10 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, October 23, 1998 Greek Lyres sing in a cappella harmony Shocking 'Happiness' delights*- By Lauren Rice For the Daily Substituting vocals and finger snap- ping in the place of instruments, "Compulsive Lyres" is a close-knit group comprised of 15 men and women who radiate pure enthusiasm at the prospect of theirfirstconcertoftheyear. Theirexcite- ment is understandable after all, since this is only the second year that the Lyres have officially been recognized as an a capella group. It all started last year during Greek Week's a capella singing competition. Different students, each representing one of the many fratemities and sororities on campus, lent their voices forthe day. Fast- forward one year and the crew now includes many veterans from lastyear and some new faces as well. Boasting two members who are School of Music Compulsive students, the rest of Ly S the Lyres have singing experience Mendelssohn or are lucky Theater enough to have the Tomorrow at 8 p.m. natural gift. During a typical performance, the group will include anywhere from six to eight songs. The pieces are usually contemporary, taken mostly from the pop category. Tomorrow, their season opener will include popular hits from such artists as The Bodeines, U2 and Prince. The most important technical aspect in pulling off the correct execution in any given song is maintaining unity throughout the group. As Sarah Chobanian, a Compulsive Lyre, said, "We always stive to be unified in what we are singing and the way in which we sing it. Throughout the year, we prac- tice for about two days a week for two to three hours. Once a performance draws near, we're out there pincticing every night." The comradeship clearly runs deep when they huddle before their rehearsal performance. As they fall into formation, their anticipation and excitement fills the air. They glance at each other and draw a breath, all the while maintaining their composure. The background vocals begin in their simulation of musical instruments that sound strikingly 'imnilar to the begin- ning of U2's "With or Without You. There can be no mistake as the soloist's clear baritone resonates an unparalleled dead ringer for Bono. Those in the audience Saturday night can also expect a lively cover of Prince's "1999" and a heartfelt rendition of "Good Things"fromThe Bcines. Although the Lyres are quite successful in their interpre- tationof'theusongsthyitendtodabble in creating some original works in the future to perform along with the classics. But the Compulive Lyres have much more to offer the Unversity community than their talent alone. All profits from. their performances go to help the children of Mott's Chlildren's Hospital. As Chobanian explains, "We are singing for something important, the kids. This is all made possible through everyone's efforts in coming to ether and working to achieve something important for the com- munity." 7Icr frl Citnlomp Yr Lvres are $7 and anevm ailable at hes cizr or i advance at M/sihi an ion 7c /set OJice. By Chris Cousino Daily Arts Writer "What does cum mean?," a young Billy Maplewood asks his father in an early scene in "Happiness." Dad then goes into a technical explana- tion of the sticky substance and poor Billy starts to cry because he hasn't cummed yet and whimpers, "I'm not normal." Dear old Dad consolingly states, "You'll cum one day son, you'll see," giving him a victory punch on the shoul- der. Ah, one of those pristine Happiness father and son m o m e n t.s *** found in cvery At the day America. Michigan Theater If this scene is offensive, don't take in a dose o f "Happiness." Holding noth- ing back, "Welcome to the Dollhouse" director Todd Solondz erupts with the most shockingly brutal comedy to be released this year. Poking fun at suburbia is nothing new, but this i no laughing satire. Solondz commands an all out assault at suburbia Americana in an attempt to find the inevitable truths to who people are and how they carry on, With the brash Neil LaBute's "Your Friends and Neighbors" already released this year. these tsvo indie wonderbrauns lead the way in forcing quandaries of feeling both utterly disturbed and painfully sad while trying to bring raunchy laughter at the same time. LaBute and Solondz both ask us to take a deep. crtical look into who we are, what we've become and the actions that we do. Solondz, who also wrote "Happiness," wveaves his dark, ten- der tale through a series of neatly intertwined stories which all center upon the three Jordan sisters, Trish, H elen and Joy. While Trish has a husband, kids and a lawn sign that reads "The Maplewoods," Helen