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108~-- The Michigan 'Daily Weeken~d M azine - Thursday, Octobe&r 22 , 1998
The Michigan ba Weeketld Magazi
Q Road-Trip of the Week
Dry campus leads to creative
student body at Northwestern
Oct, 22: Painting the Town Purple
'/Wlhere: Evanston, t
'*ow: Ta*e 1-94 West to Chicago. Continue through the city,
then follow signs for Evanston and Skokie, It. Exit onto the
very curvy Sheridan Road to the heart of campus near
Chicago A venue and Davis Street. A number of parking strut-
tures are located on Sheridan and the surrounding side
/How Long: 4-4:30 hours, depending on traffic
/What's There: See a college town in the middle of one of
the Midwest's most exciting cities. Evanston features a cozy
but beautiful campus that is short on alcohol but not on inter-
esting attractions. There's lots to see and you can always
hop on "the L" or jump in your car for the short trip to the
heart of the Windy city if you get bored in Wildcat Town.
Market has everything
from apples to artwork
By Will Weissert
Weekend, Etc. Editor
EVANSTON - The high-browed,
green-grassed, bike-racked home of
Northwestern University is much like
Ann Arbor's Central Campus - except
for one notable exception.
The structures, surroundings and peo-
ple certainly fit the mold. There are a
multitude of ancient stone-exterior cam-
pus buildings as close-set as they are
stereotypically academic. There are
ever-present students who hurry from
asphalt sidewalk to grassy enclaves on
their way to quad-shaped dorms or
heavy-doored libraries.
But while Evanston is not short on
university apparel, it lacks everything
else that makes a college town furi -
namely dive-restaurants, shabby movie
theaters, dusty used CD shops and bars.
"This town has no bars, no restaurants
- where do they go to have fun?" asked
Engineering senior Joseph Black, while
scouring the post-dusk Evanston streets
in search of beer the night before
Saturday's football contest with
Northwestern. "No wonder they study
so much."
The stomping grounds of some of the
nation's most famous historical prohibi-.
tionists, grass-roots political action has
ensured Evanston as a dry town for
decades. Bars are allowed outside the
town's small city limits, but are nowhere
to be found near Northwestern's cam-
pus. '
But, to their credit, the 28,000-plus
students who call Evanston home for
four years have seemed to have adapted
to their sterile good-time environment
by making their own unique party
One of the only bars to be found is the
crotchety and drunken-middle-age-
men-filled The Keg, located past the
elevated-train tracks and outside
Evanston's city limits. But, 15 minutes
away in an open-air atrium at
Northwestern's Kellogg Business
School, a Friday-night mixer features
five kegs of Sam Adams, a DJ, and more
pizza and chips than the 200 sophisticat-
ed Business students present can eat.
While such a display of free and read-
ily accessible alcohol in a University
building in Ann Arbor would cause a
riot the instant thirsty undergrads got
wind of the scent of lager - in
Evanston it seems to be standard operat-
ing procedure. Kellogg students say
they throw a similar party most Friday
nights and even come equipped with
special purple and white plastic cups to
cut down on the waste of disposal beer
Additionally, although
Northwestern's union, the Noris Student
Center, has the Friday-evening liveliness
of a post-1996 Election victory party for
Bob Dole, just a short distance to the
East on Northwestern's Fraternity row,
lots of students seem to be having a gen-
uinely good time.
Fraternity houses in Evanston all
share the same block, in terrain once
occupied by Lake Michigan but since
filled in to make room for student
sprawl. Most Northwestern students
seem to agree that the area, known to
locals simply as "the Lake-fill," with its
strong Greek ties and strange sense of
man triumphing over - or at least
treading over - nature is a great place
to find a little fun.
But while Northwestern students may
have to be a bit creative in finding a
party worth their time, they have no
trouble finding a coffee house to occupy
for a few hours ... Sound familiar? The
Wildcat favorite seems to be Kafine's,
on Chicago Street near South Campus.
Competing with the java-fueled student
hangout are a couple of Evanston-loca-
tion Starbucks - a coffee company,
which apparently inked some deal with
Chicago's city fathers guaranteeing
them a coffee house location on every
single Chicago block and at least
500,000 stores in the metro area.
Evanston and Ann Arbor have one
other very important difference, of
course. The University of Michigan is
45 minutes by car from Detroit-- a city
which is filled with fun and improving
its image every day but is still made ref-
erence to by the travel book Let's Go
USA 1998 as "America's first third-
world city." Northwestern, on the other
hand, is 35 minutes by car, 45 minutes
by train, from the Loop in the heart of
Chicago. For $1.50 students can jump
on "the U' and pass historic Wrigley
Field on their way to such touristy
favorites as the Sears Tower and the
Magnificent Mile, a shopper's paradise.
