gathered at Northwestern
iversity this weekend to share ideas about com-
ing problems such as alcohol abuse on college
About 70 delegates attended the two-day confer-
ence representing each Big Ten school's student
government organization, with the exception of the
University of Minnesota.
"This is an unfound treasure of ideas," said
Michigan Student Assembly President Trent
The conference allows the student government
Ombers to share their schools' policies on a vari-
ety of topics. During the conference, each delega-
tion submits a report or brief explanation of their
procedures on 12 topics - student government
DETROIT (AP) - A layer of dust
covered a wide area of the city's down-
town yesterday as cleanup got under
y from the demolition of the 25-
ry landmark Hudson's department
store building.
The structure, vacant since Dayton
Hudson Corp. pulled out in the early
1980s, imploded Saturday under. the
force of 2,728 pounds of explosives.
Where a 2.2 million-square-foot,
block-long building once stood, only a
pile of rubble and twisted steel beams
remained. Cranes dug at the material
yesterday as workers in hard hats
WIked around the site.
'Look at the dust. It's like volcanic
ash," Barbara Sutton told her husband
Don yesterday. The couple from
Macomb County's Washington
Township watched the blast on televi-
sion Saturday and decided to see the
remains themselves the next day.
Both remember years of treasured
visits to the store.
"When I was a youngster, I'd come
,vn at Christmas time and see some
of the most beautiful arrangements in
the window," said Sutton.
"Hudson's had something for every-
one," said Barbara Sutton, who once
worked across the street at Crowley's -
department store.
Scores of people looked at the rubble
from behind police barricades and
plastic warning tape.
Doug Dawidowski said he admired
the demolition crew's work, particular-
ow limited the damage was outside
feblast area.
"There's no doubt about it. These
guys are good. They know what they're
doing" said Dawidowski, a Detroit res-
"I thought slabs of concrete were
going to be everywhere," said Kevin
Thompson, of Detroit, who brought his
3-year-old Kevin Jr. to see the demoli-
j site. "It's amazing."
W-le only damage of note appeared to
lie to the adjacent People Mover elevated
rail system. Passing within 12 feet of the
Hudson's building, the People Mover
track sustained some blast damage.
Steel cabled dangled from one
stretch of the People Mover track
where the explosion ripped away par
of the cement railing that runs along
side the track.
Doug Loizeaux, vice president of
aryland-based Controlled p r
molition Inc., described the damage
as non-structural and minor chipping.
Mayor Dennis Archer's press secre- OFRA
tary, Anthony Neely, said inspectors settlers d
hired by the Detroit Department of Bank ye
Transportation would check for dam- new Mi
age down to the bedrock before more lan
reopening the People Mover. He said The p
there were no signs so far of serious Prime M
damage. returned
few vacant retail buildings across hard-line
Vm the Hudson's site had windows Palestini
shattered. the best
The mayor has said he hopes the expected
demolition will clear the way for the motion t
downtown's redevelopment. Arrivi
"It was an eyesore and a reminder of pet welc
how a city failed," said Harold Varner, security
of Detroit, who watched the blast Palestini
Saturday. "You can't recover with that mit outsi
sitting there. I'm happy to see it go." ceding m
A sign announcing the planned "We a
# pus Martius development stands a difficult
k away from the Hudson's site.
Music senior Janeece R.E.M. ha
Freeman balances school and bucking 1l
the Miss Washtenaw County mainstre
pageant title. this grout
News, Page 3A. Arts, Pag
structure, student services, alcohol policy, student-
faculty relations, fundraising and student group
funding, teaching assistant proficiency, public rela-
tions, safety for students, student unions, academic
counseling and recycling.
Discussion about alcohol policies focused on
"dry" campuses, the designation of fraternities and
sororities as on- or off-campus entities, the reduc-
tion of "harmful" or "binge" drinking and the sepa-
rate universities' alcohol policies. '
"We have established an action team to look at
the reduction of harmful drinking on campus," said
Nate Smith-Tyge, assembly chair for the Associated
Students of Michigan State University.
The committee was formed following riots at
MSU last spring after the administration banned
alcohol on Munn Field, a popular location for tail-
"We've been trying to take a research-based
approach to it," Smith-Tyge said.
Parents of incoming MSU students also receive a
letter from the campus police chief and director of
the university's department of police and public
safety explaining Michigan law concerning under-
age alcohol consumption.
The University of Illinois also has formed a
binge-drinking task force focused on educating stu-
dents, said Laura Appenzeller, state relations chair
for Illinois Student Government.
"Alcohol has been a big issue at our university,"
Appenzeller said.
Earlier this month, gun shots broke out at a fra-
ternity party on the Illinois campus, injuring a 20-
year-old bystander, Appenzeller said.
Problems within the Illinois Greek community
resulted in the creation of a "ticket" drinking sys-
tem, which began last year. ISG representative Rob
See MSA, Page 3A
MSA representative Joe Burnstein talks about problems with student unions during
a student government conference held at Northwestern University this weekend.
at widows i
By Michael Grass
Daily Staff Reporter
When George Cantor moved his G reek
daughter Courtney into her Mary
Markley Residence Hall room at the
beginning of the term, he thought her IIi IIU o
room offered a beautiful vista of the
surrounding area.
