19 .E rran Iar44 News: 76-DAILY Display Ads: 7640554 Classified Ads: 7640557 One hundred eght years of editorizilfeedom Friday October 16, 1998 Clinton urges Israeli-Palestinian pact QUEENSTOWN, Md. (AP) - President Clinton opened Mideast summit talks yesterday telling Israeli and Palestinian leaders a peace agreement requires compromise and some risk. re is hard work a fad," he declared. With West Bank Mideas security the key, a U.S. Peace plan aimed at uproot- Talks ing terrorists took cen- ter stage as Clinton5 launched the discus- sions with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a Israeli Prime . ister Benjamin . Netanyahu at the White House and then resumed them at a secluded retreat on Maryland's Eastern Shore. "All of us are determined to keep our energies focused on the talks;" Clinton said as he sat down with the two leaders and their senior aides in a wood-framed building off the Wye River. Before shooing away reporters, photographers and TV crews, Clinton told Netanyahu and Arafat, who have a large stake in the outcome of the sum- mit: "I suppose there always is a risk for anyone in an enterprise like this." Earlier, at the White House, Clinton called for "a genuine Israeli-Palestinian partnership that will stand the test of time." He urged both leaders to take the long view as they headed into negotia- tions. "As in any difficult problem, neither side can expect to win 100 percent of every point," he said under sunny skies in the White House Rose Garden. "But concessions that seem hard now will seem far less important in the light of an accord that moves Israelis and Palestinians closer to last- ing peace." Secretary of State Madeleine Albright told The Associated Press, meanwhile, that "there has to be See MIDEAST, Page 2 Campus experts: Miracles unlikely By Gerard Cohen-vrignaud Daily Staff Reporter With years of broken pacts and promises in the Israeli and Palestinian peace accords, University experts said they do not believe any major breakthroughs will occur at the nego- tiations held yesterday and continuing through the weekend in the Washington, D.C area. "I'm assuming they'll sign something and have a hand- shake in the White House," said Ron Stockton, a political sci- ence professor at the University's Dearborn campus. "It'll look great but it won't mean anything." Many Middle East observers said that with a conservative government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel is unlikely to make the concessions necessary for a See REACT, Page 2 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat speaks to journalists yesterday after leaving the White House. lroup works for cancer awareness Michael Grass laly Staff Reporter Members of University Students Against Cancer passed out pink ribbons and information on the Diag yesterday for Breast Cancer Awareness Day. "We made 2,000 ribbons and there is one left - we did- n't think there would be such a great interest," said Jennifer Mirisciotti, an LSA senior and USAC member. Those interested in the fight against breast cancer signed up for an e-mail list, aimed at informing and aware- ness. Though breast cancer most often strikes older women, *ganizers said everyone should be more aware of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society reports that more than 180,000 breast cancer cases will be diagnosed this year, the most of any cancer. More than 44,000 women will die of the disease this year. Organizers also passed out information on how to con- duct a breast self-exam and about early detection. Though. women age 40 years of age and over should get annual mammograms, all women 20 and over are encouraged to snduct monthly breast self-exams. "Self-exams are very important ... there needs to be greater awareness;" Mirisciotti said. The American Cancer Society also strongly suggests women between 20 and 40 years of age should also get a clinical breast examination every three years. "College women don't realize that (breast cancer) can strike them," said Cindy Faulk, an Education junior. Breast cancer scares many students, said Robin Bailey, an LSA junior. "They probably know someone who has it," Bailey said. Though the risk of developing breast cancer is slim in __ See CANCER, Page 2 Computer items top theft in A2 By Nikka Easley DWily Staff Reporter You can't live without it. It's where you store all of your information. So what would you do if it was stolen? According to the Ann Arbor Police Department, $681,730 in computers and accessories were stolen in the city in 1997, making it the top personal item stolen in Ann Arbor. This amount increased from $497,602 and $376,449 in 1995 in 1996. AAPD Crime Analyst Vicki Motsinger said computer theft is on the rise because computers "are more accessible to everyone." Although the city of Ann Arbor has seen an increase in computer theft, the University is making provisions to keep theft in computing sites down. In 1995, the Department of Public Safety reported that $137,541 worth of computer hardware