4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, October 20, 1998 e, lCitt igtt Et(tild Lack of interest in protest does not equate to 0 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan LAURIE MAYK Editor in Chief JACK SCHILLACI Editorial Page Editor 'Every criminal has a right to a lawyer. Why shouldn't every sick person have a right to a doctor?' -former US. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, speaking on the need for universal health care THOMAS KULURGIS TEN; \A E.SMAKING THERE 15N0 SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH, EVEN WHEN YOUR R0OMMATE' PARENTS ARE PAYING. Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the opinion of the majority of the Dailys editorial board. All other articles, letters and cartoons do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Michigan Daily FROM THE DAILY Cancer education Students need to know the risks of breast cancer ast Thursday, University Students Against Cancer honored Breast Cancer Awareness Day by distributing pink ribbons and information on the Diag. As Breast Cancer Awareness Month comes to a close, ,it should be noted that the University com- munity has made a valiant effort to heighten - -onsciousness about the disease. °F College students often think they are Invincible. Unfortunately, nobody is immune to the many diseases and tragedies society faces. Breast cancer, while most prevalent in women over the age of 50, affects young adults now more than ever. According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the sixth leading cause of :death and the most common form of cancer among American women. Approximately 180,000 women and 1,600 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998 and a shocking 43,500 will not survive. For many Vomen, the key to survival is early detec- 4ion. This is where college students come into play. Experts affirm that all women over age 20 should conduct monthly self-exami- -nations and get clinical breast exams every three years. Mammograms, one of the most important screening and diagnostic devices, determine the possibility of cancer in lumps that are too small to feel. About 94 percent of American women diagnosed in the early ..stages survive. In an interview with People Magazine, .actress Marcia Wallace, a breast cancer sur- -vivor, said, "If you're a woman and you're alive, you can get breast cancer" There are nany factors to determining who is and is .,ot at risk for developing breast cancer, but .experts have found three primary groups Ahat have an increased risk: women whose blood relatives suffered from the disease; women over 50 years of age; and women exposed to excess estrogen due to early menstruation, late menopause or those who were never pregnant. While there are no guaranteed methods of prevention, changes in lifestyle can reduce the risk of acquiring the disease for everyone, especially young adults. Birth control has lower levels of estrogen than it did in the 1970s, so it does not cause the concern it did years ago. But studies show that those who consume a large quantity of alcohol are at greater risk for the disease. A healthy, low-fat diet full of vegetables can also reduce the risk. The medical community is constantly making advances toward improving early detection tools and rehabilitation for those diagnosed. In the past, a breast cancer diag- nosis often meant a need for disfiguring surgery. But recent breakthroughs allow doctors to selectively remove malignant lymph nodes and use chemotherapy treat- ments with fewer side effects. There have also been significant improvements in breast reconstruction should there be a need for it. While it seems prevention and cures are just around the corner with new drug thera- pies being developed, breast cancer contin- ues to be a serious and prevalent disease. If early detection is the key to survival, steps to promote awareness on campus - such as those of USAC and the University Health Services, which provide free informational and instructional pamphlets on cancer and examinations - are to be commended and encouraged. Students should heed the advice of experts and take the necessary pre- cautions to lower their risk. So, oo AUE 'jov Do IOU pi OW14J LAD ! how : t:AL W4 SM18Y! 1gy Pvrr jm4ANY L4E~v IKKK? O 00 CI fit. tPEAs 1N ,.(og gsWAP AWg ' W DMWLOA ~HON. &E", Zr.To AD, Lots OF &OiJLSPA U4liti , .. , O~l~tL.t r TF NfTYf scoo C.?~ So Wl JAe U U %)6 (Err ALMA! 4'OU 1.tK E sc.*xL? '' .: ;', -., LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I Abuse behind bars State must end rights violations in its prisons 'M ichigan's attorney general's office - severe reprisals against those who have : dropped its suit against the New York- come forward. This brings the constitutional based organization Human Rights Watch last violation tally up to three: the Eighth week. The suit was intended to force the group Amendment bars "cruel and unusual punish- :to release the names of the plaintiffs in Nunn ment," the Fourth tacitly suggests a right to v. Michigan Department of Corrections, a privacy, and the First guarantees freedom of class-action suit filed by inmates at speech without punishment for exercising it. Michigan's two women's prisons that alleges The class-action suit outlines abuses that widespread sexual abuse by male prison range from rape and sexual assault to inap- guards. The attorney general's attempts to propriate visual surveillance and strip search- obtain this information were - with all pos- es performed by male prison guards. sible understatement - quite brazen consid- Furthermore, those women who have leveled ering the state's track record on this issue. such accusations have been the victims of In December 1996, Human Rights Watch retaliation at the hands of those whom they released a report titled "All Too Familiar: accuse. Many women interviewed by Human Sexual Abuse of Women in State Prisons." Rights Watch reported being written up for The report documented sexual abuse, harass- sexual misconduct themselves after reporting ment and privacy violations by prison guards abuse; in addition, several inmates said that in five states - including Michigan - as they had lost "good time" (accrued toward well as the District of Columbia. Human early release), were subjected to punitive seg- Rights Watch attorney Widney Brown stated regation and often lost privileges such as vis- that "in most states, the problem's acknowl- iting rights after speaking out against the edged and the state makes an attempt to deal abuse that they suffered. with it." Not so in Michigan, where In light of these allegations, substantiated Corrections Department officials have consis- by several women who have told their stories tently denied that any such abuse takes place to Human Rights Watch, it is unconscionable within state prisons, despite volumes of evi- for the state to demand that their names be dence to the contrary. In fact, repeated allega- released; such an action would invite further tions of abuse made by female prison inmates abuse against those who have already been in Michigan have prompted the United victimized. While the attorney general's Nations to launch its own investigation. But office has dropped its suit against iuman Gov. John Engler has refused to allow U.N. Rights Watch, not enough action has been human rights monitors into the prisons, accus- taken to stop the abuse in the first place. ing them of being an "unwitting tool in the Instead of engaging in legal battles with Justice Department's agenda to discredit the human rights groups, the state should make state of Michigan." Engler's conspiracy theo- sure that there is no reason for such investi- ry aside, it is unreasonable - not to mention gations in the first place. A citizen does not unconstitutional - to allow what appears to surrender all of his or her civil rights upon be rampant and unchecked abuse of the state's entering prison, and it is the responsibility of prison population. the Corrections Department and the state to The Nunn suit alleges not only sexual ensure that such violations as reported by abuse of female prisoners by male prison Human Rights Watch do not occur in Daily ignored Home Depot student protest TO THE DAILY: On Oct. 14, in more than 1,000 cities across the nation, students joined together to protest Home Depot's sale of ancient forest wood. A cam- paign, run by Rainforest Action Network, has been targeting this nationwide chain in an attempt to encourage Home Depot to make good on its promise to stop selling old-growth wood in their stores. The United States has already lost 96 percent of its old-growth forests. More than 70 percent of the world's remaining old-growth forests are found in Canada, Russia and Brazil. Some of these forests have existed continu- ously for 65 million years. Consumptive habits and an appetite for a disposable lifestyle have contributed to the rapid loss of this unmatched resource. The Ann Arbor News cov- ered this exciting student-run event last Wednesday, show- ing again that it is interested in the community and the University's students. But the Daily, a supposed voice of the students, was too busy, despite much advanced notice. When University students join together, combat the apa- thetic reputation that our gen- eration has gotten and work toward the conservation of one of our Earth's rapidly dwindling resources, the Daily should be there. It is a real shame that our student newspaper can put an article about Oprah's new movie on the front page, but won't cover events organized and carried out by members of the University community. ROBIN DEUTSCH SCHOOL OF NATURAL RESOURCES Review distorted Dylan album TO THE DAILY: Sometimes, one really has to wonder what exactly is going on with the articles published in the Daily. In the review of the recent Bob Dylan release titled "Live 1966" ("Playing 'Like a Rolling Stone,"' 10/13/98) Ryan Malkin twice com- ments that the first disc of the two CD set (or the first set of the concert) consists of politically oriented music. Nothing could be further from the truth. All of the songs from that set are clear- In the greater scheme of things, such a mistake is not important. But in the context of a review of "Live 1 966' labeling the songs performed by Dylan as "political" severely distorts readers' per- ceptions of the material con- tained on the album. Furthermore, it calls into question to what extent the reviewer can offer an educated opinion of this release. After all, if Malkin cannot be count- ed on to read the linear notes or even listen to the lyrical content of the songs, how can it be assured that he paid attention to anything else. MICAH HOLMQUIST LSA JUNIOR Dialog needed between RAs and residents TO THE DAILY: Resident advisers and directors play a vital and influ- ential role in the lives of stu- dents living in residence halls. They can be leaders, friends and role models. Sometimes, rigid policies force them to be ruthless dictators yielding arbi- trary and damaging power. Such was the case last week in West Quad. The residents of the first floor of Adams House planned a substance-free social gather- ing in the lounge for Friday, Oct. 16. The time was set for 8 p.m., well before quiet hours. Signs announcing the event were posted in legal posting zones around West Quad. As later accounts would testify, the resident director went into a tizzy about the gathering because the signs referred to it as a "party," which is prohibited by official rules. Rather than confer with the first floor residents or alter the signs, the director demand- ed the first floor RA tear down all the signs. The residents remained clueless as to the cul- prit or motivation behind the removed signs for the entire week, until the details surfaced from the RA on Thursday. All these details are com- pletely factual. The entire episode could have been avoided with open communi- cation and compromise. Instead, there was no sal- vaging the "party," and the first floor Adams residents were left with tarnished repu- tations, while the rest of West Quad was denied a legitimate chance to socialize. The rules of the residence halls are designed to protect and satis- fy students, but they must be carried out reasonably and justly. We hope the Daily will support the airing of these concerns as well as the need- ed public dialog on such campus