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October 19, 1998 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1998-10-19

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October 19, 1998

is ry se ,ts . L d r3: $rats en. ;;srs r t Y v 'n z t a,, is i C1 i1

Prodded by U.S. mediation at the highest
levels, Middle East peace negotiations
were stalled yesterday over key elements
of a land-for-peace deal between Israel
and the Palestinians. The Clinton admin-
gration appealed to the two sides to find
le "political will" to settle issues that
have generated 19 months of stalemate.
A significant stumbling block
involved security guarantees for Israel as
part of a deal to give up land on the West
Bank to the Palestinian Authority, diplo-
matic sources said. American assertions
that the summit was timed to end last
night gave way to a statement by
spokesperson James Rubin that"we are
taking this one meeting at a time."
The U.S. strategy, at least for now, was
Ipush for a full agreement and not sign
off on the approach Israel evidently
favors of "locking in" the issues resolved
and declaring them settled.
On the fourth day of talks, President
Clinton and Vice President Al Gore rode
separate helicopters to the Wye
Plantations hideaway on Maryland's
Eastern Shore to work with Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and
*Westinian leader Yasser Arafat to break
the impasse.
Clinton conferred with Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright and other
senior advisers for 40 minutes, then had
lunch with Netanyahu. The Palestinian
leader and Netanyahu have not met face-
to-face for two days, and there has been
no three-way meeting, which would sig-
nal progress.
While diplomatic sources said the
ely result of the summit was a partial
Nreement, Rubin said, "We have no plan
to defer issues for many weeks."
He also cautioned that without an
accord "there are serious dangers ahead
for the people of the Middle East,"
"There's important work being done
here" White House spokesperson Joe
Lockhart said after Clinton arrived from
Washington for his third day of media-
tion between the two sides.
*The United States is trying to broker
an agreement in which Israel would
exchange territory for tougher action by
the Palestinian Authority to prevent ter-
ror strikes against Israelis. Diplomatic
sources said completing a final deal
could take weeks or longer.
Palestinian sources told The
Associated Press the talks "have become
very difficult," particularly on whether
another Israeli pullback on the West
Bank would follow the one being negoti-
d and on Israel's demand that terror-
msuspects be extradited to Israel for
However, the sources, insisting on
anonymity, said Palestinian negotiator
Saeb Erekat, U.S. mediator Dennis Ross
and Danny Naveh, the Israeli Cabinet
secretary, were working on drafts of
other provisions.
Also, the sources said, CIA director
George Tenet had a long meeting
*turday with Muhammed Dahlan,
Palestinian security chief, and their ideas
would be presented yesterday to the
Rubin reiterate the American posi-

tion that "our goal continues to be to do
all the work that needs to be done by
today." He said he had not "heard any
serious discussion about a multiweek
extension" of the talks.
Rubin also denied an Israeli army
radio report that Clinton had warned the
aelis he would support a Palestinian
state if no West Bank agreement was
reached. He said that did not "resemble
any account that I've heard at the Wye
talks, and I find it difficult to imagine."
Netanyahu also denied any such pres-
sure had been applied.
"The reports are baseless, and that
option was never discussed in convema-
tions with the prime minister and his del-
ation at Wye Plantation," Netanyahu's
Wce said in Jerusalem.
Israel's newly appointed hard-line
foreign minister, Ariel Sharon, and
Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai
arrived early yesterday morning at this
resort area on Maryland's Eastern
Shore to join the talks. Asked by
reporters if he was optimistic,
Mordechai said, "Yes, I am."
Clinton is trying to break a 19-month
stalemate, but U.S. officials have made
claims of progress since the talks.
gan Thursday.
imn bug
ITD discusses possible
problems resulting from the
'Millenium Bug.'
News, Page 3A.

'She shou I have been safe'

"Her spark ofdivbity that we felt in her
presence has returned to God"
- Rabbi Harold Loss