and software was stolen from the University. In 1996, the amount more than doubled to $257,023 and in 1997 decreased to $214,903. As of October 7 of this year, the value of stolen computers was $186,960. "We have less than $5,000 a year of computer items stolen," said Dino Anastasia, manager of Campus Computing Sites. Some computers in the computing sites are locked down with bolts cover- ing the screws that hold the computers down. If the lock is broken, an alarm goes off. John Cyr, administrative assistant for the Computer Aided Engineering Network, the College of Engineering's technology division, said the locks serve as a deterrent for potential thefts of entire computer systems. ResComp Director Steve Sarrica said he agrees the locks are somewhat effective because they only slow thieves down. Stolen computer hardware and software on campus 1995 1996 1997 1998 183 items 311 items 266 items 280 items NATHAN RUFFER/Daily LSA Junior Erin Buchwald hands a pink ribbon to Engineering first-year student Mandy Heck, while Business junior Michelle Cook puts a ribbon in a Breast Cancer Awareness Months pamphlet yesterday. S hembechier defends former player so rce: Department ofPblicSafety Both Cyr and Sarrica said the major- ity of problems they encounter are not with thieves stealing entire computer units but with them stealing components. This year, the University reported 138 stolen computer items to DPS. "We lose a lot of money from peo- ple stealing paper from the machine," Sarrica said. John Muckler, assistant director of CAEN, also said most people steal mousses, memory and software from campus computers. Individuals who already are in a building, for example someone typing a paper, who steal computer items can be convicted of a larceny in a building and serve up to four years in jail, said to Detective David Monroe,of the AAPD Detective's Bureau. "Whether you stole $10 or $300 worth of items, it is still a felony,"he said. Monroe said someone who steals items worth more than $100 can receive up to five years in prison and a $2500 fine. If someone breaks into a building, they can receive up to 10 years in prison. To prevent an increase in thefts, the University is testing new ways and improving old techniques to protect the computing sites. One of the CAEN labs is serving as a testing ground of a new system called See THEFT, Page 5 MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. (AP) - Former Michigan football coach Bo Schembechler asked the state Parole ld yesterday to release former play- er Michael Guy Smith, imprisoned under a life-without-parole drug law. "I was crushed when Michael Smith was arrested," Schembechler told Parole Board Chairperson Stephen Marschke. "This is not a criminal." Schembechler was among about 20 people who spoke on Smith's behalf at a hearing at the Macomb County Jail. Hearings for two others imprisoned under the Michigan drug-lifer law were Former coach makes plea to Parole Board also held yesterday. "He has teammates here that believe in him. He'll make a great contribution to society," the former coach said. Smith said he was sorry for his drug dealings that led to the arrest. "I made the choice, but I know today I'm a better man," he said. Smith's father, Robert Smith Jr., said, "It's been a hard road," adding he believed his son would be an asset to the community. More than 200 Michigan prisoners were imprisoned under what was one of the nation's toughest drug laws. It imposed a life sentence without parole on anyone convicted of intending to or delivering at least 650 grams - or 1.4 pounds - of cocaine or heroin. The Legislature since has modified the law to allow for parole in some cases. Smith played Michigan football during the 1970s. He was sentenced to life in prison in 1988 for selling more than 13 pounds of cocaine valued at about $140,000 to a Detroit undercover police officer in 1987. Smith said he wants to help people See BO, Page 2 Michigan vs. Northwestern Congress, White House reach budget agreement WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House and congressional leaders struck agreement yes- terday on a $500 billion spending package show- ering money on school systems, farmers and the Pentagon, ending a week of election-season bud- get brinkmanship. The deal produced a bipartisan finale to a 105th Congress that in recent months has been riven along nartv line nver the nnsihle imneach- Despite the cooperation it took over a week of high-level bargaining to reach the pact, neither side pulled any punches in touting victory claims. Announcing the deal with Democratic leaders at the White House, Clinton cited extra spending for hiring teachers and other school programs, money to buttress the International Monetary Fund's efforts to stabilize the global economy and funds for environmental nrograms. Who: Unranked Michigan (3-2) vs unranked Northwestern (2-4) Where: Ryan Field (capacity 41,145) When: Tomorrow at 7 p.m. Line: Michigan by 15 Television: ESPN L..st Year: I -'NM I LsYerI I