accomplishes sex, money and pro- fessional success as a poet while staying single. Joy, though, they feel is "doomed to failure" because she can't seem to get a break as an aspiring 30-vear-old musician who still live: with her parents. While ach o f th h thee map out different lives, they still share a common ground of family and dysfunctional- ity in order to love each other, or at least try and pretend to. Irish sublimes as a typical subur- ban well-to-do housewife who stays at home with the kids, drives a mini- van and realizes "it's hard, all this success.' Though very reprehensi- ble in her short-lived sitcom "Hope and Gloria." Cynthia Stevenson rightfutll redeems herself with near-perfect perkiness in this role, bringmig a charming, Stepford mom tone to Mrs. Trish Maplewood, her shining, bright cheeks and wonder- ful curling smile and all. Her character is one of many in "Happiness" that Solondz refuses to blatantly stereotype. Trish presents a facade of happiness while she is superficial and uncaring. When her mother Mona (Louise Lasser) calls and tells her that her father Lenny (Ben Gazzara) wants a separation, Trish consolingly asks, "Did you catch Leno last night?" Though she may seem callous at times, she gives much affection to her two sons. This begins to show the care with which Solondz molds his characters, for much of the film is very literary in the sense that the penchant dialogue ascribes much to the individuals. Trish's sister Helen boasts strik- ing, sharp lines delivered in a cool reality by a sly Lara Flynn Boyle. She adds witty comedy to Helen Jordan's utter shallowness in her complaints that she's "so tired of being admired" or her lament, "If only I'd been raped as a child." Boyle brings an almost over-the-top hilarity to her sad, lonely reality. While Trish and Helen banter back and forth over the doomed Joy, they fail to realize that the appropri- ately named Joy, played tenderly naive by Jane Adams, may be the one who knows at least a slice of happiness. As she sings a song pon- dering "Happiness, why do you have to stay/So far away/From Me?," she's doing the one thing that makes her happy - making music. While she makes numerous gullible blunders,. her tenderness isn't totally naive to the cruel world. When stalwart lclen explains near the end of the film, "We'reot laughing at you, we're laughtng with vou." Joy replies, "But I'm not laughing. Though Joy utters this statement, it resonates a shear brutality that Solondz sees in today's America in that he's not laughing. And Solondz doesn't shy away from this in his challe n ing, sometimes tortuous script. He pushes she limits of any comedy with tender and bother- some 'ccn's. both wonderf acted by Dylan Baker and Phimp Seymour Hoffman. Involving such taboo subjects as child molestation and masturbation (this film van- quishes all the ha-ha of a Sears cat- alog and Ben Stiller), these may alienate mainy from attending this film and ultimately, tear down the subtle comedy of"Happiness." "Happiness" remains unresol- l in that you don't know wher > laugh or when to cry. Though Solondz's characters are genuine, the comedy fails to bring much laughter in many of its darker sides. Solondz realizes the blend of kindness and evility we allare, but he fails to give an answer into what to do about the dark and beautiful place of suburban America. __ H . MICHIGAN RADIO MIC HIGAN ------- Watch UM Athletics coverage of home football games over UMTV, the campus cable system onUM Athletics Channel 14 featuringMihigan Radio play-by-play with Tom Hemingway and David Hammond UMTV is available in over 84 campus uiidings, including all residence halls and is a service of InformationTechnogy at the Unisersiy of Michigan. -1 4www.itd.umich.edu/umtv Budapest visits A2 By Kate Kovalszki London, Paris, and Daily Arts Writer Orchestra established its The Budapest Festival Orchestra standards to critical accl returns to Ann Arbor this Saturday to firmed its power to awe w marvel its audience with a program of Hall debut last fill. Excl. Bartok and Stravinsky. The Orchestra, to Philips Classics it under the conduction of Ivan Fischer, Orchestra offers a wi will be joined by pianist Andras Schiff which includes works to promise a night of technical and artis- Schubert, Brahms, ant tic perfection in the realm of classical How music, their Founded in 1983 by Ivan Fischer and Bart pianist Zoltan Kocsis, the Budapest work Festival Orchestra quickly developed Budapest and into an award-winning international kNswhi souring orchestra. With dh s in Festival the Orchestra E u Hill kAuditorium Era& she and Tomorow t 8 ~m.their ta Furd Orch the