Family, friends
mourn death
of student

-By Nidts Easley
SDaiyff Reporter
Remembering her vivid imagination, sense of humorand
love of life. hundreds of friends and family attended ser-
vices yesterday for LSA first-year student Courtney Cantor,
who died Friday morning after falling from her sixth-floor
residence hall window.
r . Investigators suspect that Cantor, whose body was found
near the loading dock of Mary Markley Residence Hall at
about 5 a.m. Friday, may have fallen from the ladder of her
loft while climbing into bed.
"She had a sparkle that drew people to her," Rabbi Harold
Losj said during yesterday's service at Ira Kaufman chapel
in Southfield, Mich. "She taught us lessons about living,
caring for each other and being there for each other."
The 18-year-old Chi Omega pledge from West
Bloomfield, Mich. attended carry-in ceremonies at the
:, - sorority Thursday night. She then went to a party at the Phi
Delta Theta fraternity, where she was seen drinking alcohol.
She returned to Markley in a cab with three friends at about
3 a.m.
Cantor's roommate, LSA first-year student Marni
Golden, saw her in the room after Cantor returned from the
party. Golden left the room once between 3 am. and 5 a.m.
4 to go to the bathroom. Cantor, found in her nightshirt, was
taken to University Hospitals Emergency Room and pro-
nounced dead at 5:48 a.m.
Through tears and shaky voices, friends and family yes-
terday remembered Cantor's love, willingness to accept
challenges, loyalty as a friend and even her sense of fashion.
N "She was the strongest in our group, like the leader," said
LSA first-year student Rebekah Parker, one of Cantor's
close friends from Andover High School in Bloomfield
' Hills. "She held everything together. She was a best friend
to a lot of people"
Loss read a paper Cantor recently had finished that
s ,demonstrated the writing talent she inherited from her
father, Detroit News columnist George Cantor. In the paper,
Cantor describes her mother, Sherry, as her "best friend"
and calls her father her "knight in shining armor."
"She had a huge capacity of giving," George Cantor said
See CANTOR, Page 3A
Inside: Safety of Markley windows comes into question.
Page 3A
Friends and family
'U'death echoes accidents on -a~da
Courtney Canter
gather yesterday
campuses acro,"ss the naton, a 1l nSutfieldh..
Cantor died Friday
after falling out of
3y Gerard Cohen-Vrignaad minor, with a place to consume alco- ty house in Palo Alto, Calif. on Oct. her sixth-floor
wily Staff Reporterhol. 10 herk si o
laityMarkiey window.
The tragic death of LSA first-year One in three college students Howard, a Phi Delta Theta frater- She had just
tudent Courtney Cantor last Friday drinks to become intoxicated, nity member, reportedly had con- received her bid to
sorning is the latest tale of sorrow according to literature from Mothers sumed alcohol, which contributed to Chi Omega sorority
n a national outbreak of recent trag- Against Drunk Driving. In addition, the 20-foot fall, and was
c accidents on college campuses. 42 percent of college students Stanford officials emphasized that celebrating at a
In an eerily similar incident last reported they had participated in the recent incident was uncommon party Thursday
hursday, Rosamond Huntoon, a binge drinking - defined as five and suspended the fraternity, which night at the Phi
ophomore at Colby College in drinks or more at a time. had been in trouble with the univer- Delta Theta
Waterville, Maine, plunged three Stanford University student sity before. fraternity house.
tories from her residence hall room Michael Howard's recent behavior is "The fact is that alcohol incidents WARREN ZINN/Daily


window. She remains hospitalized in
critical but stable condition.
Another Colby student has been
charged with furnishing Huntoon, a

apparently consistent with that sta-
tistic. He emerged from a coma yes-
terday after dropping from the bal-
cony of the Phi Delta Theta fraterni-

like the one last week are very iso-
lated." Stanford Dean of Students
Marc Wais said. "They happen very
See ALCOHOL, Page 3A

Coming Out
Week clouded by
Shepard's death
By Nick Faizone
Daily Staff Reporter
More than 200 members of the University community
attended a rally Friday on the Diag to celebrate National
Coming Out Week.
Queer Unity Project and Michigan Student
Association's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Commission, the groups who sponsored the event, dedi-
cated the rally to all hate crime victims - specifically
Matthew Shepard, a gay student at the University of
Wyoming who died last Monday after being severely
Spurred by the death of Shepard, Quiet Women End
Reform, a campus group for lesbians, sponsored a letter-writ-
ing campaign at the rally.
Members of the group encouraged students to write state
senators and representatives, demanding that pending federal
legislation concerning more serious hate crime punishment
be passed.
Katherine Severs, a Music sophomore, kicked off the rally
at 12:10 p.m. by reading a poem by Pat Parker, an activist for
the black and LGBT communities.
The poem, titled "My Lover is a Woman," dealt with the
hate, anger and love people find in each other's differences,
Severs said.
"We have to come out not just as gay, but as angry and
$avery series
A PBS series explores slavery
in the United States from its
early beginnings to its abolition
during the Civil War.
Arts, Page 5A.

Elders emphasizes
preventative care

Music sophomores Molly Frounfelter and Katherine Severe
kiss Friday In the Diag for National Coming Out Week.
unaccepting of the anger pointed at us;' Severs said in refer-
ence to Shepard's death.
After Severs spoke, Jennifer Walters, a University ombud
and an Episcopalian priest, talked to the crowd about the
church's role in Shepard's death.
Walters, a lesbian, said that the church betrayed
Shepard, noting that Fred Phelps, a member of the
See RALLY, Page 2A

By Adam Zuwednk
Daily Staff Reporter
Calling for an increase in health
awareness and preventive health care
education, former U.S. Surgeon
General Joycelyn Elders spoke at the
Michigan Theater on Saturday after-
with humorous
anecdotes, Elders'
speech had the
crowd of more than
500 laughing on a
numerous occa-
"She's very, very
Public Health doc- Elders
toral student Pia
McDonald said. "She has a lot of guts
to speak about what she believes in."
Elders emphasized the need fo* uni-
versal health care for all Americans.
"Every criminal has a right to a
lawyer. Why shouldn't every sick per-
son have a right to a doctor?" she asked.
"Every U.S. citizen should have a con-
stitutional right to health care.'
Check out the Daily at its
new Web address. t

Introduced before her speech as a
tireless worker who is full of compas-
sion, Elders travels extensively to speak
about the importance of health aware-
ness at colleges and universities.
"It is critical to educate people on
how to be healthy," Elders said during a
meeting at the Packard Community
Clinic before her speech.
Elders said one of her main concerns
is Americans' ignorance of preventative
health care measures.
"We've got the best sick care system
in the world, but we need to ask, 'Are
we the healthiest?"' she asked.
While serving as U.S. Surgeon
General, Elders vocally supported mas-
turbation education. She said she cur-
rently is working on a children's book
parents can use to talk to their kids
about sex, and is still working on a
book about masturbation.
"Everybody does it, but nobody talks
about," it Elders said. Masturbation
"never got anybody pregnant or gave
anyone a sexually transmitted disease,
and we can't even talk about it."
Elders said she has no regrets from
See ELDERS, Page 8A
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