"She had a nice view of North
Campus ... the trees in the fall would
be pretty" George Cantor remembers
thinking to himself. By Katherine Herbruck
The issue of safety never crossed his ly Staff Reporter
mind, he said. Despite the freeze on University
More than a week after his daugh- Greek events out of respect for the
ter, an LSA first-year student, died tragic death of LSA first-year student
as a result of falling from her sixth- Courtney Cantor, Sigma Chi's Derby
floor window, the Cantor family and Days and Sigma Alpha Epsilon's
the University remain baffled about Mudbowl carried on and raised
the factors that led to her death. money for charities in her name.
University , Housing on Saturday Derby Days, an annual event held at
inspected the windows in all of Sigma Chi chapters nationwide, was
Markley's 620 rooms. held on Oct. 16-17. The weekend-long
"Ensuring the safety of Housing event pits sororities and fraternities
facilities is always of paramount against each other to raise money for
concern, so (Housing is) taking this the Children's Miracle Network
step to conduct the window inspec- The University chapter raised almost
tion," Housing officials wrote in a $2,000 this year and donated it in
notice distributed to all Markley Cantor's name, said Sigma Chi
residents Friday. President Dan McMurtie, an an LSA
Alan Levy, director of Housing pub- junior
lic affairs, would offer no further com- Mudbowl, an annual event for the
ment on the inspection. University's SAE chapter usually rais-
In an Oct. 17 interview, Levy said es about $1,500 for Mott Children'
"there will be a very thorough investi- Hospital by receiving sponsors for the
gation of Ms. Cantor's death ... and the event, said SAE Vice President Kyle
windows will be part of that." Krywko, an LSA junior. Totals frotm
When the windows were designed in the event are still being calculated.
1992-93, Housing officials paid close This year, the event changeda little
attention to their safety features, Levy "We split the money between Motts
said. and the fund Courtney's family estab-
Each window, installed in 1993, con- lished in her name," said SAEPresident
sists of six glazed glass panels, with the Sean Etheridge, an LSAjunior
bottom center casing opening out SAE also enacted a no-alcohol pol
"awing style,' he said. icy for Mudb I.
Its design allows residents to push Normally, the Derby Days Friday
the window out 12 inches, at which competitions are topped off witha
point the window locks. party Saturday. This year, the compe-
The distance is just enough to allow titions were moved to Saturday, a
a person to climb out in the event of an the fraternity canceled the party.
emergency, Levy said. "We canceled the party, and ther
But George Cantor, a Detroit News was almost no drinking, Everythin
See CANTOR, Page 3A was really laid back," McMurtiesaid
Above: Members of Kappa Kappa Gamma and Delta Delta
t Delta sororities take part in halftime of the annual
Mudbowl. The event took place In front of the Sigma Alpha
Epsilon fraternity house before Saturday's football game
against Indiana. Alpha Tau Omega competed against SAE In
the main Mudbowl game.
Left: University alumnus and former cheerleader Barry
Freeman holds his daughter Rebecca Freeman up in the air
at Saturday's game. Rebecca Freeman plans to follow In
her father's footsteps and become a cheerleader.
est Bank settlers
"otest accord
, West Bank (AP) Jewish
demonstrated across the West
sterday, vowing to scuttle a
deast peace deal that gives
d to Palestinians.
trotests came hours before
inister Benjamin Netanyahu
to Israel, hoping to convince
rs that the deal he made with
an leader Yasser Arafat was
t possible. Netanyahu was
I to face a no-confidence
today in parliament.
ng back in Israel to a red-car-
ome, the Israeli leader said
concessions won from the
ans during the nine-day sum-
ide Washington would justify
sore West Bank land.
re returning after a long and
effort to bring ... security and
peace to Israel," he said. "We achieved
such a deal - we achieved the best
Arafat, meanwhile, said in Cairo that
he hoped the new accord would be
"accurately and faithfully" implement-
ed. Arafat's comment, made at Cairo
airport after briefing President Hosni
Mubarak on the accord, reflects Arab
skepticism that Netanyahu will live up
to the agreement to withdraw from
another 13 percent of West Bank land.
Arafat also briefed officials in
Algeria onthe new pact yesterday. He
then flew to Morocco and was to trav-
el later to Saudi Arabia. At least 20
settlers - once Netanyahu's
staunchest supporters - were arrest-
ed and two police officers were hurt in
yesterday's widespread demonstra-
Author to lecture
about Mideast
By Avram S. Turkel
Daily Staff Reporter
Although Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat have
signed a Mideast peace deal, Israelis and Palestinians
continue to debate the treaty.
Such disagreement will be the focus of a lecture by
noted lecturer and author Marc Ellis tonight in Angell
Hall Aud. D at 7:30 p.m. The lecture, titled, "The Next
50 Years: Struggling Toward an Israel/Palestine
Embracing Justice and Peace," will feature Ellis'
thoughts on the peace process and what will follow
Friday's signing.
"He really is well versed on this and he also has a
good understanding of both sides," said Joshua
Greenbaum, program coordinator of the Center for
Middle Eastern and North African Studies. "He'll give
some very interesting insights."
Ellis is an active speaker on racism and theology.
His lecture is sponsored by the Interfaith Council for
Peace and Justice Middle East Task Force.
See MIDEAST, Page 2A
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu retums to Israel
after signing a peace accord with Palestinian leaders.
Check out the Daily at its
new Web address.