issues. ARI MELBER Playgirl status ... would obvi- ously have to be imported because God knows there's no one that good looking at the University." There are quite a few of us around, and remem- ber, everyone's vision of beauty is different. Although Lockyer might not have seen anyone filling her ideal, these people may very well be gods and goddesses to someone else's eyes. So her "... where we could celebrate what's so great about all of us - our differences" closing sentence is meaningless and hypocriti- cal in her article. Also, not everyone's par- ents were enjoying the greed of the 1980s and making money. It seems like Lockyer's article is "noton- ously clique-ish,' the exact words she used to describe the campus, and any sort of creation of a Studio 54 by her standards would just replicate the behavior her article and pseudo-studio sought to defeat. STEPHANIE PITSIRILOS LSA SENIOR GEO backs upcoming Days of Action TO THE DAILY: The Graduate Educators' Organization supports the upcoming Days of Action as part of the movement to defend affirmative-action pro- grams at the University. As a union that is working to defend and expand affirmative action at the University, we recognize the crucial link between the struggle for worker rights and the general fight for social and economic justice, of which affirmative-action programs are one component. We encourage all GEO members and the University community at large to partic- ipate in both Days of Action and the movement to defend affirmative action in general. ERIC DIRNBACH GEO PRESIDENT RACKHAM Daily's forecasts are often wrong TO THE DAILY: Who is in charge of the Daily's weather forecasts? I honestly don't think I have seen one correct forecast this year. When I get up at 6 a.m. every morning for crew, the first thing I do is turn on the TV to see the forecast so I know how to dress for prac- tice. It always surprises me to read the Daily and see that the forecsted "low" is usuial- apathy In the 1960s, student activism was all the rage. The University's campus -- along with many others across the orn-y try - was filled with students angryabu h a nVenm h ii abgutsthe warmintVietnam, the Civil Rights Movement and the women's < *"' a d t e w m nsliberation move- ment, among many others. The Hippie Generation went on to become the Baby Boomers, leaving a tall bill for the upcoming generation to fill. JACK But in the 1990s, SCHILLACI we Gen-Xers S N T T1 (which, depending T1H LF on who you listen to, encompasses anywhere between all and none of the student body) have, in many ways, left our predecessors' lega- cy of activism in the dust. Most -- but not all - of us are much morecr placent watching the drama unfold on the "Real World" than staging a protest. Like all else, this rule is not hard and fast. There still exist those on this campus that believe that the only way to further their ends is to stage a rally. They feel very, very strongly about a particular issue or group of issues, and they are willing to stand on top of the tables, shout and make all a ruckus to get their point across. Their mind- set can be that of brazen zealotry pep- pered with a sense of self-righteous- ness. Examples of this ideology are lit- tered in cities and campuses across the nation. Religious zealots such as Rev. Fred Phelps of the Topeka, Kan., Westboro Baptist Church are clear examples of overly strong reactions to equally strong feelings. While he claims to stand on principle, he has clearly let his lofty-yet-idiotic views cloud his sense of taste and reality. Picketing a funeral, for God's sake? I think not - nowhere in the Bible does it say, "Thou shalt be a disrespectful ass:' , Political zealously is equally com- mon. It can be found on both ends of the political spectrum - from the pro-affirmative action rants to the tireless drumming of the morally cor- ruptive power of the media that that* 1996 presidential election loser made so popular. The problem I've always had with this mentality is the sheer girth of it. I don't care to be told that one cause - no matter how valuable and vital - is of ultimate importance. The success-at- any-cost (or by any means necessary) attitude is not something that endears people to me. Rather, it makes me fear- ful that I might someday find myself in* the crosshairs of an overzealous cam- paign (well, actually, I have been, but that's not important now). I'm not talking about people who simply feel strongly about something and do something about it. If you are a part of a group that advocates a particu- lar cause or means of action, by no means think that I mean to put you down. Political discourse and activism, while sometimes counterproductive in my opinion, is as much a part of ou@ national culture as baseball and apple pie. It crosses the line, however, when all sight of other things is lost and nor- mal logical thinking that should take place doesn't. I, too, share very strong feelings about many political issues. Affirmative action, civil liberties, money-hungry capitalism in lieu of sound social policy - all are issues in which my yea is yea& and my nay is nay. But am I gonna stage a protest? No. Stand on a bench in the Diag and accost passersby? Nyet. 1 might be willing to get into an argument here or there about it, but I'm not gonna exhaust myself. It's not at all that I am politically moderate, but rather that I am of a moderate temperament. Does this make me the type that will not go to a rally or protest to defend a cause I believe in? Yes. Does it make me weak in my convictions? No. Does t make me apathetic to goings-on around me? Not at all. Manyare all too fond of labeling our generation as a bastion of apathy -with- out any hope of promoting societal change. In fact, I had the pleasure df hearing one of this fine state's guberna- torial candidates say something to that effect just last week (I won't tell you who, though). But the thing that such critics and pundits miss is that contemO porary student activism hasn't disap- peared so much as it has simply changed. I want to bring about change in this country, but I believe that there is more than one way to skin a cat. I want to help change things from within society's