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October 22, 1998 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-22

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16A - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 22, 1998

Going clubbing
Michigan women's rugby
Home games in CAPS
When Opponent Where
Tomorrow Purdue West Lafayette
Saturday, 4 p.m. COLUMBUS Ocker Field
Remember, The Michigan Daily sports department is
,.-anxious to print the results, schedules or news about
your club team in every Thursday's paper, as well as
yin SportsMonday. Just call the Sports Desk at 647-
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Continued from Page 1A
The answer was expensive - $100,000 expensive.
Just two weeks after Reese's death, a fund was formed
to raise the hundred grand necessary to endow a scholar-
ship in memory of Jefferey Reese.
Then, during the next 10 months, a pretty incredible
.4hing happened.
The student athletes rallied around Reese's cause, and
their community actually grew tighter.
-"There's a lot of support from a lot of different ath-
$tes," wrestler Damian Logan said. "I don't want to say
that Jeff's death made us tighter, but my freshman year,
'VWasn't like this. There's a lot more of a unit now."
WIt's trying times that offer the truest test of a commu-
The fact that Michigan's student-athletes are able to
come together as they have is a testament to everyone
who dons maize and blue.
"The athletes at Michigan are all athletes that grew up
with Jeff," wrestler Joe Warren said. "Every time some-
thing bad happens, it's great when everyone comes
,tgether to get something good out of it."
The athletes did what they could to raise the money.
They had car washes, dances, they even made T-shirts.
But the $3,500 they raised wasn't close to enough.
Two weeks ago, the SAAC decided to take a new
approach - a raffle.
The prize? A chance to stand on the field of Michigan
Stadium, holding the Go Blue banner before the
Michigan-Penn State football game.
It's a great prize, something that every Michigan fan
would remember forever. But it's irrelevant. The prize
could be a two hours of root canal, and buying a ticket
would be worthwhile.
Reese embodies every single person on this campus.
As a Michigan student-athlete, every time he took the
gnat, he did it to represent us.
. "He had an unbelievable opportunity to represent
Michigan on the highest level," Potts said. "He was
always proud to fight for Michigan."
.<When Jefferey Reese died, he took a little bit of each
of us with him. This is a chance to get some of it back.
Over the next two weeks, you'll see athletes selling
tickets for the raffle. It's just $2 for a ticket, or $5 for
;three. They'll be at all sporting events. They'll have
Saturday's football game against Indiana canvassed.
How much money is in your wallet right now? Can you
:sp.are two bucks'? How about 10?
Ten bucks not to forget.
-Daily sports editor Josh Kleinbaum can be
reached via e-mail atjkbaum@umich.edu.

Michigan's athletes
wear more than just

maize and blue



Continued from Page hA
"The people are more eager,
because the talent is so premiere,"
Thomas said. "The competition is
quicker, and there's more talking and
pushing. I learned to be more
aggressive and to give it my all. I
don't hold anything back."
In 1996, Michigan men's basket-
ball player Louis Bullock participat-
ed on the USA Basketball 22-and-
under team with former Wolverine
and current Los Angeles Clipper
Maurice Taylor.
For Bullock, the experience helped
him become a better player, and he
was able to bring some of what he
learned back to school.
"It kept me in shape, and I learned
leadership skills," Bullock said. "But
maturity was the main thing. To go to
another country to play under differ-
ent rules and in a different atmos-
phere teaches you a lot of maturity."
Playing on the team with Taylor
was helpful to Bullock in a lot of
ways, he said.
"It was easier, because I had some-
body that I felt comfortable with,
and I knew his game," Bullock said.
"It's tough when you have a short
amount of time to adjust to every-
body's game."
Michigan gymnast Justin Toman
qualified for the United States
national team in August, and his first
competition will be in Acapulco,
Mexico, over Thanksgiving.
In terms of preparation, Toman
will not have to drastically change
his normal habits.
"I have to start training with my
(Michigan) routines a little earlier,"
Toman said. "I will also be going to
a training camp in December, but
there's not that big a difference
between my preparation at school
and my preparation for the national
For some athletes, spending time
participating in their sport outside
the University has provided some
much-needed practice.
Last year, field hockey players
Kati Oakes, Amy Philbrook, Ashley
Reichenbach and Kelli Gannon
played on the United States Junior

World Cup team in Seoul, Korca@e
"I w~ent to Korea right before my
sophomore year," Oakes said. "I had
redshirted the year before, so 1 had
not had a lot of game experience. It
gave me the opportunity to play in a
competition and helped get me rcady
for the season."
When looking at the differences
between competing for a national
team and competing at the college
level, the athletes often point to.the
balance taking place at the univ4
ty level - the balance between cam-
pus life and athletics.
"College wrestling is more struc-
tured," Michigan 131-pound wreser
Joe Warren said. "You go to school,
and you live on campus. When I'm
on the world team, not everyone
lives together. People are spread out.
Practices are sent to you. It's more
on your own."
Warren is currently on
Olympic ladder for wrestling., which
did not come without a tremendqus
amount of work.
"I won the University Nationals
and then wrestled at the U.S. Open,"
Warren said. "Then I took fourth at
the Greco tournament in Concord,
Calif. I took third at the World:eam
trials to make the Olympic ladder..
"I'm the youngest person on the
Olympic ladder. Everyone else i
to 30 years old. Everyone else nas
been through college or didn't go to
"They've concentrated just on
wrestling. I'm coming into a, itua-
tion where everyone's better, and I'
learning so much more."
Just as Warren had to work hard,
any athlete at that level has to; a
large amount of time and effort o
his or her sport.
"Anybody at the Olympic levefas
well as at the college level, has pujin
their work and has God-given 91-
ent," Malchow said. "You don't get
there by taking shortcuts."
In terms of team bonding arid
goals, a definite difference exists
between the collegiate and interna-
tional level.
"It's for the United States, so you
definitely want to win," Oakes .
"But, it's harder to lose with-Te
Michigan team, because we're aleo
close. Here, you play for each otI,

it may have only been one summer, but for Michigan guard Louis Bullock, it was the summer of a life-
time. The senior spent his 1996 break playing with USA Basketball's 22-and-under team.
Michigan's (and America's) Finest
The efforts of Wolverines like Stacey Thomas (women's basketball), Tom Malchow (men's
swimming), Louis Bullock (men's basketball) and Joe Warren (wrestling) have all been
noticed in circles outside of Ann Arbor. All four have received recognition by competing in
international competition with national teams.




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