Vienna, the high artistic aim and reaf- ith a Carnegie usively signed n 1995, the de repertoire, by Mozart, d Stravinsky. never, it is r recording of ok's complete ks for piano orchestra ch won them prestigious ir o p e a n mus award showcased r'far-reaching I e n t s hermore, the hestra holds unmatched inction of 9 9 8 the orchestra ng of Bartok's et. director and 'Orchestra, is a e Cour tesy of University u e Ivan Fisher visits Ann Arbor with the Budapest Festival Orchestra. Gramophone Winner in category for their recordin Miraculous Mandarin balls IvanuFischer, artistic prinscipal conductor of the not new to the United States. He held the distinction of Principal Guest Conductor of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra from 1989 to 1996, and has conducted with orchestras in Chicago, Baltimore, and San Francisco, Pianist Andras Schiff likewise can claim a lifelong commitment to music. lie began piano lessons at age five and has developed a style recognized for its thoughtful and inspired interpretations Most companies would call 21 equity transactions, two mega-mergers and record breaking growth a great year. We called it June. Come join our team next June. SBancBoston Robertson Stephens Please submit resumes to: Yuka Kataoka Recruiting Coordinator BanclBoston Robertson Stephens 555 California Street, Suite 2600 San Francisco, CA 94104 IB_Recruiter@rsco.com Please join our information presentation on Thursday, October 29'h in the Paton Accounting Center (P1016) at 4:30pm. Investment Banking positions available in San Francisco, Boston and New York. Interviews Will be held January 19th. The University of Michigan School of Music Sunday, October25 Halloween Concerts Hill Auditorium, 4:30 p.m. and 8 p.m. [Tickets availableat Michigan League Ticket Office. Phonefirst for tickets 764-0450] Octubafest Monday, October 26 Guest Master Class Roger Rocco, breathing specialist and tubaist from Chicago Britton Recital Hall, E. V. Moore Bldg., 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 27 University Choir Sandra Snow, conductor * music by Palestrina, Gabrieli, Handel, Lauridsen, Thompson Hill Auditorium, 8 p.m. Wednesday, October 28 Faculty Recital Erling Blondal Bengtsson, cello; Anton Nel, piano " Prokofiev: Sonata for cello and piano, Op. 119 " North American Premiere of Sibelius: Theme and Variations for Solo Cello " Debussy: Sonata for cello and piano (1915) " Rachmaninoff: Sonata for cello and piano, Op. 19 Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p. m. [NOTE VENUE] Opera Performance World Premiere " Michael Udow: The Shattered Mirror, a percussion opera Michael Udow, music director; Jessica Fogel, choreographer Rebekah Nye, soprano George Shirley, tenor; Peter Lightfoot, baritone Media Union Video Studio, North Campus, 7:30 p.m. [Admission $10; students $5. Phone 764-0450 for tickets] Friday, October 30 Faculty Recital Logan Skelton, piano " music by D. Scarlatti and Mompou " Skelton: Civil War Variations " The American Dream Suite, by various American composers " Beethoven: Sonata No. 23 in f, Op. 57, Appassionata Britton Recital Hall, E.V. Moore Bldg., 8 p. m. Opera Performance " Michael Udow: The Shattered Mirror, a percussion opera Michael Udow, music director; Jessica Fogel, choreographer Rebekah Nye, soprano George Shirley, tenor; Peter Lightfoot, baritone Media Union Video Studio, North Campus, 7:30 p.m. [Admission $10; students $5. Phone 764-0450 for tickets] Events are free and wheelchair accessible unless otherwise specified. The E.V. Moore Bldg. is located at 1100 Baits Drive, North Campus. For more information phone (734) 764-0594 Monday - Friday 9a.m. 5 p.m. of various composers. However, his cialties include Bach, Haydn, Mo; and Bartok, and he, like the Bu Festival Orchestra, has won more aw than can be mentioned. Mr.Schil know for his unwavering anentiot technical perfection, and OT Holland of the New York Ti described M c hiff's aristic easene a combinat on of "elegance,s rious of purpose, musicianly rectitude, reli technique and touching directness." Tomorrow night's performance include S vavinsJeu de Ca e Petrushka, along with Bar ok's Pti Concerto No. 2 and No. 3. These w highlight each composer's uni essence yet show certain similai between the composers. Str 's works include experimentations almost every technique of twent centurymusic and personalization tonal, Iolyonal, and 12-tone aserial to connect traditional melodic style modem times. Likewise, Bartok's mi also has a strong emphasis on tona with dissonant combinations and t clusters in his piano compositions. ickets for the Budapes .tst Orchestra are $16-$45. Call -2 for more informa