Evanston's close proximity to
Chicago proper also helps brighten the
social prospects of the drab college
berg. Trains that seem to be safe well
after dark bring students from Evanston
to the Loop until after Midnight and
bring them back within a short cab-ride
of campus all night. If a car is at your
disposal, free parking on the street and
light traffic in both Evanston and
Chicago seems to abound after 5 or 6
p.m. Once in Chicago, authentic neigh-
borhood bars and restaurants like the
kind you saw on "Perfect Strangers" and
"About Last Night" are within walking
distance of the more commercial down-
town tourist attractions.
Spending time in Evanston gives you
a nice mix of Chicago's excitement and
Evanston's espresso-sipping professors,
stressed-student college Mecca. While
Ann Arbor and Evanston may be cut
from the same cloth, there is definitely
more to the home of Northwestern
than watching 3 1/2 rain-pelted-hours
of Wolverine football there, as so
many University faithful did this past
.y Sasha Higgins
For the Daily
There can be more to buying veg-
etables than a quick browse through
the frozen foods aisle at the super-
In fact, the world of vegetables
exceeds many of our imaginations at
Ann Arbor's very own Farmer's
Market, located in Kerrytown, on
the corner of North Fourth Street
and East Kingsley Avenue.
At the Farmer's Market, fruit and
vegetables dominate. Potatoes come
in a multitude of shapes and colors,
tomatoes overflow from their bags
onto the tables, cartons of fresh
ones I bring with me:'
There are not many places where
one can savor a giant size caramel
apple while walking through a maze
of stalls, each one offering some-
thing to tempt the palate or inspire
the artist within. The Market has it
all - from crystallized insects and
ceramic tiles to organic greens and
homemade apple pies to handmade
leather bags and pine furniture.
Even the most discriminating of
shoppers is bound to find something
to buy here. One stand boasts 20 dif-
ferent kinds of apples, packaged and
ready to take home; another offers an
interesting display of Michigan hats.
picked raspberries are lined up next For plant lovers,
to each other,
and pumpkins
come in painted Even the moist
and unpainted
varieties. One discriminating of
stall displays
s front of shoppers is bound
its onions
announcing to finld somehing
"Sweet Sp anish
Onions - Eat to buy here.
them like
Rocco Garritano, a farmer from the Market traffic
Howell, has had a stand at the mar- that the vendors"
ket for seven years. His colorful sales from studen
array of vegetables attracts many Fincannon's s
customers to his stand - in large wife's work, hasa
part owing to his selection of 36 dif- paintings, doorma
ferent kinds of hot peppers. And work has picke
chances are, those of us who fre- theme" as can be
quent the Mexican restaurants on cats, and goldfish
campus have sampled some of Mr. "My wife paint
Garritano's delicacies, wants really, but a
"I sell only at the market here," her to do," said Fit
said Garritano, "but many of the into her personalit
restaurateurs in the area come by whimsical."
and purchase my peppers." The Farmer's N
Students can also be seen at the exact word to mi
stands, examining the ethnic jewel- One can sample
ry, or eyeing the super size rice try on an unusual
krispie treats. Tina Mascarentias, a and pick out a n
second-year Rackham student, while listening to
comes to the Farmer's Market every who stands att
Saturday to buy vegetables. square dancing
"I know students come here," she thought one could
said. "I just only seem to see the bles and enjoy the
,there is a very
selection of
cacti, sunflow-
ers and chrysan-
P au
comes to the
F a r m e r 's
Market every
Saturday. He
said that since
classes began
has increased, but
"don't get a lot of
stand, selling his
a colorful array of
ats, and tiles. Her
d up an "animal
seen in the dogs,
in her work.
s anything anyone
animals are fun for
ncannon. "They fit
ty which is kind of
Market brings that
ind - whimsical.
a flavored honey,
I piece of jewelry,
new plant, all the
the violin player
the side playing
music. Whoever
have their vegeta-
m too?
Couresy o fNorthwestern MediaServices
The Northwestern University campus, full of lvycovered buildings and students hur-
rying to class, looks a lot like this University's Central Campus. The sInIladties
end there, however - Ann Arbor and Evanston are very different citIes.
Bill and Rose Herschflield sell produce at the farmers' market.